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Episode 618: Ultimate Revenge Part 4

This concludes the 4th part of season as it comes to a close, but then Season Seven begins in March with a new adventure and new faces.-An unstable vortex opens near a side of a mountain, tossing Joe, Sara and Ryan out, then the portal collapses. "Laura, where the hell is she at!" "she didn't make it, it must of taken to long to send the ship crashing" "we better find a place to hide somewhere safe, the kromaggs are soon to be covering every inch of this earth" Kolitar gets himself up from being covered in sand, which covered his entire body; He has a few cuts and bruises on his face, he looks around to see wreckage everywhere, and body parts of kromaggs. "I guess I won after all, so long suckers" Kolitar smiles, brushes himself off and starts walking towards a hummer, when a purplish-red vortex opens, tossing another figure out. Kolitar quickly arrives to see Laura, face down in sand, her timer fried, beyond repair, she gets up to see Kolitar looking straight back at her. "well, isn't this a surprise" Laura gets up quickly, backing off. "I guess you hated the Mallory's as well, you did this destruction, costing them their lives" Kolitar again smiles, looking away. "No, it can be true, Quinn would of survived" "go ahead, I won't touch you. Find your Quinn Mallory's body parts, I'm through with you, and soon, you'll die too" Laura is about to attack Kolitar, but figures theres hope to find the Mallory's alive. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 18: Ultimate Revenge Part 4 Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Roy Dotrice, Denise Richards, Jarrod Emeck, Jerry O'Connell, Cleavent Derricks, Kari Wuhrer, Charlie O'Connell, Cristi Conaway, Howie Long as Mark Clayborne, Robin Givens as Geena Luqua, Katherine Heigl, Tyson Beckford, Marcia Cross, Mark Blucas, Marnie McPhail, Nicholas Lea, Reiner Schone as Kolitar, and Special Guest Star: The Rock as Kody Templeton -Back at the prison, Maggie and Colin arrive, forcing Wade and Brandon out of their cells, but Kody tries to attack Colin; he is then hit by a stinging weapon, to cause pain in a person's body, which leads Kody to fall to the floor in pain. The 4 are transported to a manta ship via vortex, and the ship takes off. Mr. Dansforth and Jacob arrive at another underground location, which hasn't been found; Mr. Dansforth accesses power and sits at a computer. "so, what do you plan now?" "If I can hack into the database of the manta ships controls, without being detected, I can easily open a vortex, to suck them in, which will send them out of control" Quinn Mallory crawls out from his dirt grave, he brushes himself off, then collapses, he turns himself over, and he is bleeding all over his body, he then coughs up blood, but as Laura arrives to find him, she quickly tries to help, by taking her hanker chief and cleaning some blood off Quinn. "Its going to be ok, I'll find help, and you can get cleaned up" Quinn tries to speak, but can't, when throwing up more blood, he then goes unconscious" "Quinn! Quinn! stay with me, don't die now" Aboard the manta ship, the 4 locate Kelia, "good work humans, now I can start my good-bye" "what?" "you didn't think we'd leave you around to help your friends, especially Quinn Mallory, who made our world hell" "we didn't do anything to screw this place up, you did, so why don't you let us go!" Suddenly, the manta ship tilts, Kelia exits her office, and sees the main view screen, the ship has been captured by a force known as a gravity pull, "get up out of whatever we're in" "we can't leader, it seems the controls locked us out, we can't do anything" weapons start firing upon other manta ships caught in the rift; they begin contacting the ship, questioning their purpose of firing comrade ships. "fine, Colin, Maggie, bring those humans with us, we'll depart this ship first" Outside, a large vortex opens 50 miles away, several ships are sucked in immediately, Kelia leads the others to a cargo hold, she pulls out her timer, opening a bloody colored vortex. "I'll make sure no one can track to your new world, aka your new home" Wade and Brandon struggle, trying to free themselves, Maggie calls Wade a bitch for stealing Quinn from her and tosses her into the vortex, Brandon hits Colin, and about to run, when Kelia fires a stun gun