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Episode 613: Prisonslide

I'm about 2 weeks late for posting this episode, but here it is anyway.-The vortex opens above a flag pole, Joe who flies out first, grabs a hold of the it, then the next 6 sliders exit, grabbing a hold of the next slider, so they wouldn't fall. They are able to crawl back up, safely, to the cement roof. "I think you better work with the timer, or even the PDL, to discover our landing, I would it if we landed on a wire of the Golden Gate Bridge" "we can't help it, the portal opens at its destination, since space and time is violated" "whatever, just as long as we don't die" A door that leads downstairs, opens, and polices officer exit. "your all under arrest, for possessing this machine" one of the officers grabs the timer. "you might be humans or even kromaggs discuised as humans, but we don't ever want transdimensional machines, that could lead for another conquering" What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 13: Prisonslide Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Mark Blucas, Roy Dotrice, Denise Richards, Jarrod Emick, Samuel L. Jackson, and Nakia Burrise as Melanie. -The sliders are forced into a police truck, and taken to the San Francisco National Prison. Wade and Michelle are taken to the womans area on the left side of the street, while the men are sent the other way. Jacob is separated from the others and put in with another man. Quinn and Joe are put in a cell together with a geeky looking man. Michael and Doug are also put in separate cells. "I can't believe they don't give us uniforms. But I'm not upset about it" "since we probably are sliders, or transdimensional travelers, we've disrupted their prime directive, so I don't think they're going to waste time giving us prison clothes" Quinn laughs, then the roommate appears before them. "excuse me men, but I think I have a way out" then a woman guard comes up to Quinn and Joe's cell "no you don't Mr. Silver, now shut up before I have to send you down to the chair" the guard walks away. "And I thought my world was bad" Joe comments. Jacob sits down on his bed, upset that hes imprisoned. "excuse me, I hate to bother you, but whats your story?" "what. You want to know my story, well I'm Jacob Arturo in prison, first time, My life is hell now!" "sorry, I've been here for 6 months, just trying to find my family and home" "same here, my friend Quinn Mallory, got me lost traveling to worlds, most of them I hated, but here I am, once again, in trouble with the law. But at least I have hope, this woman I'm traveling with is the greatest person you could enjoy being with, at least I won't die right away" "you know a Quinn Mallory, thats my brother's name, what a coincident" "yeah, but this Quinn is an alternate, I might as well tell you the story. Almost a year ago, my friend slid home, I had hoped to find the location of my dad, and Quinn came up with this story, so I thought, maybe I would slide to a few worlds, get my father back and be home, before I was late for work. We then met an evil duplicate of my Quinn, this was a woman, named Logan St. Clair, she erased our home coordinates, and we soon got lost. We added a few people, then just as we thought things would end, we slid into a kromagg war zone, actually this world was known by us humans as kromagg prime, so after only a day, me and 2 others joined with Michael Mallory and slid out, only to land on the next world, conquered by cavemen" "wait a minute, did you say kromagg prime, I can't belive this, you've been sliding with my dad the whole time. Before sliding here, I was in a slidecage learning who my parents were and thought I might meet them someday since I just couldn't slide there with the cage in the way. I'm Colin Mallory. This is perfect, what about my brother, or mom?" "your brother Quinn is here, but we don't know what happened to your mom, probably captured by the kromaggs, or dead" "if we can all get out of here, we can slide out, and maybe figure a way out to get back home" "we have the coordinates to your world, but we haven't tried to get there, since we don't have a weapon to destroy the kromaggs" "oh. Well then we can search for one" "theres no time to waste, the longer we're sliding to worlds, the longer the kromaggs have to rule your earth" "first of all we need to get out of this prison, alive" "thats a joke. I'd rather stay here, then get the chair" "I think I have an idea. If one of us acts injured, the guard would be less strong, then we attack immediately, and leave" "fine, you do the acting part, I'll attack the guard" "if it works, we probably better find the timer first" "whatever" Colin begins to moan, while Jacob is calling for help, 2 guards appear, one opens the cell, and as the man heads for Colin to see what his problem was, Jacob quickly attacks the guard outside, not looking where he was suppose to be. Colin does the same, knocking the man unconscious, then steals the keys, while Jacob pulls the other officer in. "I guess they really are dumb, I would of thought they would of caught onto our scam" "lets go, grab his gun, we need to get to the basement" Colin locks up the cell, then joins Jacob by the elevator down the hall. "just hope no one is guarding down there" "how do you know that our timer is down there?" "trust me, shortly after getting here, I was detained in a room, and when I looked out the window, they took my device to the basement, from what I overheard" Across the