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Episode 610: Second Chances Part 2

2 weeks ago, Scifi was originally going to take Sliders off the air for a few weeks, to bring a new show to Scifi, Lexxy, a Lexx series spin-off, about a group of women that went around capturing men from earth to have sex with them, but with very poor ratings, it was yanked only after 2 episodes. So Scifi is apologizing to Sliders fan with 2 new eps, one tonight and the next on Thursday.Previously on Sliders: After a night of passion between Quinn's double and Wade, they try to figure out there relationship, but after Wade meets a double of a guy she liked, Norm Roberts, she falls for him, thinking that he would be a great man to be with. Then Michael tries to figure a way to help in getting the group home with information from Arturo's double, then the night before the slide, Norm asks Wade to marry him, now the conclusion. -As Wade is shocked of what Norm just asked, she stops him, with hope of getting an answer. "Norm, thats a shocker, I think we need to talk about this" "whats to talk about, I know you lost your ex-husband, and I know I act shallow, but I feel I can give you the life you need. I could give you everything you needed" "Can I think about it?" "sure, just don't take too long, but for starters, could you lead me to one possible choice?" "I'll say maybe" "maybe. That sounds good, but why let what just happen, spoil the rest of the evening, we can eat, have a few drinks and I'll take you back to the hotel" "sounds like a plan" With hours flying past, Wade is brought to the hotel, by Norm's car, they kissed good night, then Wade returns to her room, to find Quinn and Anita in bed making out. "damn Quinn, can't you take this stuff somewhere else?!" "sorry Wade, thought you'd be staying with Norm" Wade slams the door shut, running down to the lobby, she runs into Michelle, who has just returned from a swim. "whats wrong?" "I can't deal with this now" "Wade, calm down, what is it?" "maybe its time we told everyone about it. It was me and Quinn making all that noise the night before the slide. We then decided, it was best to be just friends" "so why get mad?" "he's upstairs with another woman, I thought, maybe we could get things going again, but I guess I'm wrong. I also have other news, Norm asked me to marry him" "he did, what did you say?" "I told him I needed time, so I plan to answer him tomorrow" What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 10: Second Chances Part 2 Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Kim Raver and Ben Affleck as Norm Roberts. The following morning, the sliders, excluding Wade, Quinn and Jacob, they are eating breakfast in a skylighted room, Michelle takes a cup of coffee, sitting next to Joe. "so Michael, have you did anymore calculations with the PDL?" Doug asks "I think I need to spend more time, learning of the PDL's ability. We just received this after we got your friends home" "don't look at me, the Quinn I knew was a genius, all he had to do was punch a few buttons, and stuff usually worked" Jacob then appears, with most of shirt engulfed in sweat. "I see someone got exercise this morning" "yeah, I ran 5 miles, I also sweat easily. I better go take a shower" Jacob walks past Quinn who is wiping his eyes. "good morning Quinn, tough night?" "I just stayed up late. Has anyone seen Wade?" "she left with Norm about 2 hours ago. Have a seat, I'm about to take a swim" Joe leaves, then Michelle slides over for Quinn to sit. As the morning continued on, Wade and Norm sit in the park, relaxing from a long run "I never knew you could run that fast" "yeah, well when you take a year of track in high school, you get use to running" "so, are you ready to run back to the hotel?" "uh.... how about we go back to your place. But first, let me run over to that store, I found an outfit I liked yesterday" "ok, I'll wait here" Wade gets up, running over to the store, and nearly hit by atruck, with the driver yelling at her for being in the way. Anita dives off the diving board, then Quinn arrives, ready to do the same. Joe is chatting with an attractive woman, laying in a longchair, Jacob gets up to get a drink, when Wade appears, her hair, still wet from a shower, and Norm is following behind her. "Wade, I'm surprised to see you here. I must of missed you this morning, during my jog" "well Norm took me to another part of the city. Do you know where Michael is?" "yeah, he went for a walk, he should be back soon. Why, whats going on?" Wade grabs a hold of Jacob, taking him far from the counter, "I think I'm falling in love with Norm. I've decided to say yes to the marriage proposal. All Michael has to do is call up this last world's coordinates, and return" "are you crazy, the longer your here, the more of a chance you'll want to stay" "I know, but why can't I have happiness" "think about our world, I bet Norm is alive on our world, I bet if we get home, you can find him" "I just feel, it wouldn't be the same. Talk to ya later, Norm is taking me out tonight to a dance club" "don't forget, we slide at 8:13 p.m. tonight" "ok, I'll be back, and we can deal with things later" Wade turns around, heading back to Norm, when she sees Quinn and Anita kissing. Wade then walks over, then begins kissing Norm. Later that afternoon, Wade takes a taxi ride to find her double, she exits the cab, in front of a victorian house, with a blue picketed fence, surrounding it. She pays the fee, then as she enters the gate, the door opens, and its Wade's double, who then faints. Wade helps her double up, taking her inside, and giving her water. The double then