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Episode 523: Down Under

3 worlds away from my season finale, including this one. I know my shows suck by how I write them, so don't feel sorry for me being dumb.Guest Stars: Micheal Michele, Heather Locklear as Kelly, and Justin Whalin as James. The vortex opens near a beach, tossing the sliders out into the ocean water, but they make it safely to land "thats a new kind of slide, I really enjoyed this one, besides the fact that I almost died." "Remmy, your on land, maybe Quinn or the others should of taught you how to swim" "how could I get time, I've been sliding for nearly 5 years" Sara intervenes, "stop it you two, look up at the sky" "thats not the sky, its a glass covering. We must of slid inside a dome." "than that means we have landed on a world wheres its covered in glass?" "no, look closely to the sky, its completely blue, we must of slid in under water. Maybe this was a real big earthquake, making California literally break off and sink to the bottom." They continue walking, heading down a road into a small park, when an earthquake occurs, the sliders collapse to the ground as several others run frantically. Shortly after the quake stop, the sliders get up, to look towards the sky, seeing that there is a crack in the dome "we better find the leader and warn him of this." "lets just hope we don't have to slide the entire population off this earth, using our timer." The sliders continue walking, but they don't realize that someone in a car is watching them from binoculars in a van. They reach a larger version of the Chandler Hotel "maybe this place is a vacation, it almost has 90 stories on it" "you don't have height problems do you Rem?" "very funny, lets just get a room near the exit, in case of fire." As they head to their room, Sara and Laura go to the bar for a drink while the men take the elevator up to their room, suddenly as Sara enters the bar, she rams into Jacob's double with a beard "sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" "its ok. Do you mind if I speak with the both of you and your friends?" "sure, but why do you want to talk to us, are we in trouble?" "no, but I believe your sliding machine can save this underwater world." After closing the door, the 3 men relax on the beds, when a knock at the door was heard, Remmy comments "great, someone probably wants to know if we need towels!" Ryan opens the door to see the 2 ladies with Jacob's double "we need to talk, let us in." The 3 enter, then Jacob is shocked to see his double "don't be alarmed, I know that your sliders from parallel worlds." "how do you know?" "well I was on my way to the beach, when I saw a portal open, tossing the 5 of you out. So I ran to the bushes and watched you, then after you left, I took a shortcut to town, and watched you from my van." "so what do you want from us?" "Jacob Arturo, I'm your double, I'm surprised you don't know. I'm kidding!" after a few seconds, the double continues "about 20 years ago, me and my family took a trip to France, and when we arrived, we learned that California had several earthquakes, knocking the plate movement away from land, and California sank. Millions of people died, but then in 1985, a team of explorers found a lost city, which was in a form of a dome, and after finding a way in through a transport tunnel, they found it abandoned. Then in 1990, people were able to move down underwater, by a new designed submarine, making this a new vacation attraction." "did whoever find what happened to the people that built this place?" "no. Well thats where I come in, I had finished high school and went into marine biology, I wanted to learn as much to figure out what happened, hoping to be a celebraty. But I knew nothing would come up, I just figured the people died while trying to make it back to mainland, so I left. My dad died of a disease which I didn't understand, and shortly after, me and my mom returned down here to live, but then in 1996, my mom went in for a nueral scan, and found out she had a untreatable terminal illness, only to die a month later." "your the opposite of me, my mom died, and my father is stuck on a parallel world." the double looks strangely at Jacob and he answered "long story, I'll tell you later." "anyway, about 3 months ago, there has been cracks in this dome, literally having the glass break, and we all would die." "why doesn't everyone return to the main land now?" "Sara, thats not an option, we lost contact with the main land 6 months ago, and we have 2 subs, but both are unusable, making an unpossible escape." "whats wrong with the subs?" "actually we don't have any, you caught me in a lie. The last 2 were launched out into the ocean, from a crazed man, hoping he would kill us all, but he was killed by a shark, after ejecting himself into the water. Now brings me to your help. I've been working on sliding for about 3 years, all of my probes never returned, I created