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Episode 603: Sliders Law

The vortex opens behinds a building in an alley. The 7 sliders drop out, landing on the hard cement ground. Joe helps Wade up along with Jacob."we slide in 34 hours, 21 minutes, we better head to a nearby hotel." Quinn says as he sticks the timer in his jacket, inside pocket. They walk across the street corner, ending up in front of the Concord Hotel, its a largely sized place, about 20 stories. "this will do just fine." Michael says. They enter, heading to the front desk, the clerk welcomes them in, and Remmy asks for 2 rooms. They are given room keys 621 adn 509. "we should probably let the women stay together adn we men must work it out." "all I'm saying, is that I get a bed, I can't stand sleeping on the floor." Jacob says moaningly. "I'm heading to the bar, anyone want a beer?" "sure Wade, get us all one, we'll meet you down here in a few minutes. Lets check out the rooms." Michele states. Back at the desk, the clerk is picking up the phone, dialing a number. "yes, this is the main desk clerk at the Concord Hotel, we have smugglers here, I just checked them in, one of them is heading to the dining area. Hurry, quickly." Wade enters a main door, leading to a food court, she looks around, heading to the counter. "May I help you?" "yeah, could I get 7 beers." the woman looks at Wade strangely "I'm sorry ma'am we don't sell that product here, do you know where you are, this is California, the police state, also known as Prohibition Territory." Wade looks around to see men coming towards her, she starts heading to the bathrooms, when another man enters her path. "ma'am, your under arrest for the illegal operation of smuggling alcohol into this country, put your hands behind your back!" What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find Home....Starring: Cleavent Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Michael Mallory "Sliders" Episode 3: Sliders Law Guest Stars: Antonio Sabato Jr., Rebecca Chambers, Mark Wahlberg, Henry Simmons, Tom McGinley as Detective Robinson, and Glenn Quinn as Anderson. As Wade is being taken away, the others exit the elevator, to find her arrested. "what the hell are they doing with her?" "taking her to prison, she's a prohib spy." Remmy looks to the others as they start heading for the exits, a police officer yells at his fellow officers. "catch them, their with the girl!" the sliders enter the stairwell and run downward. Officers follow in pursuit, they finally make it to the basement door, its unlocked so they enter, then Quinn grabs a 2x4, sticking it in to wedge the door shut. "lets go!" Quinn yells. Then the officers try to force the door open, but can't, so one officer shoots at the door knob, making it open. Joe finds another door, leading to the back of the hotel. "lets go this way, and hide in the dumpsters!" The officers follow, but when they arrive outside, no one is to be seen. They check the dumpsters, but are filled with trash. The officers retreat, heading back inside. Joe gets up under the trash, helping Michele and Jacob up. "see, no prob, now we need to save Wade." "yeah sure, love this idea, how would you like yogurt down your pants!" Michael yells as the others laugh. At the station, Wade is in a interrogation room. "Ms. Welles, for the last time, where is your base of rebels?" "I don't have one, so I wouldn't know." "do you know that lying is punishable by death. If you help us, we can give you a chance to be free." Another agent enters the room, whispering something into the officers ear. "It seems your friends, are quite the disappearing act, but we've located one of your friends, Rembrandt Brown, living in San Francisco, we picked him up and on his way here." "if you talk to that man, he won't say anything." "why not?" "because he's like me, we don't know a thing about importing alcohol illegally into this state." In a Los Angeles park, the sliders take a break, from running 2 miles, they stop near bushes and they soon see a court house across the street. "we're gonna have more problems if we don't save Wade." Remmy says barely without a breath. "we should leave her here then, we can't risk our lives, saving Wade, she did this to herself!" Jacob grabs a hold of Joe's shirt "why in the hell would you say something like that, we didn't know that California arrested people for alcohol, and now I'm starting to feel that you don't care about Wade at all." "its better this wa, at least we all won't have to die." Quinn stands up to see a roach motel across the road, "hey, I think we got ourselves a place to stay for the night." All of the sliders get up, and begin walking over to the motel, as they enter teh front office, the clerk looks at Remmy strangely. "can I help you?" "yeah, we need 2 rooms, if you have 'em." "yes, just fill this sign-in sheet." the clerk then looks over to Remmy, "excuse me sir, but you look really familiar, have been around here before?" "I might have stopped by in my early days." the clerk hands Michael and Jacob keys to their rooms. "If you need ice, the machine is around back." "thanks for the info." Michael says. Back at the police station, Wade is sitting down in a cell, wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, when a police officer arrives at her cell. "your being released." "by who?" a tall attractive man, comes forward, "by me." the next morning, Wade is sitting in an