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Episode 703: A Royal Slide

- The portal opens near a wooden sign, the sliders get tossed out, then the portal closes. The group get up to see a market place ahead of them Maggie walks ahead of the group a few feet, "this looks old fashioned, like the early days"Ryan points out the sign, "Well I can see how this place looks old. We've landed in Arabia, California. Home to the Arabian Nights" "I wonder if Aladdin is around, or a genie who can help find the others" Quinn looks at Jess to comment, "I doubt it Jess, since its known as mythical stories" The group begins walking through the market place, a man bumps into Jess, he apologizes, then quickly stops to stare at her, "My god, princess, you're alive. I thought you got killed out in the desert from the carriage explosion" The sliders look at each other, shocked as ever. What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 3: A Royal Slide Guest Stars: Katherine Heigl, Dan Cortese, Rick Dees as King Solomon, Franklin Langella as Advisor, and Special Guest Star Harry Connick Jr. as Benjamin Whitener - "You must be mistaken. I am no princess" "But you are. Princess Jessica Solomon. I am Colonel Charles Galileo. We were meant to be married 5 months ago today" "I can say I'm not Princess Solomon. You have the wrong person. Guys lets go" "Wait a minute. I can prove it to you. Here's a painting of us that someone painted, just before we took that carriage ride" Charles takes a rolled up piece of cloth, and unravels it, to reveal that Jess had a double who was princess here. Jess feels she needs to speak the truth, "I guess its me, but I need to tell you this. I come from a parallel dimension, another reality. My alternate was the princess, and obviously died in that carriage explosion" "Your talking crazy. These people have changed your thinking" Quinn pulls the timer out, and shows the Colonel, who is surprised, then Quinn explains they are travelers between worlds. "So that means theres still hope to catch the killer of Jessica. But first I need a favor" "We're gonna need a little more explanation before we help" "5 months ago, I was to marry the princess. We planned out the whole day before, to take a carriage ride into a city nearby, but we never made it. The driver was killed, and we soon were out of control. I tried to climb up where the driver was to stop the horses, but it was too late, the carriage went over a hill, it flipped several times, and before I knew it, I was thrown from it, and when it reached the bottom, it exploded from the fuel tank. I tried to search for Jessica, but it was hopeless. I figured someone planned this, and I know how much the king's advisor hated us for being next in line to recieve the riches and power of this land. I thought if I could find a way to get a hold of the advisor, torcher him until he came clean, then show that I didn't die. But now, with you here, my new plan can work" Jess agrees, but first asks what she had to do. "The king believes his daughter is dead, and if Jess takes the role until I can find the real one, then Jess can inherit the palace and all of the riches, since without an heir, the king would have to give it to the next in lead, who happens to the advisor" "But if it was the advisor who set up to kill you both, how will he think I'm her?" "If you show up at the gates by yourself and possibly have amnesia, that could work until I get back" "You probably should act as if you have amnesia, since the advisor wouldn't have a clue what happened when the princess and Charles were in the carriage" "Good idea Maggie, but I hope I can act the part" The group head near the palace doors, to watch Jess head to the guards who soon realize who it was, "Well good so far, just hope our plan works. Lets head back to my apartment, and we can plan in trying to find the princess" "So if Jess's double can be found, we can storm the palace and defeat the advisor" "Possibly ma'am, or we may have to rescue Jess from here, if the princess is gone, which I believe she is" "Don't worry Charles, we'll find her alive" Joe pats Charles on the back, the group heads off, returning to the apartment building. Jess is taken by guards into a dining room, where the king is sitting and eating his meal, "You majesty, this woman resembles your daughter" The king looks to Jess, "My god, you've returned to me, where have you been?" "I've been out-" Jess stops when a man unappealing with looks and moves swiftly near the king, "You've been out where?" "Sorry your majesty, I've been out in the world of wonder and poorness. I have lost all memory of being your daughter, but a man in the market place showed me a painting of myself with a Colonel I was to marry, so I came here and I soon headed to the palace" "Its