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Episode 707: Quantum Slide Part 2

Previously On Sliders: When William Beckett, the Quantum Leaper lands in Quinn's body, he soon learns he must save the life of Geena, while 2 other leapers arrive in the bodies of 2 other sliders, to do the same. Meanwhile, Maggie has become the first lady, Doug is stuck in a hospital, and Quinn is forced to be on a prison with all new identities. But as Maggie tries to escape the presidential guards, she soon gets a group of unsuspecting people in trouble with the law. And now Sliders....-In the hotel room, the group remain frozen, as the secret service agent tries ramming the door down. Joe exits the shower, wearing a towel and all wet, and he hears someone at the door; he heads to open it, with being stopped by Maggie, "I wouldn't open that door if I were you" "Who the hell are you?" "Its me, Maggie. I was transferred to this body somehow, but we don't have time to argue" William, whose now on the floor, trying to put pressure on his shoulder, while Geena gets a washcloth to help. "We need to exit the room" a frantic Geena says, "Why not the ceiling. That's how I got here, just lift the ceiling panel and your outta here" Joe grabs his clothes and returns to the bathroom to dress. Matt hops onto the bed, opening the ceiling up to exit, "Okay, whose with me?" "I think we'll all go" Ryan sarcastically states. Geena is first up, followed by Sheila, then Matt, but suddenly, the door bursts open, leading for Matt to put the ceiling panel back in place. "What do we do now, we can't leave without them" "Don't worry Geena, we'll find another way to save the others, lets go this way" Sheila then leads the way. In the room, the agents hold guns on the group, as a few police officers arrive. Joe exits the bathroom, only to be shoved towards the others. "Mrs. Austin, if you please come with me" "I won't, these are my friends, and I'm not Mrs. Austin, I'm Maggie Beckett, slider to alternate earths" Maggie is forced up by 2 agents, and taken out of the room. "The rest of you are coming with me down town, to be booked" Joe and Ryan are taken out, while an officer tells William they will have a medic meet them at the station. William gets helped up and taken down to the police car. What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 7: Quantum Slide Part 2 Guest Stars: Erik Palladino, Robin Givens, Chris Weihl as William Beckett, Dean Stockwell as Al, Jack Wagner as President Victor Austin, Gena Lee Nolin as Sheila, Isaiah Washington as Matt, Jay Hernandez as Robert, Cress Williams as Shawn, Bill Maher as Mr. Cale, and Special Guest Star: Kim Basinger as First Lady Joan Austin -As Maggie enters the oval office in the White House and taking a seat, President Austin enters with an upset look upon his face, he takes a seat at his desk, "Joan, I can't even start to understand what the hell you were doing with those strangers" "Like I told the agents, I'm not the first lady, I'm Maggie Beckett, a traveler to alternate worlds. If you guys didn't come in pointing guns, the others may have been able to explain the situation of why I'm in the body" "Joan, I think the pregnancy is getting to you. Now I know you don't really have friends, and I can see the lonliness, but meeting up with strangers, is so outrageous; they could of been killers for all you know, and I might be at the morgue right now to identify the body-" "You have no right to say that about my friends who are loyal, and good to me. I'm outta here, give me the keys to a car!" "Your not leaving the white house, you'll be in your room, supervised by an agent, and I'll send for a psychiatrist tomorrow" "Try and stop me" Maggie gets up, opens the doors, to see 2 agents in her path, Maggie turns around, then turns to the agents with a sarcastic remark, "Take me away to my prison cell" the doors close, with the president calming down, and him looking out the window to the garden. At the police station, Joe and Ryan sit in a cell, when William shows up, he is pushed in by an officer and he joins the 2. "Well at least they haven't caught the others yet" "Yeah, just hope their careful, and she isn't killed" Joe looks to William oddly, "I think you have explaining to do. I mean the supposed first lady showed up to our room, claiming to be Maggie and knowing you, and now you just hoped some female doesn't die, now whats going on" "Fine, I was going to play along as your friend Quinn Mallory, but I'm really William Beckett. A time leaper, landing in people's bodies to put right that once went wrong. I was here to save Geene from dying due to the fact that your friend Maggie showed up; now with 2 other leapers with her, I hope is still alive" "You mean the woman I thought was Maggie was another woman?" "Yes, her name is Sheila, and your friend Doug was replaced by a man named Matt" "So that would mean when you leap into people, they are also transferred to other people?" "Not exactly Ryan. Those people I take over, are to wait in a waiting room, then return as soon as I leave, but this situation is different, I've been waiting for Al to show, an observer from my time to assist with helping me through the time period" A few blocks from the hotel, Matt, Geena, and Sheila are running, trying to find a place to hide, since they hear police sirens nearby. The 