office, dressed in nice clothes, waiting, the same man enters giving Wade a cup of coffee. "ok, lets get straight to it, my name is Detective Cory Robinson, and I need your help. I realize you may not want to help us, but it would be in your best interest to take this offer up, rather than spending life in prison." "what would I have to do?" "A few years ago, we got a tip that a man was illegally bringing liquor into this state, giving it to undercover speakeasies, but if we can take him out, and rade his storage bunker, we can take control of the situation. Your job, if you choose to take it, would be to join me in an undercover assignment, pretending that we own a speakeasie, and if our leads are right, we can catch him in the act." "and then I get to go?" "sure, if we bring down Rembrandt Brown, you will win a medal." Det. Robinson opens a folder, giving it to Wade to look over, with the Rembrandt of this world's picture, along with his life story. "so whats your answer?" "Just one more question, did you really lie to me, about Rembrandt Brown being found in San Francisco?" "yes we did, we thought that if you knew him, you would talk. But since you are taking this on, we need to meet with Chief Xander. This way if you please." They walk down a hallway, entering another office. "Mr. Xander, we've got ourselves a new officer of the law." "fine, lets get started on our plan." At the roach motel, Quinn, Remmy, and Michele exit their room, when a black van pulls up squeeling its wheels, 2 men in masks get out, grabbing them, and tossing them into the van, and pulling away, as the others run up to see what happened. "great, now we've lost the rest of them!" Joe walks over to a wall, slamming his hand on the wall "look, we better change our plans, we slide in 7 hours." "ok, how about this, we slide out and continue going, maybe some day, we can return to find them." "thats not an option." Michael states "so your saying that we have to spend 29 years here to find our friends?" "no Joe, your forgetting, I'm a scientist, all we have to do, is retrack this worlds coordinates and return when the timer hits zero." "sounds fine by me." Jacob says. As sunset began, Wade and Det. Robinson arrived down an alley in a car "now remember what the plan is, we can't let this get ruined." "don't worry about a thing, I've been in this kind of situation before, sorta." The 2 get out of the car, heading to a side door, into a building. Wade is wearing a tight dress, with Det. Robinson wearing a dark-striped suit, they stop when they see 3 figures from the shadows heading towards them. "are you Mr. Cambell?" "yes, you must be Rembrandt Brown, of coarse." Wade soon recognizes the other 2, Quinn and Michele, "I don't want risky business, check those 2, in case you are coppers!" Quinn heads to Det. Robinson, and Michele walks to Wade, and when both are clear, they turn around, but Wade recognizes wires connected to their brain, and begins down their backs. "so, I hear your in the need of some supplies, there will be 5 shippings of booze to the Monteray By within the next week, I make contact with you at your speakeasie." "won't you need our address?" "you know, there is just too many dumb red-heads in this world. Leave before you make my finger, trigger happy." The 2 exit, out the door, when another man enters behind Rembrandt, "do you think their spies?" "they probably are, but I won't know until they double cross us. Mallory, follow them, take a couple of guys with ya." "sure boss." By the next morning, Det. Robinson wakes in his undercover speakeasie, inside a small room, laying on his cot, he sees Wade coming up with coffee and breakfast. "good morning, how did you sleep?" "I would of prefered to have slept in a motel." "just remember, when we get Brown, you won't have to worry about anymore problems." "so, when are we going to the marina?" "tonight will be our first sting, and if it works, Brown should be right after us." By noon, Remmy, Quinn and Michele are awakening from pods as they open. The 3 get out and another man comes up to them, "lets check to see if these implants are working." the man checks Quinn's wire but then is suddenly sinks into his back "this is great, just what I wanted to happen. Hey Leroy, get over here." A short man, walks to the man, stating "your project is working. If we can recreate Brownies mind, and bring his 2 other friends into this, we won't have to worry about, getting killed, Brown will be unstoppable." "lets just hope it works this time, I mean this isn't the first guy that resembled Rembrandt." "so, at least this guy doesn't wine about alternate earths. Please, thats crazy talk." Seconds later, the wires in Michele and Remmy sink into them too. Another shadowy figure nears teh room, but we can't see his face, "but one thing we have is the police mind, and as I am a crooked cop, they won't realize I'm still alive, and the raids will be easy, even if we are caught, I got keys." All 3 men laugh. Later that night, at Det. Robinson's and Wade's speakeasie, several undercover cops are in the crowd, a woman is singing country as a jazz band performs. Wade begins serving drinks, when a man, dark and mysterious, looks to Wade, moving his head to meet him in a room as he heads to the officer door. Wade then finds Robinson, and they both head back to their office. They enter, as the man is looking out the window "did you come alone?" "of coarse, its not like