at his leg, he falls, and that leads for Colin to toss him into the portal. Kelia then pulls another weapon out, and fires it at Colin, blasting a hole in his chest, and he flies right into the vortex as it closes. "what about me master, shall you kill me as well?" "no, I have another mission for you, kill Mr. Dansforth, so I can stay here and kill all of the human race" "yes master" Kelia opens another portal, Maggie is given a super power drived machine gun and jumps into the portal. Unforntunately, its too late, Kelia's manta ship enters the portal, exploding as several ships are firing upon it. Back down below in the hideout, Jacob and Mr. Dansforth are glad to see their plan working, "I think our next step is to free the others" "right, I've been meaning to tell you all about this new device I created, or I should say the kromaggs did, leading for any human to put on a helmet and access any area of a dimension to travel to it, I'll show you, then we can make our plan" Out in the desert, Sara, Ryan and Joe continue walking, when they hear noises from the ground, and Joe realizes its Colin's double after they see lumps in the ground, and brush them off. Ryan uncovers the other lump to reveal Quinn's double. "are we glad to see you" "so are we, but we need to find medical help, I don't think we're going to survive out here half alive" "what happened that lead to this?" "Kolitar, he tried killing us, including our parents, and the other Quinn Mallory, he might of succeeded in killing our parents, since we saw our dad's head get knocked off, and mom had a hole that went through her stomach, and Quinn, who we're unsure of" "we better take you with us" "I don't think thats a good idea Ryan, we would you slow you down" Suddenly, 8 humaggs approach the group from out of no where, "hold your positions we'll fire if we have to" "we don't mean to be here, we're lost and just need help" "your humans?" "nothing gets by them" Sara comments. "we've decided that this war is disgraceful, to have our race go down in a blaze of stupidity" "we agree, so would you be willing to help us with our injured friends?" "we can heal their wounds, then you must join us to fight our enemies, who once were family, to the death" the sliders look at each other with no assurance, then Joe looks to them: "we agree, even if that means we die" 2 male humaggs approach Quinn and Colin, putting their hands on the guys chests. Laura returns to locate Kolitar, where they cross before, "I need your help" Kolitar turns around, "me. You actually want the devil's help?" "look, I know the war is continueing, but Quinn Mallory needs medical help, he may die, and with your healing abilities, its our only chance. I know we've had differences, I still hate you, but I know you have a heart, and when Quinn gets healed, he won't care anything about this war, and would want to end this peacefully" "don't expect my sympathy. You betrayed me, but when a fallen warrior is near death, I must do the obvious. I'll tell you this, I can't be trusted, so if I do anything harmful and I'm enjoying it, you may not be able to stop me, since I would love to kill a Mallory" Kolitar proceeds to his humvee, Laura follows slowly behind, and gets into the passenger side; they take off, returning to the main crash sight. Mr. Dansforth and Jacob enter a small room nearby, he turns on a few machines, and locates the helmet, "when I stick this on, I can track a wormhole trail inside the prison, there, you can free the others and return back here. I suggest you take a few weapons" Jacob heads to a locker, opening it, and pulling 4 large rifles out, "this should do it" Mr. Dansforth sits down in a large, metal chair with round arm rests, he puts on the helmet, and has Jacob flip a switch, leading Mr. Dansforth's eyes to turn pure white, and suddenly, a reddish green vortex opens. "hope this works" Jacob leaps in, and quickly lands in the prison. The others are relieved to see Jacob, "I'm here to save you all, wheres the keys?" "As stupid as it sounds, by the door" Doug states. Jacob grabs the keys and begins unlocking the cells. Back where Mr. Dansforth is sitting, Maggie enters with her weapon, she arms it and fires at his head, which explodes all over the room, and the helmet falls to the floor, then Maggie starts shaking and falls to the ground unconscious. Back in the prison, the dimension mind