street, Wade and Michelle wait, staring out the window. "who'd thought this would be where we'd end up. Just hope they don't give us the death penalty for sliding" "I know what you mean, I've felt that we've been lucky this far, but if no one can make a rescue attempt, we could be doomed forever" "Wade. I was wondering, how close were you to your Quinn?" "why do you ask?" "because I'm starting to feel something for this Quinn double we're with. He makes me feel protected when I'm around him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to consider staying with him on his homeworld" "well I wouldn't doubt that, he turned me down, maybe to have feelings for you, your a good person, and I think Quinn should have someone that cares for him. I just felt that after the professor died, my Quinn basically fell into this odd personality. When Maggie was added to our group, maybe she was the woman Quinn was looking for, someone to look out for herself, to be brave, compared to me" "don't worry Wade, we'll get out of this alive, you'll see your Quinn again, I bet if hes free, Quinn's probably trying to find you" As the elevator doors open, Colin and Jacob exit, finding complete darkness "I guess no ones here" Colin begins walking to a cell room "our stuff should be in here. Just hope this key will work" Colin puts the key in, then turning it "please enter security code" the computer voice spoke. "great, I guess no one wants the prisoners to escape this earth" "don't fret it, I know the back way into the system" Jacob is surprised to see Colin this smart. Colin finds a pick, then unhooks the back of the device, he disconnects wires, placing them in reverse order, the cell door opens. Colins refers to himself as "the master" Jacob enters, turns on a light, and finds a computer, that locates everything. "ok, I'm a newbie to this place, so I should be one of the last. I'll just type my ID number from this sticker, and I'm in..... no I'm not, uh Colin, could you do something" Colin walks over to the computer "your suppose to enter your name too" Jacob gets embarrassed. Colin and Jacob find their timers, then as they head out, Jacob notices a window, which is large enough to fit them through. "I think we got our ticket out of here" "what about the others?" "we'll have to find reenforcements, to help us" the 2 exit to the main street, they take off running, heading around the corner. A orangish-red vortex opens tossing out Mr. Dansforth, Sara and Dean, her fiance. The 3 enter the prison, heading to the main office, they talk to Sergeant Leo Ranks. "whats the problem, we detected a vortex entering into this dimension" "yes, we took in 7 travelers, if you want, I can bring them to a separate cell for you to speak to" "fine, but what did I hear about a break out?" "we had 2 prisoners escape only moments ago, the alarm didn't go off for some reason. I think one of them was a traveler we brought in" "get moving, search the streets, they can't be far!" "calm down Dean, you don't need to be upset" "why shouldn't I, you recently told me you had a lover, until he disappeared. You couldn't wait anymore for me to come home" "this is not an issue right now, we may have kromaggs on our hands!" "quiet you two, lets go" the 3 are taken up an elevator to the 34th floor, where they are then led to an office, to sit and wait until the sliders were brought up. Out on the streets, Jacob and Colin hide in an abandoned warehouse, when suddenly, a woman comes out, about to attack them with a baseball bat, when Colin tries to stop her, but she swings, hitting Colin in the arm, she swings a few more times, when Colin grabs a hold of the bat, knocking the woman to the ground. "we don't mean any harm, we're trying to hide from the authorities" "what for?" "we came from the prison a few blocks away" the woman begins to laugh "good work guys I'm pleased. Not just anyone can usually get out of that place alive" "well we need help, to get back, into the prison, to find friends" "good luck finding someone" "I see that you have rope and climbing gear over near the wall. If you won't help us, at least give it to us, to try" "ok, lets say I let you use my equipment, what do I get in return?" "if we come from parallel worlds, you could come with us" "maybe, but I'd miss out on the fun here, on my earth" "I have cash, I would be willing to pay you, say 250?" "ok, I'm in, but I get to go climbing too, I would hate it if you got captured adn you lost my stuff" "fine, I'm Colin Mallory, this is Jacob Arturo, whats your name?" "I'm Melanie, nice to meet brave people like yourselves to save friends" Back at the prison, the following morning, Michael, Doug, Quinn and Joe are put into a cell in a separate room. "I wonder why we're here" "maybe we're special, and we get to die early" "One thing I found odd was that they didn't take the PDL, I have it right here, I know it can't help" The doors open, Michelle and Wade are brought in "guys, I'm so relieved to see you, where Jacob?" The sliders are being put into the cell. "we don't know, we just got here" "maybe the alarm that went off last night was Jacob" "but how could of he escaped, this place is heavily guarded" Outside the room, Mr. Dansforth, Sara and Dean heads towards the door. "I wouldn't do that Mr. Dansforth, I know that you know these people from before. I've given this thought, and I feel now, since they broke our laws, its up to us to settle this problem" "you can't be serious, they slid here on accident, do you think all these