a timer, and only once did a probe return, all burned to a crisp." "Sara would be good help, since we all really aren't the interdimensional travel professors on sliding." "well, you'll have to do, but you all may remember something on sliding, because a few scientists speculate that this dome will be destroyed in 3 days." By the next morning, the sliders were taken to Jacob's double's lab, and as they enter the building, they were amazed of what they saw "this must be near the end of the land, since water is above the ceiling" "it is, you've entered the command center for this world, even the transports are below. Come this way, Dr. Arturo wants your help immediately." the sliders follow a thin and tall man thats bald with glasses up a flight of stairs, then onto an elevator, which is heading upward to the 14th floor. As the door opens, Jacob's double welcomes them in "this is my laboratory. I see that you've met Chuck Haven, our assistant on sliding." Dr. Arturo brings the sliders into a smaller room, where a young african american is sitting at a desk, working on a machine "And this gal over here is Lexie Craton, she's been my sliding partner-" "and the leader of this small unforseen world, but no one really cares, hi everyone. I've heard your here to save us?" "I guess you could say that." "well I'll let Sara help you, while I take the others someplace else, since I have a board meeting in 10 minutes." After 2 hours, the sliders return with Jacob's double to find Lexie and Sara ready to test the timer "here goes nothing. If this works we have progress." Lexie points at the wall, a red stream of light flashes, as a green vortex opens in front of them. It quickly close "I adjusted the heat accelerator to a lower point, so nothing will burn up." "nice work ladies. Well I guess theres no point of stopping now, lets slide to find a new world, who with me?" "I'll go" "so will I, if no one minds." Jacob's double programs the timer for 10 minutes in case of a hostile environment, then he reopens the vortex. Laura is first to jump in, followed by Ryan, then Dr. Arturo enters. The vortex closes with the others waiting for them to return. Inside the vortex, the ride is extremely wild, then the portal opens in an alley "that was the most wildest ride I've taken so far." "I wonder where we are?" "probably Los Angeles, San Francisco, or anywhere in between." "this place looks very familiar. If I'm correct, there should be a food market down the street, and a lottery machine shortly passing it." "Ryan, do you think this is your homeworld?" "I hope not, because if someone recognizes me, I might get captured." the 3 exit the alley to find the exact things Ryan said, but as they walk past everyone, no one doesn't recognizes him "hey there are alot of good prices here, maybe this is the place to live." "sure, how about buying me an apple for 35 cents?" "ok, do you want one Ryan?" "ya, I don't care the color." "so, I see that you are close with my alternate" "ya, we were lovers at one time, but shortley after starting a commited relationship, he got amnesia. See we slid to a world where people had their lives erased, but when we slid in to that world, Jacob had slid somewhere else, hitting his head on a fire hydrant, getting amnesia. He soon fell for another woman, but she died, and when Jacob got his memories back, he told me it was over, since he truely felt this other woman was his soul mate." "so have you ever wondered if he still want a relationship?" "no, we're just good friends" the 2 look at each other for a second as Ryan wanders off. He turns the corner to find the lottery machine gone, and replaced with a hot dog stand, then a woman bumps into Ryan "Mr. Coplin, is that you?" "oh hi Kate." "I haven't seen you since your high school class of spanish. I heard you won the lottery, but you escaped the law by jumping into a whirlpool with another winner" "ya, thats right, but don't say anything to the police, I don't want to get captured." Kate looks at him oddly, as she walks on. Ryan turns around to join the others, but as he leaves, Kate is at a payphone "yes hello. I just bumped into a lottery winner who has returned from a 5 year absence, its Ryan Coplin, he's near the market place, come quickly!" "thought we lost you there for a second, where did you go?" "Jacob, I just went to see if the lottery machine was there, it wasn't, this isn't my world after all." "so how much longer do we have?" "Laura, we slide in 6 minutes, but we are going to slide to another world after this one, and probably 2 more after that, then we can slide home." Back on the homeworld, the sliders await for the others, when Dr. Craton walks in "I think its time to tell the people that we're leaving soon, but If I do, I fear riots may occur" "but if we tell them that everyone is going, things might be better than you expect." "fine, why don't you all follow me down to the conference room, I will make the speech in a few