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Episode 605: Ghosts in the Wormhole

I've been gone for a while, in Washington, but I'm back, along with another new episode of Sliders Season Six, so here it is.In a rain, thunder, and lightning storm, outside of the Concord Hotel, the 7 sliders are running to the alley for the slide "I can't believe this California is known as the rain state!" Remmy states. "ok, its time!" Michael says as he opens the vortex, Lightning strikes near them, then as they all enter, a lightning bolt hits the vortex, causing it to quickly explode. On another earth, near a deserted beach, the vortex opens, then it quickly closes, it reopens several more times, until its gone. The sliders get up from the ground "man that trip was electrifying. Did anyone else feel that bolt of lightning kick you in the ass?" Joe comments. "I know I did. Next time we slide, just adjust the size of the vortex to fit in our room, so we won't have to go out in the rain." "sure thing Mr. Brown." Quinn sarcastically says. As Wade is wiping her wet jacket off, she notices something, she has a log in her leg, she steps away, to wonder. "guys look at this, I'm like a ghost image, I can walk through this log." "wheres the timer?" Michael asks. "down here, I'll grab it." Jacob bends down, but his hand goes right through it, "Oh my god, we're ghosts!" "calm down Jacob, Quinn whats going on?" "I think we've landed on the asteral plain. The lightning must have sent us to another like world inside an alternate earth." "this happened to me before, when I was with my other friends, my Quinn was on the asteral plain, we were flesh, and alive. But the vortex made its way to let Quinn slide." "we have a problem, thet timer is there, and we can't get to it. The timer looks shorted out." What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... Where Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Cleavant Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Michael Mallory "Sliders" Episode 5: Ghosts in the Wormhole Guest Stars: Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Eddie Cibrian, Debra Messing. As the sliders are chatting, a man is heading in their direction, but they don't notice him, until he's closer, "excuse me, but you all look lost." "you can see us?" Wade asks. "of coarse I can, why, are you all suppose to be ghosts or something invisible?" "no, we just thought this was a private area, for no one to come, meaning-" "what my friend Rembrandt is trying to say, is we are actually on an asteral plain, where we are suppose to be ghost-like forms." "so that means your in sync with my sliding signature." "you know about sliding?" "I sure do, I've been working on trying to access a portal to alternate worlds. I'm Jim Hall, maybe I can help you, look for something, possibly, a device to open wormholes?" "yes, its over here, we somehow can't pick it up." "it would be obvious, sicne your ghost forms." Michael shows Jim where the timer is at, "ok, follow me back to my house and lab. If I can be able to find a way to bring you back, you can slide out." "could it be possible for you to fix the timer, as you can see, its circuitry burned out." "by the way, you probably could take those rain coats off, its 80 degrees out here." "sorry, we were just in a rain storm." Jacob says. As they enter Jim's house, he leads them to his basement, where a lot of different machines are around. "this is remarkable, you really should try to find time to visit Cal Tech, or a science fair." Jim laughs "yeah, maybe if people realized this stuff could advance your technology, I would." Joe and Wade take off their jackets, placing them on the bed. The others follow, as Jim takes the back of the timer off. "I think I know how to fix this timer." After several hours, Jim is able to reconstruct the frame of the timer, and the wires have been taken out and replaced. "Now , since this entire timer was burned, your tracking device, is no longer available to use. That is how I got this thing running again." "but isn't there another power source you could use to power the tracker?" "possibly, but this earth wouldn't have it." In the city, Wade, Joe, Michele, and Quinn are walking down the sidewalk, "I think this is cool, we can get hit by cars and we don't die." "thats because we're in ghost form, no one can see us, but we can't take anything either." "you know, this place really reminds me of home. I mean everything here looks exactly as it should be on our world." "well thres something different, because we land on parallel world remember?" "yeah, but a few years ago, my friend Professor Arturo, had explained to us, that we may never get home, due to the fact, there are millions of parallel worlds, but maybe we got lucky, Jacob and I are the ones trying to find earth prime." Suddenly, a car pulls up nearby, and a woman runs towards the sliders, "now I got ya!" the woman pulls a device out, and shoots it at the sliders, then suddenly, they vanished, they appear in a purplish state, floating around. "where are we?" "I think we're no where." Michele exclaims. The woman gets back in the car, taking off with her companion driving, "I knew Jim had a way to bring people from alternate worlds, but he must not have figured out, how to bring their entire bodies here." "maybe there really ghosts that exist in reality." the woman punchs the man in the arm. "lets go to his house, I have an ultimatum for him. He either gives me the sliding equations and the device that brought these people here, or I crush them in this box, and have Jimmy arrested. I mean its illegal to pocess a sliding machine, ever since the Draconians were driven from our world." "I think that was a stupid idea for President Perot to make the law to send a differently evolved race away from here." "shut up you reject, those space aliens controlled our earth, and made us slaves for their work. Just be quiet and drive Jocko Haines." Back at the house, Jacob, Michael and Remmy are starved, "I can't believe that being ghosts means we can't eat." "thats the way it is, but hopefully Jim can save us-" suddenly a car pulls into the driveway, a woman and man get out. "whats are they doing with that box?" Remmy asks "I don't know, but it doesn't look good." the door is pounded on, then Jim answers it, "what are you doing here Tara?" "I have some of the ghosts you brought from an alternate world, inside this container." "what are you talking about, I haven't brought anyone here. Those people are travellers, and I happen to have saved their life." "fine, give me the sliding machine-" "Tara, there are others here, I'm detecting them