we have coppers around here." "good. I need both to meet me at the Monteray Bay, tonight at midnight, your stock will be arriving. Make sure you bring a truck." "we don't have one." "ok, well thats why I brought my truck. I'll stay here until close-up, then we can head to the marina." "fine by me." Wade says, and Det. Robinson agrees. They both exit, "wait a minute. Can I get a drink around here?" Det. Robinson nervously turns around, "yeah, just sit at a table, and a waitress will be right with ya." As the detective returns to the main bar, he takes his cell phone out, heading to the bathroom. He makes sure its clear, then finds a stall. He calls Chief Xander "sir, we got the mother load, its heading into the Monteray marina, tonight around midnight, make sure there is a swat team in the area, I want to be ready, when the gangsters arrive to get their moneys worth." he closes his phone up, then as he exits, he leaves, but he didn't realize that the crooked cop was hiding in the vent above the stall Robinson was in. The man pulls out his cell phone, making a call "yeah, this is Don, we have a situation, our so-called speakeasie friends, are real coppers. Make sure you get to the marina before they do. I think its time we took everyone out." At the marina in Monteray, the truck is pulling in with the headlights glaring towards the ship entering to dock "just wait here, I'll return to tell you directions." the man says. After the man closes the door, Wade turns to Det. Robinson, "do you think they know who we are yet?" "I hope not, but if so, you better take this." he hands Wade a pistol,"don't be shy about using this." Wade then sticks the gun in the back of her pants. In another vehicle, miles from the docking point, Remmy is being taken to the marina, with Quinn and Michele beside him on each side, sitting in the back "don't worry boss, we'll take care of this problem first hand." "you better, your life is on the line!" The man returns to tell Robinson and Wade that the truck should be backed up to the loading zone, so Wade gets out, waiting along side the man, when suddenly, he pulls a gun, and grabs Wade around the chest "so, do you think you could of fooled us?" "let me go!" "I don't think so, if I let you go, the coppers will surely kill me." Det. Robinson backs up, then realizes Wade has been captured, but doesn't have a chance to do anything, since a mobster comes out of hiding, jumping into the truck "you better give me your gun, or your friend is a goner!" Robinson tosses the gun to the man, who then yells to the man, holding Wade "lets go, drop the girl!" The 2 head over to the truck door. He opens it, gets in, still holding Wade, then shoves her away. The officers run out, shooting at the truck, but its too late, as it takes off. An undercover officer comes off the boat to Wade "are you ok?" "I'm fine, but my partner, they got him." "you better come up here with me, Brownie is suppose to be coming." A few minutes later, Remmy's car pulls near the entrance, but soon sees police cars arriving at the scene "take off, I don't want to be seen here. Go, go!" By the next morning, Wade enters Chief Xander's office, without permission. His secretary is trying to stop Wade as she enters "Mr. Xander, we need to talk." "I'm sorry sir, she just broke in here." "Its ok, we can chat." the secretary exits. "whats so important, that you must tell me?" "one of your federal agents is missing, possibly dead. Detective Robinson and I headed to break a case, when we got ambushed." "I know, I heard. But until they contact us, we have nothing to do, but wait-" another officer enters, interrupting him "sorry to enter sir, but we got a message this morning from Brown." "fine. We can chat this over in our meeting, detective Anderson, contact the others, we need to meet now!" Chief Xander finishes his coffee, then heads to the door following Wade. The federal staff sat in the meeting room, with Wade standing beside officer Anderson "we have a cold-blooded killer out there. We have one of our agents captured b his men. In this letter, its demanding that we give them free transportation out of this country. I don't think we have that option. We know that the undercover officers in this situation are useless. Their also demanding $20,000 dollars worth of gold from Fort Knox. We'll be ready, when we meet tonight at 12 a.m." In a mansion, Remmy is sitting with Quinn and Michele, along with several rebels in a living room, with a fire goin. There is a painted portrait of Al Capone above the mantle, glowing in darkness "we know that they will try to get their man back, but since we have the upper hand, it will be easier to take them out, instantely." "boss, are you sure, you can handle this, I mean, you aren't even talking straight-" Michele gets up, slapping the man on his face "shut your mouth, if it wasn't for Rem, we'd all be dead. So how about you make an example of what he'd do to you if, you were a loser." Michele looks to 2 men, "take him away." the man screams as he is dragged outside, then shots are heard. The shadowy appearance of the man before, enters "its all set, I have the plans for tonights festivities, since I am a cop." the man now appears, to be Det. Anderson "good work, maybe I should introduce you to my lady over here, for a night on the streets." another women gets up, she takes a hold of his hand, "lets go to my room." then the 2 walk out. "Brownie, what about