people here are evil. When I first arrived here, this world was conquered by the kromaggs, I helped save this place, and now you thank me by killing these people that are of great cuase to my work" "sorry, we will expect you to leave immediately, I'll have guards escort you out, so they can make sure you don't enter this world anymore" "don't bother, we'll let ourselves out, you can watch outside the window" he turns to the others "Sara, Dean, lets go" the 3 then head to the elevator. Officer Ranks enters the room with the sliders trapped inside the cage. "ok people, this is the deal, or I should say your only choice. We've decided, since you disobeyed our laws, you landed on our world. You'll wish that you never slid here" "so you know of sliding, then its easy to explain, we accidently landed here-" "shut up, ok, anyway, your sentence, death by chair, and to make sure you all don't plan something, theres enough chairs to fit 80 prisoners, so you can all die at once" "you can't do that, we didn't do anything wrong!" "ma'am, the law you broke, was entering this dimension. We delt with the kromaggs, and who knows, you could be kromagg spies, so to find out if your guilty, yo all get the chair. See you in the morning" As night time came, the 3 are met in the alley way, behind the prison, by a mysterious man, Melanie recognizes him. "Cheif, is that you?" "yes it is baby, what can I do for you?" "we need your help, I don't have good climbing shoes. These guys want to save friends, I said I'd help them" "fine, come this way to my van" they follow, and Chief opens his back doors. "whats your size?" "I'm 12" "I'm 11.5" The man gives Colin and Jacob shoes. They load up, and the 4 begin climbing the wall, after their grapling hooks reached the top. "this seems easy, maybe when I get home, I'll consider this a sport" "fine, I'd rather stay on the ground" "we just met, and I didn't think you were scared of heights" "I'm a lawyer, what do you expect" "quiet you 2, you'll blow our cover" Melanie states. They make it to the top, but quickly hide behind a building since the strobe light is shining everywhere. "heres the plan, each of us at a time, heads to the stairs, the door is on the floor, once you open it, get in, closing it, just in case someone spots us" They all make it to the stairs, they head down 2 flights, when suddenly, as the Cheif opens the door, an alarm goes off, they try to escape, the back way, but other officers arrive quickly. "hold it, your under arrest" "damn, I guess this will be the end" "I guess it is" The Cheif then walks over to join the officers "Cheif, you one of them, a copper, you freakin lied to me, I thought you were an arms dealer" "Oh I am, but I'm also an undercover cop during the night time" "oh crap, now we dug ourselves our graves" "thats right boy, and your going to be first to go, tomorrow at sunrise" Near midnight, Jacob, Colin and Melanie were put in a separate cell, near the electric chairs. Jacob wakes to see, its still dark out somewhat, but wouldn't be soon enough, before they got the chair. "hey Colin, you awake?" "have been since 2 a.m." Colin then opens his eyes, getting up and streching. "do you have the time?" "yeah, its a quarter to six" Melanie then wakes "great, why can't every bad nightmare, turn out to be just a dream" "if your mad at us, we won't disagree. We asks for this,you didn't" "yeah, but I tried my best to help. I just with Cheif would of did the same" "what do you mean?" "Cheif is a police officer, that was fried from a patrol unit in Arizona, he was lucky enough to lie his way in" "how do you know that?" Jacob asks "I'm good friends with him, we knew each other for years, until the kromaggs arrived, controlling everything here" "how long were they here?" "for about 4 years, they just popped into this world, taking control" "so thats probably why we're all in the prison, we have sliding technology, just like the kromaggs, making us bad as them" "to bad we couldn't appeal, I would love to tell this world how sliding might change society" "bad idea-" Suddenly the doors open "good morning folks, I'm here to let you free" a man enters, wearing a black mask, he takes it off, to be revealed as Cheif. "you came through guy" "I told you I would never let down friends" "so how can you get us out, camera's are everywhere" "no prob, Mr. Mallory, besides, I think I have friends to help" Mr. Dansforth, Sara and Dean enter "your alive" Jacob exclaims. "yup, and the others are too" Cheif hands Colin and Jacob their timers back, after opening the cell. "what about Melanie?" "don't worry, I have my plan with her" "come on, we better move" Mr. Dansforth states. The other room, holding the sliders, the door opens, bringing the group in. Wade is now relieved as she call to Mr. Dansforth. Cheif opens the cell. "your free to fly away" the group thank Cheif then Colin walks up to Michael and Quinn. "dad, I'm shocked to see you, but its me, your son, Colin Mallory" the 3 have a exciting reunion. "ok people my timer opens in 45 seconds" Sara takes the timer, as Mr. Dansforth thanks Cheif. "I want to thank you for thi, I know that our friends will be upset, but we have a victory to win over" "you were too kind to help us, save us from the kromaggs" Sara opens the vortex "ok lets go" "good luck Cheif" "same to you" Melanie says good bye to Jacob and Colin, then exit the room, heading for an escape. Mr. Dansforth is last to enter, then the vortex collapses.
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