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Episode 701: Choices

With a long awaited return, Sliders now begins it seventh season, with a changed group, going on a mission, to find lost friends, then try to get home.-At a bar, outside Los Angeles, Quinn sits at a bar counter, drinking a beer. Joe, Ryan, Maggie and Jess arrive, entering the bar, finding Quinn, "its about time you guys showed up, we leave in 6 minutes" The group heads over to Quinn, "sorry Quinn, we got the jeep stuck in the rain forest, so we had to walk here" Maggie is covered in mud, she states that she can get new clothes on the next earth at a store, since she was the one to offer to push the jeep out of the mud. Joe takes a seat, and asks for a beer, the bartender gives him one as he pays for it, with a $20. Jess, Ryan and Maggie take seats at a nearby table. Quinn finishes up his glass, then tells Joe to hurry, so they won't have to scare people with opening the vortex in the bar. The 3 from the table get up, Joe finishes every last drop, then slams the glass on the counter, and cracks the glass in a few places. The group make it outside, and into a park across the street. They get behind a statue of Benjamin Franklin holding a kite, and below it reads "Every man must fly a kite to have accomplished something" Quinn opens the portal, Jess is first in, followed by Maggie, then Ryan, Joe, and finally Quinn. The group travel through a black colored vortex with a straight path leading to the other side. The portal opens, and the group is tossed out, on top of a hill. Joe helps Maggie up, along with Quinn doing the same for Jess as the vortex closes. A figure down at the bottom of the hill sees them, and recognizes one of the sliders, the person quickly runs up, and its revealed as Wade. "Quinn, is that you, you've come back to me!" Quinn is shocked to see his old friend be there. "Wade, its been a while, I thought you would take forever to find" What If You Found A Portal To Earths Other Than Your Own.... Where Time And Yourself Stay The Same.... But The Problem With Getting Home.... Is Unable To Locate Your Lost Friends....Starring: Jerry O'Connell Kari Wuhrer Nicholas Lea and Mark Wahlberg "Sliders" Episode 1: Choices Guest Stars: Katherine Heigl, Sabrina Lloyd, Jennifer Lopez, Tyson Beckford, Paul Norell as Ryan's agent, and David Gail as Dale - The group walk with Wade, until they arrive at a camper. They get in, and they take off with Wade driving, heading to the city. "so, where are the others, did they slide here too?" "Quinn, what are you talking about, there was no one else here, I went camping by myself. I was shocked to see you standing at the top of the hill. You know I cried for nights when you never came home that night, 4 years ago after you took a leap into a portal" "well its a long story, we can chat and sort things out late r" "Wade, if you don't mind, we would like to be droppe off at the Concord Hotel, if its no problem" "sure thing, it was Maggie right?" Maggie shakes her head, telling Wade, she was right. After arriving in the parking lot, Quinn tells the others to check into a room, and he would be by later to see how things were going. Jess asks Quinn what he was doing and he tells her that he needed to catch up with Wade. The 4 exit the camper, and head inside. Maggie heads to the front desk, and ask for a room, Ryan had to pay, and they were each given a key. Jess heads to the bar, and shocked to run into Brandon, who was walking out and he did know her. "hey Jess, I can't believe its been so long to see each other. We last saw each other, was college graduation" "I guess it has been awhile. Its great seeing you. Are you staying in the hotel?" "yeah, how about we get dinner later, catch up on things" "that would be nice, whats your room number, and I'll come by around 7 p.m." Brandon gives Jess his room number, which was 200, and says he would be waiting for her to show. Maggie and Joe head up to their room, and relax on the couch. "you know, I think this has been the first time we've been able to relax, in about 2 weeks" "your right Joe, all we've been doing is walking, running from people, or searching for the others. I mean we started this journey a month and a half ago to find Wade, Colin and Brandon" "I just hope Quinn doesn't go to far with the Wade of this world, and consider bringing her with us" "I better find some new clothes and take a shower" "theres a store downstairs, then maybe I could join you in the shower, to make sure you really get clean" Joe laughs about his comment, but Maggie slaps him, telling him when hell freezes over, is when they can share a shower together. The camper arrives in a driveway, belonging to Wade, and she shuts off the engine, and tells Quinn to get out and help her bring stuff in. Quinn feels the Wade of this world really missed her Quinn, but he knew that he couldn't play along, no matter how much he wanted to take this one back home, since he couldn't survive without her. "you know, as soon as people know your back in town, I'm sure you'll get job offers real quick" "possibly, but I think we need to talk about something really important" "lets wait until tomorrow okay. I think I need to make a special dinner tonight" Later in the evening at the Concord Hotel's bar, Ryan is sitting with Maggie drinking. "you know that Quinn could plan on staying here" "yeah, I know how much Wade means to him. I just wish I could of taken him when I had the chance. I know that when we started sliding, all I wanted was to kill Rickman, for my husbands death, but as Quinn and me became good friends, I felt we could possibly hook up, since he and Wade were just friends. We had 3 months to sort things out, and all he did, was want to get home to be with Wade and Remmy" "thats the same way I felt with Wade, I fell in love with her shortly after meeting her, and when I slid with the group, I thought I might have a chance, but