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Episode 521: Slide2K

Guest Stars: Dick Clarke, Wil Wheaton, Jose Salano, and Jason Gedrick as Sergeant.On a monitor, Dick Clark is talking to the crowd when teh final countdown begins to the new millennium. "Alright everybody, here comes the ball, 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2...1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! sounds of crowds cheering in Time Square, but then suddenly the power goes out. Over in San Francisco, the vortex opens near the Golden Gate Bridge, tossing sliders out. After it closes, an airliner crashes into a tower on the bridge, making it unstable, collapsing to the roadway and knocking the other one over into the San Francisco Bay. The sliders run quickly out of harms way, when they stop to realize the timer is malfunctioning "whats wrong with it?" Ryan asks Sara "I guess the timer isn't Y2K compliant here" "and neither is this world, its total blackout." As they walk into the streets of San Francisco, several people are running around, cars are driving quickly, people are rioting the stores to steal. A homeless man jumps out at the sliders to ask for money, but they look at him, walking on to ignore him "everything is crazy around here, we better find the Chandler, at least we'll have a room" "Sara, that's a stupid idea, we should just stay in a shelter, because since it is New Years, the hotels are probably booked up" "Jacobs right, rioters may go to hotels, killing anybody for food, money and clothes." "My watch is still running, so we won't have to worry about time" Remmy states. When they arrive at a building that looks like good shelter, they walk to the doors, but 2 men are standing in the way "sorry no room, you must leave!" "but there is only a few people here, that I see" "leave now, before you end up dead." By the next morning, Jacob, Ryan and Laura return to an alley with breakfast from a homeless shelter, to find Remmy and Sara sleeping in each others arms "time to wake!" Jacob yells, and then as they do, Ryan hands them coffee "we found a Radio Shack down the street from the homeless shelter, maybe you could go there for parts, Sara" "depends what the problem is. When I took the back cover off last night, the system was working perfectly" "last night it was dark, obviously you couldn't see anything last night" "Jacob back off, Sara wasn't ready to take on the responsibility as our scientist" "maybe someone who knows how to fix Y2K problems, could help us" "problem is, who?" Laura asks. After a while, Sara and Remmy head to the Radio Shack, to find the building broken into "I guess we don't have to worry about setting off an alarm" Remmy comments. As they enter, Sara grabs a flashlight, finds a package of batteries, rips them out, putting them into the flashlight "now we can see better back here." Sara finds a table with tools on it, with a magnifind glass, taking the back cover off of the timer, as Remmy keeps for watch of intruders. Ryan, Laura and Jacob are scouting on the town "good thing we didn't slide on the bridge last night or we probably would have died" "don't get your hopes up yet Jacob, we really don't know how this world can react to a new lifestyle." As they walk onto a side street, they hear a loud yell from above a building, a man falls in front of the sliders, dieing on the sidewalk, a man sweeping glass from his store window comes outside "second time this week, that someone died like this. Oh well, I have other worries to deal with." With continuing to walk down the sidewalk, a man comes up behind them, pointing a gun at their backs "don't turn around, I have a gun" "what do you want?" "what do I want? let not rush things, first, lets head down the alley ahead, then we can talk." When the sliders turned around, a mexican male is still holding the gun, Ryan asks "who are you?" "my name is Juan Santiago. Alright, heres the plan, your timing device is broken, back at my underground safe house, there is a scientist that fixes that kind of stuff" "and your willing to give us help?" "yes. We need to go now, there is another group that has your friends, and then you can meet up with them when we get there." "wait a minute. Now what is your end of the bargain?" "all in good time, you can chat with the Sergeant, our leader about that." A Rider truck pulls near the alley "heres our ride, lets go, before I have to start shooting" After the sliders are in the back, Juan shuts the door, and getting up in front. Inside a warehouse, the truck is backing down to a door, and someone from the other side opens the back door, with armed patrol officers pointing guns at the sliders, Juan states "there not the enemies, there here to join the 2 that are here with a timing device" "fine, get down, the Sergeant wants to chat with you all before you begin repair." 3 men take the sliders down a flight of stairs, and into a larger room. The Sergeant is a tall man, wearing jeans and a red flannel, his face is rough looking "you must be the last of the sliders, I'm glad to meet you, I'm obviously the Sergeant. Your friends have quite an interesting story." Laura asks "where are they?" "they are in the freezer. They should be out soon, since I really couldn't trust them." Sara and Remmy walk out, with the timer in Sara's pocket "guys its good to see you, we thought you were dead" "Sara don't be acting this stupid in front of us" "Jacob Arturo, your a wise man to say such a thing, but shut up you ugly bastard. Now than, let me begin. I recently discovered that you all came from parallel worlds, which is why you have a timer, and since this world is over due to Y2K, I have a proposition for you. Sara Mallory, you will work with our top scientist, Mike Klien, who has been trying to fix our computers, and that's going to take years. Leading to this, you will take me and my group of 341 people, to the next