3 stop after the sound drowns out near a main road that leads to a suburban area of houses as Sheila looks around, "I think we're safe, its likely no one even noticed us exit through the ceiling" "Well if the others were taken away, its likely the police station is where we should head" "No way Geena, the cops are probably searching for us now, I mean the hotel camera's have our pictures" "Yeah, but it could be too late, the guys could be sent to prison, and then it will be hell to get them out for the slide" Matt grabs Sheila's arm, pulling her away to speak privately, while Geena stays by the road, "We should tell her who we really are, I mean if the time line changes, we could leave, and then 3 people will be here, lost of what to do" "I agree, I know if we screwed up, we wouldn't want our boss to toss us down to work in the mail room" Geena heads to them, "I don't mean to overhear, but what are you talking about?" "Geena, I think its fair to state the truth. I'm not really your friend. Doug is somewhere else, I'm Matt, a quantum leaper, and this is-" "Doug, you can be funny, but now isn't the time" "No, he's telling the truth, I'm a quantum leaper also; we came t help you, save your life" Geena's eyes widen, "Great, I have crazy people with me. We've gotta get moving, or we may be the only ones sliding" "Geena, you've got to listen to us, we can help you get your friends back, but-" Geena stops listening to this, and heads out into the road, not paying attention, but suddenly, she is hit by a car going 70 mph, and she flips over the car, landing on the cement. The car stops quickly, with the driver exiting, he apologizes; Matt and Sheila rush to Geena, "We need your car, can you take us to the hospital?" the man agrees, assisting with picking up Geena and placing her in the back seat of the car, Sheila holds her, while the man and Matt sit up front speeding to the hospital. In Quinn's cell at San Quentin early the next morning, he is resting, when a guard shows up at his cell, he opens it, hitting Quinn with a mallet, who is startled and quickly awakens, "About time boy, lets move. Today you upgrade from crappy to poor living conditions" "Great, I hope I get better cable reception there" Quinn has a smirk on his face, and the guard hits him in the leg with the mallet, then forces him out of the cell, and is led down a ways, until Quinn takes action attacks the guard, pushing him down, then hitting him with the mallet, then he takes off down a flight of stairs, but when arriving at the buttom, guns are in his face, "Sorry guys, I forgot to mention I was just out for some exercise" Quinn is forced through an entry way and taken down a hallway, into a confined room, that was pitch black, with a few air pockets on the ceiling and he is shoved in, with the door closing behind him, and giving Quinn barely any light to see his new living quarters, "Well so much for trying; I guess this will be my fate, unless I can find out what happened to me" Quinn sighs, then can be heard sitting down on the floor. Maggie sits in the library at a large oval table, with 5 agents watching her from different areas in the room. Maggie is looking at a magazine, then looks up at one of the agents, "Excuse me, but can I use the bathroom, or do you need to watch me sit on the toilet to do my activity" Maggie gets up, with an agent following her out of the library, down the left hall. Maggie opens a door, and the agent first checks inside, with letting her have privacy an him remaining outside. Maggie uses the sink to wash her face, she feels her forehead, which is burning up, then she feels pain in her stomach; she soon realizes her water broke, "Oh my god, I can't believe this!" the agent bursts in, starring at her, "Don't just stand there, get an ambulance, I'm about to go into labor!" At the police station, the 3 guys are in prison uniforms, and forced into a van. A man in a uniform gets inside to speak to the 3, "Well guys, this is your fate; your quick trial took place without you, and we've figured out that you did damage to society, and now you must pay, by staying at San Quentin State Penitentury for the rest of your lives" "You mean we don't get to appeal our case. All we did was get involved with the first lady. Thats a crime that hurts society?" "If you read the amendments more closely, you would of seen Amendment 73, stating intermixing with political officials, including family of the presidential leader, is led by a sentence of a full life prison term" The officer exits the van, with the driver getting in, and taking the 3 to prison. "I guess its better than the gas chamber or public execution" "William, if your a quantum leaper, can you know our fates?" "Not really Ryan, I was assigned to Geena but I'm still waiting for my friend Al to show" "Well he better, or we'll miss the slide, and be stuck here in prison cells" Doug exits the hospital, wearing a suit, when he notices a limo pulling up near him, with an attractive woman exiting out the passenger door and coming up to him, "Mr. Cale, welcome back to the real world. I know this sounds outrageous, but would you mind if we head to the studio and get working on the show" Doug looks interested, "Sure, fine by me" Doug and the women get in the limo, with taking off. Seconds later, another limo shows up, with President Austin assisting