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Episode 601: New Alliances

After a long wait, Sliders has returns with a new season, but this time, on Scifi. During the plans for a sixth season with Fox, it got axed to be replaced by World Scariest Police Chases.Previously on Sliders: When the sliders Ryan, Remmy, Jacob, Laura, Sara find the slidecage, they are able to open it, sliding to the Kromagg homeworld, and after meeting the Mallory's, they able to save the real Wade from near death. And even find Mr. Dansforth to help slide home, But things go wrong, when kromaggs attack, and plan a take-over. The group is lead to a underground resistance, in case the kromaggs ever returned. The Sliders find their old friend Rick, but he is really a kromagg spy. Mr. Dansforth and Sara return to his world to get the weapon. Laura shows her true colors, being a kromagg spy, and helps the kromaggs take over. Micheal, Wade, Jacob and Remmy are able to return to the surface, but as they slide out, the timer is destroyed. And Now Sliders..... -Desert winds blow around the area, as teh sun is hotter than ever. The four sliders that arrived here 3 months ago, were made into slaves for the cavemen, they are in a line of at least 40 other prisoners chained together as they return to their prison cells "I wish now that you didn't lose that timer, I can't take this pain anymore!" "Mr. Arturo, fine blame me, its my fault, I had a choice, either die or slide here. At least you know what happened to the timer-" "knock it off, its no one's fault we are here, just calm down" Remmy states. Wade meets the 3 men near the entrance, as she sips water from a canteen. Jacob falls to his knees, but then a guard takes his cane, jabbing Jacob into his back. Wade stops the caveman, as she helps Jacob up, carrying him into the back of the cell. Micheal and Remmy get water from another canteen inside near the sleeping area from Wade. Several others stare at the sliders, when Remmy says "what are you looking at?" "nothing bud, its just that you aren't from around here are you, but from a parallel world, which I saw for myself." "wait a minute, I thought you didn't talk, I mean your suppose to be less smart." Remmy states. "I do, and so does the other 800 people that exist, we learned it from the wise one 6 years ago." Wade sets Jacob down, giving him water. "what happened to the wise one?" "he died from poisoning, so we all get sent here to work." Remmy thanks the man for the information, then returns to the others, Wade sets Jacob down, giving him water, Remmy sits down next to Micheal "Mr. Mallory, I know we never discussed it, but I was wondering, did you ever have any kids, I mean I thought Quinn's double would exist." "He does, I'm Quinn Mallory!" they all turn to see 3 others, 2 men and a woman. "my god, your alive!" Micheal exclaims as he runs to Quinn for a hug. What If You Found A Portal To Alternate Worlds..... When Your The Same Person..... And Everything Is Different.... Where The Slides Have Taken Control Of Your Life..... We're Lost And Can't Find Home.....Starring: Cleavant Derricks Sabrina Lloyd David Charvet and John Walcutt as Micheal "Sliders" (Season Premiere) Episode 1: New Alliances Guest Stars: Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Wahlberg, and Rebecca Chambers. In the dark cave, Micheal speaks up again "how did you find us?" "dad, its a long story, you better sit down. We all better sit down." when the woman with blonde hair sits down, Wade recognizes her from the past "Michele is that you?" "whats it to you?" "its me, Wade, you should remember me and the others that saved you from Sid, and you remained on another earth." "right, well thanks a lot, I was in kromagg hell for a month, until Quinn saved me." "let me begin. On what I thought was my world, my dad told me, I was from a parallel world, I thought he was crazy, until he showed me the sliding device, to go in search of my real home. I slid to worlds for almost 3 years until I was joined by Michele who had just slid 8 months back. After I told her my name, she thought I was crazy, until she showed me a picture of the Quinn she knew, I realized I was a fraternal twin. She joined me and we kept sliding. Last year, we got separated, being put in kromagg prisons, and after we all were rescued by a raid, we found a new timer and I brought Joe with us, then about a month ago, we landed here, the timer was fried, and here we are." "we have a story too, but I'll make it short, we landed on 'magg prime for help, the kromaggs took over, a friend of ours betrayed us, and your dad got us stuck here. By the way, I'm Jacob Arturo, that is Rembrandt Brown and Wade Welles." "calm down Jacob, whats your problem anyway." "Joe, I'll take care of this. Jacob, we have a way to slide all of us off this world. I have a timer, and I realized those mines we have been working in, has a source of power, all I have to do is get enough to power the timer and we're off." By the next morning, the prisoners were heading to the mines, in straight lines. The sliders group tried to stay together as much as possible, but were taken to separate cave entrances. Wade and Michele had to remain with the women, while Micheal, Quinn, Joe, Remmy and Jacob were in another mining cave. The temperture was heating up to about 100 degrees, with everyone sweating. Several workers collapsed, and some just die off. Quinn's alternate was able to be alone, to gather