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Episode 607: Shortcuts

-Off the shores of an island, the vortex opens, tossing the sliders out. They walk to the sandy beach ahead of them, and soon realize their alone."I guess you got your wish this time, at least we now have a beach to sun tan on." "yeah, just hope there aren't any hybrids here." "whats that suppose to mean?" Michelle asks "3 years ago, me and my group landed on an island, and we soon met angry hybrids of human and animal mix. We met a crazy doc-" Joe covers Wade mouth, as the group heads for bushes. A small boat passes them quickly, with 5 men aboard, all scruffy looking and dressed in pirate attire. "I think we better find a new place to stay, unless we want pirates taking up prisoners." Remmy comments. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home...Starring: Cleavent Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Michael Mallory "Sliders" Episode 7: Shortcuts Guest Stars: Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Jerry O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Erik Palladino, Linda Henning, and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook. The sliders start walking into the forest on the island "I hope we can find some food soon, I'm starving." Jacob says. "you had a chance to eat lunch, but you were sleeping." "hey Quinn, hows the timer doing?" "ok, nothing a little sun won't cure. We slide in 29 hours." Michael goes ahead of the group, when he sees a person, but then steps on a trap, causing him and the others to get caught up in a net trap in the air. "great, I don't think we've been this close to each other before." Joe comments as he laughs at the situation. A man wearing a black hooded sweater comes out "I've got you now devils, so I'll just leave you here to be eaten by the birds." "no, help us, we're not pirates, our boat sank, we swam to shore." the man takes his hood off, then pulls a knife out, cutting down the rope holding them. The group hits the ground, then the man helps Wade and Michelle up, "sorry, I should of realized women weren't used to be pirates." "I'm Michelle, nice to meet you, I use to be a pirate kind of, when I was with my boyfriend, Sid, a leader of this rebel group, but I'm different now." "I'm Doug Carter, nice to meet friendly faces." "great to meet you, I'm Jacob Arturo, these are my friends, Wade Welles, Michael and Quinn Mallory, Joe LaFountain, Remmy Brown and you've met Michelle." "whats going on here, we've been out at sea for a long time." Wade asks "I don't know much, I was traveling with some friends, when they were captured, see we're on a mission, our story is hard to explain. We probably better get back to camp, I'll explain more." Across from the island, a band of pirates are prancing around, since finding gold. A cage is far from them, holding hostages, "Quinn, I don't think trying to break the chain lock will help us." "Maggie, we don't have a choice, these people are killers, if we don't survive, we'll die." A woman named Nel, comes near them, "I brought you some water, I know we're rebels, but if you would join us, you wouldn't have to be locked away." "we told you when we got here, we just needed to food and we were leaving shortly after, but no, you took us as prisoners!" "Maggie, save your strength. Doug will save us." "yeah sure, we killed a man on the other island across from us, he looked worse than you do." "if you did anything to Doug, I'll promise myself to kill you all when I escape." Doug offers water to the sliders, and Jacob some food, "I found this stuff west of this location, they killed a man, an archilogist. I have bionoculars, want to see my friends?" Remmy decides to take a look, and is shocked to see who they are "your a slider aren't you?" "you know about sliding?" "yeah, we have for 5 years, by a man named Quinn Mallory." Wade states. "yeah, my Quinn, you could say, started this journey about 5 years ago, and I heard that they lost everyone, a professor to a mad-man, another named Colin was lost by Quinn's double, and 2 others to kromaggs. The woman, Maggie, said they thought they landed on Quinn's world, and took an alternate Rembrandt on accident, so they located his world, dropping him off, I joined them 7 months ago, when they saved me from a kromagg camp." "did they tell you how they lost their other friends?" "yeah, they landed on a desert world, met a Colonel Lexington, and the kromaggs attacked, capturing their Wade and Remmy." "wait a minute, I met a Colonel Lexington when I thought I had joined the right group. Did this Quinn tell you about how his Remmy joined?" "you must be obsessed with him. Quinn explained that he was driving his truck down the road, heading back to a military base-" "my god, I've found them!" "Remmy, what is it?" Joe asks "my sliding group. If we can rescue them, they should be able to realize its me." By sunset, the sliders were preparing for sleep, while Remmy and Doug plan their rescue attempt, "I have a canoe, its hidden down this hill. If we can take the back way in, we shouldn't have any problems find Quinn and Maggie." "I suggest you bring me along." Joe states as he loads a gun, "you'll need back up, and I know a thing or two about guns." "we could try to fit 3 of us in the canoe, but the problem is, how are we going to bring 5 people back." "just have 2 hang to the sides, as whoever paddles back." "sounds like the best shot we have." Doug says. Back on the other