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Episode 602: Changes

Heres the next episode of the new season.-In a dark room, a door opens with light coming from it, a figure is thrown in. As the figure moans after getting to the ground, another figure appears, closing the door. It soon appears to be Ryan, pulling himself to the wall to rest. He then bumps into a woman, who is revealed as Liz Mallory. "Ryan, are you ok?" "Well after what I went through, I'm lucky to be alive. About 2 months ago, I was found in wreckage of the bombed underground building, I got tortured by Laura, the woman I thought was a friend, and they played with my mind, now this is how my life will end, probably." "don't be too sure of that Ryan, I know my husband and your friends are alive, out there sliding, if all is possible, things should get back to normal someday." Outside of a prison compound, a vortex opens, tossing Colin, Maggie and Kelia out, they soon are met by Kolitar. "nice to see you again, Kelia, and I see you've brought more of Mallory's friends here. Good, now we have a chance to kill Quinn, as he tries to escape." "thats if he can trust us again, because I know that when we first met last year, after separation, we nearly got him killed. You better have a plan Kolitar!" Maggie states. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds.... When Your The Same Person.... And Everything Is Different.... Where Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life.... We're Lost And Can't Find HomeStarring: Cleavent Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Michael Mallory "Sliders" Episode 2: Changes Guest Stars: Jerry O'Connell, Charlie O'Connell, Kari Wuhrer, Marnie McPhail, Nicholas Lea, Reiner Schone, Roy Dotrice, Denise Richards, Cristi Conaway, Una Damon, Tyson Beckford, Howie Long as rebel #1, The Rock as rebel #2, Marcia Cross as Kelia, Robin Givens, and Katherine Heigle as Jess. -In another facility, 2 figures appear walking down a cooridore, Sara and Mr. Dansforth who look dirty and tired, and walk along as they enter a larger room. "since we have been working for 3 months, I think everything is ready to go, even after so many failed attempts, and our equipment failing as it overloaded." "well, than I'll set the coordinates for Kromagg Prime, again." Mr. Dansforth activates a machine, then Sara activates the wormhole. Mr. Dansforth shoots a lazer beam into it, then the vortex closes. "watch to see the stream of the vortex open on the other side." Sara picks up a scanner like device "its working, I detect high levels of the bacterial virus exiting the vortex. It works!" Mr. Dansforth then leaves the room, returning with space-like suits for them to wear, so they won't be affected by the virus. Sara activates another wormhole heading in the same coordinates. After they are suited up, they both enter the wormhole. On another world, in a kromagg prison, a leader orders all prisoners to be sent to Kromagg Prime, Quinn is included in the group. He chats with new friends he made, a woman and a black man. "this might be our chance to save ourselves." "I don't think the 'maggs are going to let people from 'magg prime to set visiting hours with us." Several minutes later, a manta ship takes off, entering a vortex, high in the sky. A vortex opens tossing Sara and Mr. Dansforth out. They get up to realize the virus never made it. "this has been the 20th time this has happened. We better return, redo our equations." Mr. Dansforth finishes speaking, then reopens the vortex. The prisoners are sent to cells, Quinn and his new friends are put in one together, with others that have been there in the cell. Then Ryan realizes who Quinn is, and moves over to him. "Hey, Quinn is that you?" "Ryan, your alive, what are you doing here, are the others around?" "no, I'm not sure where they are, but I know that Laura betrayed us. She was working for the kromaggs the whole time, she even shot me." "Is Wade alive?" "yeah, probably around here somewhere." "I want you to meet new friends, this is Jess and the guy over there is Brandon." "nice to meet you, I also have someone you can meet, Liz Mallory, your mom's double from Kromagg Prime." Liz gets up and heads over to sit with the others. "you must be Q'Ball. Rembrandt talked about you a lot." "Did you know that Rick was melded with a kromagg, then we met an evil double of him, who also led the 'maggs to our hiding place." "no I didn't, but one thing I should tell you guys is, we may be met by a Maggie and Colin, their really friends, but they believe their 'magg spies. Don't trust them." Back in the lab, Sara begins testing the results of the slide. "now, I'm starting to think, that the virus is either running out, or is inner-mixing with the vortex, making it disappear." "Sara, our only chance is what you orginally thought of. If we can get to our landing zone, we can fire teh virus out, like shots from a gun. I'll need your help to insert the virsu in the bullets. I also think there is a rock pile nearby, so it will be easy to have a target." In Kolitars office, Laura enters to find Mary giving Kolitar a back-rub. "what is it?" "2 things which are related in a way, first of all, the virus for the humans is here, ready to be let out into the world's atmosphere, which will happen in 2 hours, so we will begin sending our people to another world, let the humans die. The next thing is.... Mary, who don't you tell her yourself." "Fine. Laura, we were able to find your world, but it was revealed that I am of that world too, so it seems we are related in a way. It seems the world I thought I was from, wasn't really home. Kolitar has set the coordinates to send us home. This gives us an advantage, we may now conquer that world, which we both can help in the taking." "that doesn't seem right, a world at peace and you kromaggs think you can rule it. I don't think so, give me my timer, I plan to slide by myself instead if you don't mind." "fine, just be ready to die than. I fixed the timer, so that if you opened a vortex, it would get capped. But you have a choice, come with us or die. So decide in 2 hours." Laura storms out as Kolitar grins and has Mary continue to rub his back. Another vortex opens on Kromagg Prime, Mr. Dansforth and Sara exit it, but get different results. "I can detect the virus entering the atmosphere, I think if we can strengthen teh virus, it may be able to be sent through 10 vortexs at a time." "but