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Episode 704: Quinn's Birthday Wish

- The vortex opens in mid-air dropping the group out, and landing down on the hard pavement. Ryan is first out, he is then knocked down by Joe and then Quinn. Luckily, the 3 men get out of the way when Maggie and Jess fall from it. The vortex closes, and Joe helps Maggie up, "So Quinn, when is the next slide?""In about 16 hours. So do you think we can relax, or will we have to fight off more weird people in alleys" "I think this place looks okay" Jess gets excited as she leads the group out of the park, when Quinn notices a sign on a bulletin board near the park gate. "Hey, look guys, theres going to be a concert in the San Francisco Green Gate Bridge Park. And look who the band is" "Wade Welles and The Rock Stars. I guess on this world, Wade actually joined a band. I never knew Wade was into music. Except that time with the Stoker band, who all members turned out to be vampires" "Well if you weren't rude to her every other second Maggie, you might of gotten to know her more personally" Maggie looks at Quinn with an upset face expression, but looks away, as the others move on and the 2 joining them, taking off to the Concord Hotel, after getting on a rail car. What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost FriendsStarring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 4: Quinn's Birthday Wish Guest Stars: Katherine Heigl, Sabrina Lloyd, Ryan Alosio as Morgan, Danny Masterson as Renfield, Leslie Soule as Mina, Erik Palladino as Doug, and Cristi Conaway as Laura Cosgrove - The group enter their room to find a large fruit basket on the coffee table. Ryan tears into it, and immediately starts eating an apple. Maggie grabs grapes to share with Joe, but Quinn and Jess just take a seat on the sofa to relax. Joe turns on the television to start watching a news program. "Welcome back to Los Angeles Afternoon News. In recent months the band led by Wade Welles is finally coming home for a final performance tonight at the San Francisco Green Gate Bridge Park. Its to be very popular with the teen crowd. Now to the weather" Joe starts changing the channels when Quinn starts talking, "I guess the Wade of this world is really popular. I wonder if she will remember me rom being a coworker at Doppler Computers" "Thats if your double and her worked there. The Wade here might of joined a band out of high school, and never went to college or find a job" "I think with a little time here, I'm going shopping. Maggie, do you want to join me" "No thanks. I think I'll try to handle it here with the boys" Jess gets off the sofa, and exits the room. "I'm heading to the bar, anyone going to join me?" "I think I will" "I think me and Joe can sit in the room and chat" Quinn gives Maggie a look, then exits with Ryan. Joe gets off the floor, and sits on the sofa, with Maggie taking a seat by him. "You know Joe, we've started to enjoy each others company, and I feel an attraction between us" "Me too, but aren't you and Quinn doing something?" "Not likely. Quinn is into Wade, and he probably doesn't want me. Besides, I find you more appealing" Joe leans in towards Maggie, and they share a kiss, they break apart, look at each other, both smile, and then continuing kissing. Jess heads down town by a taxi and soon gets out near a mall. She finds a music store, and enters. A few other people are inside, but Jess finds it odd that this place isn't crowded, even in the late afternoon. A clerk comes up to Jess, "Can I help you look for something?" "Yeah, I was wondering if you had any of Wade Welles music available?" "Sure, follow me this way" A man with a green mohawk bumps into Jess without apologizing, but she doesn't care and continues following the clerk. The man shows Jess a cd of Wade's latest album, and Jess decides to buy it, to give to Quinn for his birthday coming up the following week. With exiting the store, the man with the green mohawk is nearby staring at her, Jess looks at him for a few seconds, but continues down the sidewalk past the man, to then enter a clothing store, and continue to shop. Back at the Concord Hotel's bar, Quinn and Ryan guzzle down 3 beers each, when Ryan starts up a conversation, "I guess I never really knew Wade liked music. I guess if I would of stayed with you guys sliding, I might of learn her ability to sing" "Wade started to show interest in music, just a few months before Arturo died. I mean Wade would start shopping for music, or hanging in coffee houses with bands playing, or even rock concerts. I guess she felt music was a way to deal with sliding, since not being home, and then of coarse deal with the loss of Arturo, since Maggie really was giving Wade patiences or