island, Quinn and Maggie are brought up to Captain Hook, "my friends, I believe its time we moved on, and by the way Quinn, we'll get you a new shirt, since you've ripped the one your wearing." "go to hell!" "just let us go, trust us, when we say, we're leaving town for good." "sorry my love, but you are needed for my comfort." Hook raises his hook and puts it to Maggie's face, then draws a line down to her cheek bone. Back at the other camp near midnight, Doug and Remmy are reminissing over old times, "I think things changed for Quinn when you and Wade were gone. He felt somewhat protective of me, since I sorta filled the void." "I was just relieved for someone to rescue me, but I felt bad that I was with the wrong group." Wade comes out of the tent, yawning, "you couldn't sleep either?" "somewhat, I just feel nervous being on this island." "I agree, when I first became alone, I was scared, not knowing what to do, or how to save my friends." "when did you and the others arrive here?" "we slid in 2 and a half weeks ago, we had the timer read 408 hours, the pirates have the timer, and unless we get the timer back before tomorrow by 1400 hours, we stuck here for 29.7 years." "you could use our timer, I'm sure Mr. Mallory and his son and even our Quinn could calculate the way to keep the vortex open for us all to slide through." "that may work, but we have the pirates to deal with first." By first light, the pirates are loading their treasures on the ship, while Quinn and Maggie remain in the cage, as pirates pass them, carrying crates, when Nel approaches the sliders, she has a key, "I'm here to escort you to the ship's brig, I'm sure Captain Hook will want to speak to you Maggie." "go to hell, I'd rather have my liver eaten by a vulture, than to be next to that mad-man!" Aboard the ship, Captain Hook is in his room, sitting at a desk, drinking coffee, when a pirate enters, and Hook covers up something, "good morning sir, I was wondering what you want down with the prisoners?" Captain Hook looks at the timer counting down, "bring them to me, I have a few questions before their sent to the brig." Captain Hook then uncovers a small device, "interesting equipment, maybe they'll be a good source to rule with." Near the shore, the canoe arrives, and Joe is loading up, "I'm ready if you are." "fine. Joe, I want you to go around, towards the ship and try to get on it and hide, I can't let it leave yet. Remmy, come with me, we have other plans to figure out. Remember, meet on the boat, in case we get lost from each other." "ok Doug." Joe says. Maggie and Quinn are forced into the captain's room, "why don't you let us go!" "I've decided to maybe lead to that option. But with these devices you have, I find them interesting." "you better leave the PDL alone, same with the timer." "yes, I can see of your time limit. Guards, take them away!" The large, strong built men, were forcing the 2 down the stairs, when Joe jumps down, from a roof, he knocks the guys over, "fellow sliders, I'm Joe, here to help with an old friend." Maggie and Quinn look to each other, "great, lets go!" The guards get back up, knocking the gun from Joe's hand. Quinn attacks the other one, while Maggie backs off to find a way to help. Punches are exchanged, then Maggie finds a 2x4, hitting the guy, Joe is fighting with, falls down, to the floor, "thanks." "no prob Joe." Quinn and the other guy continue fighting, when he pulls a postol out, "I don't think so, lets move now!" Maggie drops the board, on the other guy, and the 3 walk ahead of the guard, when suddenly, Doug and Remmy appear, Doug throws a small object towards them, when Remmy yells "get down!" and an explosion occurs, knocking the guard down, after he has scars on his face from the blast. Doug and Remmy run towards them helping the 3 up, "I'm glad to see you Doug." "we have another problem, Captain Hook has the timer and the PDL." "are you kidding about that name?" "no, as funny as it is, that is what his name is." Captain Hook apears, "I figureed you'd show up eventually. But now that I have you all cornered, your life can end right here." more pirates appear, and coming aboard the ship, "capture them, and have them put in the brig." By mid afternoon, the other sliders on the island are getting worried, "we don't have much time, yet the guys are still over there." "we better do something, if their not back here in 2 hours, their stuck here for good." "fine, I'll swim over, if I'm not back, leave without me, I'm serious." the others look to Jacob. "fine, I'll go too, to make sure you don't screw up." Wade smiles at Jacob for agreeing to go. Back in the brig, the sliders have a chance to get to know each other, "I never would have thought, our friend Remmy, would meet up with us again." "I figure all these worlds would come down to something." "what about you Joe, do you have other friends that are looking for you?" "actually, yes, their on the other island, next to this one." "well that can work, all they have to do, is come over, and get us out." "maybe, but they still may be waiting for us to get back." They hear a loud eruption from the outside, "I think their here." Doug comments. The door to the brig opens, and it appears to be Nel, "here, I brought your stuff, get out of here, before the captain realizes your gone, I have a boat for you to escape on." The group is shocked, but quickly exit, heading towards the island, when a few meters away, they hear a loud bang, a woman is thrown