won't that cause the virus to overpower the earth, killing both humans adn the 'maggs?" "Not quite Sara. In the virus it only affects kromagg DNA. See we all ahve the genes of GTAC, but the kromaggs are alligned with HSUK, and even though they are a differently evolved race, same species, it should hurt humans like us. From my studies on dead kromaggs, they are indeed different in many ways." "we don't have time to waste, lets move." Sara says as she opens the portal back up. The 2 enter it. In the 'magg prison, Quinn and the others wait, and soon are met by Colin and Maggie, who also are wearing prison uniforms. Colin is badly beaten, and Maggie has injuries to her face. They both are forced in, Maggie falls, but Colin helps her up. Colin sits her down, near a wall, when she recognizes Quinn. "Quinn, is that you, are you still alive?" Maggie tears up then hugs him. "get the hell off me, I know what your plan is, try get my guard down, then taken advantage of me. I know who you both are, kromagg spies, under mind control manipulation." "Quinn, that isn't so, maybe we were under control at a time before this, but do you really think we were beaten for this meeting between us?" "I don't know, do you. Are you working for Laura, because she's just like you, she gained our trust and nearly killed me!" Ryan says. "Ryan, calm down, don't get upset over this." "Mrs. Mallory, I can take care of myself. I just want to get my life back the way it was. Now I feel you should of left me there to dei on my world, at least I wouldn't be in this hellish 'magg prison!" Ryan gets up, grabs a hold of the cell bars and begins shaking them, yelling obseneties to the guards to let him go. Jess gets up, grabbing him to sit back down. He stops and follows her. Inside another building far from the kromagg prime prison, Laura enters a door, which leads to kromagg equipment, she grabs a flashlight, heads over to a control room, and finds a machine active. She looks at her timer, then she puts in in her back pocket, which then leads to her shutting off the system, and the lights dim. Laura opens the portal, and jumps into it. As it closes, Kolitar enters with Mary and soldiers. "I figured she would want to warn your world. Well I guess I'll have to go to stage two." "what would that be master?" "this!" Kolitar pulls a knife, stabbing Mary in the stomach. She collapses to the ground bleeding, as she pulls the knife out of her, and tears begin to run down her face. "thats for helping Mallory and his friends escape, and letting down the Dynasty. Lets go." Kolitar looks to his soldiers saying "now its time for Quinn Mallory to pay. Kill him, and everyone else in his cell!" they exit the building, leaving Mary to die. Back at the lab, Sara is sitting down at a desk, working with a kromagg laptop "Yes! its finally working." Sara calls to Mr. Dansforth as he enters, carrying a circular shaped device. "I've been able to locate every world that is controlled by the 'maggs, now all we do is slide to each one, sending the virus through." "we won't have a problem with that. Look at this." Mr. Dansforth hands Sara the device. "its a timer, so how does this help?" "since you've cracked the code, listing every world we have to visit, I've been able to insert the virus to kill them all, so we open a vortex leading to one of the 'magg controlled worlds, and when it opens, we kill the kromaggs. Then we set a new set of coordinates and slide to the next world and so on. But we can only visit 10 worlds at the maximum, or the circuitry could get fried. Jot down some coordinates. How many worlds do we have to visit to stop this problem?" "an exact total of 521 worlds. I'll write the first 5 down, then we can return to celebrate." "maybe when the 'maggs are gone, would be a better time to party." Mr. Dansforth sets the timer for 30 seconds, Sara catches up to him with the small list. He pushes the button near the bottom, with a keypad above it and the read out for the time set. a lightly blue colored vortex opens. "after you Sara." she jumps in, then Mr. Dansforth follows. Back inside the prison, Quinn and the others sit, waiting for whats next to come, when they hear loud noises from the hallway. Quinn gets up to see a band of rebels appearing near their cell. Quinn soon recognizes one of the men. "Remmy is that you?" "it sure is Q'Ball, man its great to see you in almost 2 years." He is met by 3 others, 1 african american woman, and 2 men. "we don't have much time Rem!" the woman says, so Remmy grabs a hold of the keys, unlocking the cell. "lets go, we have a backdoor to this place." The rebels are followed by 14 prisoners, along with armed men in the back. After reaching a dead end in a hallway, one of the men opens a hatch on the side of the wall by a lever. "lets move now!" every prisoner except the sliders and the rebels are safe, when the 'maggs arrive from both directions. "its the end for you humans." machine guns are pointed at them. Outside, Kolitar is returning to the prison, with his soldiers, when they hear machine gun fire inside. "I guess the sliders are going to get what they deserve without our help." Kolitar grins as a military jeep arrives, it stops and out comes Kelia. "we better get back, the virus to kill the humans is about to be let out into this world. Plus the 'magg virus to kill us had gotten a patoon of soldiers." They all get in the jeep, taking off, back to the prison. As they are driving pu to the gate, a soldier, thats badly beaten, exits a door, telling Kolitar. "the prisoners that escaped with Quinn Mallory are gone." Kolitar cracks a smile, "Are they really dead?" he turns back to the soldier about to answer. Back on Earth Prime, down in the basement, Mrs. Mallory walks down with a load of dirty clothes in a basket, when a green colored vortex opens, tossing Bennish out to the floor. Mrs. Mallory drops her basket, in amazement. "Mrs. M, good news, good news, I had the most bodatious ride of all. I created this timer (resembling the egyptian timer exactly) and since I have the power to come back at will, and track wormholes, I can now go in search of Quinn!" "Mr. Bennish, thats such great news, can I hug you for being so smart?" "sure thing Mrs. M." She takes a great hold of Bennish, then after she lets go, he puts the timer in his back pocket. "Do you have food, I'm starved." Bennish licks his chops ready for an answer.
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