slack" "I suppose Maggie felt Wade was a weak link to your group, with trying to locate Rickman" "Maggie never really said anything but I think that was it, and besides, Maggie was a rough military recruit without making friends. It was every other second that Maggie and Wade would yell at each other, but I guess Maggie felt killing her commanding officer for her husbands death, would be her only goal in sliding" "Do you think seeing Wade's double tonight be a problem for you?" "I hope not. I guess seeing Wade again since a few weeks ago, I feel relieved that at least these other Wade's would have a life. Sometimes I feels I should never had brought her along on the journey. I mean she had a life back home" An hour later, Jess has returned to the hotel, and enters the room, to find Joe on top of Maggie, but he quickly gets off with being tossed on the floor, and the 2 shocked of Jess entering, "I guess I should of knocked first" "Don't worry about it. It was just a little fun" Jess looks at Maggie oddly, but then drops her stuff off by a chair, and decides to head to the bar. With the door closing, Joe begins laughing, then Maggie hits him with a pillow, "You know she's going to tell Quinn and Ryan about this" "But you said it didn't matter. So what if he is told. We like each other, and we shouldn't have to hide it" That night, people begin to gather in the park, along with 3 of the sliders, Quinn who looks around gets excited, "I wonder how big a crowd this will have" "Probably a lot, I think Wade is a legend" "Too bad Maggie or Joe couldn't show up" Quinn sarcastically talks of Maggie's absence, "I think Maggie just didn't want to see a successful double of Wade, or she could really have a bad headache" "I still think Joe could of came, but he may want some sleep, since on our previous visit on the last world, Joe was awake for all except 2 hours of our 7 day stay" "Well just be lucky that the soldiers from the west didn't show up to fight at the fort" Jess stops Quinn from talking, so she could speak, "Quinn, I was going to give this to you next week, but I thought now would be a good time" Jess pulls out a plastic bag, and hands it to Quinn, who opens it and is surprised of what she bought. "This is nice, I think hearing Wade's voice often, will be soothing for me" "I know how much you miss her, so I thought this would help you" With time moving forward, it was finally time for the concert, with the entire park filled with people, and barely any room for space. Quinn, Jess and Ryan got near the front by the stage, Wade who is wearing a red dress, and green hair, came up to the microphone, and spoke to her crowd, "Its great that you all came. If it wasn't for any of you, I wouldn't be here. Lets get things started, with a song I created last week" The drummer starts with lightly tapping of his sticks, followed by the 2 guitar players slowly strung their pics, Wade starts singing: "Maggie The Whore" "You stole my life away from me, and now I will take you on" "Maggie who is a wench, a bitchy witch, can break her neck!" "I will take you on, until eternity" "da da dum da da dum da da dar" M-A-G-G-I-E, and what does that spell" "That whore who stole my boyfriend, my car, my life!" Wade bangs her head a few times and she repeats 3 more times, when ending with the drums tapping slowly. Back at the Concord, Maggie was in the shower, washing her body, when Joe enters the bathroom, wearing a robe. Joe opens the door to the shower, "Did I ever tell you I like taking showers with people?" "No, but would you like to join me?" "Sure" Joe drops his robe, and gets in with Maggie. Joe starts to wash Maggie's back, and began kissing her neck. The 2 make passionate love, which leads to a bed, and they cover themselves with the sheets, moving around and making the bed squeak. Back in the park, a couple of hours later, rock music is heard, as Wade bangs her head down and up and finally it comes to an end, with Wade thanking everybody. People begin to leave the area, but Quinn wonders if it was possible to get an autograph. Jess and Ryan agree to go with him, but it was impossible, due to the security in the way. "Wade! Wade! I want your autograph!" The Wade double stops where she was at, goes up to Quinn, "What can I sign friend?" "How about this cd" Quinn hands Wade the cd, and she signs it with a black marker, "So, whats your name?" "I'm Quinn Mallory, these are my friends Jess and Ryan" "I didn't ask for your whole life story Quinn Maxory" Wade hands the cd back with her name scribbled on it, and quickly leaves the 3, entering a limo, with kissing a guy who was with the band, and resembling Morgan (the head vampire in Stoker episode). "I guess this Wade double is a snob" "Well we all aren't