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Episode 525: Revengeful Acts

Winding down to the last ep. for my Sliders Season Five, but with me leaving a cliff hanger at the end, I will be back for my Season Six.Guest Stars: Julia Stiles, Roy Dotrice, Sabrina Lloyd, Eric Szmanda, John Walcutt, Marnie McPhail, Reiner Schone, Una Damon, Linda Hennings, and Jason Gaffney. On a toxic-smog filled earth, the sliders are inside a large constructed building, down a corridore, the sliders are walking into darkness, but as they walk down some stairs, Jacob heads right into a force field "Ouch that hurt!" "you've got to be careful, those things kill. Remember that man we saw after arriving here, a week ago, his face was burned off!" "can we get moving along here, I don't mean to push, but I can't stand this timer frozen, or the thought that a kromagg was here, about to kill us all" "Remmy don't worry, Jacob pushed him to the outside, from a shaft on the floor." Sara deactivates the shield, then the sliders continue down onto a platform "this machine should unlock the slidecage, then we can slide to Mr. Dansforth's homeworld, if it still exists, since the last human survivor told us it was overrun by the 'maggs." Sara pushes some buttons and then a loud unlocking noise is heard for a few seconds, then it stops "its open. Are you all ready to slide?" Remmy speaks for the group "yes we are, lets go!" Sara switches a button, pulling the sliders up in a quick instant to a portal. The ride is quick, but easier to handle, the portal reopens up near a white gate, tossing the sliders to the ground on a cement sidewalk, on top of each other, then as the portal closes, Laura picks herself up, looking at the timer "its working again, we slide in 29 hours, 45 minutes, just like before." As Remmy gets up, he looks around "hey I think that house is the Mallory residence!" Remmy walks over to the front gate "It is their house!" "maybe Mr. Dansforth lives here. We should probably check it out." the sliders enter past the gate, leading up to the front door, Ryan knocks, and after a minute, the door opens "may I help you?" a woman speaks, then Remmy says "ya, I'm Rembrandt Brown, my friends and I came here by the possibility of Mr. Dansforth, he met 2 of our friends captured by the 'maggs, by the name of Quinn Mallory and Maggie Beckett." the woman turns around, yelling for Micheal, then a man quite old comes to the door "your friends of Mr. Dansforth?" "yes, can you tell us where he is?" "we have some bad news to tell you, come in, we need to chat privately." The group is led into the living room, as the woman leaves the room for drinks "obviously you know my name, I'm Micheal Mallory, and thats my wife Liz. Mr. Brown, your friend Mr. Dansforth arrived here 2 years ago, telling us that it was vital to put up a slidecage device around this world, due to kromagg activity. He left and we didn't think nothing of it, until a year ago, when the 'maggs brought human prisoners, and starting conflicts with humans, leading to a civil war against the 2 of our races. We let a virus into the air to kill off 'maggs, most of them survived in underground buildings, while others slid off world. We then we activated a lock around our world. Then about 2 months ago, we found out Mr. Dansforth never left this world and was captured. He will be executed tomorrow, unless we stop it." Sara then asks "how are we going to to do that?" "we have advanced medical tech. that the 'maggs want, if its possible we can let all of the humans go." Liz Mallory enters, setting the drinks on the coffee table "did you ask them yet?" Ryan interrupted "ask us about what?" "we just wondered, since you came through a wormhole, how did you get through, since the slidecage is in the way?" "I was able to deactivate it." "is the cage still open?" "it should be locked, or if anyone tries to come here, they will slide back to the world they came from, or land in the slidecage and would have to deactivate it themselves, but I don't think kromaggs are smart enough to do that." "I was also wondering, if you could help locate our friends. See I originally joined a group of sliders who I thought were mine, but different." Mrs. Mallory answers "we have a database of all the prisoners here on this world, lets go check Mr. Brown, maybe your friends are in the prison." Remmy and Mrs. Mallory head off to another room, leaving the sliders to sit with Mr. Mallory. The 2 enter a den, Mrs. Mallory sits in a chair, as Remmy grabs another chair to sit by her at the computer. Liz Mallory hacks into a program, where a screen comes up reading, enter name of prisoner "what are your friends names?" "Try Wade Welles." the name is entered, and her file is brought up "it says she's been year for almost a year and a half." "thats about the time we lost this Wade I knew. Is there anyway we can go into the prison to