some copper, when he hears a loud noise. He walks over to an edge of a cliff to see machines working to turn copper into oil. "how can this equipment exist?" Quinn asks himself, and then realized there would be tools for him to use down below for repairing the timer and use the copper to power the system in the timer. By nightfall, Quinn and Remmy returned to the prison, where they found the others sleeping. Remmy offers Quinn his canteen and he takes it. "so, we really haven't talked much, since we arrived, whats your story?" "My story is big, I joined this team of travelers and we started sliding, I lost 2 good friends, then when the kromaggs arrived, I joined up with another group who I thought were my friends, now I'm here." "what do you plan to do when things calm down?" "just try to get home, find my friends. You really are a different Quinn, thatn from the ones I know, you must of had a different father and mother." "I guess everyone has a different double. I was wondering if you know what happened to my mother and brother?" "I don't know much, the 'maggs hit us hard and fast, she might of died or captured. As for your brother, he wasn't there when we arrived." "he's probably lost, but I hope to find him if we ever leave this place." In the following morning, Wade and Michele are forced to go down 24 levels to dig for more copper, while in the elevator, they chatted. "Wade, what happened to your Quinn, is he dead?" "I don't know, I feel he's alive, but the kromaggs may have plans for him. He felt bad when you left our group, he really started to fall for you." "yeah, sure, I could of loved him, but Sid was a better lover." The doors open and all the women get off, grabbing sticks of fire. Jacob and Joe were sent down in another cave by themselves, when they talked everything out. "what is your problem with me and the others?" "Joe, its just that I've been stuck here for 3 months, I want to go home. I hated that Mr. Mallory lost our hope of ever getting back to sliding!" "well, you'd still be here if we never showed up!" Jacob shoves Joe into a corner of the elevator "what was that for?" "you should know. But if your a dumb-ass, I'll repeat myself. I want you to stay away from Wade. I found her first!" "bitch, I auta beat your ass now, but its Quinn's orders to play nice, or we all die." "I don't care about your Quinn's rules, lets go now! Jacob throws the first punch, but Joe beats him to it, and they began to push each other, punching each other, hitting each other hard enough to be in pain. The doors open, and Jacob falls to the ground. Then suddenly, the ground begins to shake. Joe helps Jacob up, but he refuses. "I can get myself up!" "Listen up buddy, we're gonna have to be nice to each other, until we can get the hell out of here!" All of the prisoners escape the caves above ground. Quinn and his father get out, but wonder where the others are. Remmy comes out, but a rock falls on his head, and makes him fall to the ground. Quinn and his father picks him up and they carry him back to where the other prisoners are standing. Back down below, Joe tries opening the doors, and when he does, he finds that rocks have caved in the elevator and is now out of service "damn it!" "why don't we just use the rope, ad go that way." Jacob exclaims. Joe turns to see a light coming from a path farther below. "ok, so I take this rope, to use in Quinn's plan of in case of a problem like this, got it." "Joe thats the smartest thing you've said so far." "don't think that I can't kill you, I've been through hell. My world got invaded by the kromaggs, I fought with all the strenght I had, so shut your mouth, because I can't stand this bull, your talking." Joe grabs the rope and walks on "aren't you coming or do you want to stay and die?" Jacob turns around and follows Joe to the outside. Back in the prison, Wade and Michele meet up with Quinn and Micheal, putting ice on Remmy's forehead, who is sleeping. "are the others back?" "no, the guard said they were dead. But I don't believe it." Quinn says. With the hot temperture, Joe and Jacob continue walking "I think we took the wrong way." Joe then stopped, and pushed Jacob backwards. "I was only joking." "the compound where our friends are at, probably sank down under, and they may all be dead. We may be able to survive for a couple more days, unless we get water." After reaching the top of the hill, Joe immediately see's a work station, as Jacob drags himself to the top, sweating badly "I think you better go on without me." "thats a good idea." "hey, I really didn't mean that." "No, look theres a work station, either that came above ground or has been here. Lets check inside, for anything." Joe pulls the timer out of his pocket. "here, hang onto this, we might find parts to fix it." Joe tosses the timer into the sand, as Jacob bends down to get it. wind bloes sand into Jacob's face "ah man, I hate this world. I hate eating dust!" Joe is able to open the metal door, and finds the place a wreck. There are bodies everywhere "the cavepeople weren't so lucky this time." "what do you mean, a dino probably came in here for a snack?" "no, I went through a bunch of quakes, a lot of good friends of mine died." the darkness gets to them, with tripping over everything, hwen suddenly Jacob bumps into a consol and it lights up. "I didn't do it." "shut your mouth, this is amazing technology they have. Think about it, a very intellectual society has