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Episode 614: A Post War Slide

After a really long break for nearly 3 months, I now have time to post the latest episode of Sliders.Recap of the Season: When the sliders arrived on Kromagg Prime, they located Wade and met Mr. Dansforth, who Quinn knew, but soon after, the kromaggs found a way in, due to the slidecage being opened by the sliders. Laura turned against the sliders, who had joined the group last season in episode 2. Wade, Jacob, Remmy's double and Michael joined up to find a way to stop the kromaggs. After being stuck in a desert earth with cavepeople, they met up with Michael Mallory's son, Quinn, along with friends Joe and Michelle(from season two). The 7 joined up to use Quinn's double's timer to get back home and find Mr. Dansforth. Along the way, they met up with more sliders, which were doubles, leading Remmy's double to slide home, and they added a new slider Doug, along with a PDL which can help the sliders assist on worlds for answers. They then slid to a kromagg prison, and they met up with Rick, who was melded with a humagg last season, and they were able to unmeld the 2, and Rick was sent home. Then came landing on a prison world, and they soon meet back up with Mr. Dansforth, Sara and Dean, her fiance. They also met up with Colin Mallory, Michael Mallory's son who was also missing. On the other side, Quinn Mallory along with Mrs. Mallory, Remmy, Maggie and Colin who were kromagg spies, Ryan, a few new friends, and they tried to get away, which is unsure of since they were stuck in a prison on 'magg prime. Now a new episode. -A orangish-red vortex opens in a park, across from the church. Wade, Jacob, Quinn's double, Joe, Michelle, Doug, Colin, Sara and Dean are tossed out, then the portal closes. "we slide in 3 days. Hope everyone enjoys this, since Mr. Dansforth picked this world to come to" Sara states. "too bad my dad or Mr. Dansforth couldn't come, but as we know, the kromaggs are awaiting us to return, and battle with them" Quinn says. "lets just relax, have time to know each other" Michelle says. The church bells begin to ring, the doors open from the church, with several guests, throwing rice at the bridge and groom, revealed to be Quinn's and Wade's doubles. The 2 look at each other as they soon turn their attention back on the doubles getting into the limo. "maybe some things are meant to happen" Colin comments. "lets go guys, I want to sleep after checking into the Concord" Doug comments. As they walk on, getting onto the sidewalk, 2 strangers, both men stop the group, " welcome to Bakersfield, are you new residents here?" "no, we're just passing through, taking time off from work" "ah, I see. Well I'm Mike and this is Jorge, what are your names?" "I'm Michelle, these are my friends; Wade, Jacob, Doug, Joe, Quinn, um... Colin, Sara and Dean" as she points to each by name. "well nice to meet you all, and hope we run into each other soon" The group moves on, as the men watch them, "did you get all their names down?" "sure did, now we can add them to our list of lucky lottery winners, I hope I get to stone one of them down" "me to" Jorge excitedly says. "What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home"Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 14: A Post War Slide Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Mark Blucas, Denise Richards, Jarrod Emick, Kurt Knudson as Sheriff Taylor and Adrienne Barbeau as Mother Morehouse -At the Concord Hotel, the sliders get separate rooms, then head out to enjoy the day. Wade and Quinn's double decide to take a walk, to talk things over. "I'm surprised that we actually got married here. But with things coming to an end, we should just stay friends" Wade states. "I agree. I know that we talked about this before, but we live in different worlds, and especially with the kromagg war upon us, things could change for us all" "but why let that bother us, we have 3 days here, lets enjoy them" "right, how about a movie, I hear the Patriot is good" "fine, lets go, but I'll pay" Quinn and Wade continue their walk, as people stare at them behind bushes. Sara, Dean and Jacob head near the golden Golden Gate Bridge, to enjoy the breeze from the wind blowing on them. "so, whats been happening while we've been gone?" "along of things; Mr. Dansforth had tried to save prisoners from kromagg prime, then we started to eliminate the 'maggs from other worlds" Dean then interrupts, "then you came home, and I joined you. Since I don't know how you got yourself into this situation" "its easy, my friend Remmy, was left behind, only for us to take his double along, the 2 become fast friends, and we added her, since her timer was gone" "yeah, I recently was told, that you and Remmy got in the sack" "it was on accident, I felt bad, but he missed his wife, and from what you say, he's home, enjoying his life" Dean drops the subject, then Jacob asks about how things went over the coarse of these past few months. Sara explains that they thought the virus they created would knock the kromaggs out for good, but little did they know that, the kromaggs had a virus ready to kill the humans of 'magg prime. Then after Mr. Dansforth created a timer, he had somehow put the