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Episode 616: Ultimate Revenge Part 2

Heres the second edition on the 4 part season finale.-Both Quinns return to find the others running, "come on, we got to get to the base, the officers are awaiting" Quinn's double states. "they destroyed the truck, the rocket is gone, we lost one of our best defenses towards the 'maggs" Mr. Dansforth says, while running out of breath. Michael opens the door to the under hideout, everyone begins to pile in. Back near the wreckage of the truck, Laura and Sara get up, "are you ok Laura?" "yeah, I'm fine, we better hurry to join the others" The 2 start jogging to join the others. "wait, I think if both of the power fuel cells work, we still can detonate thoses like gernades" The 2 head back, but the heat is too intense to near the wreckage. A few manta ships begin to land, Laura heads in, and locates the rocket, or whats left of it, "the rocket's outer shell is damaged mostly, help me loosen this piece of metal" "we better hurry, they could be here soon" they manage to take the metal off, Laura pushes a few buttons, a part of the rocket opens, and a large device begins to eject. Kolitar exits the ship, "good shot Kermeed. Now find the humans, including their hideout" a group of kromagg soldiers begin to head near the wreckage, without seeing the 2 women. "this thing is heavy" "fine, lets go, we can return and get the other cell" the 2 grab a hold of an end, taking off. Inside the underground, Michael begins work at a station, when Quinn enters, "wheres Laura and Sara?" "there not here?" "no Dean, they probably got lost in the blast" "we gotta return, the 'maggs might want to play trading games" "no one is going out there. As long as they don't know where we are, we're fine" Laura and Sara hide behind a few bushes, suddenly, 'magg soldiers appear, holding guns at them, "your now hostages of the dynasty. Kolitar will find somewhere you can go" Kolitar arrives with Kelia by his side, "its about time you showed Laura, I was getting lonely, ever since I killed Mary" "you bastard, I never should of become your slave. Rickman knew something was wrong about your race" "Colonel Rickman was a waste, he nearly killed off my relatives" "Don't worry, my Colin will weasel himself out of the cell hes in, and locate us. Soon the Mallorys will die, and so maybe, we should start with you, a sister to Quinn Mallory" Kelia smiles, then holds Kolitar's arm tighter. "leave her alone, what do you plan on doing with us?" "guards, take them away to our new prison, where some old prisoners, who are now boney, still exist today" What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds... When Your The Same Person... And Everything Is Different... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life... We're Lost And Can't Find Home...Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 16: Ultimate Revenge Part 2 Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Roy Dotrice, Denise Richards, Jarrod Emick, Jerry O'Connell, Cleavent Derricks, Kari Wuhrer, Charlie O'Connell, Cristi Conaway, Katherine Heigl, Tyson Beckford, Marcia Cross, Mark Blucas, Marnie McPhail, Nicholas Lea, Howie Long as Mark Clayborne, Robin Givens as Geena Luqua, Reiner Schone as Kolitar and Special Guest Star: The Rock as Brad Templeton -Down below, in the underground base, Michael Mallory and Mr. Dansforth are heading to the slidecage to close off this world. All of the officers decide to head with them, "remember, as soon as we return, we can make a plan of attack, letting us have to deal with less than what we can expect of the 'maggs" Michael uses Colin's(his son) timer, he opens the vortex, the group of 7 enter, then the portal collapses. Remmy locates his Quinn and Wade, talking in a small lounge room, "hey, I thought I might find you chatting" "well we have a lot to cover with everythings thats happened. I was glad to see Ryan again, I'm just relieved that he survived the attack in the underground" Jess and Brandon appear, "hey Quinn, can we talk to you alone" "sure, guys, I'll meet up with you later" Remmy and Wade exit. "whats up?" "we've both decided that if its ok with you, we want to go with you to find our worlds" "haven't you heard, the group that was sliding, met doubles with a PDL, that can scan someone's signature of their dimension. So that means our journey has come to an end" "it sounds great, but I think we wanted to get lost, with you and get to know more of you" Jess states. "well, I don't plan on sliding for life. If you want, you could stay on my world as long as you wanted to, then go home, or I could stay with the both of you, on your world" The portal opens, tossing the group out, "ok, we need to activate 4 machines, so that will be the closing sequence, then we must slide out before it closes, or we will have to reopen the slidecage" All of the officers spread out, as Mr. Dansforth and Michael works on the nearest one, "do you have any idea what our next move is?" "If Laura and Sara were captured, I'm starting to believe that fuel cells from the rocket, may be used like gernades" "then we'll have to find them both, or risk trying to defeat the 'maggs another way" The officers return, telling Michael the machines are starting to close the cage. Michael opens the portal and they slide