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Episode 522: New Opportunities

The sliders are being chased into the desert, by kromaggs "I think this was a bad idea to go in search of Rick" Laura states "I guess my charm doesn't work anymore." Ryan see's a bunker, so they head to it, to find the door unlocked "we don't have much time, this may stall them." When they enter down below, they find it empty of kromaggs, except a few lockers and weapons hung on the wall are seen. A locker opens far from the sliders, to show a kromagg watching every move they make, then the kromagg soldiers arrive with the leader saying "come out humans, you have no where else to hide, you have a minute to respond or we'll start firing at the bunker!" "its time" Jacob speaks as he opens the vortex. The 5 enter the portal, then the kromagg comes out and jumps in, following the sliders to the next world. The wormhole ride goes even faster, the vortex opens tossing the sliders out like bricks "hey Sara, do you think you can fix the timer or the vortex, I really don't want to die before I complete my journey." "sure thing, I will have a look around on this world-" Sara is cutoff as the 'magg comes out, knocking her down, Ryan yells "what are you doing here 'magg!" "don't touch me, I have my reasons, leave me alone, this is my world now human!" The kromagg runs away as the sliders try to stop him, but no luck, Jacob states "that's great, now we have a problem, a kromagg running around in a human civilized world, theres no way he can handle all of the things this place has to offer." "we better go find him, he may want our help." "I have to get to the university, I think with the sliding techniques I will learn, if this place has the formula's, it might be possible to land on a world we want. Remmy, do you still have the microdot Quinn gave you?" "ya, its in my pocket, but I should probably go with you" "fine, how about the rest of you get us a room at the Chandler and try to find the 'magg." the groups split heading in 2 different directions.At the Chandler, the sliders enter their room, when they hear voices from below, Ryan goes to the window, opens it to see the 'magg running down the alley with food as a man chases him, Jacob says "we better go get him, the alley isn't a dead end." "we should probably split up, to block him off." Over at UCLA, Sara is walking with a huge book: Quantum Mechanics- Stable Wormholes and Rifts as the title. Remmy is following behind her wearing a lab jacket. They enter a lab that is empty "lets set up over there near the restabilize sequencer." Sara puts the book down and opens to a chapter and begins activating machines "I hope you know what your doing, your just like Quinn, always talking in techno-talk" "Remmy, its all in the matter of knowing science, I even studied wormholes for a college class." Back behind the hotel, the 'magg is running when Jacob and Laura step out to block his way, and when he turns back, to go down another alley, Ryan jumps out, knocking the 'magg down "let me go human, or do you want your eyes taken!" "hey, you were the one that slid with us" the others arrive with the market owner "give me money kid, and you can keep it!" Jacob steps in "here you go, take this twenty, he's with us" "your crazy too, we haven't used money since 1602, when the Dollar Act came into the world, making people use electronic chips. I should mention, thats fake, because on the twenty dollar bill, Christopher Columbus was on it, not that man. Oh hell, just take the stuff, your all crazier than I expected." the man leaves as Laura thanks him, then Ryan and Jacob get hold of the 'magg as they stand him up "you have a lot of explaining to do 'magg!" "a female human talking like that to me, should die!" Ryan begins grabbing his throat, squeezing it hard "stop it Ryan, let him go" "why, let the human kill me, I'm not afraid to die!" "just start talking!" Jacob yells. "fine, I joined you in the vortex, because my world became an oppressive society, they even started fighting the humans for fun, so I thought that starting a new life here, would make it better" "well your not going to get far looking like a kromagg, lets go back to the room, we need to chat with you privately." Laura states. "I think I almost activated the microdot, it should give us coordinates to the world you need" "well if Mr. Dansforth is everything that Quinn says, we may destroy the 'maggs from every world." a beeping sound is heard "got it. The coordinates are locked, do you want me to program them into the timer now?" "no, just write them down, I'm not sure what this 'magg can do here, and if he gets a hold of the timer, he may get an advantage as we hand it to him." Back in the room, the sliders sit down with the kromagg drinking beer "so whats your name?" "its Kegar..." the 'magg falls to his knees saying in a sqeaky voice and soft tone "its me, Rick Mallory, help me, I've been melded with this kromagg for testing" "his eyes go dialated and falls as his face turns red, then he goes unconscious, Ryan exclaims "what the hell was that!" "theres no way he would of known anything about Rick, unless-" Laura stops talking and begins tearing up "he would of known who Rick is, if he hacked into a kromagg personal file and found him, this is all a ploy, the 'maggs know who we are, they are just trying to give out bait for us to follow, in order for our capture-" he's cutoff when Sara and Remmy enter "whats going on?" "this kromagg just said he was Rick and melded with another 'magg-" "we have to get him to a hospital, even if its risky." Ambulance sirens are heard as the vehicle races down the road with a taxi following it that has the sliders in it. As it reaches the hospital, the 'magg is on a gurney being taken inside quickly, when the sliders arrive, Remmy pays the driver and they all follow the doctors, Ryan asks "is he going to be ok?" "not now, we'll explain everything shortly, now go to the lobby and wait!" the sliders look at each other and walk on to sit. Hours later, Dr. Bronson arrives to chat with them "I have your results, it seems your friend had a brain attack, making him unstable and his eyes dialate, but if you follow me, I have interesting test results to show you." they follow him to a laboratory "please shut the door sir behind you, we need plenty of darkness." Dr. Bronson activates a machine to show a projection above it "as