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Episode 611: False Representation

Here is another episode, for Scifi to apologize for putting on a spin off of Lexx, called Lexxy, which ended only after 2 eps.-On a dark street corner, a woman is walking down the sidewalk, when a man begins to follow, the woman looks back, and begins to run, but the man attacks the woman with a knife, killing her. An attractive woman appears walking across the street. "good work Pete, now leave before anyone notices, but first, a kiss" The 2 kiss, her eyes glow with a blue haze, then the man's eyes turn green. The man leaves, then the woman pulls out a small capsule, and fills it with some blood, dripping from the woman's back. She gets up, and puts the capsule in her purse, walking away from the scene. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 11: False Representation Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Monika Schnarre, John Stamos, and Dennis Franz as Police Detective Liam Foster. -At the crime scene, the following morning, police have blocked off the area. A detective bends down, to see what has happened, then Det. Foster arrives. "5th killing this week. We need to find the killer, before we get a riot, from the people, saying we can't do our job" "we'll have to analyze the knife, the killer could be dumb, with leaving fingerprints this time" Over in a nearby alley, the sliders exit. "is everyone ok?" "fine as usual, I just think we need a little R&R" "I agree, but we still need to return to the kromagg homeworld, and battle things out" "I wonder whats going on over there?" Wade asks "I can tell, its a murder investigation. Lets just skip the tour, and head to the hotel" Jacob states. The woman from the night previous, is watching the sliders from a coffee shop window, her eyes turn blue, then gets up from the table, exiting the shop. At the Concord, the 4 guys agree to head to the bar, while, Wade, Michelle and Michael head to the room. "I think I'll plan for a movie, I mean we slide in 178 hours, so why not relax" "don't say that, usually something always happens to us" The woman enters the bar, spotting the sliders, she heads to the bar, asking for a drink, then purposely walks pass the guys, spilling the drink on Quinn's pant leg. "sorry, I'm clumsy" "thats ok, I was about to change anyway" "how about I buy you another drink, its on the house" The woman begins to clean up the floor. "sure, on one condition, I get to sit with you all?" "sure, we'd love the company" In the room, Michael is sitting at the desk, with the PDL active. "I think this information I got a few slides back, is helping. I figure, if I could get a lock on a wormhole trail, like Major Jackson did to us, it may lead us to find someone we know" "yeah, but what if you lead us back to something worse?" "then we can slide on. I can just program the timer to have a few minutes, with a few calculations, and then if we want, we can slide out, and return if its helpful" "good plan, I like it" Wade comments. The woman introduces herself as Deidra Lancastor, and she explains, she is looking for a few guys to be in a photo shoot, for a magazine called Two-Thousand. "It sounds nice, but we won't be staying long" "actually, if it pays well, I wouldn't mind doing it" "fine, heres my card, call me, I'll be waiting" Deidra leaves, as Doug gets really interested. "that woman is incredible. I'll probably take the shot at it" "what if shes lying, maybe she just wants sex" "we need the money. Besides, all I have to do, get a few pictures done, and we get some dough" "fine, but I think we should do this as a team, at least the girls can break from a job, since we made them work at a chicken factory for a week" That night, in the room, Wade and Joe are playing a card game, while Doug is resting, he suddenly wakes sweating and screams. "whats wrong man?" "nothing, I had this strange dream. I killed someone, then that woman we met earlier was chasing me, and we ended up making out in an alley, then she stabs me with a suringe of something, and I dropped, which is now when I woke" "maybe next time, you won't rent 10 horror videos" Wade says. "all I can say, it felt real" "just get ready for tomorrow" Joe comments, which then, Doug lays back down. The next morning, the 4 guys arrive at Deidra's studio. "great, you guys showed. Ok, if you follow me, I can begin my instructions" They enter her office, as they all sit down. "well even though your not staying long, I just need a few pics of you in different outfits, and I'll pay up front, and in cash, a total of $500 dollars each" "I can say this for all of us, we accept" "good, lets get started" The guys get into different wardrobes, bathing suits, casual wear, then dress in tuxes and some models came in to be by their sides dressed up as well. Separate photos are taken of each guy in their boxers, then all together, and finally, they got to wear construction clothing. After the guys are paid, Jacob, Quinn and Joe exit, but