awakes, as Wade clams her down, and begins explaining the whole sliding story, which the double finds nonsense. "I can't believe crackhead, like yourself, would come here, saying this stuff. You probably just got my picture, had plastic surgery done, to gain all my money, worth up to 40 billion dollars" "you don't get it. If your Quinn had began to design a device to open portals, he may have kept designs in his basement" "that's a wrong analogy. My husband went down there to cool off, after a fight" "fine, I'm going down, whether you like it or not" "you can't do that!" Wade opens the door, heading down to the basement, she turns on a light, the spots a table, covered in a white cloth. She heads over, taking it off, and discovers a sliding machine, equations and diagrams. The Wade double comes below, "see, I told you so. So you have to believe me now" "what did you want, anyway?" "to first, prove, I'm your double from another world. Now, obviously, I'm in need of your help. Do you remember a guy from college, named Norm Roberts?" "yeah. He was a hot looking stud, why do you ask?" "he asked me to marry him. I said yes. Now heres the problem, I need to leave tonight, but I thought possibly to live in this world forever" "oh, and now you have to deal with me. Well thats all you had to say. I'll take your spot with Norm, any day" "thats the problem, I'm unsure if I'm willing to let him go. I've fallen in love with him, and I know if I leave, it may break his heart" "well don't expect me to take your spot when your gizmo opens, taking me to who knows where" "lets do this, I plan on staying in town for a few more days. My group should be able to retun for me, and then I'll decide" "decide what?" "If I'm staying here or not" Wade leaves the house, heading back to the hotel on foot, but runs into Michael along the way. "I need to talk to you" "fine, what is it?" "its about tonight. I think I'm staying here for good. And miss the slide" "great, that makes 2 now. You know that we won't be able to control the slide. We may slide out, then return 10 minutes later, or land on the next world for 3 months" "so what, just keep returning, until I'm ready to decide. Besides, who else is staying?" "Quinn. He thought he should let Anita down, slowly, then slide with us" "Just meet me at the hotel in 4 days. I'll make my decision, but until then, I need sleep, and more money, to buy clothes" "we'll deal with that, when we get back to the hotel" Michael and Wade get up from the bench, heading left, back to the hotel. That night, at a dance club, Wade is wearing a red dress, and Norm is wearing a black shirt, and slacks. They begin to dance, when Wade recognizes Quinn and Anita dancing, she tells Norm that they should sit, and get a drink, and he agrees. As Norm takes a drink, he sees Quinn, and tells Wade that her friend is here. Wade gets a little upset to see Anita with Quinn. "maybe we should leave, go back to your place" "you mean right now, we just got here a half hour ago" "lets just go, ok" "ok, fine, we'll go back to my house" At the Concord, in Michael's room, the others join him to slide out. "wheres Wade and Quinn?" Michelle asks "they both decided to stay, they had relationship issues to deal with" "well, lets just hope they finish their problems before we get back" Jacob opens the wormhole, then the 5 enter. The portal reopens outside a 24 hours a day bar, the vortex tosses the group out, then closes. "we slide in 32 hours" "great, I think we all should get a drink" "only if you pay" Joe looks to Doug, "nice remark dumb-ass, of coase I'm going to buy our drinks!" They all head to the entrance, as bikers exit laughing. Back at Norm's house, they are sitting on the couch, drinking wine, when Wade feels its time to tell Norm the news. "I think if we were to marry, I feel everything should be out in the open. I need to tell you a secret, but I don't know how you'll react" "anything you tell me, will not push me to judge you any different" "well this is a shocker-" Wade is cut off by the phone ringing. "hold on, I'll be right back" Norm grabs the phone, heading to the kitchen, Wade can hear that Norm is talking to someone about him gettin married. Wade begins to get nervous. "I'm back, that was my parents, they were shocked earlier when I told them. So, what was it, that I needed to know?" "Ok, when I was married to Quinn I slept with 3 different guys, including my boss. I just wanted to tell you this, so in case your wondering why I flirt with guys, that you don't think the wrong way" "Interesting. But it doesn't change anything. Maybe you can show me some moves you did with the guys" Norm begins to kiss Wade's neck, and they get up, heading to his bedroom, while they take off each others clothing. They make it to the bed, making love, for most of the night. By morning, the 2 are sleeping. Wade awakes, with Norm's arm around her, she looks at the clock, and realizes its near noon. She gets up and begins to dress. "what are you doing, I thought we could stay in bed all day" "sorry, I need to say good bye to my friend back at the hotel. He's leaving, heading to Russia" "well, tell him he'll need a heavy jacket" Wade laughs, "so maybe we can meet for a late lunch?" "sure, stop by around 4" "ok, I will" Wade bends down, kissing Norm, she grabs her jacket, exiting the room, and returning to the Concord Hotel. Wade walks in, to see Quinn, buttoning his shirt. "didn't think you'd be here today" "I had to change. But I feel we should talk. I know that I agreed to marry Norm, and I know that we were passionate a few days ago" "Wade, maybe its time we just ended things. I mean I wouldn't