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Episode 604: El Cinco De Mayo

This episode was suppose to be posted yesterday, since it deals with the date. But I'm busy packing, going to Washington D.C. this week.-Down a street, a double of Joe is running, alongside a Michele and Quinn double, who are being chased by the police. The 3 enter an alley, stopping at the end. "we slide in 20 seconds!" Michele double says. "good thing you got me out of the prison. I just killed a man for money, is that a bad thing to do?" Quinn opens the vortex, then the 3 exit this world. The vortex closes, then another one opens in the exact spot, tossing the 7 sliders out onto the cement ground. The police soon arrive, to see them. "your under arrest!" one of the officers grabbed Joe, while the other grabs Michele. "hey, we didn't do anything." Wade says. "say that to the judge, your friends are on tape. Now I can run the rest of you in if you want, or you can walk, whats your choice?" "we'll be on our way." Michael Mallory states, then Quinn speaks as the 2 are taken away. "don't worry, we'll get you out somehow." What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different....Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find HomeStarring: Cleavent Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Michael Mallory "Sliders" Guest Stars: Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Wahlberg, Rebecca Chambers, Lisa Akey as Rain, David Boreanaz, Jennifer Lopez, Farrah Fawcett, and Richard Lee Jackson. Episode 4: El Cinco De Mayo Inside the prison, Joe and Michele, wearing red jumpsuits with numbers on their backs and last names in the left corner of their shirts, are being put in a cell with another woman, thats around their age. "They better get ups out quick." "excuse me, but if you think your getting out anytime soon, your wrong, the fifth of May is upon us and California is all for killing the prisoners, like we are." "what do you mean, we have to be sentenced first." "where have you been, laying under a rock. California makes their own laws, each state controls their laws." Michele then speaks "that means the constitution was never written." "what is that, a written document, saying we're free?" "something like that. We overheard this in Thailand. The people probably follow their rules." "yeah, whatever. All I'm saying, is that in this state, they make the rule, that on every May 5th, people are killed. To limit the murderers in our world. Actually the spaniards made this rule up. Back in '89, Spain let California be part of the U.S., but made one restriction, they carry the law of el cinco de mayo, so the president of our beloved country, agreed." "this can't be happening, this isn't the first time I was here." "what do you mean, were you a murderer before me and Quinn met you?" "sorta Michele. 5 years ago, I was in a gang, and did a lot of bad things, but I never killed anyone on purpose. I used to live in New York, before I made my way to Los Angeles." (flashback) Down a street alley, Joe is wearing a hankerchief on his head, and is wearing baggy clothes. He is walking with his friends, when a black man comes out. "yo, my pimp daddy has arrived with his people." Joe walks up to the man, calling him Shemar, he hugs him "where your bad-ass been?" "Oh, I was around, just hiding out." "well since your here, we need to talk, its a job we need to plan." "ok bro, lets go to my crib." Shemar states. At a crack house, Joe is sitting with his boys and Shemar, when a woman enters from another room. "hey Joe, its about time you get here, why didn't you visit me in the hospital?" "you know, I was busy, but come here and give me some sugar." "why don't we go up stairs." Joe and the woman exits. (lights flash over, leading to another time and place.) Joe and his friend Ken are sitting in a car. "you ready for this, because its about to become a blood bath, unless they do it our way." "I'm in, lets go!" Joe and Ken put their masks on, covering their faces. They enter a large bank, Ken pulls out a 45, pointing it at the guard. "if you move, your a goner." The cop tosses his gun to the ground. Joe heads over to an elderly woman at the counter. "give it all to me, in this bag, and make it quick!" suddenly a young girl tries to run to the door, when accidently, Joe fires at the girl, killing her. "Oh damn, why did this have to happen!" the woman hands Joe the bag "lets get the fuck out of here!" they exit, but a cashier activates the alarm. "we gotta move, how about the road to fame." "what you talkin fool?" Joe asks "get in, I'll say it again." Ken gets in the driver seat, as