Deidra stops Doug. "I really appreciate this. I hope you don't mind, but I need to do something" "whats that?" Deidra grabs a hold of Doug, then kisses him, her eyes turn to a red color, then Doug's turn orange. They break away. "sorry. I found you attractive, I just had to do it, before you left out of my life" "its ok, I find you very beautiful as well" The 2 look at each other, Quinn walks back in, telling Doug to come, so he does as they head back to the hotel. Wade and Michelle count the money, then unfortunately give it back to the guys. "at least we can spend, spend, spend on what we want" "for now, lets wait a day, then go on a shopping spree" "agreed, but we get first dibs on the paychecks" "fine" Jacob says. Michael returns to the room, to find the others. "good news, I just returned from the university. I conducted some tests and with the professor's equations in his studies, I can use them now. I can now begin to advance the tech in the timer. Make it more usuable, so we might be able to slide at will, whenever we want. I suggest we keep sliding until we find my world" "great, things are getting better every second, whats next, a winning lottery ticket?" That night as the group enjoyed a dinner in the hotel, Doug begins to feel warm, he tells the others he needed air, so he planned to go outside. As Doug stood next to a newsstand box, Doug can hear Deidra's voice in his head, telling him to enter the alley, right across from him. Suddenly, bright lights covered him, then as he uses his arm to cover his face, Deidra tells him to get into the jeep. He heads towards the light, and gets into the vehicle. Quinn and Joe exit the hotel, to see them drive off. "hey, wait!" Quinn yells, but Deidra just takes off, speeding away. Quinn sees someone high above them, across the street, in an apartment building, the man shuts off his head gear with lights, then jumps back into his apartment. "great, now we have viewers, we probably better go and see if he has anything to say" The 2 head up the fire escape, with Joe making it to the man's apartment first, he tries closing it, but Joe is strong enough to open the window, knocking the man on the floor. Joe dives in, then throws the guy up against the wall, making a dent. Quinn finally arrives. "why were you watching us?" "you know Deidra too. I saw your friend come outside, then Deidra coaxed him into a jeep. Shes going to use him for killing people" "how do you know so much?" "I used to work with her at a lab at Cal Tech. We were trying to perfect a way to make women feel and look younger. We figured if you used blood from other young women, and sythisize it, then follow up by drinking a dose, you can look at least 20 years younger. After she abused the idea, she somehow got men to do her bidding, killing women for her. She has a necklace, that makes the men hypnotised, and they will every order" "and what if Doug does this, will he be her lap dog forever?" "actually she uses her slaves, only when they kill 10 women, they become revolved around her, doing anything she wants, then when Deidra is tired of the man, she undos the spell or whatever, and they die instantely" "sounds more like black magic to me. That means if Doug turns into one, it will be hard to break the chain" "then we'll have to get after them. Do you have a car?" "I'm actually ahead of everyone. After a few killings, to deal with this advancement in her power, I connected a tracking device to her vehicle. All I have to do, is activate it and we're good to go. You can borrow my truck, but we should wait until tomorrow, it takes time to activate the tracker" "fine, we'll meet you tomorrow around nine, by the way, whats your name?" "I'm Neil Simons, nice to meet you" "this is Quinn, I'm Joe, we have others, that we'll have to bring with us" "fine, just let go of me, and meet me later" Joe lets go of Neil, the 2 head to the door, exiting it, remembering the apartment number G7. By the next morning, the sliders quickly do everything so they can get to Neil's apartment. "I'll remain here, continue to work on these equations, just call if you need me" "ok dad, but I think we have a lot of traveling to do" The sliders knock on Neil's door, and as he opens it, several machines are operational. "welcome to my lab, sort of" "hows the tracking coming?" "its working, I have a few bugs to get out of it, but it works. Heres my truck keys, you probably should refill it, I had it out a few months ago, and it was near empty. Don't worry, I have cash" Neil hands Quinn a twenty. "fine, Wade, Michelle, stay with Neil. Joe, Jacob and I have a friend to find" "good luck Quinn, hope Deidra doesn't know what shes up against" Quinn smiles. "Neil, keep an open line for us to chat" "don't worry, I have a cb radio installed, just turn it on, and talk. I'll be waiting" The 3 guys head out, find the truck in a garage, Joe gets in the drivers seat, Quinn is in the passenger seat, while Jacob sits in the extended cab, they head out for a gas