a nice surprise to see you. I last saw you leaving this palace in a carriage" "May I ask who you are sir?" "I'm the advisor to the king. The name is James Puritanian" "I guess you help the king with everything, including affairs of the people in the market place" "There are several jobs I do, but yes, that is one of many" They arrive at a stone built building, they enter through a opening without a door and head up 4 flights of stairs, and then Charles opens a door, and they enter a drafty apartment with no windows to place in front of large holes on the wall. The group sit around a crate with a candle in the middle of it, on pillows looking over a map, "This was where we headed. Then all hell broke loose" "So maybe we should split up, take different directions-" "Bad idea, if we all got lost in the desert, we may not all reunite in time to leave" "Quinns right. I think the desert is big enough. I know the location, and any small villages nearby, in case we need to do asking" "One thing I don't get, is that if you thrown from the carriage, and then saw it destroyed, wouldn't it be likely that your Jess would be dead?" "Not likely. I never found a body, and usually after an explosion, I would of found her. Its possible she could be dead, and covered in sand" "Great, now the job will be like trying to find a needle in a pig sty" "We should get some rest. We leave by sunrise" Charles opens a large locker, he pulls out sleeping bags and gives each slider one to sleep on. Back in the palace, Jess is sitting with her alternates father, drinking tea in her room, "I hoped for the day of your return. I guess I gave up to early" "Well if it wasn't for the kind assistance, I don't think I would be home" James enters the room, "Pardon my entrance your majesty, but I feel its time to get some rest" "Your right, as always advisor. Jessica my beautiful daughter, you do as well, get some sleep, and by morning, I will have a doctor come to look you over, hopefully he can explain why you don't call me father" "Thank you for the idea, but I feel I still should call you your Majesty" The king gets up, using a cane to walk himself out. The advisor remains in the room, returning by Jess, "Was there something else?" "Actually there was. You said that a man helped you back here?" "Yes thats correct" "Do you know the name of the man?" "Ah yes, his name was Colin Mallory. Nice tall man and a gentleman too" "I see, well then, have a good night princess" The advisor exits the room, with closing the door on the way out. He walks to a guard nearby, "I want you to head the market place and try to locate a man, possibly under a different name. Take this picture to help identify the man. He is needed back here immediately" the guard understands his orders and he exits the hall, heading downstairs to the gates. As the sun was beginning to cover the market place area, the sliders and Charles had made it 4 miles, all on horses that were stolen. "I hope the shop keeper won't lose money due to us" "Forget him, we have a better cause, to find the princess" "Joe, one of these days your going to offend someone, and you won't like what happens" "I can take care of myself, besides, I grew to fight people who I hated" The group continue for awhile, when Maggie spots something sticking out from the sand, "Hey guys, look over there" The group change direction, and head to the spot. Maggie gets off her horse, and bends down to see that it was a shiny metal container with a large spout at the end of it. "What do you think this is?" "Maybe there is a genie inside it" Ryan jokenly says. Charles gets off his horse, and examines the lamp, "I actually can say that it is exactly what it is, a genie lamp" "You mean genies exist here?" "Yes. Its been told that only those with magic can possess these powers. I doubt anyone is inside it, since its already rusting away" Quinn gets off his horse, to look at it closely, "Well I won't believe anything until I see it" The group return to their horses, with Maggie, who decides to take the lamp along with her in her backpack. Back at the palace a few hours later, Jess is in the gardent, picking flowers when her alternates father arrives, "My dear girl its time for lunch, and I've invited a young gentleman caller to get to know you" "Father. You mean your trying to marry me off before I get to decide?" "I feel that with my age increasing, I need my daughter to marry the best man to take control of this place" The 2 exit the garden, and head to the dining room, where the man stood, staring at Jess. The king introduces the man to Jess as Prince Benjamin Whitener, who then kisses her hand. "Its nice to meet a man of your stature and having such manners" "I've come here to please you in any way that may persuade you into being my wife" "How about