mind it if we started a relationship. I will always have a part of my heart for you, but if you feel this is right, than I'm happy for you" "I feel the same with you. But after so many years of sliding, I still want to go home" "what are you getting at?" "I met up with my double yesterday, maybe things can work between the her and Norm. What happened to Anita?" "I actually told her I was leaving town and after a sliding explanation, she smacked me a good one, and left. I would be willing to help you, since we are the only ones around" "that would be a good idea. Just let me change, and we can go" At Wade's double's house, Wade and Quinn chat with the double. "so, you finally came crawling back after one day. I knew you didn't have it in you to stay" "I'm not coming to beg for you to take my place. I have to leave, and I think Norm could be able to love someone, like you" "how about your friend here, he seems reasonably cute" "I'm leaving too, so take your chances with another great guy" "how about this, you meet me at the Concord Hotel tonight. I'll bring Norm there, and that is where you can meet" "fine with me, just hope he can except me, as he has with you" "he will. I know it" At Norm's house, Wade and Norm are eating lunch. Outside it has began to rain. "Wade, you seem quiet, whats wrong?" "nothing, I just don't know what to feel. I mean I said I'd marry you, but I lost Quinn, only a couple days ago" "like I said, we have plenty of time to figure things out. I'm not pushing it" Norm turns on some music, and takes Wade's hand, to dance. They shuffle around on the floor, they begin making out and land on the sofa. Norm begins to unbutton Wade's blouse, when she stops. "Norm, I can't do this anymore, to lie. I'm not the woman you know. This is going to sound weird. I'm not from this world-" "what are you saying, you don't want to marry me?" "no, I landed here with a group of people traveling to dimensions. I took the Wade of this worlds place. I only fell for you, since on my world, I had a crush on you" "Wade, your starting to freak me out. If your breaking up with me, just say it. Leave before I try to stop you" "Norm, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you-" "Leave Wade, get out before I do something, that will hurt you!" Wade puts on her shoes, grabs her jacket, heading out in the rain, and calling for a taxi with tears in her eyes. Later that night, Wade is waiting in the room, she has learned that the others returned, and they slide out in less than an hour from now. Quinn walks in to see Wade in tears. "hey, whats wrong. you never talked about what happened at Norm's" "I tried telling him I was a slider, but thought I was breaking up with him" "don't beat yourself up. I think every person we tell that we slide to parallel dimensions, believe we're crazy. I know its hard to land on a world, with people I wish I could hang with, or just talk to" "it just hurts. I finally meet a man I would spend the rest of my life with, and I can't stay for keeps" "well when your ready, we'll be in the bar, don't forget our sliding window" "I won't. Can you hand me the tissue box?" Quinn tosses the box, and heads out the door, as Wade continues watching T.V. A few minutes later, there is a knock at the door. Wade opens it to find Anita. "hi, is Quinn around?" "no, hes in the bar with our other friends" "I'm not sure how close you 2 are, but I feel I should tell you first, we had unprotected sex a couple nights ago, and I think I'm pregnant. I took a pregnancy test this morning, and it was negative" "you probably should tell Quinn, I know he would like to know" "thanks Wade, your so nice to talk to" Wade closes the door with a shocked look on her face. At the front desk, Norm is asking the clerk at the counter if Wade was in, but he is told that Wade has checked out. Wade then exits an elevator, and their eyes meet. Norm runs and picks Wade up, twirling her around. "Wade, I can't believe I didn't want to see you again" suddenly, Wade's double shows, "here you are. I've been trying to find you, since you stood me up at your room" "sorry, but I didn't think it was right to hang around" "wow, stop fucking with me, am I seeing straight, there are 2 of you?" "like I said, this is my double" Joe then walks out to spot Wade, "come on, we don't have much time left" Joe grabs a hold of Wade's arm, pulling her into the bar, while the 2 follow. "let me get this straight, you want me to marry the double?" "look, I don't have much time. I know if you two get to know each other, things may turn around. I just hope you can fall in love, like I did with you Norm" "its time" Jacob says. "in here, inside this bar, you do know that people are in here" Doug comments. Jacob opens the portal, as people stare in amazement, "lets go" the sliders begin to enter as Wade says her final good bye. "have a nice life, I hope you 2 will be perfect for each other. By the way, heres your ring back" "no Wade, I can't except that, its your to keep" "really, thanks for the time we spent together" Wade hugs and kisses Norm, then pats her double's shoulder, she then turns to the portal, jumping up. It closes as Norm and Wade's double look to each other. "how about a drink?" Norm asks. "sure, I'd love a beer" A few days later, Anita is sitting in a doctors office in a hospital gown, when a female doctor enters. "well, I have good news for you. Your pregnant. Congrats" Anita is stunned. "do you want me to call the father?" "uh... no, Quinn is actually traveling to different worlds, to explore new findings. I'll just surprise him when he ets back.
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