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Episode 705: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

-The vortex opens, tossing out the group one by one, then smog fumes come out, disappearing into the atmosphere as the portal closes. All get up, with Maggie, who looks tired, but she manages to snap out of it, and able to join the others, "Are you okay Maggie?" "I'm fine Joe, I just really inhaled too much of that smog. Maybe this place seems easier to breath on"
"Well we have 2 days to do whatever on" Geena then looks at Maggie, whose starting to look pale, "you might want to consider going to a doctor" "Geena's right, you may be worse off that we thought" "I'm fine Quinn, maybe some sleep at the hotel will make me feel better" Maggie starts walking, then collapses as Doug catches her, "Lets get her to the hospital!" What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 5: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Guest Stars: Erik Palladino, Robin Givens, Mark Keily, Zoe McLellan - With taking Maggie to the hospital, she is checked out by a doctor, who finds nothing wrong with her. "You said you were in some type of smog Mr. Mallory?" "Yeah, it quickly came upon us and we all weren't sick until arriving around this area, then Maggie got sick, and here we are" "Well, you probably should watch her carefully, since she could faint again. If she acts odd at any time, return her here, I could of over looked something that I haven't seen before" In an examination room, Maggie is on a table, grogily awake, she soon sees a bright light and sees her dead husband, Dr. Steven Jenson standing above her, looking her over, "Maggie its all right, I'm here. We can be together now" Maggie slowly widens her eyes, to find Steven and the light gone, and soon sees the doctor who examined her, checking her pupils to see if they were dialated, "Ms. Beckett, how do you feel?" "Not to well, but I can manage to dress myself and stand up" Maggie is helped up and is able to walk to a bathroom in the room, to change clothes. The group head to the Concord Hotel, Joe checks the group in, as Doug sits with Maggie, "I guess you freaked Joe and Quinn out earlier" "Don't remind me. I think all that smog we inhaled really got to me. What really was weird, was I thought I saw-" "The rooms are ready to enter" Joe grabs a hold of Maggie, putting his arm around her, and walks with her to the elevator. Doug pushes the button, "So, where's Geena, Quinn and Ryan?" Maggie asks. "They decided to get an early start in the bar, we can join them later if you want" "All I want is to sleep for 2 years straight, then get up" "Well you can't do that, or I would miss too much" Joe and Maggie share a laugh as they enter the elevator. With Maggie in a deep sleep, she starts to see visions of her husband, holding his hand out to grab her, as she runs to grab it, she is unable to move closer. Maggie yells out to Steven, then he tells her he is with her, and willing to be with her forever. Maggie asks Steven why he isn't coming closer, and Steven tells her, she must kill the others, if they want to be together. Maggie quickly awakens, sweating all over and breathing heavily. Later that afternoon, the group is in a restuarant, waiting for their food, when Quinn looks to the others, after taking a sip of water, "I think this place has been the worst, I mean we ordered 45 minutes ago, and we're still waiting, plus our waitress, is a the female version of myself; Non other than Logan St. Clair, I guess here, she's nice, so thats a good thing, maybe" "Guys, I should tell you something. I had a weird dream earlier. I saw my husband, and I couldn't be close to him. He told me something, but I forgot it. He said something for me to do, if I wanted to be with him again" Quinn looks to Maggie, "Maggie, its a dream, we all have them" "Yeah, but this dream felt real. Like Steven was really talking to me" "It could be that your having dreams about your husband passing. Didn't you say he died 4 years ago next Wednesday" "Yeah. Maybe my dream is telling me that I will always feel close to him, knowing he was my one true love" The waitress who is Logan's double arrives with the food, screwing it up, giving food to the group that wasn't theirs, so she apologizes, takes the tray, only she falls to the floor, and the food is all over the floor; the group laugh at this, feeling sorry for her. The group head to a bowling alley a few blocks from the hotel, where Doug and Ryan put on their best show, by both getting 4 strikes in a row. "I think when I get back home, I'll join a bowling league, and be a champion, and its a way to meet chicks" Ryan looks at him odd, then laughs, "Doug, I think you should just stick to your day job" "Being a secretary to a sexed crazed woman isn't fun. But I haven't been home in a few years. So I could easily bowl" Maggie and Geena return with drinks and snacks for the group. Maggie and Joe share a tin of nachos and cheese while sitting and not playing. Quinn rolls his ball, and it ends up in the gutter, "Quinn, this is the second time you've done that. I think science is your calling" "Guys, come on, I took bowling as a coarse in college. I'm not that rusty" Quinn