we sit for lunch. Chef, our meals please" The king takes a seat at the end of the table, with Jess on one side of him and Prince Whitener on the other side of the king. The group is given their meals, and they begin eating. The advisor soon meets with the same guard from the night before, and he tells the advisor that the Colonel is no where to be seen, figuring he went back out into the desert to find a new home. "Fine, we'll change our plans. Prepare a group of guards and be prepared to take a fleet out tonight, and when you find him, kill him, and if he has any other people with him, do the same to them" "Yes sir. But I should suggest that you come to kill the Colonel yourself" "Don't tempt me, or I might just do it" Late in the afternoon, the group are sweating from high temperatures with everyone dropping down to their underwear, including Maggie, wearing a purple bra and underwear. They had traveled 10 miles, when finally reaching the point of destination with parts of the carriage still scattered over the area. The group get dressed after jumping off their horses, then go in search of the real princess. Quinn and Joe head down a hill, where they find clothing, "Maybe she undressed before disappearing" "Possibly. I don't know how someone could be fully dressed to walk anywhere in this weather" "Hey guys, over here!" Ryan yells as he has spotted something interesting. The others gather around to find a hand sticking up from the sand. Charles grabs a hold of it, and pulls it out attached to the body, with a shocking discovery of being Princess Jessica, and her neck broken. Charles gets on his knees and weeps. The others back off to let the Colonel have time alone, and return to the horses. As the sun began going down, the sliders were more comfortable, even though the ride back to Arabia was quiet. Maggie could feel how Charles felt, when she was told her husband was dead, since its like losing part of your life as well. Maggie gets beside Charles, trying to start up a conversation, "Do you think it will rain?" "Not likely. We usually get rain about 8 times a year, mostly in February" "I wanted to apologize for us coming out here. I guess with us sliding here, it made your fantasy of the princess being alive more realistic" "Its not your fault. I guess I didn't want to believe it was true. I was hoping that Jessica would be showing up, with all this a bad dream" A few miles away, James had invited himself to locate the others with his guards, they had fully automatic weapons, and ready at a moments notice, "Sir, do we plan to shoot them on site?" "Of coarse. I want to be the richest man to rule Arabia. If Jessica is who she is, all I have to do, is find a better way to do off with her. As the sliders continued traveling on their horses, they seem less bored, when the lamp in Maggie's sack lights up, and falls out landing back into the sand. A loud explosion occurs, and the sliders freak out, surprised of all the smoke exiting the lamp, then Joe mumbles a few swear words. "I guess mythical stories are true here" "For once your right Ryan" James can see smoke, as does his guards, "Lets go, they seem less smart now to give us their location" A figure appears as the smoke slowly vanishes, standing in front of the sliders who are off their horses and staring right back at the figure. Back at the palace, after dinner Jess and Prince Whitener are walking through the patio, chatting about how lonely each was. The 2 stop near a piller, where Jess leans upon the piller, and Benjamin has an important issue to talk to Jess about. "I feel that with our little time we have known each other, I know that we can somehow work towards a better future for us" "You mean you want to marry me?" "If thats your true feelings, than we can marry quickly and live a romantic love life" "This is so much to take in at one time. I know we both have an attraction for each other, but I feel I should tell you something, that people here might not understand" "Whats that. I know all that I need to fall in love with you, or what may happen if you end up being poor. My family is the richest in Kansas, we could live off that" "Its nothing financial. I need to speak the truth. I really am not the princess, the king or you know. I travel using a form of scientific exploration with a Quinn Mallory who is a scientist. I come from a parallel earth. I landed here with a surprise that my duplicate here, is a princess, and when I met up with her other fiancee, I took her place in hopes to locate the real one" Ben looks at her oddly, then laughs at what Jess is saying, and tells her its not possible to do such travel. "Look, I just feel that if we become involved, I could break your heart, since I leave tomorrow" "princess Jessica, my heart is yours, don't push me away, with