station. "have a seat ladies, this might take awhile" "who is this Deidra, anyway?" "she use to be a chemist working with ideas to find a way for youthfulness. She just had a breakthrough, but she overpowered men, in the destruction of women" "you mean all she wants is beauty?" "yup. As I told your friends, if she gets a man under her skin, he could become her slave forever, only if they kill 10 women, and if the man are lucky enough, she will grant them youth as well" "the others will find Doug, and bring him back to us" Michelle looks to a television screen behind her, and turns up the volume, a woman reporter is on the scene. "this morning, the killer strikes again, and the woman lost a lot of blood, along with a steak knife in her back. Detective Foster, have you found anything yet?" "actually we have, after the murder, we tested the knife for fingerprints, they match a man named Doug Carter"(they show a picture of Doug's double with black framed glasses) we arrested him earlier this morning, but he had other words to say" the scene changes to Doug's double walking with his lawyer, as reporters try to get the story out of him. "leave me alone, I didn't kill that woman" then the double hits a reporter, telling him to back off. "for any information, call your local police department" suddenly, a woman appears by the reporter, who speaks with a french accent "I've seen that man, he was staying at the Concord Hotel" Michelle then turns off the tv "we better warn Michael, he could get arrested for helping a felone" They hear police sirens, then cars arrive at the hotel "Neil, wheres your phone?" Wade asks, she finds it, then calls to their room. "Michael, get out of there, the police think somethings up with Doug, and the room. They may arrest you" "I know, I saw the report, see you soon" Michael grabs the PDL, heading for the door, then suddenly, officers break in, knocking Michael to the floor, and the PDL off to the side. "your under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" As the 3 guys travel down the road, they are chatting with Neil. "we'll just have to hope that my dad won't spill anything. But back to our journey, we're coming up on a highway 255" "I'm tracking them to Portland, heading north. Maybe there trying to head to Canada, make a clean break. Take the highway, until you reach Beaverton" "we're on it, check back with you soon" At the police station, Michael is put in a cell, the officer puts the PDL on his desk, along with the professor's equations/sliding folder. "Mr. Mallory, it would be easy if you told us something. I would hate to do harmful harm to these precious items of yours" "like I said, I don't know a damn thing" "don't worry, Detective Foster will chat with ya later" Michael then sits on the bench, as a drunken man falls to the floor, puking out junk near Michael's shoes. "those are expensive, you better plan on paying for the damage your doing if you get any stains on the shoes" That night, the 3 guys are staying in a motel for the time being in Oregon, Quinn is laying on the bed, when Joe exits the bathroom drying his hair, then Jacob enters with a bag. "well I found some junk food and pops from the machines down stairs" "hey, turn the volume up" Quinn says to Joe, as they watch the television. "In recent hours, we've been able to find 6 more women along the side road in Portland, Oregon heading up into Washington. The officers still have no leads. We suspect an accomplise, due to Doug Carter's arrest earlier. We'll continue with updates, as the hours continue, reporting live from Seattle, this is Martha Romwell" Joe then shuts off the television, since that is probably what will be on for entertainment. "well, all I can say, is we better find him soon, theres a count of 7 women, 3 more, and we lose him for good" Quinn says. "if Neil can give us good tips, who knows what will happen when we catch up to them. Deidra may blame Doug with the charges, and we'd have the hell of a time to rescue Doug from prison" Jacob states. In an interegation room, Michael sits with the spotlight on him, "one last time, tell us what we need to know" "as I said before, I know nothing of this odd murder case" "fine, we'll have to play it the hard way. Bring in his stuff" another officer exits, then shortly after, he returns with the PDL and the research. "can this get you to speak" "possibly, depends on what you need to know" "this is bull, we'll begin with your files, start talking or we burn them" "whats to say they aren't as important to me, than that device" "get a trash can, and a lighter" the files are tossed in, Det. Foster starts a fire, Michael tries to save the folder, but its too late. "Ow, listen to those pages burn, baby burn. Now lets try this thingy. Our resident scientist knows that it scans origins of places. Maybe your not from around here" "you could say that. It was given to me as a gift, to help me in traveling" "fine, lets take this apart, and make it a paperweight" "no. I tell you what I