virus into the timer, and every time the vortex opened, on a kromagg filled earth, they would die. But if any vortexes opened on worlds they had anialated, they would return to find out the situation; they were able to have some success, on defeating the 'maggs off of 34 worlds. Over at a gas station, Colin and Michelle enter, to buy pop for everyone. Doug also enters, but the attendant looks to him, "excuse me stranger, but have you signed up for the lottery?" "no, but can I still enter, or is it to late, since I see the sign out there, that the drawing is tomorrow?" "sure, we can always get new contestants" the attendant gives Doug a number which is 31 written on it. Finally the 3 exited the gas station, handing out the pop. "guess what, I'm in the lottery pool. Hopefully I can win 70 billion dollars" "lucky shot, but I bet the pot is worth more than that" Back inside, the attendant is dialing a number, he lets it ring; when someone answers, he states that he has one of the strangers signed up, hoping he would get picked tomorrow. The man then hangs the phone up, and watches the sliders leave the area. As they walk, Michelle starts a conversation, "Colin, tell us more about you, we just met, and hardly know you" "not much to tell. I started sliding a few years ago, when my mother told me that I was from a parallel world. I some how had the knowledge to build a timer and slide off. I was a loner, traveling between worlds, hoping that the next one would bring me home" "maybe you should of took some friends along, even as company, and then when you got home, you could of sent them back home somehow" "in a way, I wish I had, but I felt that if anyone got a hold of this information, I could be imprisoned or even the government get their hands on it. But I remember after about 40 worlds, I slid to one, and I fell for a girl, and I of coarse thought maybe she could come, but she died helping me escape a castle prison cell. And another world I visited had a televison, referring to a group of sliders, a professor, 2 women, and a singer. The professor was named after my brother, so I sorta thought that they could of met my brother, but I never had a chance, to speak to anyone, since the day I was heading to the studio, they tossed me out for sneaking in, and I slid a few hours laters" "sounds like an interesting trip you took" Joe comments. By the next morning, Sara and Wade had went for a jog, when they saw a whole bunch of people gather around something. "maybe its a riot, lets check it out" "we should stay back, something may go wrong, so lets just stay near the back of the crowd" Sara states. The 2 head over, to see a someone in the middle of the group, which was the sheriff, "ok everyone, heres todays lottery winner, the number is 30, our friend and host, Mother Morehouse will toss the first stone, who also established this fun game" everyone clapped as a young woman is approached by guards. "Ms. Liza Welles, she is chosen to die" Joe and Doug quickly run to catch up to Wade and Sara, "have they chosen the number yet?" "my god, thats my cousin, what are they going to do to her" Mother Morehouse hits the girl in the foot, then a few people grab rocks, throwing them at the girl, she is struck down. "I guess maybe your lucky Doug" "what is this world doing?" Wade is shocked of whats happening. "probably a painful way of getting rid of people, aka population control" A man tosses Joe a rock, "here man, its your turn, hit the girl in the face" the man laughs, "no thanks, I'll pass this time" "hey everybody, this man doesn't want to kill the girl; maybe we should do the same to him" "run, guys let go!" Sara yells; the 4 take off as the group of people chase them. Mike and Jorge trap them down an alley, but Doug is able to attack Jorge, knocking him to the ground, after a rock hits Doug in the leg. Wade kicks Mike in his pride, and the 4 almost get away. Mother Morehouse pulls up in a car, then pulls a gun from her purse, "hold it you guys, we need more winners" As the woman gets out of her car, Joe quickly takes off, and is barely missed by a bullet, when it hits a wooden crate, which explodes into pieces. The other citizens arrive, blocking the 3. "I'm Sheriff Taylor, your coming with me, back to the station" Back at the hotel, Joe quickly returns, but stops to catch his breath, "whats wrong, wheres the others?" "they've been taken, that lottery is population control, they kill people with rocks. Sara, Wade and Doug were captured, I managed to get away, but unless we get them back, their dead" "that won't happen, I love Sara, and I'll do anything to sav her, even if it means my life is taken" "lets make a plan. If we just go into this hellish town, without a plan, we too could be the next winners" Michelle says. By noon, the sliders were incarcerated in a cell, Sheriff Taylor enters to bring the group up to date on things, "I guess your newbies to town, so I'll fill you in. We hate visitors, we don't want anymore, so we kill them in pain for causing us pain" "why, what have we done to hurt everyone?" "its the way things are, we live in a peaceful town, no one is suppose to unbalance the power we have in peace, but you have, so you must pay" "why can't we just leave, we're going away forever if