I knew she loved Quinn too much to stay with me, so I took off, knowing it would be for the better" A man comes up to Ryan, shocked to see him back in town, Ryan doesn't know who the person was, so he plays along, "I think I have a great deal about to go down in stocks, so if you sign here, you can get some stock from Microsoft" Ryan signs the paper, and the man tells Ryan he has the board meeting tomorrow, so he would be by to pick him up at the house. Ryan states he would be here, so he would need to come by his room to be picked up. As the man leaves, with knowing Ryan's room number, Maggie figures it was Ryan's double's agent or assistant. Ryan figures his double must be really wealthy, and would like to take that as an advantage. Joe heads to the chinese restaurant in the hotel, when he bumps into Maria Green, who also knows Joe, or actually his double, asking how his job at the corporation was doing. Joe tells her he likes the place, and he asks how things were going with her, and she talks about her life, an that her husband cheated on her, so she had moved out here, starting over in life. Joe asks if it was inappropriate, but to go out for dinner, and Maria agrees, since it would be good to catch up on old times. By the next morning, over at a house in San Francisco, Quinn awakes in a bed, with Wade beside him, still asleep. He stares at her for awhile, then she slowly wakes to turn over, to see Quinn awake, and staring at her, "good morning Quinn" "good morning Wade. I just can't believe this is how I'm going to feel when I really can connect with...." "you mean you want to start a family. You've decided that when you were gone?" "well not really, its kind of a different feeling I have, but I feel we should talk. I need to get you to understand something" Wade pinches Quinn's cheeks, and tells him they can talk after breakfast. At the hotel, Ryan had bought a new suit, and was dressing in the bathroom, when a knock at the door is heard. Jess answers it, and it's Ryan's agent. Jess invites him in, and he takes a seat on the couch, while Jess goes back to the table to finish her breakfast. Maggie exits her room, wearing a red silk robe, and her underwear is showing, since she didn't realize there was company, so after the surprise, she quickly covers up, then heads to sit with Jess for coffee. Ryan finally exits, "its about time Mr. Coplin, your 2 minutes late" "well lets go" The agent heads for the door, Ryan begins to follow, then stops, turning around, "I'll see you both later, maybe" Maggie and Jess wave by, and he exits the room. "so, you were out pretty late last night. Did you and Brandon have a good time?" "sorta. We went to a dance club, danced and had a few drinks. We talked about my alternate, then we came back here, and we kissed, then he left back to his room. We're suppose to be going out this morning, theres a festival going on, in the park" "great. Well I'll just stay here. Waste my slide away, with laying around on the couch, in my underwear" "did you hear from Joe?" "yeah. He met up with an old flame, Maria Green. He called early this morning, stating he was staying with her all day, and would show up for the slide" "Maggie, don't worry about being left of having things to do. If you want, you can come with me and Brandon" "I don't think so. I would feel like a third wheel. I'll find soemthing to do. Maybe a good movie is playing today at the local theater" Quinn and Wade are eating breakfast, Quinn finally has a chance to talk, "Wade, I know how you must of been feeling when you saw me yesterday, but theres a problem, I'm not your Quinn" "what are you talking about, you are Quinn Mallory, my husband" "no, you don't get it. I come from a parallel world. My double is missing, and you believe he's returned when its only me" "you mean your an alien from another world" "kinda, but I like to be called a slider, someone who explores parallel worlds. I as well am trying to find a loved one. My Wade Welles is out there in another dimension, but I can't locate her" "so why don't you stay here with me. You could take my Quinn's place. He's probably out sliding as you are and lost" "I can't, I have a mother who misses me already, and I need to get back to her" "whats holding you back from leaving right now. If you need to go home, then leave me now!" "for some reason, I can't. I've fallen for you, except I don't know what to really do. If I stay here, I get to be with someone I love, or a double of her, but if I leave-" "if you left, it could take 90 years to probably find her. I know you want to stay, so why don't you consider it" Quinn becomes silent as he takes a sip of his coffee. At a fish market, Joe and Maria pick up lunch, they head to the San Francisco Park Of Ages and eat the food. "you know, with us meeting up again, I feel we could start something. I know we use to be good friends, but why not try it" "I guess that would be a possibility, but I'm not sure of my job. I heard I may be transferred somewhere else" "well, then I may have to consider moving with you. We could actually get married" "lets not get to far ahead. But I would be interested in seeing what happens of us" After finishing his meeting, Ryan got in a limo, and headed to a french restaurant with a few co-workers. He was unsure of how well his double did in speaking french, but tried to speak it with being given a menu. A woman sitting beside him asks him if he was getting the same old thing, and Ryan states he may consider something else this time. Jess and Brandon arrive at the festival, after driving around town for a while, in the Golden Gate Bridge Park; They enjoyed everything there. They were able to take a ride on the farris wheel, have lunch and each win an animal for each other. "this has been a fun day. I think it would be fun to hang with you for a while longer" "me too, I think things could change in our relationship to a greaterf level" "Jess, how