know" "good, the cars rolling now" "my friend isn't your killer. He just looks like him. The woman hes with is the killer. I know that my son last saw her take off in a jeep cherokee. I think the girls name is Dida, or something" "good. Heres your machine back. If we get false leads, you'll lose more than that device" Michael agrees to that assumption. By the next afternoon, Quinn is driving, while Jacobs in the back and Joe is where he should be. "Hey Neil, we're heading to Canada, whats your lead" "well for starters, your heading in the right direction. Deidra headed to Vancouver, Canada. They're stopped at a rest area. Just, when you come up to the bounties cross line, I'll do the talking" "Quinn, its me, Wade, we found out that your dad hasn't been released yet, but the detective thats been talking to him, is on your trail" "how did you know this information" "just say, I have my contacts with the police, with homing devices" "good work Neil, I could of used you back home" "I'm not that kind of theif Joe. Since your friend Michelle told me about you" "I'll just have to talk to you Michelle, when we get back" At the gate, Quinn stops the car, a bountie approaches the window. "sorry sir, you can't enter, due to 2 killings, no pedestrians may enter our country" "but we're suppose to meet with friends, their waiting" On the radio, Neil begins to speak "yeah, sir, this is Neil Simons, I'm with the LAPD, these are my undercover officers, they have no badges" "excuse me Mr. Simons, but no one is allowed unless I get contacted by actual officers" Joe shuts off the radio "is there any possible way we might get in" "hold on, just back off, and pull off to the side. When I know who you really are, you may possibly pass" "fine, I'll back off" The bountie returns to the inside station, as Quinn begins to back off. "your seriously not going to follow his orders, are you?" "no Jacob, just a little distance is all we need. I hope Neil doesn't mind a little damage to his bumper" Quinn steps on the pedal, heading straight through, breaking the wooden gate down, the bounties head outside, pointing rifles at them, and firing, but only hit the back window twice, missing the other 4 times. "that was cool, I thought we could never out run officers before" "sliding for as long as I have, and you get use to it. Lets go find Doug" Quinn speeds up, heading up a hill. In Vancouver, its pouring rain, the truck hits a few pot holes, but are on the trail. "the jeep should be meters away. My scanner aren't that good to find them, so use my flashlights in the back, to search the area. And one more thing, Deidra is wearing a necklace, you must take it off and destroy it. That will break the spell" Joe suddenly tells Quinn to stop, when the jeep is inches away. "ok, lets do this. Remember, both Doug and Deidra are considered dangerous" Joe and Jacob say "right" at the same time. Quinn heads back down the road, Joe heads up the hill, and Jacob heads forward, so they can get a larger surrounding of the 2. Over the large hill, an older woman is tied to a tree, as Deidra and Doug head to her. "this is the final victim, once you kill her, you too will have eternal life of attractiveness" "of coarse my love, then we can have children to destroy the world" the woman interrupts the 2 "excuse me, let me go, if this is some crazy trick, you'll be hearing from my lawyer" Deidra slaps the woman, then hands Doug a carving knife "this is for you Deidra-" "No!" they turn to see Joe, "you can't do this. You'll regret it forever" "shut up, hes my slave now, not yours. You had the chance to be my lover, but not anymore. Nothing you can say or do, will get Doug under control" A helicopter's light shines around the area, a gun shot is heard, and Doug drops the knife, then falls to the ground. "hold it Deidra Lancastor, your under arrest for the murder of 21 women and 3 men" "I don't know what your talking about" Detective Foster shines his light to see Joe, then Deidra attacks Foster, getting his gun. "now whos in trouble" Jacob arrives to knock Deidra over, he grabs her necklace, then throws it to the ground, smashing it to pieces. Deidra screams for the loss of her powers, then Det. Foster takes out handcuffs, locking Deidra up. Minutes later paramedics put Doug in the back of an ambulance. "Mr. Mallory, I see you work pretty well with resolving cases. Your father is good help too" "good thing you got here in time, our friend may of been controlled for life" "just leave us a statement when you return. By the way, we need to speak with your contact, Neil Simons, he would be a good person to add to our staff. Tell him that too, since we've known about him for a few weeks, but didn't want to break the ice, until you just did. Your father is free, waiting back at the hotel your staying at" "thanks detective Foster" Jacob, finally gets in the drivers seat, then Joe and Quinn jump in, as Jacob backs the truck up, and returning to California.
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