we can get out of here" "too late missy, your stuck in this crud now. So by tomorrow at sunset, you 3 will be taken to town square, for a public enjoyment" In the sliders room, Dean returns to the others with guns, "its not that hard to buy a gun outside of town" "you bought these from an arms dealer out of a truck?" "its either this, or we loose the others. I'm not going to let that happen" "they just had a news bulletin on T.V., saying that 3 new people will be winning the lottery tomorrow night at 9 p.m. live" "so we have until then. But that doesn't stop us from trying to get them out earlier" "who knows where they are, or how many people are guarding their location, waiting for us to show" "wouldn't it be obvious that they would be put in a cell down at the police station?" "best bet, they would. So maybe if we tried for a middle of the night type rescue; less people would be around, or a problem we might have, is that everyone is on neighborhood watch" "and they could easily make us winners too. How about we just lay low until tomorrow night, then take action, do we all agree?" Quinn says. The others finally all agree, but would have to think of a good plan to rescue friends from a wacked out town. As the fateful night started with the sun setting, the sliders went out, hiding, not to be seen. Jacob, Dean, Colin, Joe, Michelle, and Quinn split up into a 2 man team. Michelle and Colin had the timer as they waited with a truck they stole, far from the action, to make a quick escape. Jacob and Joe heads near the police station, while Quinn and Dean headed to the location of the killing. In the station, Sara, Wade and Doug sit with handcuffs on, "I hope there coming" "don't worry Sara, when you slide for nearly 5 and a half years, you know that your friends will never stop trying to rescue you" "do you think they got captured yet?" "no, the sheriff would of told us, or had them join us" "at least they don't know about the timer. All I know is that we are suppose to go on live television in 40 minutes, to die in front of billions" "maybe they'll pop in here, shut off the power, and take us away" "keep dreaming. With this lifestyle, no one is alone, since probably everyone is watched by some means or other" Sheriff Taylor approaches the sliders, "well since this is our first time doing this live, we need you to look spiffy. So my friends have brought you clothes, to fit you" "how would you know our sizes?" "when you all went unconscious. I just used tape measures, and also looked on your clothes" "you know, one of these days, your lifestyle will cause a mass riot, and then everyone here, will be locked away as crazy people" "everyones got to go honey. We just found a fun way to do it" "I can't see any entertainment in killing people with rocks" "this town does, so toughen up, you'll be dressing now, so don't try any funny business" A deputy unlocks the cell, the 3 sliders have their handcuffs taken off, and is lead to the bathrooms, with a woman watching Wade and Sara, and male officer to watch Doug. Near the stage, Quinn sees several reporters setting up their gear, "I guess we could fit into this crowd, since no one would notice us" "maybe, but I bet they have photos of us" "maybe, but I have an idea, come on" the 2 men come out from cover, they head to a van, where an over weight man is loading a tape into a camera recorder. Dean excuses himself, asking what time it was, then Quinn appears, attacking the man, knocking him onto the ground, "help me drag him over here" Dean begins looking in the van for a hat or glasses, and he luckily does in the front seat, each a pair for Quinn and himself. "better tie this one up, give me that cord" "they gag the man, sticking him in the van, locking the doors, "lets go set up" In the station, the sliders are all dressed up, Wade is in a white satin gown, with white high heels, Sara is in a dark blouse, with a short skirt and she is also wearing high heels, and Doug is dressed in a dark suit, with a dark red tie and leather dress shoes. "ok winners, take these cards" "why don't you shove em up your ass!" "now don't be rude, or my deputy will shoot you himself" Suddenly, as the sheriff is turned around to talk to officers, Jacob appears outside from the cell window, Sara sees him, smiling, she looks to Wade, pointing her in the direction of Jacob, who then disappears. "we're outta here" The sheriff turns back around, "what did you say?" "nothing. I guess I am glad to die by rocks. At least I'll become a famous braud, to let people see me" Wade exclaims, then Sara and Doug agree by nodding, "whatever. Lets go, your public awaits!" Jacob and Joe arrive to join Michelle and Colin in the truck, "did you find them?" "yeah, they were in the station. Now all Quinn an Dean have to do, is rescue them" "how long until we slide?" "75 minutes in change" "lets just hope no one recognizes us, just sitting here" "it shouldn't be a problem, almost everyone should be heading to the park" The police car finally arrives, near a gate. Outside of the car, there are hundreds of people forming around it. The Sheriff tells the people to back off, and let the winners through, "I don't see them anywhere, could they of been arrested?" "not likely, they probably are in the