world, so it can give us all that we need to survive. Or you can take the easy way out and die now." "fine, I will have to expand the power excelorator to acommodate all of you" "Bud take Sara to her work station. As for the rest of you, you will go in the freezer-" "like hell I will, I'm not freezing to death" "well do you want to get beat with a wip, 5 times?" "never mind him Sergeant, he's just tired, the cold will wake him." Sara was taken down even further into the underground, where she met Juan "I'll take it from here Bud. I'm here to make sure, you don't do any foul play." Mike Klien is sitting down, drinking coffee, when Sara approaches him "you must be the girl, that's suppose to send us to a better world" "thats right, and if you look away from the computer screen, I might be able to ask you, where we're going to work." Mike gets up "this way. Just go down the hall, turn left and enter my office, I have to get tools." Juan follows her, and when she enters the office, Juan stands outside the door. Back in the freezer, the sliders are cold "I think I have a way to get us out of this freezer" "hows that going to happen, the door's locked shut with a computerized system" "well the night of my prom, me and my date came back for my jacket, and when she saw it in the meat locker, she went in, I followed, the door shut by itself" "get to work Jacob." Laura commands. Back in Mike's office, Sara tells him how the circuitry of the timer works "I never saw such a thing before, did you make this?" "no, I heard from my other friends, that they got it off a world where the egyptians ruled California" "interesting, I've always wondered how our lives could of changed if one thing changed history, like on this world, JFK died in 68' before it was announced he wond a third term, or if the Titanic sank in the Atlantic instead of the Indian Ocean. I'm sure these events occured differently on your world" "that's one thing I've seen, after I recently started traveling, every world is different, but I feel that the same God is on every earth. We have air, clouds, people, etc." "ok, I believe that the power source is running low, like batteries in a remote. I can use a minature generator, to jump start the timer." Just as Jacob is about to unlock the door, the Sergeant is approaching, and then the door opens "this has been enough punishment for now. You get to come back in 20 minutes" "isn't that lucky" Ryan comments. Down below, Sara watches Mike build the power in the timer, as Juan stands guard "your timer should work now" the lights turn on as the countdown is read "we slide in-" Mike covers Sara's mouth, pointing to the door, referring to Juan having the information to tell the Sergeant. The sliders are about to be put back in the freezer, when Jacob attacks a guard, knocking him down, as Ryan grabs his gun "get in the freezer. Laura take the other soldiers gun, we have to leave" "you'll pay for this. When we land on the next earth, your-" the man is cutoff when Rembrandt shuts the door. "now what?" "we only have one way back, but it may take awhile." Jacob and Remmy take the handguns given to them and they watch Ryan and Laura's back, then suddenly, shooting is heard "lets go right!" Laura exclaims, but they are soon blocked off "go back, I think I have an idea. The laundry shute" but by the time they get there, the Sergeant is there "I guess I didn't make myself clear when I said be careful that you don't tick me off. You have now! Take them back to the freezer and start lowering the temperture to -50 degrees. And post guards at the entrance. Juan enters the office "are you both finished yet?" "we thought we had the timer fixed, but I doesn't now, I need a few more minutes to work on it. Sara can you get me coffee?" "ya sure." then as Juan turns around to follow Sara, she pulls out a bottle of pepper spray and gets Juan in the eyes "damn you bitch!" Mike punches him, knocking him down unconscious and they both run down the hall "now if we can get my friends" "I have a way to get to the freezer. Take the laundry shute" "fine by me, we only have a 1/2 hour before the slide." The Sergeant heads to Sara and Mike down below, and catches them escaping "so is your timer fixed yet?!" "yes, have you prepared your troops for the ride, we slide in 29 minutes" "good work, I'll just need a few things before I leave. After you, I don't really want to die here, do you?" Inside the freezer, the sliders are turning to ice sickles "I think we should of planned this better, because we're going to die here!" "Ryan calm down, Sara is still out there, I know she isn't going to leave us behind, unless she's forced to." Just then, they hear a vortex open Jacob yells "great, I knew we shouldn't of trusted her!" Over in the main hall, a huge vortex is appearing, Sara and Mike jump into the portal first "lets go men" then the Sergeant and all of his followers slide out. A few minutes later, a portal reopens inside the freezer, tossing Sara and Mike out "what the hell! what are you doing here?" Laura asks "Mike had a plan, since so many people wanted to slide out, Mike decreased the power to fit us all in, and all 341 followers, including the Sergeant got spread like jam over a billion parallel worlds" "great job Mike. So are you coming with us?" "I was probably going to ask if I could, since this world is over from Y2K" "we have 45 seconds, make up your mind" Sara speaks. The power goes out, and the sliders realize the freezer is rising in temperature, and the automatic locked doors open, with the 6 exiting into the hallway. The vortex opens, everyone slides out "so do you mind if I tag along" "your obligated to come along, you saved our lives, so heres our payback to you, to start a new life on a new world." Mike jumped in with Sara following him in. Then as the screen fades, an explosion is heard.
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