throws his ball, which lands on the lane next to him, with 2 men staring at him, "I guess I should just sit out for the rest of the time" Quinn walks over, apologizes to the men, and one guy throws Quinn's ball back at him, nearly hitting his face" "Maggie, want to take over for Quinn?" "Sure Ryan, why not. Let me just rent a pair of shoes, and we can get bowling" As Maggie shows up at the counter, she quickly sees the manager as Steven Jenson. Maggie's jaw drops suddenly, then the manager speaks up, "excuse me, can I help you!" "Sorry, I need a size 8 for bowling shoes" Maggie is given the shoes, and she returns to her seat, to put them on to play. After another couple of hours of bowling passing, the group is tired out, with Maggie winning a trophy, which shows she played quite well, compared to the others. "Guys, don't all be sore losers. I had extra free time as a child. My nanny was a bowling freak, so we always went bowling. I played on a few teams, and won ribbons with 2nd place" "Maggie, I think you could just stay here for life bowling" "Maybe its a male thing. Men don't like losing, so they must fret about women winning all the time" Maggie and Geena give a high five to each other, laughing at Geena's comment. During the middle of the night, Maggie continues with a dream of Steven Jenson, wanting Maggie to grab a hold of his hand, and finally when she does, Steven tells her, she must kill the others if they truly were meant to be soul mate. Maggie speaks, wanting to know why Steven wants the others dead, but then Maggie wakes up in a sweat, with her waking Joe up as well, to hold her, "Are you okay Maggie?" "Yeah, it just was a nightmare. I think I should stay up for awhile, maybe go out and watch television in the main room" "I'll get you a glass of water to cool you down" After returning from the bathroom, Joe hands Maggie the glass, who is sitting on the couch, "Thanks Joe" "Do you want me to stay up with you" "No, I'm fine, go back to bed. I just want to sit somewhere, with a light on" Maggie turns on the television set, with Joe closing the bedroom door. Maggie flips through the channels, where an infomercial about drinking coffee will extend someone's life. Maggie covers herself with a blanket, she relaxes her head on the couch pillow, and soon falls back asleep. This time in her dream, Maggie is holding Steven's hand, walking in a park, talking of future plans, when they sit on a bench after awhile. Steven tells Maggie she needs to kill the others to have a life together. Steven hands Maggie a gun, and suddenly Quinn appears, Maggie points the gun at him, while he pleads for his life, but Maggie pulls the trigger, killing him. Joe then appears, Maggie agitates, then shoots him; She continues firing, killing Doug and Geena, while Steven hold her, kissing her on her neck, until Maggie awakens, to see that Joe was doing it for real. "Maggie, its morning already, its 10 a.m., you must of really slept good when you came out here" "Yeah, I guess my nightmare didn't come back" Doug quickly enters the room, "Its about time you woke Maggie, I bought the group breakfast, yours is on the counter, probably cold" "I'll heat it up in awhile" Maggie gets up from the couch, and soon heads into the room, to change out of her pajama's, into jeans and a light blue sweater, and white tennis shoes, along with her hair tied back from her face. As the group walk through China City, the area looks poor, with homeless people walking the streets, staring at people who pass them. As they pass a butcher house, Maggie looks over to see Steven Jenson as the butcher, chopping red meat into large chunks, "This can't be happening" "Maggie what is it?" "That man in there, its Steven" Joe and Geena look into the Butcher house, to see a pale chinese male doing the chopping" "Maggie, thats not your husband. I think the smog has filled up your brain, to see things of non existence" The 3 continue on, joining up with the others, but Maggie has stopped to have a flashback of her killing the others in her dream, then she is touched by Geena, asking her, if she was okay. Maggie tells Geena its nothing, and they continue on walking through the market place. During a quick lunch, Maggie decides to walk around more, while the others eat fish. Maggie notices a man down an alley, selling another man a gun, she then continues walking, but reverses her steps, to enter the alley, "Excuse me, but are you selling the best you can get your hands on" the man looks surprised at Maggie, a woman, who doesn't seem desperate enough to buy from a guy in an alley, then he states, "You bet. Are you looking to buy something, possibly to do harm with?" "Yeah, what can I get for $100?" the man shows Maggie a pistol, "Do bullets cost extra?" "Not with your pretty face, I'll throw in a dozen bullets. Hows about it, deal or no deal?" Maggie hands the man money, and the man gives Maggie the pistol in a bag with a box of bullets. Maggie thanks the man, and soon gets back out onto the main sidewalk. Later that afternoon, Maggie remains in the room, as the others took off to do something else. Feeling she can't handle seeing her husband, but is willing to follow his plan, to get back with him, Maggie