with getting his wife to a wheelchair that has just shown up by a nurse, who helps with getting Maggie into it, as she screams in agony, "This hurts like hell, I don't want to go into labor, I'm not ready!" secret service agents follow behind, as Maggie and the president are escorted to the 4th floor. Sheila and Matt wait near a wall in a hallway, when a doctor finds them, "Your with Ms. Lequa aren't you?" "Yeah, its about time. So how is she?" "Well not to good, she's unconscious and her vital stats are dropping; she could lose her life. Do you know how fast the car was traveling?" Matt quickly thinks about it, answering, "Probably 60, 70 mph's" "Geena may only have a few hours to live" Matt puts his arm around Sheila, as she looks to the doctor, "Do you all that you can to keep her alive" the doctor exits the hallway, with Matt and Sheila sitting down on a bench, looking at each other, "I guess our plan didn't work, we were defeated, even when we thought we were keeping Geena alive" Sheila wipes a tear from her face, "It won't be to long before we go back home, it may be possible to save her again" At San Quentin, Joe, Ryan and William are taken inside to a room, while inmates watching them walk in. The 3 stand before an officer, "Okay listen up ladies, we have rules and if you break them, your done for. You will be given bracelets to wear and then taken to your cell" Minutes later, the 3 are taken up in an elevator and led out down a hallway to cells. Joe goes for it, to attack the guard in front of him, and Ryan does the same to the one behind him; the 3 make it back the way they came, to the elevator and manage to enter it, with seconds before officers go after them. The elevator goes down, but William stops it, when Al shows up; Joe and Ryan are puzzled, but go along with William talking to himself, understanding about Al. "Al, so whats going on?" "Well sorry I didn't show sooner, but things came up. I guess its time I helped you escape, but you need to find Quinn Mallory, whose in a closed off room on the level you just left" "We can't go back there. Cops are probably everywhere, we'd be sent for punishment" "Not likely, Ziggy states that theres a 96% chance that you will all be put in the room Quinn is in, just go back up to your level" William does listen to Al, with telling Ryan and Joe of the plan, and of coarse, the 3 got sent to the confined room, with Al still with them. Quinn is surprised to see others, and notices Joe and Ryan, "Guys is that you, its me, Quinn, I've been put in another body" "Quinn don't worry, we believe you; besides we have a friend here that will help us" "Thats right, even though no one can see or hear me. William, I think you should explain it to him, while I exit the scene to find a way to get you guys out of this room and out of this prison" At a studio for a television show, Doug is taken around with the woman, who leads him to a dressing room, "Okay, do you think we could do a few scenes; your panel is here, just hurry to the stage when ready" Doug looks around the room which is small, but he finds a closet full of clothes, so he changes into jeans and a polo shirt, and quickly exits with finding a worker for the show to tell him where the stage was at, and odd enough as it sounded the man pointed his direction out. Doug gets up near his chair to find 4 unknown people, he takes a seat, a voice off stage states they will roll in 5...4...3...2...1... Doug gets nervous, but sees que cards for him to read off of, "Hello and welcome to Political Correctness, I'm your host Mr. Cale, and my panel today, include Dr. Phyllis Job, Karen Ebright, Larry Kouchman, and Psychiatrist Phi Bar. Todays topic, should presidents be allowed wives. Stay tuned, we'll be back to talk" At the hospital, Maggie is in pain, screaming out, when President Austin enters the room to be by her side, "Don't worry Joan, you'll get through this, just like with Sydney" "I'd rather be defending myself from kromaggs than to be in labor" "Joan, your not talking straight again" A doctor enters the room, "Mrs. Austin, nice to see that your doing well. We should start prepping you to make sure this delivery goes well and then before you know it, it will be all over" "Yeah, well I just hope I can handle this" Maggie starts agonizing in pain by yelling and squeezing the president's hand, which makes him uncomfortable and he twitches, with realizing Maggie has a strong hand grip. Matt and Sheila are near Geena's room, "I really wish we could go back before this incident, and prevent her death" "We'll just have to deal with the consequences and move on, like our boss is going to say. We failed, but we can understand how important it is to put things right when they go wrong" In the dark room, Al has returned, "William, I have a plan. Just knock on the door, with someone acting like their ill" "Al, I hope this works. Can anyone really act well, like their about to die?" "I can, I think I can try, even though I don't know why I have to do it" "Its part of Al's plan" Quinn gets on the floor, he starts yelling out in pain with William knocking on the door, leading to a guard to open it, "Help that man, he looks like he's going to die!" the guard overlooks Quinn, then looks back at another guard, "Hey Jex, this mexican is dying, should I help him?" "Sure, maybe this time, we can get him