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Episode 609: Second Chances Part 1

- In darkness, 2 people are making passionate love in a bedroom, it is to be revealed its Wade and Quinn's double. Wade moans and screams out his name, as Quinn kisses her body. By the next morning, the group enter the park for the slide."So Wade, how did you sleep?" Michelle asks "it was ok, I slept right through the night." "I didn't, I was up, since this couple above me was doing it." "maybe it was Joe and a girl?" "no, I was at her place." "ok, enough sex talk, its time" Michael opens the vortex, then each enter, then the portal closes. I reopens inside a courtroom, making the sliders knock chairs and tables over, the portal closes. "good thing there wasn't a session going on, or we might of had to go on trail" Doug comments. They exit the building, Michael tells the others they have 3 days here, so Quinn's double and Wade decide to go off for coffee, while the others head to the hotel. They enter a shop, a waitress takes their order, then as they sit down, they chat about the night previous. "Look, I think what happened last night, was nothing we should of done" "I agree, but I think with us being drunk, who could not want a little pleasure" "or maybe you miss your Quinn, so you chose me instead" "no, thats wrong. My Quinn really is my good friend, hes in love with this woman named Maggie Beckett, the bitch" Wade looks out the window to see Norm Roberts, a guy she liked back home, "I'll be right back, I just saw someone" "hey Wade, we're not done talking yet" Wade runs out of the coffee shop, and catches up to Norm, she accidently rams into him, so he would stop. Norm does stop, turns around to see her. "hey, your Wade Welles aren't you?" "yeah, hi, your Norm Roberts-" "yeah, we went to college together. Man its great seeing you" "you too, I was drinking coffee when I saw you" "so, I heard you got a divorce, it was Quinn Mallory right?" Wade looks surprised, "we had our differences" "differences?! I heard he beat you a lot. My law firm covered the case. It was finished before I got back from Hawaii" "well, I was wondering, if you weren't doing anything, would you like to get a drink later?" "sure, I'm still single. How about the Manhattan Night Club?" "sure, I should be able to find it" "its just down from the Concord Hotel, say 8 tonight?" "I'm actually staying at the hotel. So sure, 8 p.m. tonight" Norm walks away, as Wade is happy of what just happened, then she turns around to return to the coffee shop. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home...Starring: Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet John Walcutt and Antonio Sabato Jr. as Quinn Mallory "Sliders" Episode 9: Second Chances Part 1 Guest Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Erik Palladino, Jerry O'Connell, Kim Raver, and Ben Affleck as Norm Roberts. As the sliders met in the bar at the Concord Hotel, Wade and Quinn find out, they have to share a room. "is that ok, but if not, I can switch. I'd just like to get to know Doug more" "no, thats fine Joe, me and Quinn are friends, right Quinn?" Quinn is out of it, Wade slaps his arm "oh sure, whatever" They enter the room, then Quinn grabs a hold of Wade, and they begins kissing again, when a knock at the door is heard, Wade breaks away, she opens it to find Michelle. "hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the park, since a festival is going on" "sure, I think I need fresh air. Quinn, I'll see you later" "yeah, fine" Wade shuts the door, then the 2 women head out. In the park, Wade and Michelle get lunch, having ice cream, and an elephant ear, when Wade suddenly rams into Quinn of this world, on accident. "yeah Wade, great to see you. We need to talk" "why, whats it matter, we're divorced" Quinn grabs a hold of Wade, telling Michelle to hold on. They go behind a trailer. "whats your problem, I thought you loved me?" "maybe I did, when we first met, I can't believe you would do anything harmful to a woman you loved" "well, lets try again, how about dinner tonight at St. Clair's?" "no, get off it Quinn, your a beater and a loser. You'll always be one" Wade rejoins Michelle, "what was that about?" "just my double. I met this guy I liked from back home, he told me the Quinn of this world beat his wife, my double, so I plan to meet Norm Roberts for a drink tonight" "sounds interesting. Tell me something, it was you and Quinn up in that room last night, wasn't it?" Wade blushes, "yes. But we just felt lonely, and drunk" "maybe you just miss your Quinn so much, that you'd take his double instead" Norm walks up behind the women, as they chat, then he puts his hands on her eyes, "guess who this is?" "I don't know, but I'll