minutes." The 3 sliders enter the park, they over hear a loud voice "he's over there!" then as Ryan, Laura and Dr. Arturo turn around, they see a mob running towards them "I guess this is my world" "lets move, we have 2 minutes!" the sliders take off running, but then more mob is forming in front of them, so they turn to the right, running down a hill into bushes and behind a tree "its time!" Jacob's double opens the portal, as all 3 jump in with the mob running to see the portal close. The ride inside the vortex is wild again, then it reopens above water, tossing the sliders out "what the hell happened!" "its possible that since we are nearly 2 miles down below the surface, the vortex opened above the ocean water!" the sliders struggle to stay afloat "don't worry, we have 10 minutes until our next slide" "thats if we can survive!" "I agree with Ryan." after a few seconds, Dr. Arturo speaks "how about we swim in a direction until its time ok!" Inside the conference room, Dr. Craton is at the podium with 5 microphones from news stations to let the public know whats happening, even the screens on the outside connected to buildings have people staring, listening to what Lexie has to say "My fellow americans, it has come to my attention that this dome we all have called home, has cracks in the glass, which formed this city, now if the glass was to break through, we all would die, but recently, I met a scientist named Dr. Jacob Arturo and Dr. Sara Mallory, have found a way to travel to a parallel world, where we will live for the rest of our lives, but if you refuse to jump in the portal, leading to the new world, you have by choice to stay here, and having a chance at death." the sliders decide to remain upstairs near the window, when they see hundreds of people forming near the gate "lets hope things don't get out of hand. If people threaten us to only take them, they will be led to a parallel world without choosing your destination, my orders must be followed if we all are to survive." As the portal opens, the 3 exit it, carrying swords along with Laura carrying a shield "that won't be one place we're going to choose as our world!" "that was lucky, that we barely survived that place, I guess peasants would lie to get someone killed, especially to get our clothes." "look at you, I think any woman would want that dark shirt." Laura smirks at Ryan's remark, then she twists his as they walk down a hill. "this seems like a familiar place" "have you been here before, like Ryan to his world?" "possibly, but theres nothing around but forest." the 3 head back up another hill to see a small town down below "it looks pretty empt, maybe this would be a good place to start a life" "lets go down for a look." the 3 head down to find a large white gate in front of them. Laura opens it, and as they enter, they see several dead bodies around "my god, look at this place, there must of been a war here!" "that would be a correct analysis, because there are soldiers over there by that house." "I think we better try another world, I'll lock in some coordinates for the timer." A short time later, the portal reopens in a park, as the sliders land on the grass "now heres a good place to stay, everything looks dead" "a possible kromagg attack?" "no, there aren't any blast marks on the building or cars" "if this is an empty world, I definately would choose this place." Just as they turn down onto a street, a woman comes out "move and I'll shoot you all!" "calm down, we just arrived here, we are interdimensional travelers from a parallel world" "that can't be possible, I had a friend create sliding and he told me that no one else on any other world could possess this technology" "its true, but do you know what happened here?" "no, I arrived with 2 others on this earth about 5 months ago, our timer fried, my friend who created the timer had been injured, because we just came from the Civil War, then he died 2 weeks later, but Quinn did mention that possibly something happened to this worlds people to die off." "thats a coincident, I have a friend named Quinn too, he's in a kromagg prison" "sorry to hear, we met the kromaggs after 2 years of sliding, we barely escaped. Tomorrow will be the anniversary for our first journey, which started 7 years ago." "what about your other friend, is he dead?" "my other friend, James is sleeping after a long night drinking. What do you want anyway?" "I'm Jacob Arturo, this is Laura Cosgrove and Ryan Coplin, we come from a world where California sank and I live underwater, but recently our dome began cracking and we need to find a new world to live on, so how about it, can we join you on this world?" "sure, I trust you all enough, but on one condition, me and James get to go back with you to help your people, to this place." "deal, and I will help fix your timer to slide out, so you can resume your search for home." the group returns to the lab with their 2 new friends, as the sliders and