out of here" A light is turned on, leading to the guard to have Joe and William, carry Quinn out, when suddenly, Ryan comes out, with a gun into the other guard's back, "Let us go, or your dead" the other guard near the door, about to exit into the hallway, looks back, when Joe and Quinn, take his guns away from him forcing him back in by the other guard, and pointing them at the 2. "You won't that far; the dogs will be on you quickly" "Not if you are locked up. Get the hell in that black hell hole now!" Joe smacks a guard with a rifle he finds in a desk, making him bleed, and Ryan soon locks them on, but not before Joe forces one of the guards to take his uniform off, so he could wear it, "Good work fellas, now I think you should take the easy way out, in the basement" William states Al's actions to the others and they all head out, and Joe is tossed the keys to a squad vehicle. Over in the television studio, Doug is sitting, chatting to the panel, "Welcome back to Political Correctness, now before our break, Dr. Phyllis Job, stated president's wives are given to much attention and should just have presidents do their work without interruptions with women problems. Now doctor, explain what you mean" "Well, I find that presidents are the popular people of our country, and with letting their wives do things, just takes the popularity away, I mean its not like the wives do anything anyway, besides sitting there and agree with their husbands, or even trying to do public speeches that don't do anything with society" "I think I'll change my answer, I agree with the doc, I mean those whores think with being in the white house, their special, well they ain't; I really think a woman's place is in the home, doing dishes, cleaning the house, and making sure dinner is ready to eat" the 3 women throw their cups of coffee of Larry, then high five each other. Doug starts to ask another question, but blue light covers his body, and he disappears, returning to his body in a hallway, with Maggie, who also has returned; they look at each other, "Wow, that was freaky, I'm back" "So am I, I'm so glad I didn't have to deliver a child into this world that wasn't mine" "Where are the others?" "Don't know. I think I heard the president stated they were going to prison, we better-" they are cut off by Geena, who is in a hospital gown, and has her head bandaged, "Guys, are you really here, your not talking crazy" Doug who is happy to see Geena goes over by her, "Geena, we've been out of our bodies for a couple days, we don't know whats going on, but what are you doing in the hospital?" "I got a concussion, since I fell and you 2 talked like you were different people and I didn't believe you" Maggie then gets closer, "Well get dressed, lets go find the others" The sliders are being watched from a view screen, which reveals that Matt and Sheila were seeing it, "We did it, after the hope we had, we changed time" "Thanks to our boss; be glad he felt that same as us and gave us another chance" With exiting out into the basement, Joe, Quinn, William and Ryan head to the squad vehicle which turns out to be a van, but Al stops William from moving, Quinn then asks Ryan of how he had gotten a gun, since he went into the dark room defenseless, "Well I read a story about a guy on my world back in the 1890's named Al Capone that fooled police and other officials with a wooden gun to escape; I just found one in the cell at the police station under a bed, and I placed it in a hidden compartment of the bottom of my shoe" Quinn laughs, then he hops in the van. William heads to Al, "I think you succeeded with saving Geena, it seems our friends back in the future, helped, since I saw earlier that Geena would of died a few minutes ago, so now these 3 guys need to go off and save themselves" "What about the man Quinn is in. If he's a murderer, he could go free" "Well its a good thing Quinn landed in Robert's body, with Ziggy talking of his situation. It seems he was framed for murder, and I think with these guys leaving San Quentin with Robert, he can also start a fresh beginning" William turns to the others, Joe looks to him, "Well, are you coming, or staying in prison" "Hold on a few seconds, I'm on my way out with your friend returning, and make sure to keep Robert with you since he's really innocent" Joe and Ryan looked confused, as William covers in blue light and disappears with Quinn returning to himself, "Quinn, are you back?" "Yeah Ryan, its me in the flesh" the 2 look relieved, as he gets into the van; Robert looks to the others, "Where the hell am I?" Joe looks to Robert in the mirror, "On your way to freedom, just hold on" Joe takes off, speeding up to the top level and soon arriving at a gate; the guard in the booth asks for his ID card; Joe throws it at him, calls him a sucker, and takes off, breaking down the gate, and speeding off, with the prison alarm going off. Maggie, Doug and Geena exit a taxi, and start walking to the prison, which isn't that far. Ryan notices the 3 walking, and tells Joe to stop; Quinn opens the back door, "I think you guys need a ride" the 3 are relieved their friends were safe and quickly hop in. Quinn looks to Maggie, they smile at each other, with the van turning down a side street, and speeding away, before they were caught
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