gateway closes. Jacob goes to the location of it, "great, we have a problem" "what now, can't you reopen the portal" "no Mr. Dansforth has a mind machine to do that. He either got captured, or he's dead" "so that means we have to fight our way out. Lets go" Geena states. The large group stars for the door, when 4 'magg soldiers arrive in their way, "bye sucka" Mark comments. Kody and Mark start firing and kill them all the soldiers instantely. "we better move, if they see these things dead, we could be next" the group again, migrates down the hallway and are able to head outside, but are met by 2 manta ships above in the sky; they start firing at the group, who then split up, to stay out of hitting range. Geena and Doug start firing, and hit a ship, but no damage is done. Dean launches a grenade at one of the ships, and it explodes, leading for an armed group of kromaggs to appear nearby. "so much for that idea" the group soon head into action, firing at any possible target, as they fire back. Each side continues to miss each other, but soon Dean fires another grenade and part of the building behind the kromaggs explode, knocking the 'maggs out, "lets move, we better try to move to a better location to fight" Michelle says loudly. Kolitar returns to Quinn with Laura, "we better take him to a warehouse, it'll be safe there for the time being" "aren't you going to heal his wounds now, or are you just going to let him die" "I said I would help, but I didn't mean I would cure his ailing body" Laura picks Quinn's head up, and holds on to his shoulders, Kolitar grabs his legs, and they take Quinn to be put in the back of the hummer. The group of humaggs along with the other sliders quickly return to the city to see war going on, "we better find a place to attack from" "why don't we wait to find the other sliders, then we try figuring out what to do" Ryan states. "that would be a waste of time, lets move, we can arm you up, since we have a storage bunker nearby" "I agree, if our father did that as his actions to deal with this along time ago, then we need to take action now" Colin says. The other sliders are continueing to fire upon the kromaggs, Doug and one of the humaggs named Kaven are stuck behind a dumpster, but Kaven sees a chance to fire upon a humvee heading towards them, then the 2 take off, leaving the alley, which both are nearly hit, when a soldier fires a blast, which hits the brick wall. 2 manta ships arrive, firing on a group of sliders; Jacob realizes the portal is gone, so no more manta ships would be leaving. Colin and Sara see Jess with her hands full, so they start firing and she turn her head to see them, thanking them for the help, then the 3 get back to fighting. Several human military officers of this world, join in the fighting, as each side fires upon the other continues. In a warehouse, Kolitar and Laura put Quinn on a cot, "he doesn't look good. I know you never helped us, but you can change, can't you?" "no I can't. I dislike humans, except for those I choose as sexual objects, like yourself" "you know what, your a reject. I hope you die soon" Kolitar grabs Laura by the throat, "don't say that anymore love, or I may have to take you with me" Kolitar releases his hand, as Laura takes a breath. Back in the war zone, the 8 young soldiers, along with a few sliders see 5 tanks heading in their direction, "I guess this launcher won't work this time" "don't worry, just go to safety over there. They wouldn't hurt us, nor kill us" Doug looks to Kaven, and she motions him to go, since it was ok. Joe and Quinn's double are fist fighting a few 'maggs with no guns, and then one kromagg pulls his knife, and quickly stabs Joe in his back, then Colin, Sara, Ryan and Jess arrive, to join the fight, killing all of the kromaggs, but then another one quickly grabs Joe's gun and fires, hitting Ryan near his heart, but Jess quickly fires, killing the 'magg. Sara drops to her knees as Jess and Colin check to secure the area, "I'm going to die, aren't I?" "no your not, we have assistance" "but those humaggs can only repair tissue damage" Quinn tries to hold pressure on Joe's back, "you'll be fine, just let me find something to stop the bleeding" "I was recently shot, now I've been stabbed" Joe curses under his breath, due to his pain. Back in the warehouse, Kolitar loads his weapon, "you actually plan on leaving. I know we