over. "its Nel, shes dead. She risk her life to save ours." "thats the way life must be here, Maggie." Joe sees men swimming towards the island they just came from, "hey Quinn, Jacob, is that you, over here!" The 2 men start swimming towards the lifeboat, when cannons balls are launched near the boat. "we're getting ambushed, hurry guys!" Doug yells. Quinn and Jacob make it to the boat, "lets get off this world, now." Back at the island, the group reaccesses themselves, "I believe if we use your timer to slide, I can lock the coordinates to locate our Wade, and the homeworld." "I agree Quinn, but won't your timer become useless, if you take it inside our vortex?" "no, I figured a way to shut the timer off, while travelling through different wormholes." "you mean you've traveled with other sliders before?" "twice, one was when a world was getting attacked by pulsars, and the other, when we met doubles, and there was a war going on, so we joined themt to the next world, and split apart." Wade speaks to Maggie, along with Michelle "I can't see how my double is a hateful woman." "thats the way she is, but she lost her husband, what do you expect." "it was nice meeting you Michelle, you kinda remind me of....me." "I guess, but I've changed from rebel girlfriend, to traveler to different worlds." "ok people, its time, we should land on the world where our Wade's at." Michael activates the wormhole, then everyone enter. It closes, then reopens near a forest in San Francisco, tossing the group out. "we slide in 45 minutes." Quinn states as he takes his timer away from his dad, "we can split up, find Wade, and meet back here in a 1/2 hour." Maggie states. Doug, Joe, Wade, Michelle, and Remmy take the right direction, while Jacob, both Quinns, Maggie and Michael take the left direction. Doug hears voices down below as they reach the top of a hill. "I think we've found visitors.", they reach the top, and head down, while people begin to see them coming. "who goes there?" an older man in his 80's says. "we're friends, we're trying to find someone by the name of Wade Welles." "you mean her." the man points to to Wade, "yes, my alternate, is she around here?" "hold on, I'll be right back." Another man walks up to them, "I'm Leo, welcome to our community. We are an assortment of people from worlds." "don't you ever want to go home?" "why bother, our worlds are over run by the 'maggs, we'd rather live here, to a peaceful world." The man approaches the sliders, as the Wade double exits a hut, shes dirty looking, her hair is brown, and has grown down her back. "Remmy?!" she runs to Remmy, as he is surprised to see her, then tears enter her eye, "I'm so glad your alive, wheres Quinn and Maggie?" "they went the other direction, we have a seat for you in the portal to lead home." Wade lets go, then is surprised to see her double, "my god, your me, thats so cool. I think I better cut my hair." "don't feel bad, I've thought about becoming a natural brunett again." they both laugh, when the group begins appearing to walk down the hill. Wade's double runs to Quinn, putting her arms around him. "I've missed you so much." they kiss, then Maggie approaches, hugging Wade, "its nice to see that smiling face again." "you to Maggie." As time passes, the vortex opens inside the Mallory's basement, tossing the large group out. "we made it back, we're home." "I knew it would happen one of these days." Mrs. Mallory walks down the stairs, nearly fainting, "mom, I'm home!" they hug, then everyone walks upstairs. They celebrate with champagne. "I'm so shocked to see you here, I've been worried for almost 6 years, but I'm wondering, what happened to Professor Arturo?" "sorry to say, he died by a mad-man, but we promised to remember him forever." "its nice that you've got back, but we really have to go." Michael states, as he sets his glass down. "thats right, you have a wormhole to catch. I want to tell you guys its been a pleasure, I hope you get home some day, and if find your Quinn, Wade tell him thanks for watching over me. And not to forget, Sara, she was the best lover I had in a while, if its ok with my Q'Ball, he could give you his PDL, to let her come and visit me." Remmy looks to his Quinn "sure, take it, I nearly forgot, you can store coordinates in the database, to possibly help find your way home." "what about Doug, he isn't through sliding yet. Would you guys want another groupie?" Maggie asks. "I wouldn't mind it, if you like hanging out with a coold guy." Quinn then speaks for the group, "sure, since you helped us, with finding Remmy's homeworld, we can help you." "welcome to the group Doug, I hope we have many slides together." Wade says. "ok, we probably better do the slide thing, downstairs, see us off?" Joe asks the group. "sure, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Remmy states. Michael opens the vortex, Quinn jumps in, followed by Joe, Michael, Michelle, Doug. "I hope you and your Quinn can have a life together." "I hope the best for you and yours, if you ever find him." "I will, I'm not a quitter." Jacob enters the vortex "I'll miss you Remmy, even though you weren't my Remmy." He laughs, then Wade leaps in as the vortex closes. "good luck to you guys. Remmy says to himself. Quinn taps him on the shoulder "lets go back and enjoy the party." "sure thing Q'Ball." Remmy puts his arm around Quinn's shoulders, as they walk up the stairs, follow the others.
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