take you" the hands come off, Wade turns around. "what are you doing here?" "I decided to take a personal day off. Mind if I join you?" "sure, you can eat the rest of this ear" Norm takes the elephant ear, then puts his arm around Wade, as the 3 walk. That night, Wade is getting ready for her date with Norm, she exits the bathroom, turning to see Quinn laying on his bed, reading a magazine. "Quinn, I think we still need to talk, I mean we said it was nothing about last night, then you kissed me after we got to the hotel" "maybe I thought we could try for a relationship" Wade looks to her watch, "I'm late, I don't have time for this, I have to meet Norm. I'll see you later" "bye Wade, I love you" At the Manhattan Night Club, Wade finds Norm in a booth, she joins him. "you made it, I was about to think you weren't showing" "I ran late, I had nothing to wear" Wade sees the waitress coming over, "I'll have a Zima" "so, how are things going, I mean with Quinn?" "ok, I ran into him today, before you showed, I think its time we got things straight, I'm moving on with my life" "great. Well then I'm offering you out to dinner tomorrow night, this new place, Planet Hollywood, I don't know what the place is about, but it sounds interesting" "I think the place is about celebs, but sure, I'll join you, say 7 o'clock?" "ok, but maybe, I should pick you up, at the hotel. Whats your room number?" "its 479, on the right side" "I'm really glad to have you here. I feel things can start over with us" "we could give it a shot" The waitress returns with Wade's drink, then takes Norm's glass for a refill. "I thought you said you were never going to wear a goatee" "when did I say that? "a party" "yeah, probably a keg party, I always got drunk, I probably wouldn't have remembered that conversation anyway" Back at the hotel, Quinn heads to the pool, he begins to swim, when he sees this woman dive off the diving board, water splashes on Quinn, the woman returns to the surface. "sorry, my fault" "thats ok, I'm wet anyway" they laugh. "I haven't seen your around here before" "I'm just passing through, my names Quinn" "I'm Anita" They shake hands, then the 2 begins swimming together, when on accident, Anita bumps into Quinn, they look at each other, the begin kissing. By the next morning, Wade, Michael and Doug were heading to the library, to possibly learn if this world has grasped the idea of theoretical physics, so Michael may use it to get home, rather than landing in another bad place. As they wait for a cross sign to change, Wade looks over to see Quinn and Anita walking together, holding hands, across the street. "hey Michael, do you know who Quinn is with?" "never seen her before" The 2 run into them, "dad, I'm surprised to see you here. Anyway, this is Anita, we met last night at the pool. These are my friends Wade and Doug" "nice to meet you all" "you too" Doug states. "we're heading back to the hotel, wanna meet us for lunch?" "no, we have some studying to do Quinn, we can't play all the time!" "ok, well check with you later" The 3 cross over, as Quinn and Anita walk the other way. "didn't your friend act odd?" "uh, no, shes always like that" "Wade wasn't that a bit harsh. Don't tell me you have the hots for Quinn" "no, I just feel he would be a second chance for me, since my Quinn is not here" After being at the library for a few hours, Doug has found information on the internet. "Michael, I think scientists have studied it. We might have luck, theres a professor Arturo in the area, he teaches at UCLA. Thats about 3 miles from here" "did you say Arturo?" Doug shakes his head. "guess what, my friend that died a few years ago, was name Arturo, this double might be helpful" "fine, lets go, we might be able to catch him before lunch" Back at the bar, Quinn joins Joe and Jacob for drinks. "so, wheres Anita?" "shes suppose to meet me here, its almost noon" "so why did you want to talk to us?" "its about someone I know, she feels really edgy around me, after I did something, I thought she wanted me to do for her. She hates me now, so what do you think I should do?" "is this about Wade, or Michelle?" "its Anita, she was upset that I have a girl for a friend. She got mad, since she thought I slept with her" "so what did you do for her?" "we made out last night in the pool" "my boy, your growing up" Joe says. "All I can say, since I lost my girlfriend back home, I was willing to do whatever it took to get her back, I just never had the chance, since my Quinn slid early" "ok, thanks for the advice" Anita walks in, scanning to find Quinn, he waves his arm, "ok gentlemen, time for me to go" "good luck with this one" Joe hits Jacob in the arm, "what, I'm just saying he has other chances with her doubles" "thats