with this scanner, 3 men behind Jim." "Now I get it, you have more, Jocko, run to the basement, to find the sliding machine." Jocko runs down below. "you can't do this." "yes I can, its called business and money. By the way, I just put in a call to the MP's, there on their way, so looks like your out of business." Jocko quickly returns with the sliders timer, "well thanks for everything gotta go." Jim tries to attack Tara, but Jocko hits him in the groin area. "take that friend." the 2 exit. "Jim, are you ok?" Jacob asks "yeah, I'm fine, but I know your friends aren't safe. If Tara has it her way, your friends will die." A military jeep arrives, with 2 officers in the front, "I guess this is it, but I'll try to fid a way out." "don't worry, we can come with you. Since we wouldn't be much help here." "thanks Remmy." The officers approach him, arresting him and being put in the back of the jeep. The 3 others join him as the jeep takes off for a military prison, outside of Bakersfield. Jim is given a private cell, at the top level, with a guard posted outside the room, while another officer, sits at a desk, working on Jim's papers. "you know Jim, if you had any sence in ya, you would have just given the sliding machine to the government." Over the officers shoulder, the 3 sliders stand, watching him put in the combination to Jim's cell. "I now get one thing that the lock is useful for. At least no one needs a key." "Mr. Brown, I agree, but first things first, remember the code for this lock." Remmy looks to the screen, as the man enters 34-28-12, "I got that memorized, if you forget it." Jacob comments. At Tara's home, she and Jocko are prepared to open the vortex, "all I need to do is, bring these people out of stasis, and make them talk." "then we can kill them." "of coarse, I mean if I drain too much energy from the vortex, it will crush them quickly." Jocko activates a force field around a part of the room. Then the lid comes off, bringing the sliders back to reality. "where are we?" Wade asks. "If you look this way way, I can help." The 4 look to see Tara and Jocko, "Hi, I'm Dr. Tara Carson, this is my assistant, Jocko Haines. The purpose that I captured you, was to learn of your journey's to different worlds." "we're not interested in telling stories. Just let us go." "I'm sorry but this stasis field generator, can't even let you escape, due to your ghosh-like appearances. You either work with me, or die. Whats your choice?" "I'm Quinn Mallory, if you can set us free, we can explain everything. That timer your holding, is counting down from 50 hours, now if you open the vortex, the data will be corrupted, and we'll become even blinder, from our journey." As sunset arrives, the officer in with Jim, leaves, only having the guard oustide to watch over Jim. As the door closes, the sliders get to the cell door. "Jim, I think its time to check out." "right, whats the combination?" "I still remember it, 34-28-12, then the door should open." Jim looks to Remmy as if he's high, but never minds him. The door leading to the cell opens, Jim attacks the guard, and taking his clothes to switch into. The plan continues, as they exit the building, and getting a ride. But when they reach the front gates, an officer realizes who it is, and sounds the alarm. Jim smashes through the gate, turning left and stepping on the pedal. Soon after several patrol cars begin to follow. Back at Tara's, she grabs a cart, bringing a covered up device near a wall, "I think its time we tried this thing out. Jocko connect this line to the timer, and this cord goes to the fuse box." he follows her orders, then she opens a large red vortex. "amazing, this thing is huge." "it would be obvious if you plan to take advantages of another earth." "shut your mouth Joe, we've only met, but your kinda annoying!" "what do we do?" "this vortex will remain open for 14 hours, giving us enough time to bring gifts back, and sell them to this world. Its a new profit idea." "and how do you suppose that only one thing will get you rich?" "Ms. Welles, I'm not dumb, all I have to do is connect my device to a larger power source-" suddenly, the basement door opens, Jim and the others arrive. "its over now!" Jime comes down, but Jocko pulls a gun. "if you do this, you know the government will track you down." "yeah, maybe, but I don't plan on staying here. I have a new change in plans, due to your arrival, its time to check out." Tara tells Jocko to enter the vortex, he gives her the gun. "don't get in my way. If our relationship had taken off, you'd be along for this ride." the sliders run to the others, "are you ok?" "we fine dad, but we need to get out of here, I have an idea." Tara grabs a large bag, and cranks the power to high voltage, "good-bye Jimmy, nice knowing ya." Tara jumps in the wormhole, but the power box fuses and the vortex explodes, knocking everyone to the ground. Jim gets up, tossing things off of himself, "hey, are any of you here?" Jim see's Michele in a corner, squatting down, "the others are gone, the vortex crushed them, you must take our timer, and go after them." "I can't, I don't know how to survive." "you will, now go, before the MP's arrive." Michele then disappears as she distablizes. Jim tears up, so then he goes and finds the timer against a wall, he picks it up, with it nonoperational. "I know whats wrong, I can fix it." Jim clears a place to work, taking the back off the timer. He grabs a sharp object, and flips the palerity energy source, activating it. Outside the house, the military has arrived, several officers load up, heading into the house. "23 seconds in counting. I promise to get revenge for all of your deaths." Jim opens the vortex, then jumps in as 4 soldiers enter the basement door, watching the vortex collapse. On the other side, Jim is tossed into a dumpster. As he climbs out, he sees the sliders drop from out of no where. Quinn is first up, and see's Jim standing in shock. "its ok, we're alive, thanks to you." "I don't understand, I thought you all died." "not quite. We landed in the asteral plain, there was never any harm to us. It was theory that we would be crushed by the vortex, but we didn't. We are glad to be alive." Michael states. Michele comes towards Jim, and hugs him, "thank you, we can continue our journey." "so whats going to happen to me, the tracking device is inactive." "actually now that we're flesh, These scientists, should have no problem fixing the tracking device, but until then, welcome to an alternate world." Jacob states. He puts his arm around Jim, as the 8 travelers exit the alley.
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