Dr. Craton enters "we found it, a new world to live on, and we met Kelly and James" "thats great, but we have a problem. I went back to look through our equation and we only can handle 250 citizens, compared to our 500 citizens. We might have to leave some behind." "how about we take the other half, since both our timers are alike, and you copied our chip, we can slide the other half to the new world." "fine. I will need to change the timers power to a high frequency." "now we have to gather the people here, to send them into the vortex, I suggest that this building is evacuated first, have a group over there to assist the people." Sara then speaks "Dr. Craton and I will stay here, we'll be last to go, in case problems occur." "I'll stay too-" "wait a minute, why don't we advance the power to send a vortex throughout this city, sliding everyone off at once, then we can switch power chips before the slide to have more power" "good idea, I think since your my double, we're starting to think alike." Jacob and his double laugh, then the group gets to work. In the next morning, Lexie Craton had been giving a speech to the citizens, about the new world, as Jacob's double and Sara worked feverioushly to finish with the timers, when Kelly enters the small lab "so hows the progress, are you almost finished to slide us away?" "we are almost finished, but we have a new problem, this dome is suppose to collapse and our timer goes off 5 hours after the glass breaks." Dr. Arturo continues, "thats not a problem, all we do is switch the timers power chip, with putting our chip in yours and yours in ours.", then Kelly asks "so you won't be sliding with us when its time?" Sara answers her with "we can, but our timer would go useless, which would mean we would have to use Dr. Arturo's timer, but he may have to use it for other problems that may occur." Back at the Chandler, in room 240, the remaining sliders sit in the room, hanging out "you know we'll have to hide out in a shelter underground, or we may drowned" "why don't we just activate the timer early, I mean it won't screw anything up!" "Jacob you sound, just like me when I first started sliding, I hated Q'Ball for even bringing me along, but after awhile, things changed for me, especially making new friends." "for your answer Jacob, you'll have to get that from Sara." the phone rings, and Laura picks it up to get an answer from Sara "hi, I wanted to tell you that Dr. Arturo wants us all at the lab for a final good-bye." "fine, we're on our way." Laura hangs the phone up, telling the group to head on out. As 3 p.m. came around, the sliders had given Dr. Arturo and Dr. Craton luck for the new world, as well as Kelly and James to find home, then the countdown began for the vortex to open, with Dr. Arturo on the view screen for everyone to watch "after so long, we have a new life waiting for us on the other side, we've programmed each of your slide signatures into the timer to pick you up, we have 6 minutes until our journey, so sit back and relax, because its going to be a wild ride!" Dr. Arturo left the podium to join the sliders for a final farewell "I'm glad you all showed up here, I hope you find what your looking for, and try to defeat the kromaggs, so you can live in peace too. Laura and Jacob, I want you 2 to look out for each other, I know the both of you care very deeply for each other, and I hope things work out for you both, just remember, stay in this room until we leave since this is ground zero. Good-bye!" the sliders respond as they watch him go downstairs "what did you tell him about us?" "just that we were close and we fell apart." Jacob shakes his head which he agrees to her statement and then he spoke up "you know that I love you, still to this day. I would take her back in a heartbeat." "I may consider doing that." After a few seconds, a loud vortex opening is heard, then in an instant, everyone was gone, then Remmy speaks "we're the last people to be here, lets go back to the Chandler and stay in the celler which is 20 feet below the hotel main floor" Ryan agreeingly says "good idea." As the sun begins setting, the sliders decide to wait until the dome breaks, since the celler isn't that far away "I think Dr. Arturo's facts about this flood was wrong, we slide in 9 minutes and nothing, lets go to the bar, for one last drink." Ryan leads the group into a large room. He goes to the counter, finds 5 beer mugs and starts pouring. A rumbling sound begins to be heard by the sliders "lets go, the dome is gone!" Remmy leads the group, as the 5 run to the main door to see a large quantity of water coming their way, then Sara yells "go, go!" so they open the closet door, and begin running down 10 flight of stairs, leading down a long cooridore and then into a small room where a hatch is in the way "great, they put a combination lock on this, who did they think was going to break in to hide?"
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