Joe gets in the passenger side. The car pulls out, heading to the highway. "you mean California?" "your stupid right, of course California!" "you know that girl was an accident. If I ever get caught, I will try to explain it to the police, that girl did it on purpose. Not my fault." When Ken and Joe enter a small town in Texas, they made another robbery hit, this time they killed 7 people and got away with $20,000 dollars. "I realized things were changing, and all the while, innocent people were dying for our needs. I flet it was time to turn myself in, when Ken had asked me, to go to Las Vegas, and go gamble the money away. I thought it was a good idea at the time. With our money, we were able to buy a new red cadillac, with leather seats. We arrived in Las Vegas and stayed at a place known as the Knight Cap. Ken did most of the gambling, while I sat in the bar, chatting with pretty girls, and most of the time, got their phone numbers. But I occasionally would steal a few cups of coins, to play the slot machines. At least on my world, cameras weren't put in to watch thieves, no security at all. But I did finally have a chance to meet with a woman, my type." (flashback) "Is that seat taken?" "no, you can sit." the woman asks for a manhattan, then turns to Joe. "so, what is a man, like yourself, doing in a place like this?" "me and my buddy, are here, I'm less greedy, than he is, but he's a good player at these kinds of games." "hi, I'm Maria Green." "I'm Joe LaFountain, so whats your story?" "I came here for my birthday, which was yesterday, I'm 21 years old. I was suppose to meet with my boy, but he didn't show." "I think that kind of man isn't worth on women like yourself." "oh, and now are you suppose to know whats good for me?" Maria laughs, then Joe answers "maybe. Why don't we get out of here, go someplace private." the 2 end up back in her room, making out, then suddenly, they hear a scream out in the hallway, then a shot. "whats going on?" "stay here Maria, I'll go and check." Joe gets up, opens the door, to see Ken, down on the ground, bleeding, so he runs to him "my bro, are you ok?" "I'm in pain, call 811!" By the next morning, Joe is in the waiting room at the hospital, when he see's police officers passing him, heading to Ken's room. Joe gets up, and starts walking down, just before he turns the corner, a doctor is standing with the officers "are you sure that man is a murderer?" "yes sir, we have a warrent for his arrest, along with another man, Joe LaFountain, is he around?" "yeah, he's in the waiting room." Then suddenly, Joe jogs to the nearest elevator, before they can find him. He exits the building, and catches a cab "get me to the nearest airport now!" the cab takes off. The plane lands in San Francisco, from where Joe heads out, carrying the $300,000 dollars he has left. Joe heads to the nearest payphone, looking up Maria Green, and after he finds the number, he rips out the page, heading for another taxi. The cab driver drops him off in front of a victorian style house, with a picket white fence in front. "thanks for the lift man." the guy nods, as Joe exits. The taxi takes off "who are these people, the Clevers?" Joe whispers under his breath. Joe opens the gate, and begins walking up the path to the door, but before he even steps onto the porch, Maria is first to greet him "Oh my goodness, your here, what a surprise to see you." "I hope you don't mind, I'm here for a few days, visiting friends, and thought I should stop by first." "welcome to 327 Blueway Lane, come right in." Maria introduces Joe to her step-mother Shauna and step-brother Zac, who was in his late teens. Joe takes a seat across from Shauna "can I get you a drink?" "sure, do you have a beer?" "ok, I'll be right back." Maria exits, along with her brother. "so, your Joe LaFountain, the man to fall in love with my daughter?" "yeah, I guess so." "so, what is your job in life, I hope its good." "I'm a business man, I work for a law firm, back home in Texas." "good, my baby will need a good life. Ever since her father passed, I feel I need to support her in any way." Maria returns, giving Joe a beer, then sits down. Later on at dinner, Joe is invited, even though he is uncomfortable, sitting with strangers. "this is good food Mrs. Green." "thanks, but call me Shauna." "so Joe, if your a lawyer, what do you think of the Nicole Simpson trial happening?" "I think it was a bad idea for her to kill her husband nad his lover." Joe continues on with facts that might make her innocent, then Shauna begins rubbing her foot up Joe's leg, but for a second, he gets nervous, but continues. "would