perfect, except she did call you Quinn Maxory" "I suppose not Ryan, but hey, lets follow the limo" "Quinn, that's known as stalking, how about we go back to the deli we passed earlier and we get a drink" Quinn now too excited acts childish, "Okay, I was only joking about stalking Wade" Quinn laughs a bit as Jess and Ryan look at each other, thinking Quinn seems crazy now, then the 3 sliders head into the darkness going to the deli. The group have awaken for the early morning slide, "So Maggie, how is your headache?" "Its fine, I'm glad I got some sleep and aspirin. How was the concert, was Wade too cool for autographs?" "Actually yeah, she did sign a cd Jess got me, but she seemed rushed" "Well not every Wade is nice as our friend and teammate" Quinn smiles at her comment, then tosses Maggie her coat, as the group exit the room, and head to the alley way. The black vortex opens, the group enter, and soon are landing on the other side in a museum of Natural Arts. Quinn picks himself up, with helping Jess up. "We slide in 5 hours and 22 minutes" "Just enough time for breakfast and then off to another dangerous dimension" Ryan trips over a cord, which alerted a group of vampires in a room nearby. The group freak out when seeing them, and quickly head to the exit, but one of the vampires makes it to the door before them, Quinn soom realizes the vampire was Wade's double. Joe kicks her in the face, and she is moved out of the way from the group to exit, "Not so fast people!" Morgan, the head vampire had grabbed a hold of Ryan, and about to bite him, when the exit door opens, and a woman appears in front of them, with a weapon, she shoots Wade's double and the other vampire called Renfield near her, which leads for Quinn to rush to Wade's side holding her. "Not so fast Morgan, you killed my sister, and now this is for you!" The woman force her way past the sliders, and Morgan takes Ryan hostage, backing away into the museum, Joe sees that the woman has a gun pocket hooked to her back, he quickly grabs it, then shoots the weapon, hitting Ryan in the leg, causing him to fall, and Joe is then able to make a shot a Morgan, but the woman beats him to it, shooting Morgan in the heart with a crossbow, and he soon turns to dust. The Wade double looks into Quinn's eyes, he fangs appear, with blood covering her mouth, then she turns to dust, with Quinn getting a bit teary eyed. "Next time I'll ask for help" "Sorry, I thought I could get him from where I was at" "You did help, but now I can see your friend is injured. Bring him to the jeep, I can take him to the Mercy Hospital" Joe and Jess help Ryan, and Maggie tells the 2, that she will walk with Quinn and catch a taxi to Mercy. With the jeep pulling away quickly, Quinn continues to stare at what was left of Wade's double. "Quinn, we should go" "I can't believe it. On this world, my double let her become a vampire, and now she's gone" "Quinn, you should look at the bigger picture, at least we know that our Wade is alive. You got to get a grip on things. We all know you miss Wade. But trying to feel sorry for her doubles, won't bring her back" Quinn gets up, stares at Maggie, then motions for them to go. With Ryan recieving medical treatment, and bandaged up, the group made it to a restaurant for breakfast, "So I can say you saved my life this time, since awhile back, I saved you when a kromagg shot you" "Well lets just say we're even now" "So, what happened to the vampire killer?" "We found out she was an FBI agent, tracking vampires and killing them. She basically just left us at the hospital, and glad of our help. Maybe on this world, FBI don't ask questions about how people show up at places they need to be at" "Guys, I think I should tell you this, before sliding, I guess when we started traveling a few months ago to search for the others, I thought it would be quick. I guess I feel I would like to go back to Sara's house, and wait with the others. I feel like a coward, but I feel I could be here for years, trying to find Brandon" "Don't feel bad, we all feel like giving up, but that's why we have Quinn, he is a go getter" Quinn stops eating, stares at the others, "Jess, you know why your a coward, its because you feel nothing will improve. I've been through hell for the past 3 years, not having Wade in my life. If you want to quit, go ahead. Why not all of you quit now. Let me slide alone. Maybe I won't have to deal with your whining about worlds we visit!" "Quinn, calm down, Jess is new to this and getting tired. We all are. But we refuse to give up, since you got us moving with finding the others" "Joe, go to hell you bastard, maybe you can lead this group, travel to worlds as the leader, and maybe have Maggie for yourself, like I did once!" Quinn