save her, and possibly Mr. Dansforth?" "there is, but we would have to give up something, like our medical tech." "I say we do it!" the 2 turn around to see Micheal at the door "you mean we just hand the medicine over to the 'maggs, I don't think so, they could kill us the instant we arrive." "why not, theres not a chance they can get reinforcements here, they have no choice. Mr. Brown I'll contact the MP's to join us, we can leave in an hour." "fine with me." Liz turns back to Remmy, asking "what about your other friends?" "I don't think we have to worry, if I can find Wade, the others might be there too." In a kromagg base on earth 345, Kolitar is chatting with another 'magg leader from a screen "this is a promising day. When can we get to the homeworld?" "we can slide in 5 hours. I've contacted Major Kiner, he has prepared the sujbects to open vortexs at will. We can have a thousand ships there in less than 10 minutes!" "this is a glorious day for the Dynasty." Kolitar shuts his screen off, when Mary enters "Mary, hows it going?" "the 'maggs who have been melded with sliders are here, what do you want me to do with them?" "send them to the manta ships, prepare them for a fight, and also inject a higher dosage in everyone, we need full blooded kromaggs to kill the humans." "yes master." In a kromagg cell, Wade is sitting on her bunk, when her friend Sam returns. The door opens and Sam is shoved in, only to be knocked to the floor "here let me help you up." "I'm fine Wade!" "so what happened?" "they took me to another prison, I got to see my other friends get executed, just like we're going to be." "I have a way out of here-" "save the self pity, theres no way out. Even if we did, we'd be dead in seconds!" "keep your voice down." "why should I. Its not like we're going to be saved by Quinn, like you said." "my plan is-" "all humans report outside, for public slaughter!" the cell doors open, and the prisoners get into one line, walking out. Wade and Sam are last to exit into a bright sunny day,followed by 2 guards. Near the entrance, 3 jeeps arrive to a force field, Mr. Mallory and the sliders exit the jeeps along with the MP's. A 'magg leader's image appears "whats your purpose for being here humans!" "I'm Micheal Mallory, we have a certain medical technology that you've required for years. Let us in, and give us prisoners we'll trade for the tech. You know this is you only hope of survival." the shield is shut off, everyone gets into the jeeps, taking off into the prison area. 30 prisoners are forced to a platform in front of a firig squad, including Sam "well Wade this is our fate!" Sam walks out onto the platform "fire at will!" a kromagg leader yells. Shots are fired, killing them all, then Wade screams "No!" "next group step on up." a woman walks in front of Wade, as she begins tearing up, then whispers to herself "Quinn, why didn't you save me?" Just before the leader ordered the fire, he is met by a 'magg soldier, whispering something into his ear "all prisoners report to your cells immediately!" The 3 jeeps arrive to the main gates, where they open, the sliders, Micheal Mallory and the MP's get out, to be met by a kromagg leader "Micheal Mallory, I've heard about you." "cut the crap!" "I hear your willing to give up research from worthless humans for our survival." "shut up maggot, I hate it that you live!" "Remmy calm down." Sara whispers quietly. "human, if we were on a battlefield, you would be dead now." "anyway, if you let all your prisoners go, this disk is yours." "what if I say no, and I have my guards kill you now." "what if I'm lying and this disk is worthless, are you willing to lose this, for your survival?" the 'mag leader turns around to chat with others, then turns around, heading to Micheal "I agree with your proposition, but the disk first." "not before the humans are released. I'm not dumb as you think." An hour later, the prisoners were released, as more jeeps arrive to carry them back to fit 152 prisoners. Remmy reunites with Wade, and the sliders meet Mr. Dansforth, as they head back to the Mallory house to chat "Mr. Dansforth, I know that we never met, but what did you need to talk to Quinn about?" "Mr. Brown, after I met your friends, I believed that they could help in the process of defeating the 'maggs, but with what you say of them, it won't happen." Laura then gets up to use the bathroom. Sara then continues the conversation "I would, since you are quite a professional of sliding, make it possible to take us back to your lab to help us find our world coordinates?" "of coarse, to help a friend, your all welcome to my lab." Ryan gets up to head into the den where Wade is sitting by a fire "how was the shower?" "it felt good, especially to get cleaned up." Wade stopped talking for a few seconds, looking back at the fire "I lost a friend today. Her name was Sam. We met after she was captured