takes the bag, she hid under a pillow, and starts to load the weapon. Maggie talks to herself, considering what to do, and possibly force them to the subway station, since no one is even down there, and they could get destroyed through being hit by a subway train. After loading her pistol, she writes a note to the group, stating she was being held hostager by the person behind her dreams, and needed to show up to Subway Station 5B to trade her for the timer. Maggie places the pistol in an inside pocket of her jacket, and exits the room, leaving the hotel, and taking a taxi downtown. With being dropped near the Subway Station, Maggie heads into a store called Costume's Galour. She walks up to the checkout counter, talking to a worker, "Excuse me, but do you have any military costumes, specifically in marine type?" "Sure, just go down aisle 4; marine, army or naval uniforms should be there" "Thanks for the help" Maggie heads down the aisle, to find a uniform similar to the one she use to wear, and did wear, when first meeting the sliders. Maggie returns to the counter, asking to try it on. The worker leads Maggie into the dressing room, and Maggie changes clothing, wearing her uniform out to the counter, asking for the price. The worker tells Maggie that it was $40, since she was wearing it out of the store, so Maggie pays for it, then starts leaving, with the worker telling Maggie not to forget her clothes, but Maggie replies, telling him he can keep them or burn them. When the others show back up to the room, Joe calls out to Maggie, but with no response, he looks for a note, "Guys, I found a note from Maggie, it states she is being held hostage, and the person responsible for her dreams has her. We have to head to a subway station 5b. This person wants the timer" "Its possible a past enemy with sliding tech" "Who ever it is, really wanted to get after Maggie" "Well, lets go. We have negotiations to deal with" When showing up, they had to buy $20 tickets for a train ride they didn't plan taking. They head down below where the subway enters, "So, what do we do now, sit around for the subway trian to show up?" "Not exactly" Maggie comes out of the darkness, with a pistol pointed at the group. "We have other things to attend to. My leader is helping me with doing this, since you Quinn ruined her life" Logan St. Clair comes out of hiding behind a piller, "Hello again Quinn; Fellow sliders. I guess you wouldn't of believed me to be behind this, did you?" "Not really, but we know now" "I decided when I was able to catch up to you, that I would do a little fun, so while Maggie was gone, I imprinted dream sequences into her mind, forcing her to kill you all" "Well that explains why Maggie was gone, for almost an hour" Geena looks to Logan, with a questionable face, "Yeah, but us 4, don't have a clue, who the hell you are" "Well, your on Quinn's side, so I figured I couldn't afford anymore people to get in my way" "Logan, I find you crazy. I mean you want to kill me, since I forced you to slide like us. We've been sliding for going on seven years, you haven't" "But I can't follow out my plans, with not being home, can I!" "Maybe you should try to work on getting home, instead of plotting against us" "Well since you believe that, why don't I have Maggie shoot you first, I mean you both are lovers now" "Maybe so, but I know that Maggie wouldn't hurt us" "Oh Yeah. Maggie, kill these people, then report to me, back out front" Logan starts walking up a flight of stairs, as Maggie remains focused on the group, "Maggie, you can't be doing this" "I can't control myself. I feel that with me doing this, will get my Steven back" "Maggie, you've got to get it together. There is no way that Logan is going to help you. Remember the slides she met up with us, and ruined lives. Do you want to be part of that?" Quinn starts to move towards Maggie, "Quinn don't. Back off. I don't know if I can stop myself from killing you" "Maggie, its me, Quinn, your long time friend. We've been through thick and thin together" Maggie starts to have tears run down her face, with her continuing to hold her pistol on Quinn. Joe starts to walk towards Maggie, who can't seem to control her watching one person. "Maggie, it will be alright, give me the gun" "No Joe, it won't. You don't know what its like to lose a loved one, knowing they will never show back up in your life. The pain, the guilt, the depression, its all to overwhelming to deal with. I can't take it anymore!" Quinn quickly makes a move, pushing the gun upward, with a ringing shot heard. Quinn takes the gun, telling the others, he was going after Logan. Joe holds Maggie, as she cries, and has her arms around him tightly. Quinn quickly catches up to Logan, but it too late, when Quinn sees her vortex close. Ryan, Doug and Geena show up to find Quinn angry, and hitting the wall, "I should of shot her when I had the chance!" "Quinn, don't worry, we're part of the team, we'll get her" "Your right Ryan. One of these day I will get after her, and then she will have to suffer" Quinn drops the pistol into a trash can, with the group heading back to Joe and Maggie as the screen fades.
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