throws his napkin on his plate and exits the restaurant. Joe looks to the others, "I think is going crazy. Maybe he should be the one to go back to the house to wait" Maggie then includes, "I think Quinn is getting edgy. He feels that Wade is gone for good, and he can't handle all of these doubles of her, without having feelings for them" With the opening of the vortex, the group exit it, then it closes. The group get up in the JFK Memorial Park, "Guys, we slide in 90 minutes. I'm going to the hotel for a beer" "Quinn, we'll meet you back here then, for the slide" "Fine by me, since I have the timer, its not like I won't miss the portal" Quinn starts to walk far from the others, when Ryan starts to follow, but Maggie stops him, "I think Quinn should be alone, how about we go for a walk around town, see this world, then be back at 1:55 for the slide" the group agree, then head off in the opposite direction of Quinn. Quinn sees the Dominion Hotel in front of him after walking a few blocks, so he sticks the timer inside his jacket, then walks across the street, to enter the Lamplighter bar and grill. Quinn enters, and is quickly met by his double, along with Wade's, Renfield's and Maggie's (with a Season 3 hair style) doubles sitting at a table near a juke box, "Oh this is amazing, we look just alike" "Don't worry, I'm your sliding double" "Sorry, its just we barely have been seeing any dopplegangers lately" "Of coarse, I slide to parallel dimensions alone" "Would you like to join us?" "Fine, just let me grab a beer" Quinn pays for his beer, then joins the foursome, as the others look to him, "So, whats your traveling been like?" "Its been hell. You know, I fell in love with a Wade Welles from my world, but I miss her" "Sorry to hear that. Me and my Wade here, are close buds" The Quinn and Wade doubles look at each other, and the Quinn double pats his Wade on the back. "What about you 4, whats life been like?" "The same. Hell. I'm Margaret Beckett, nice to meet you. See these 3 had another slider with them, until landing on my world, and my former commanding officer had a disease, and he killed their friend, along with my husband, and now we go, chasing after him for revenge" "It also has the coordinates to get us to our earth" "Well that sounds interesting. I guess I'm glad I don't have to worry about losing anyone to people like that" "We just hope to get home soon, I mean we'll all be glad when arriving home after 3 years" Renfield takes his glasses off, and head the bathroom, saying bye to Quinn, since he would be on the toilet for an hour; Quinn laughs at that and gives him a high five, saying bye back to him. "Well, I can just say, be careful, and try to stick together, if you plan to survive this mission" "We have and we always plan to" his double states. Quinn finishes his beer, looks at his watch, "Sorry to say, but I got to go, I leave in a while" Quinn gets up from the chair, and waves to the group. As Quinn begins to exit the bar, Wade's double stops him, "Quinn, I want you to know, that if you get home, find your Wade, and make sure she doesn't leave your sight" "Don't worry, I will. And the same for you, to stick with your Quinn, no matter how close you get to home" Quinn exits the hotel, and soon starts walking, he locates an alley, enters it, then sits down by a dumpster, to cry in sadness, knowing he should of been closer to Wade, even when Arturo left them. The group reassemble in the park an hour later, Quinn tells the others, the portal opens in 1 minute. Jess walks over to him, "So, are you upset still?" "No. I guess I should apologize to you and the others. I want Wade in my life and I'm getting edgy without locating her" "I feel the same about Brandon, so I guess we can continue sliding, since I don't really want to go back to wait" "Sorry to say, but you get to break off from us, I already put in the coordinates, we're going back to Sara's house. Quinn opens the portal, Ryan enters first, followed by Joe, Maggie, Jess and finally Quinn. The vortex opens in a basement, with the group landing on a glass coffee table, which they soon break. After the vortex closes, a familiar friend walks up to them all on the floor, "Do you think Sara will care if we just broke the table" Maggie gets up, and looks at Doug, "Not really. If she buys things that break, its really her fault" Laura enters the basement, "Guys, you've returned. Nice idea to come and visit" "Well I wanted to get dropped off, I need a vacation from sliding" "Great, can I go in Jess's place?" Doug asks, "Sure thing bud, you can enjoy more dangerous slides with us" Joe puts his arm around Doug, then pulls him up the stairs as the screen fades to black.
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