by the 'maggs shortly after I was. I think if it wasn't for you all, I'd be dead." "Wade, I want you to know that I didn't feel bad when you told me no about staying with me. I know Quinn means alot to you, but I still care for you." "I know Ryan and I appreciate it." Remmy enters to excuse Ryan from the room, then Remmy shuts the door "whats up Rem?" "I need to know something, I know that your Wade, but I'm not sure your my friend Wade, that I slid with last year, along with Maggie and Q'Ball." "I figured this would come up. I am the Wade who started this journey 5 years ago. I remember that Rickman never died, and we went chasing him. I got captured by the 'maggs along with Maggie and you saving me, after 3 months in that hell hole. Or the time we thought we slid home, or before I was captured again, realizing your my friend's double-" loud explosions are heard, Wade and Remmy run out of the room, to see the others staring out the window "whats going on?" "the 'maggs are here. Vortexes are appearing at will, we're being attacked. Liz, we have to go now. Mr. Dansforth, you sliders, we have to leave, there is a place we can hideout at." The group heads outside, then start running down the sidewalk, as the Mallory house explodes. A manta ship is hovering the group, firing weapons at them. Sara trips over rubble, but Jacob helps her up. They continue running down an alley as the manta ship flies away. The group stops near a trash dumpster "that was a close one. We nearly died." "don't say that Jacob, the fight isn't over yet." Laura continues on to say "Wades right." "we knew that if this day was to occur, we would need an underground headquarters base." Micheal opens the lid, climbs in, followed by Liz. The sliders look at them weird "this is our entrance. The only way the 'maggs wouldn't find us." the sliders and Mr. Dansforth follow them down a flight of stairs, and into a doorway, where a hatch is located "doesn't this look familiar." Jacob asks the others quietly. Micheal and Liz Mallory enter their codes. The hatch unlocks, opening to a large facility, with several others at stations "this is amazing, I've never seen anything like this before." "it is something. We started building an underground after we were first defeated by the 'maggs." "Colonel Mallory, we have visuals of the manta ships hovering around to find humans. Some weren't so lucky, especially in the streets." "good work. Have you located the person we needed to find?" "yes sir, he's in your office." Micheal turns to the sliders "the friend you've been looking for is this way." Mr. Dansforth stays with Micheal, while the sliders follow Liz to a transport. They enter, the door closes and they begin heading downward to Sector 14. The doors open again, the sliders are led to a metal door. Laura opens it, to find Rick sitting down on a couch. There is a happy reunion "its great to see you guys. I've missed you all too much." "Rick I want you to meet someone, an old friend. Wade Welles, meet Rick Mallory." "nice to meet you. I heard alot of nice things about you. I hope the kromagg prisons weren't too bad." "they were, but I'm safe now." "Remmy do you have the timer?" "ya Sara, we slide in 23 hours in change." "good, I think we may have to slide to an alternate world, and sort out what we have to do. We can't leave this world, since its our fault we let the 'maggs in through the back door." "fine. Jacob, hang onto the timer." Outside, near the Mallory house, a manta ship lands. A door opens to let the kromaggs off. Kolitar is leading. He steps onto the sidewalk near the gate "this is a good place to start. I want all of you to search this area. I want Micheal Mallory to myself. Move!" Mary walks over to him "so, do you think Rick will lead us to his friends?" "If he can, there won't be anything to stop us, from ruling every world in the multiverse." "what about Quinn Mallory?" "I'll see it, that he dies a hero." The sliders return to learn more vortexes are opening, bringing manta ships and destruction with them. "Mr. Mallory, is it possible to slide me back to my world. I have a weapon that will surely wipe out 'maggs from this world?" "I'll take you to the sliding machine." "Mr. Dansforth, may I accompany you for the journey?" "sure Ms. Mallory." The 3 head down a hallway onto a transport. Back at the location of the group, an officer speaks up saying "the rest of you should get off world. I'll send you all to different worlds, since we are in need of resistance help-" Rick intervenes, then turns into a kromagg "I don't think so human!" Rick pulls out a gun, and shoots at an officer, dropping dead to the floor. "who the hell are you. Where ours friend?" "I'm sorry to say, he's been melded with a kromagg, to form a new hybrid of a warrior." Laura walks over to the Rick clone, being handed a gun "what the hell?!" "thats right, I'm a kromagg informant. And