crowd somewhere, ready to get us" The deputy opens the back seat up, and Sara is first out, followed by Doug, then Wade, "follow me to the stage" the sheriff told them. People booed at the sliders, some even threw trash at them. Dean and Quinn are near the stage, with a camera, "here they come, get ready" "I just realized something. How are we suppose to get through this crowd?" "don't forget, I have a gun, and your the one to capture someone" "got it" Back in the truck, Colin looks through the side mirror, of an officer heading towards them, "someones coming, stay calm" "pardon me ma'am, but why aren't you going to the party?" "thats tonight, we were just waiting for friends to see a movie" "what a second, aren't you the other travelers of the winners?" the officer starts to pull a gun out, when Michelle opens her door, slamming it, into the officer, knocking him to the ground. Joe gets out, and punches him a few times. "better handcuff him to that tree over there" The other 3 get out, helping Joe with the officer. Then they get back into the truck, "we better move, who knows what will happen" "fine, but I'm driving" Colin is tossed the keys, they speed off, around the corner, heading for the show. They are able to park right out, near the street side a few feet from the gate entrance, "lets stay low, when they make the attack, lets be ready to help, or run to the truck, and take off when they arrive. Michelle, do you think you can handle the driving?" "sure. Back on my world, I lost the police at least 12 times" The 3 guys head towards the crowd. "ok everyone, in about 30 seconds, Mother Morehouse will cast the first stone, and our lucky winner is.... Sara, come on up" Sara is forced up by officers, then faced at Mother Morehouse, who starts looking for a nice sharp rock to throw from a barrel. "once I throw the first one, I shall ask that many participants join in" Dean begins to pull a gun out, Quinn tells him to hold it, but Dean is getting angry. Sara is hit in the face, then almost falls, as blood falls from her cheek. "hold it granny, its my turn to kill someone" Dean goes on stage, then grabs a hold of Sara, Quinn then leaps on the stage, and holds a knife to Mother Morehouse's neck. "we'll be leaving now. Lets go!" The 4 return to the ground, they have the deputy unhandcuff Wade and Doug, then they begin to exit the park, Dean points his gun at people, then Sara gets a hold of one, doing the same thing. "you can't get away with this, we'll find you, then you'll pay" the sheriff states. Joe, Colin and Jacob arrive to meet the others. Suddenly, Mother Morehouse kicks Quinn in the leg, turning around with a gun of her own, and about to pull the trigger, but Sara fires a shot, hitting Mother Morehouse in the back, she falls in pain. The group of 8 then run, quickly as ever, as some pedestrians chase after them, cursing at them for what they did. Michelle starts the truck, and when everyone is in, she takes off, going 70 down the road. A few other people get into their cars as well as the police, who start a pursuit of the sliders. "I can't believe I just shot at someone" "don't feel bad, this world is hell, no one would survive this place. If you didn't fire when you did, Quinn might of died instead" "I'm just glad to be out of here, when do we slide?" "not early enough Doug, about 50 minutes. I figure if we hit a highway, things should be smooth sailing" as the truck goes faster, several more vehicles have joined in chasing them. They arrive on a country side road after taking several roads to hide, they are now able to lose the pursuers. "hopefully they think we are still on the main road" suddenly, Michelle stops the truck, "great, bridge out. Now what do we do?" "how long?" 27 minutes" "fine we'll have to ditch the truck, go on foot, we should be safe for a while" The group takes off running into the woods, but shortly after they head up a hill, 5 police cars arrive, and the sliders hear an officer say to search the area. After some time, the sliders take a break near the top of waterfall, "I hope Mr. Dansforth changes his mind about returning here, I can't believe he made this a vacation spot" "I wonder what will happen to our doubles. Remember, when we slid in, we saw doubles of me and Quinn married" "they probably left on a honeymoon, but every world is different. I know if my double is part of this society they have, I would be sick, to think of a harmful way to die, is fun living" Sara tells the group to quiet down, they hear voices, so they take off, and they reach a small walkway across the waterfall, "its too wet, we could fall over" "hold it you all!" The sliders turn around to see officers coming towards them, "we have no choice, go" then more people arrive on the other side, "we slide in 20 seconds" "give it up, you have no choice, either return an die respectfully, or end it right here" "we'll go right here" Quinn is first to go, jumping off into the waterfall, then everyone else follows, as they disappear into the foggy mist of the waterfall. Everyone looks to see if anyone was around, "all in a good nights work, well they decided their fate, lets go home everyone" The portal opens as the screen fades to black.
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