right, maybe I should find a girl to hang with, and get to learn all the doubles on worlds, so I have a chance in bed with them" Joe then cracks his knuckles, then takes a drink from his glass. Around a quarter to six o'clock, Wade exits a store, returning to the hotel, for the date, later that night, she walks down a sidewalk, when she discovers people standing around something. Wade gets through people, and find a bloody mess, she hears a police officer talking to a reporter "Our friend (the Quinn of this world) jumped off the building, committing suicide" Wade got upset, running through the crowd, with tears rolling down her face, returning to the hotel. She rams into Quinn's double, she falls to her knees. "whats wrong Wade?" "I killed him!" "killed who?" Wade can speak, due to crying, so Quinn picks her up, and her dress, heading back to the room. Quinn sits her down, then grabs a cup, filling it with water. "here, drink this, it should calm you nerves down" "thanks" Wade has a tear stained face. "I just couldn't believe it. I was walking back from Macy's, when I saw the crowd, I went over, to see that the Quinn of this world, killed himself. I told him he was a loser" "you couldn't have known" "what about my double, she's probably gonna go through hell" "yeah, but they were divorced, I bet your double is living her life somewhere else" "I better get ready, I don't want to stand Norm up" Wade takes her shoes off, then her jacket, heading to the bathroom, closing the door. Michael and Doug decided to head over to the house of the professor, since they missed him at lunch. "I hope he doesn't get mad that we're coming" "if this guy is anything like Wade said, we probably better run" The 2 get up the stairs, Michael knocks, but no answer. "maybe hes not home" "maybe" Doug tries this time, but with no answer, Michael tries the door, its unlocked. "I think we may have a chance after all" The 2 enter, Doug finds a lamp, turning it on, "hey, I think I found something" Doug grabs a folder, opening it to equations. "could this be of any help?" "probably, I need to take a close eye on each page" "heres another folder, titled sliding stuff" "take that too, lets go, we better not get caught" They exit the house, then as they walk down the street, a car stops at the house, a large man exits it. "lets move a little quicker" Michael says. Near sunset, Norm arrives to pick Wade up, he knocks at the door, Quinn answers it. "this is Wade Welles's room isn't it?" "yeah, I'm her roommate, she'll be right out" "can I come in and wait?" "sure, I'm Quinn Mallory" "I'm Norm Roberts, nice to meet a friend of Wades. Your name is familiar to me. Its odd that Wade would meet 2 men named Quinn Mallory. First her husband, and you" "its a family name. We live in New York, part irish, I think. Can I offer you a drink?" "sure, have any vodca?" Quinn grabs a cup, pouring it full with vodca. Norm swallows it quickly, then Wade exits, wearing a stunning dress, her hair is up in a bun. "hey guys. Norm you ready?" "yeah, you look beautiful" "thanks. Bye Quinn" "bye" The 2 exit the room, as Norm shuts the door. Quinn grabs the phone, ready to call someone. Michael gathers the group in his room, "after studying this stuff by professor Arturo, I can exclaim, hes a smart man, but I barely know the geometrical knowledge of the equations. But as for the folder of sliding, it has given points on locating worlds, we have the PDL, I believe if we can concentrate on trying to find Mr. Dansforth, he may help us get home, possibly even to reconquer our world" "did this Mr. Dansforth guy, have a virus to kill the kromaggs? Joe asks. "he did, but right before my underground was taken over, he had returned with a woman, to bring the virus back. But with this locating machine, that is specified in the research, we could possibly locate Mr. Dansforth wormhole" At a fancy restuarant, Wade and Norm are seated, they are served the most expensive wine in the restuarant. "you really don't have to do all this for me, I'm just a good friend" "well you can start over, I feel maybe things may work out for us" Wade smiles, then the waiter arrives, to take their order, Norm orders in french, so Wade agrees to have the same, but hopes the food is good. "so, what should we celebrate, our meeting, or your dead beat husband gone from you forever" "how about we celebrate both" they click their wine glasses together, then Norm gets up from his seat, gets close to Wade, he bends to one knee. "I think after I ask this question, it'll really change your life" "what is it-" Wade Kathleen Welles, will you marry me?" Wade looks at him with a shock as the screen fades. To Be Continued......
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