technology advanced before the care is made, odd but amazing." "so how will this fix the timer?" "It won't, we need tools, like Quinn said, so start looking fool." the scene leads outside with someone looking, then suddenly, the person heads right up to Joe stabs him in the back with a sharp object "Hey, who the hell are you!" Jacob runs and jumps, attacking a large man with a patch on his right eye. The 2 struggle, as Joe barely can get up, to find something to attack the man with. The man slams Jacob into a wall and then Jacob falls to the ground unconscious. Joe is able to make it up, standing, but the stab wound is getting to him. He has found a metal pole, but the man laughs in his face. "this thing is going to kill me, yeah right boy!" Joe swings, but misses, then the man grabs a hold of it, slamming it down on Joes head, who also goes unconscious. The man walks away, when the ground starts shaking again, but he minds it and enters a stairwell, leading down several stories. After several hours that have passed, Jacob awakes to have a massive headache, but sees that Joe is in worse condition. Jacob can barely get up, with touching his head from the pain. Jacob walks to Joe, shaking him to wake. "hey Joe are you ok?" with no answer, he finds a stab wound in his back. "damn it, he's dead!" As Jacob turns around, a moaning sound is heard, he turns around to see Joe grabbing at his leg. "no one can kill this man." "your alive, here let me help you up." "good thing your around, or we both would be dead." "hey, I'm doing this as a friend, now I can drop you right now to end the suffering." "yeah, I would have to beat your ass, before you got away." They find medical bandages, and Jacob puts them on Joe, to cover the bleeding wound, then they continue to find parts for the timer. "so did you know that man, Joe?" "yeah, when we first arrived here, me and Quinn got put in a prison with others, he made trouble, so I tried to stop him, I guess he either wanted revenge, or realized we had a timer, but couldn't find it." A noise is heard beyond of their location, they enter a room, where it is a stairwell, and see white light coming from below. "what the hell is that?" "that is your fate bud!" They both turn to see the man again "haven't you tird of being the bad guy, Rax?" "no, not until I kill everyone I hate, including the both of you!" "Jacob, take this bag and walk out, I'll handle this." "yeah, but if you die, he'll come after me, no way, we're a team." "fine by me, I love the face of someone right before I kill them." The man grabs a hold of Jacob's neck, picking him off the ground, then throws him over near the stairs, battling it out with Joe first. They struggle, Joe repeatedly punches Rax, then he picks Joe up off the ground "do you know what the white light is, well I'll tell you, its an electrified ray of sheilding, so when you get to the bottom, you'll get a thousand volts enter your body." "I already knew that, if you were that smart, You would realize bad guys always lose!" Rax laughs, throwing Joe over the edge, who is then seen falling into the light. He reachs Jacob, who wakes again, as his neck is grabbed, bu just before he turns around, Joe climbs back up, knocking him over the head with a metal bar landing on the ground, with Jacob released "I guess these things can kill you. Jake your ok, help me pick this guy up." the guys toss himm over, then after exiting the room, they hear a crackling sound as the light shuts off. "I guess we make a good team, so how about a truce?" "sure Joe, lets go find the others." The 2 shake on it, heading back into the desert. The heat soon gets to them, as both of them collapse in the sand with the hot sun shining down on them. Shortly after, 2 shadows appear above Joe and Jacob, they mumble words, but not much makes sense. The scene fades to a fire going inside a cool cave. We see that both Joe and Jacob are sleeping on blankets, when Wade and Michele enter. Joe awakes to see them, asking "what the hell happened, how did we end up here?" "I can explain that." He turns to see Micheal Mallory, with Quinn and Remmy following. "after several quakes around the prison, the guards and leaders of this caveman pack, let us all go. I told some guards to go in search of you, for food, so they did, and I found this place to stay until our slide." "slide?" "with the tools you got me, me and my son were able to repair it." "it was a good thing they found you, or we may still be looking" Quinn says. Jacob awakes to see Wade "are you ok Jacob?" "I'm fine, what about the timer?" Jacob gets up to see everyone and Micheal shows the 2 the timer fully operational. "we slide in 3 minutes, so you both probably should get up." Remmy states. "With the tracking device I put in a few months ago, it still works, so we have a chance to find our friends and reconquer each, our earth from the 'maggs." Quinn says as Micheal puts his arm around his son. "Mr. Brown would you do the honors?" Remmy takes the timer, realizing it resembles the one Logan had. "Hey Quinn, did you get this from somewhere else?" "no, I found it in the Chandler Hotel, similar to my prototype, why?" Wade walks over to Remmy "because our worst enemy has an exact duplicate of this." Remmy opens the vortex (resembling the one from S2) Wade is first in, followed by Jacob and Micheal, then Remmy jumps in as Michele and Quinn follow him in.
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