your recent memory loss, or the loss of another love" "What I say is true. I'm sorry if you can't understand this lifestyle of mine. Good night Prince Whitener, I will see you off tomorrow" Jess stands back up and leaves, walking back into the palace. Back out in the desert at a camp fire, the sliders, along with Charles who are enjoy the genie's stories of past masters, until he brings up an important issue, "I should tell you Maggie, that you have only 3 wishes until sun up, then I return to the lamp, until someone else finds me" "You know how incredible this is. If your possible to do anything, could you bring someone back from the dead?" "If my master tells me to, I would, but think wisely of your wishes, these could change your life forever" "Its obviously anonymous. Genie, I want you to ressurect Princess Jessica Solomon" the genie points out into the desert, a large bolt of light exits his finger, and lands near the group, a figure soon appears, and is soon fully flesh. The woman arrives to reveal she was the princess. "Oh my god, I'm alive. Charles, you survived too?" Charles runs to her, hugs her tightly, "I thought I lost you forever. This genie saved your life" "Wow, so the story is true. I heard about genies to grant wishes, but I didn't think they were true" "Maggie, I think our next wish would be to locate Wade, Colin and Brandon" "Quinn, do you think that I would forget that. Genie, I have my next wish" "I hope you wished for us to arrive, because here we are!" The group turn to see James with a few guards. "Princess, how can this be, your at the palace" "I guess I know who my enemy was from the start. When the king hears of what you tried to do, you will all be beheaded" "Charles what did he do?" "He tried killing us off, so he could inherit everything" James pulls a gun out from his robe, pointing it at the group, "Now, lets take a trip back to where you recently were at" "I have a genie here, maybe I might turn you all into insects or dust" "Thats impossible, genies don't exist" "Fine, genie, I want you to make sure people can view those who are evil at a place that people will always visit" "Yes master" the genie points his finger at James and the guards, and they disappear. "Where did they go?" "I did just as you said. They are now statues in front of the palace, to be used as visuals for people to see as they walk by" The group grin to what happened, "I guess with one last wish. I have to use it wisely" Quinn, Joe and Ryan pull Maggie away from Charles and Jessica. "We have a real good chance to get home and all this will be over" "What about him. Genie may want his freedom. Do I want to give us an advantage so someone can sit in a hellish place for all eternity until this happens again?" "You just better make sure your wish will give everyone happiness" As the sun began shining over the town of Arabia in the early morning, Jess awakens to hear a carriage leaving the palace. She rushes to a window to see Benjamin's carriage leave, with giving her a feeling that she hurt his feelings. King Solomon arrives to meet his daughter, "Do you know what you did. This palace will soon be taken over by a powerful ruler, and you will be forced into marrying that person" Jess looks back out the window to see the sliders, along with her double, Charles and another man. "I think I'm going for a walk. Don't wait for me to join you for breakfast" "But Jessica-" The king stops talking as Jess quickly enters her room to dress, and heads out the main doors, to meet the group. "So, you must be princess Jessica?" "I guess I am. I heard of your traveling way. I hope you enjoy it more, than being stuck in a family of riches" "Sometimes I have other wishes I could have" "By the way, this is genie. He brought me back to life, and now, he will be my father's advisor" "What happened to James?" "Lets just say he no longer will be a problem" Charles thanks Jess for help, and to have a good journey. The sliders exit back out into the market place, with only a few minutes before the slide, and Quinn pointing out to Jess of the statues, giving Jess something to laugh about. At an underground location, Prince Benjamin Whitener enters through a hatch from above. He is dressed in military clothing, and meets up with a woman unseen. "I've scoped out one of the members of the sliding group. Quinn Mallory was surely with her, from the woman telling he directly" "Good work Ben, but now we must try to bring Quinn Mallory here. Hopefully he can fix our problem. Prepare a new mission to track every movement the group does, I feel the sooner you can learn more, the more easier it will be to bring him back here" "And what if Quinn Mallory refuses?" "He won't, not if I have anything to do with it"
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