out, returning to the underground. Kolitar sets up camp at an abandoned library. Kelia enters to prepare a plan, "I think if I can contact our friends, they should be able to escape" "first we need to make a diversion. Lets go fight" A kromagg soldier enters, "sir, we have a problem, the slidecage has been closed, so the warriors can't enter anymore" "do you know the coordinates to the slidecage, maybe we can destroy it, so the 'maggs will never be left out" "unforntunately we don't know the location, should I prepare the soldiers to fight?" "with who, we have a handful of humans, and all we have to do, is make a little bargaining with our prisoners" Mr. Dansforth loads a gun, when Quinn's double enters, "so, are you planning to get the fuel cells?" "of coarse, our only chance of a helpful start, or we head out and start firing at the rejects" "all I'm thinking, is that we are the only humans around now, and my dad has calculated that several thousand kromaggs are here" "well what do you suggest we do, put our tails between our legs, and leave this world behind, I mean this is your world to begin with" "I know, but would you risk the lives of unsuspecting people that most of them can't fight, if others ever slid here" Dean enters the room, "we've picked up 'magg soldiers arriving at the crash, we may be too late, plus a few soldiers are near here, trying to locate this place" As Geena walks passed the room, holding Maggie and Colin, Colin calls to her, "can you come in here please?" Geena enters, turning on a light, "what, I know I'm not suppose to let you go!" "why not, can't we be trusted, we are humans after all" "yeah, and what if; Enough of this, you both are never going to be let out of that cell" Wade enters, "so, are they giving you trouble?" "yeah, what a waste of time" "we need to get back, Mr. Dansforth needs to talk to us" "ok, I'm on my way" Geena exits the room, Wade turns out to be Kelia, discuising herself. "you made it in, I'm so glad" Colin comments. Geena then reappears, "what a minute, aren't you coming?" Kelia attacks Geena, they struggle, then Kelia head butts her, knocking her unconscious to the ground. "good work, now let us out" Maggie demands. "sure thing, now that we know this location, the 'maggs will soon be on the way" the shield is down, Maggie picks up Geena, tossing her in, then reactivating the shield. Ryan, Jacob, Joe and Mr. Dansforth are halfway back to the wreck, to retrieve the cells, "good thing its quiet here, maybe the kromaggs are waiting for us to make the first attack" "don't count on it, they are everywhere, anyone could attack us soon" "hey, I think I see one of the cells in the weeds" Joe and Mr. Dansforth head over, "you grab that end, Ryan take the other, and head back, even if one of the cells survive, we'll need all the help we can get. Jacob, lets had back to the wreckage sight" Joe and Ryan, take the cell, returning to the underground. Down below, Kelia turns herself into Geena, as Colin and Maggie follow, they enter the main room with everyone in it, "hey, your not suppose to be here" "too late!" Kelia returns to her origin self, "I see, I can't fool people for long" "how did you get in?" Michael asks. "stop wasting time, asking questions, more soldiers are on the way" Kelia pulls a weapon out from her pocket, "try to attack us, and you'll be dead sooner that you think" Maggie and Colin grab a hold of weapons, returning to Kelia's side, pointing them at the group. "I guess the mind control is still working, maybe it would of been smart to leave you back on the other world" "sorry Quinn, you had your chance" Maggie states, followed by a smile. Joe and Ryan return, to see the entrance door open "they made it in, we better take off, find the others later, since we can't get captured like this" The 2 take off with the fuel cell. Back at the sight, Mr. Dansforth and Jacob see 'magg soldiers around it, "damn, we should of did this sooner" "there are only 4 soldiers, if we attack quickly, we might be able to retrieve the cell" "thats exactly what we should do, you head around that way, and I'll go right in. The 2 come out from the bushes, shooting at the 'maggs, who quickly die before being able to react. "good work Mr. Arturo, now this way" Mr. Dansforth finds the cell on the ground, they pick it up and take off running. Back down below, Kelia, Maggie and Colin step back as a red vortex opens, tossing a dozen soldiers out. Kelia goes in front of them, "ok, lets move humans, except the Mallory clan, you will be taken back with me" Maggie pulls out a timer, she opens a portal, then forces both Quinn's, and Colin in. Then Michael and Liz follow. Maggie, Colin and Kelia follow behind, then the portal collapses. The soldiers force the group up the stairs, heading outside. In another part of the city, Joe and Ryan step out from an alley way, they see a manta ship land; the hatch opens, then 25 'magg soldiers exit. They hear commands, as kromagg soldiers start walking in different directions, picking crates up from the ground. "I think I have a plan to save our friends" Joe states. "you mean take the manta ship?" Ryan looks to Joe, shaking his head, thinking this would be suicide to get the manta ship, then looks back at the manta ship. To Be Continued....
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