you like to stay for pie, Shauna makes the best apple pie ever made." "yeah, its warm and soft to eat." Shauna states in a sexualized manner, "um.... sure, why not." Joe says. By Friday night, Joe had did it again, robbed a bank, and barely escaped back to the Green's residence. Joe pounds on the door, as police sirens near. Shauna answers "Joe, whats wrong?" "Is Maria here?" "no, but come in." Shauna closes the door "I see you've been shot, and I know where you were, since you stole one of my husbands guns, nice bag of cash." Joe swears under his breath, "you won't turn me in will you?" "no, of coarse not. Lets get your shirt and pants off, I'm a nurse, so I might be able to save your life." Joe is helped upstairs, heading to Shauna's room "sit on the bed, I'll be right back." Joe ok's it, as she heads to the bathroom. "so, I was about to ask, where is Maria, anyway?" "Maria took her brother to visit his dad, in San Diego, they should be back tomorrow." Shauna enters with a case of medical supplies "I need you to take your shirt off, so I can bandage the wound." when she was done, Joe dropped his pants, and after she took them off, she bandaged the wound, and began rubbing the leg, with lotion. "you don't really have to put any of that on me." "Oh, I think you'll like this stuff, it gets you in the mood." "you really enjoy talking dirty to men, you just met?" "I do it all the time, thats how I met Maria's father." Shauna gets closer, and they kiss, then Joe begins unbuttoning her shirt, while she undo's her dress, they begin making love, when Joe stops her "do you hear that?" "no, its quiet in here, no one but us." they continue kissing, and just as Joe takes her bra off, Maria enters with Zac. "Oh my god!" "wo!" Zac comments. The 2 stop, looking at them "Oh, hi honey, I thought you guys were gone?" "no, Zac's dad had to leave in a rush-" "damn, well I guess you better shut the door, so Joe can get dressed and leave. "Joe, I really thought we could of been something, but I can see that it won't now." Maria slams the door, starts crying, running to her room. "The affair lasted 2 months, before he new boyfriend caught up in her bed, and shot at me twice. I soon realized how hard it was to find lov. Down in Los Angeles, I met up with another team of robbers, we hit it big, we made 13 hits on several banks, but one night, we wanted to steal this diamond jewel, but this russian guy Vladimer double crossed us, Vinny barely escaped, but was arrested immediately, as he exited the building. Our russian friend, killed Roy and Ian fell off the roof, killing himself, by landing on top of our car. I escaped, but caught. I served in prison for a year and a half." "2 weeks after I was let out, the 'maggs attacked, and a month later, you and Quinn came into my life, with the rest, history." Michele then states "do'nt forget about that world we visited, where we got caught up in the prison, and we took your double accidently." "yeah, I hated that, good thing you arrived, before I got the chair." "its about tim you stopped with the storytelling, its time we all died, today is May fifth. You've been talking all night." "we obviously know that-" Michele is cut off, when they hear a voice over a a speaker "all prisoners begin to report to the main ground, its time you faced death." The cell doors open and prisoners began leaving "come on, we might be able to be last, if we arrive first." Rain says as she exits the cell, "do you think, she was in here for insanity, or just being stupid?" "we better go. Lets just hope the others have a plan to save us." Michele says as she shrugs her shoulders, then they both exit. All of the prisoners are lined up in rows, unfortunately, Joe and Michele are up to bat. "we shall begin with the newbies we caught today." A guard yells loudly. A crowd is gathering around the fences as they watch the 2 walk to the platform and up the stairs. There are 5 police officers at the top, so no one can escape, when suddenly, Joe realizes one of them is Wade. She looks to him, and smiles at him. Joe smiles back, heading to the rope. Both have their hands tied behind their backs, and the ropes are tightened around their necks. "ready!" the lever man says, then a countdown begins at one minute, same amount on the timer as well. When the floor boards beneath the 2 drop, they struggle, but soon slide out. Quinn attacks another guard, making him fall down the stairs. Michael and Wade slide out, followed by Quinn and Jacob, then Remmy says "adios amigos!" Remmy jumps in, sliding out, with everyone amazed at what just happened.
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