are having differences, but once in your life, can't you accept you must survive with humanity" "no, I can't. We are a lonely race in the multiverse, and this world was killing us off" "thats because you posed as a threat to delete all humans, except you can't understand, your part human as well" "I'll never be human. Enough of this. You shall die now" Suddenly, all the rest of the sliders arrive, to stay out of the hell outside, they are surprised to see who else was inside. They see Quinn hurt, and Kolitar aiming at Laura. "hold your fire now, or its over" Jacob yells. Kolitar is about to turn around, when Mark and Kody fire several rounds into Kolitar, killing him instantely as well, falling to the floor, with green blood coming out. Jacob runs to Laura, "are you alright?" "I'm fine, but its Quinn, he's near death" Remmy grabs Quinn's wrist for a pulse, "his pulse is weak. Unless we get help, he has no chance" Back on the main road, the tanks stop a few feet before the humaggs, one hatch opens, "move soldiers. Your putting our lives on the line, with such childish acts" Another soldier named Kurm states: "you don't have to do this. None of us have to. Our leader, Kolitar led this fight, to conquer this world. I don't see him here to lead us" 5 manta ships arrive, hovering over the soldiers and tanks, "if we suspend this war, and try to end it some way other than killing each other, we might be able to handle both races" the kromagg from the tank goes out of sight, as the hatch closes, then quickly as ever, the manta ships leave. Back at the warehouse, a few minutes later, the other injured sliders join up with the group inside. Jess heads to Quinn, "my god, is he...." Laura tears up shaking her head. "he died a couple minutes ago" Mark states. "I think the war is over, listen everyone" Jacob opens the main door the warehouse, and sees no one around, but then a humvee comes chargin through, and as he is about to load his weapon, Michelle waves her hand, giving Jacob relief. As the sliders and young soldiers exit the vehicle, they enter inside. "we need help, our friend is dead and others are injured. Can you revive Quinn?" "we're not sure, we've never had to save someone who is already gone" Kaven looks to Doug, "I've done it once, I can do it again" They head to Quinn's dead body, Kaven sticks her hands on his chest, light appears from beneath her hands, leading power to enter Quinn's body, then suddenly, everyone can hear Quinn breath loudly, and opening his eyes. The group is happy, and Laura wipes her tears from her face, she bends down, Quinn looks to her, and they hug. Quinn picks himself up, "wheres Wade?" "shes gone" everyone turns around to see Maggie slowly entering the building. "she was sent to another world, along with Brandon and Colin. Kelia is dead, which is how I managed to survive, but before I lost my evilness, I had to kill Mr. Dansforth. I somehow have psychic abilities, which is how I was able to realize this is where you were" Maggie comes to Quinn, and hugs him, as she begins to cry. Remmy approaches the 2, and joins them in a hug, with tears in his and Quinn's eyes. 2 weeks later, outside San Francisco, the group is helping the Mallory's of this world, with building a new house. Quinn is sitting at a picnic table, watching the news from a portable television. "Welcome to a special edition of SFN. After nearly years of leading up to war, we now can say both humans and kromaggs can live happily. President Oliver North and 8 young soldiers, turned ambassadors to the kromagg dynasty, signed a treaty of peace. More details coming up, when we return from our commercial break" Quinn turns the volume down, as Sara and Dean approach him, "so, hows the timer?" "it should work fine, maybe a little melted plastic, but alls well. We leave in about 3 hours, so we should say our good-byes then leave after lunch. I was able to download all of our world's cooridinates into the PDL. So all we have to do, is call up the location points and we're all off for home" "well, one thing I have to do, before I get home, is try to find the others we lost. I know I would hate myself if Wade was dead or gone forever from my heart" "don't worry Quinn, we'll find her, you can count on the rest of us" Dean puts his hand on Quinn's should, assuring of the promise to find Wade.
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