you all are now captured by the kromagg Dynasty." Laura heads to the entrance, fires a weapon to open the door. She runs out, only to return with kromagg soldiers "you'll never get away with this. We have others that can spread the virus again. And then you all will be dead!" Kolitar then enters "sorry to say, but the virus has been taken to another world, to be studied by our scientists and in hopes of making a virus to kill the humans!" Mary enters, going to the side of Kolitar "Mary is that you. I thought Quinn said you died?" "He thought I died. I had to let him go, so or plans could work, in the take over of kromagg prime." After Mr. Dansforth and Sara slid out, Micheal see's a monitor with 'maggs taking control of this underground station. He opens a panel, to pull a gun out. He exits the room to start shooting "All humans will be taken back to our prisons, and immediately killed for wrong doing." then a blast hits Kolitar in his arm. He looks over to see Micheal and others ready for a fight "get them!" the sliders see a chance to escape, they split up, running down different hallways. Laura follows Ryan, firing at his back, making him fall down. Wade and Jacob make it inside a transport, when the power starts shutting down, the doors open on a level with kromaggs aiming guns at them, then suddenly, they are surprised by Remmy and Micheal as they attack the 'maggs from the back, killing them both. The 2 run over to Jacob and Wade "I know the way out of here. If we take this to the bottom level, there is a tunnel leading to the forest, unless they shut the power off before than." "lets do it Rem." Liz Mallory is taken by force to a manta ship, along with others. Ryan is left for dead, when Kolitar tells Mary to activate a bomb near the stations. She complies as the timing device counts down from 15 minutes. The 4 that escaped, made it to the forest area, only to see 'maggs patrol the area, for prisoners. "how long until the gateway opens?" "23 hours. Theres no where to hide." "not if we go back inside to use my sliding machine-" Micheal is cut off to hear a explosion "the underground, its been destroyed!" "does anyone know what happened to Ryan?" "I don't know, he's probably captured, and ready to be sent back to a slave colony." "well we have no choice, we'll have to open the vortex early. We can figure things out, after we slide." Jacob hands the timer to Micheal Mallory, he then pushes a few buttons, then pushes the button that opens the vortex. Wade is first in, followed by Jacob, Remmy, and just before Micheal enters, he is shot in the hand by a laser, causing the timer to get dropped and destroyed as it is in flames, and his hand gets burned severely. He turns to see a 'magg coming towards him, as he is jumping in the vortex. The ride inside the vortex is quick, the portal reopens tossing the sliders down a steep rock hill. As all 4 get to the bottom, they all get up to see that fierce, vicious cave men surrounding them "when do we slide?" "I'm sorry to say, but the timer got destroyed. Where ever this place is, will be our new home." On another world, Sara and Mr. Dansforth have programmed his timer to send them back, until they realize the portal that brought them to his world wasn't being tracked "the station, must of been destroyed." "do you think everyone is gone?" "I hope not, but we can return. The problem, we may risk, sliding out in front of the kromaggs, or any other place on that world." "well since we have the weapons, we can start to send the virus into the air." "but if we did, the 'maggs could kill us before we even start to send the virus into the air." "why don't we start working on a way to slide us to a spot on 'magg prime where no one will see us." "thats our only other solution, unless we let the virus out in the vortex, making it possible, to send the virus immediately into the air, then, make another vortex, that we can slide through to see the results." Sara looks towards him with hoping their plans will work. Back on Earth Prime, Bennish is scene, opening the white picketed fence, leading to teh Mallory house. He walks onto the porch, knocking on the door. After a few seconds, Mrs. Mallory opens the door, with Schrodinger in her arms "Bennish what are you doing here?" "I know we haven't spoke for about a month, but with your son's equipment, I now have the knowledge that will bring him home." Mrs. Mallory opens the door again "come in Mr. Bennish, you have alot of work to do." "alright! cool!" The conclusion ends with Bennish down in the basement, turning on a stereo, taking a drink from a pepsi can on a table, then sticking it back down, the begins headbanging to the loud music as he moves his body in different directions, like his fingers being made into guns, and shooting them at the board with the sliding equation, saying bang.
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