this Wade Welles, she seems to have a weak innocent look on her." "Mallory, shut-up, you've said that about all the girls I kill, and you never cry about it." Remmy lightly slaps Quinn on his face "I know Brownie. I just like saying it." As night arrived, Chief Xander rounds his troops up, along with Wade and Det. Anderson "now listen everyone. This plan must work, it must be followed out, exactly how I've stated. This will be a fight we can win, lets move!" Chief Xander gives Wade keys to a jeep, then she asks for pliers, the chief looks oddly to her, then returns to a truck, opening a tool box, and handing a pair of pliers to Wade. Det. Anderson has gone ahead, to watch the location of people in thier hiding locations, to set up the police force and FBI Agents. As Wade enters an alley, she shuts her car lights off, then shuts the engine off. She takes her radio out, contacting Det. Anderson "I'm in position, just tell me when to move." Just then, Det. Anderson comes up to her door, Wade freaks for a second, the rolls down her window in relief "I think its time we moved." Det. Anderson pulls a gun out, pointing it at Wade. They exit, then head into the warehouse, where the switch is to be made. Chief Xander loads up, then radios his troops to set up at the locations, they were designated. Down below the warehouse, Det. Robinson is tied to a chair, as Remmy chats to him along side his men "you know that either way, your not coming out of this alive." "how do you know, I'm sure there is no problem to occur-" "except, I'm on their side." Det. Anderson enters with Wade, "Anderson! what the hell are you doing?" "Brownie gave me a better offer. Besides, the government will have to change the law to toss out Prohibition, and let everyone drink, or we'll continue this hostage situation, until they agree to our terms, and maybe have Russia join us for the fight." Wade is taken and tied next to Robinson, then the men leave, "did they hurt you? Are you alright?" "I'm fine, lets just survive this first." "does the chief know Anderson is crooked?" "I don't know, he made Anderson go ahead of us, to check this location out." Outside the warehouse, Chief Xander, joined by fellow officers, enter the building, with everyone armed, then on his radio, "be prepared outside for captured." Bright lights are lighting up, as both sides are meeting under a steel beam, "where is my agent?" "actually we have 2 of them. You do remember Ms. Welles and Agent Anderson?" Xander curses under his breath, then both Robinson and Wade are shown, tied back to back in chairs. "we refuse your wishes to exit this country. Give up, our people and we can talk." "I don't think so, sir, I am an officer of the law, and if you don't give into our demands, we start shooting. How about now!" Det. Anderson points a gun, directly into Wade head, who then begins to tear up "now, we don't need this. We can't change prohibition now, it will take weeks-" "5...4...3.." Anderson begins to pull the trigger, then suddenly a huge vortex opens, tossing out the remaining sliders, knocking most of the crooks down. A man shoots out the lights as Remmy, Quinn, Michele and Det. Anderson flees the building. The vortex closes, but agents are able to aprihend the mobsters. The 2 are untied "we have to go after Remmy and the others!" Joe yells, then Det. Robinson tells them, they can ride with him and Chief Xander and the troops. Quinn speeds the car down the road at 80 mph, but then shocks of lightning go through his body, same with Remmy and Michele, who all go unconscious. Det. Anderson takes the wheel, but the car soon loses control, going down a hill, rolling the car several times. Everything is quiet, then the others arrive. Wade grabs a flashlight "Down here!" The troops and Det. Robinson head down, telling the sliders to stay up by the truck "I'm glad you guys showed up when you did." "so am I Wade. I'm sorry, that I said we should of left you here. I now see how you care about one another a great deal." Joe states. Jacob then walks over to Wade, hugging her. The officers arrive, to find everyone unconscious, an agent calls to chief Xander and Det. Robinson they see that Anderson is dead. "I guess he had it coming. How are the others-" Robinson is cut off as Wade walks towards him "I think these might help." Wade pulls the pliers out, and asks the agents to get the others out, then snips the cords in their necks "these things are fried, they must of overloaded, trying to escape, must not of had time to recharge.", Wade feels Michele's neck "she's alive, check the others." 7 days later, Wade is exiting the federal building, along side Cory Robinson. Heading to the gate "your free to go Wade. It was nice working with you, and I hope you and your friends have a nice journey." "thanks for everything, at least my friends are alive, and not mobsters. Do you know what happened to the real Rembrandt Brown?" "he supposedly was killed when his boat exploded off the coast of Japan, I guess its true now." Wade shakes Cory's hand, they hug, then she walks off, meeting the others outside the gate. "we have to meet my son and the others outside the hospital." Joe walks alongside Wade "so, are you going to keep that badge, since you were a temporary FBI Agent?" "maybe. I could always use it on another world." The scene fades as the 4 sliders cross the street, heading towards a bus.
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