about dinner again tonight?" "sure, maybe this time, we can get out and have a real great night" "I think I heard on the radio, there is suppose to be a dance party at a club, maybe we could do something with that, even though we just went to one" "sure, besides, its free admission if you know the right people" Jess smiles at Brandon, he puts his arm around her, and they walk on, heading to the "House Of Mirrors" Later that night, back at the Concord Hotel, Maggie is still in her underwear, sitting on the couch, watching television, when the phone rings. Maggie picks it up, to reveal Ryan is on the other line. "your not going to believe this Maggie, I returned to my double's house and its exciting. I just had a party, and it was wild" "I guess you weren't the only one to enjoy today" "did you try to go outside today?" "not really. I mean I find this funny, everyone except me, has found someone from their past and they are staying with them all the time" "well if you want, you can come over here-" Ryan is cut off, then Maggie has to listen to a woman yell out Ryan's name, along with a bed squeaking. Maggie hangs the phone up annoyed, she then decides it might be fun to at least get blasted tonight, so she can have a little fun on this world. Maggie gets dressed, with buying from a store below, dresses and heads out of the hotel, and hails a taxi with a familiar russian taxi driver. "take me to Studio 54 and step on it" A little while later, Maggiee is let out by the entrance, she pays the cab fee, and then sees a long line, between red velvet ropes, so she starts walking, when a man near the front of the line stops her. He looks wealthy, with wearing a dark suit and black rimmed glasses. "if you would like to be my date, cut in front of me" "sure, why not. Its not everyday I meet a rich pimp" Maggie steps over the rope, with the guy having an odd look on his face for what she just commented, and within a few minutes, Maggie gets in. The 2 head to the bar, Maggie orders a bottle of vodka and a small cup. The rich guy quickly orders a beer, and exits the scene, leaving Maggie at the bar to get drunk. At Wade's house, her and Quinn are playing a card game, "so, is that what we would be doing for the rest of our lives, or are things different now" "Quinn. Your a double of my husband, we used to party about every other night. I guess we're doing this, so I can know if you plan on staying with me or continue to slide" "at this point, I don't know. I feel if I never find her, I'd be upset, and wish I could of taken your offer. But if I do find my Wade, then I can go on with my life on my earth with her. Now I know its unfair to you, I feel selfish in a way. But I know some day, your Quinn will get home. I mean it took me almost 4 years to find my home world, which I eventually lost the way to get there, but your Quinn will do everything in his power to be with you" "I guess I feel selfish too. I mean you are from another world, and I know your family would miss you. But its up to you to choose whether or not you will stay with me" "I have an idea, a possible way to never forget about me or your husband, in case he never returns" Quinn gets up from his chair, he takes Wade's hand, and the 2 leave the room, heading upstairs. Back at the bar, Maggie has drank half the bottle, and ready for more drinks. A man who look stoned, having curly dark hair, and wearing a leather jacket, dirty jeans and a cowboy boots, walks up to Maggie, and sits by her. "so, do you plan to drink that all, or are you willing to share" Maggie looks up at him, "you want some of this. Yo barkeep, I need another glass for this gentleman" the man is given a glass, and Maggie pours him vodka. He swigs it down, and wants more. The man introduces himself as Dale, along with Maggie telling who she was. After a few too many drinks, and dancing, Dale offers Maggie a place to stay, "sure, I would like the night of fun to continue, lets go. But I think we'll need a taxi" the bartender helps the 2 with getting one, and soon after, are taken to his place, in an apartment. The 2 undress and get into bed together, to make out, then Dale lights a cigarette, offers it to Maggie, but she is already passed out, sleeping. By the next morning, Maggie awakes to see the shade quickly fly up, and smacking the wall with a loud noise. Maggie can't stand her head pounding, then looks to the clock, reading 9:00 a.m. "my god, I missed the slide. I hope I'm not stuck here forever" Maggie gets up to get dressed, when she soon sees the clock was unplugged, feeling stupid. Dale awakens to see Maggie dressing, "why don't you stay a while, we can have some fun like last night" "sorry to say, I don't remember anything about last night, and I don't know you, so good-bye" Maggie heads out of the apartment, hurrying to an elevator as she looks at her digital watch, reading 8:27 a.m.. While in the elevator, she whispers to herself, "well I know I can make the slide, but will the others" Maggie returns to the hotel, 15 minutes laters. She rushes to the room, to find no one around, and the timer still on the couch, reading 18 minutes. Maggie heads downstairs for a little breakfast, and buys more clothes to change into, then returns to the room and changes. With exiting the bathroom, the timer reads 20 seconds. Outside the hotel, Quinn, Joe, Ryan and Jess are seen entering it, coming from different directions. Maggie opens the portal, she looks back at the door, hoping for it to open, she leaps in, then a few seconds later, the door opens, the others arrive. Joe then states, "I guess Maggie figured we'd be staying here. Lets go" Ryan and Jess enter, Joe and Quinn follow them, then the portal closes quickly. Back at Wade's house, she is in the bathroom, looking at something, "my god, I'm pregnant. I can't believe it, I'm going to carry a child from my husband's double"
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