you can see, this is your friends DNA strands, now heres the problem, I can't understand his DNA makeup, nor can I figure this out." Dr. Bronson pushes a few buttons and then the strand doubles "see now, this is a very unique situation, I never have seen someone with double imprints of DNA, the only possibility, which sounds crazy, but its as if there are 2 people combined inside one shell or body." Sara jumps in "could it be possible that early versions of human life may of had this happen?" "no, because every single human has nearly the same DNA lines, but that person looks more like an ape creature-" "we need to tell you something, but its private, see our friend is not around here, but a para-" "she means time travel, I was working on it at the lab over at UCLA and somehow when we went back to the dinosaur age, this being must of come along, and when he had this problem, we came here quickly." "I see now, well theres nothing left to do, I can't release him into your care, do you know what kind of technological advances we could get." Dr. Bronson activates a red button, then an alarm goes off "the security will deal with you." the sliders are escorted out of the room, when a scientist enters "we need to get him to Washington now!" Ryan breaks away, but is attacked by a guard "this way to the exit sir, I don't want to kill anyone today." as they walk outside, Laura has an idea "maybe if we stake out this place, wait for Kegar to be brought out and then snatch him" "how the hell are we suppose to do that, we don't have guns, unless we can find a costume store open." "me and Remmy will stay here, take this radio, I kinda stole 2 of them from the officers, we'll contact you if theres a change in plans" "Sara nice work, maybe I can be your friend." Jacob, Ryan and Laura head off in a taxi as Sara and Remmy hide in the forest area near the entrance to the hospital. At sunset, Remmy see's Kegar being brought out to a white van, wearing a straight jacket "hey Sara take a look at this" "good, now all we have to do is follow them in a car. How about stealing the taxi over there" "how long until we slide?" "we leave in 7 hours, I apolgize for not telling everyone." the van pulls away, as the sliders take the taxi with the driver coming out, yelling at them to stop "we better bring this taxi back to the guy, or he's out of a job." the other sliders exit a store, wearing police uniforms "lets hope these fit the others." they see a van flying down the hill, then a taxi sqeals the wheels, as it pulls up to the sidewalk with Remmy yelling "get in, we have a lead!" In the van, the driver contacts the hospital "we have possible theives on our tail trying to take our prisoner" "well do something, we can't let them get him, he's needed!" Out on a country side road, both the van and taxi are speeding when Jacob states "I'll take out the tires, just get closer, since the costume stores give you real guns!" Jacob climbs out, sitting on the top of the door, he fires 2 shots, missing, then as he fires again, the back doors come open, revealing Kegar inside. The driver tries to go faster, swerving all over the road, but Remmy drives quickly into the back of the van "come on, jump, we catch you!" "Jacob take this rope" "I can't do this human, I'm tied up!" Remmy gets closer, I'll jump in to help." "sure thing" Jacob barely makes it, hitting his feet on the paved road. Remmy keeps up as the van goes faster, the driver of the van pulls out his gun, trying to shoot and drive. Kegar is loosened as Jacob ties the rope around him "what about you, aren't you going to jump too?" "I will, but we need to save you first." Jacob finishes tieing up, then looks to Laura to grab Kegar, so he pushes him out of the back of the van, knocking him on the roof of the car, Laura quickly grabs his arm as Remmy slows the taxi down. The driver takes another shot, missing Jacob, but then he jumps out, hitting the pavement, hurting his arm and back. The driver turns around to only tip the van over by a cement wall from a side of a bridge, skidding on its side, then it slowly stops. Laura and Ryan race to Jacob to find him bleeding, and in pain "we'll get you to the hospital." Remmy arrives to ask "what about the driver of the van?" but the van explodes, giving Remmy his answer. The sliders arrive at a hospital 3 miles ahead, down the road from where they were, the doctors helped Jacob, but he is forced to wear a sling for his arm, and bandages on his chest and forehead. Later that night, back at the Chandler, the sliders toast to a heroic day "I wish I could of used the uniform for something, it cost me $125 bucks." "Jacob we still have 2 hours, I hear theres a party down in the ballroom of this hotel-" "what about me?" Kegar is heard, coming from a room "its your decision now, we all believe that you are our friend Rick-" Ryan is cutoff as a darkish red vortex opens tossing 2 kromagg guards out "there you are, we have no time, lets go!" "wait a minute, what the hell are you doing here?" "Ms. Cosgrove, nice to see you again, we need Kegar back, he's a part of the puzzle in making an experiment work, now decide, either die now, or live as we take Kegar back to his world." "I'll go, don't need human companions anyway, their a waste!" the red vortex opens again, the 3 enter it, then the vortex closes quickly "great, we almost had a chance to save Rick!" "Remmy, I still believe he was an imposter. Trying to make a stand in order to keep Kegar with us was a bad idea, possibly if we did land on the kromagg homeworld, he may have contacted other kromagg bases to attack." Laura then continues "we'll never know now, if in fact he's part of the homeworld invasion, I know he'll be back, possibly to finish the job for our deaths. In a kromagg base, Kegar is put in a cell "I'm surprised you didn't steal their timer, since you have a close connection to them." "I know somehow, someday I'll get this melding process reversed, and I will be Rick Mallory again, I will never let this kromagg half of me take over!" "wise words for a pathetic human, you know we have already figured a way to bring your human form back." A kromagg guard enters with Rick Mallory, a cloned double "heres your new replacement, then we will have the Dynasty at its greatest power of all!" then the kromagg clone repeats "power to the Dynasty!" as the screen fades.
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