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Episode 520: Double Jeopardy Part 2

Guest Stars: Denise Richards.With morning here, at the Mallory house, Remmy and Sara are still making out, when Sara breaks away "we shouldn't do this, I have a boyfriend, and you have to get to your friends" "its ok, I enjoyed last night, but it doesn't mean we have stop now, on feeling we have for each other" "I'm taking a shower, just be ready to slide into the world where your friends are at!" "may I join you in the shower?" "No!" Remmy gets up, grabs her from the back and kisses her neck, leading Sara to let Remmy to join her. At the Chandler, Remmy's double enters the room, when Laura wakes "Remmy where have you been?" "sorry to wake you, but I decided to have breakfast early, and I didn't want you or the others to be woken" "by the way, wheres Jacob, he did come back with you last night, right?" "sorry to say, but he got lucky, when we reached the bridge, a model was crying, and before I knew it, he was gone. How about I order room service?" "sure, get me anything" In the kitchen, at the table of the Mallory house, Remmy walks in "so whats cookin?" "breakfast, we both should eat, since we have a lot of work to do" "Sara, I really think I should apologize for what happened last night and the shower, if you don't mind I would like to share a story with you" "don't mind, tell your story" "back on my world, I had a wife, we had been married for 6 months. The day I first slid, I was on my way to the hospital, see, she came down with a sickness, which the doctors didn't know how to cure, so that was why I needed some love in my life again" "I think its my fault, we both got into bed, and I really feel sorry for you, not being able to get home, but I'll try my hardest to get you to your friends. Back at the Chandler, Laura, Ryan, and Rick are eating breakfast, when Remmy begins telling the group that his memories are coming back, when Laura collapses to the floor, dropping her glass of juice, Ryan rushes to her, but is hit over the head with a vase "why did you do that for?!" Rick asks angrily, but he is shot near his heart, falling to the floor, as Remmy walks out of the room "4 down, now I can start a new life here, after I board a plane to Japan" In the basement, Sara is stabilizing the vortex, with tracking the portal that Remmy came from, when the door bell rang "I'll get it!" Remmy shouts. He opens the door and finds 2 men standing there "may I help you?" "we are kromaggs, the people you see are illusions so we may fit in" "you are coming back with us" "what are you talking about, my evil double took my place, and I'm here trying to find a way to get to my friends, to warn them before they die" "good we will join you, since this world was suppose to have been the compound of our prisoner" the 2 'maggs turn back to their form "now heres the deal, you find my double, and I get to go back to your base so I can find friends captured by you freakin nasty apes" "no deal, we can't let humans into our compounds, you could get weapons to destroy us" but the other 'magg whispers something into the speaking 'magg "me and my comrade agree to your terms" Remmy walks down to the basement with the 2, introducing them to Sara "Its going to be awhile, since I never did this before" "I'm Krolax, I know of sliding, let me help you" "sure, why not." Ryan awakes to find everyone down, he barely can walk, when he gets to the phone, calling 911. As the ambulance appears a short while later, Laura and Rick are lifted into the back "sir you should come with us" "fine, I really don't have any injuries except a headache" On a fishing boat, a sea captain is walking out onto his deck, when he spots something odd shaped "full stop!" he then goes below, opening a hatch which barely touches the water "its a man and he's probably dead" a crew member says. The captain grabs Jacob and he brings him in, laying his body on a cot "he has a weak pulse, dock at the shores, this man needs medical attention!" Moving into the afternoon, Sara, Remmy and the 2 kromaggs are ready to slide "I'm setting this timer for 5 hours, enough time to find everyone, and slide back here. At least Quinn's invention will get a chance after all" "you 2 will follow us" "fine, we don't care who enters first" Krolax spoke. Remmy is first to jump in, followed by Sara and both kromaggs vortex out, and the portal collapses. In a San Francisco park, the portal opens behind bushes, tossing the 4 out onto wet grass, from the sprinklers. At the hospital, Ryan sits in the waiting room, as a female doctor enters "Mr. Coplin, I have good and bad news, heres the good news, we were able to save you friend Rick Mallory, he is resting from surgery. Your other 2 friends weren't so lucky, Jacob Arturo suffered massive head injuries, as well as breaking his spinal cord, he's in surgery now, but theres a chance he may never walk again or even wake" "you mean he's brain dead" "actually he's in a coma state, if he doesn't make it by tomorrow, he will then be brain dead. For Ms. Cosgrove, we couldn't save her, she was poisoned by whatever she was drinking, I'm sorry, I will need to talk to you later about organ donation" "ok, may I visit Rick now" "maybe in an hour, he's still drugged up" the female doctor exits, disappearing as her medical program is shut off automatically. The 4 arrive at the Chandler, and Remmy asks if his friends checked in, but was told they were rushed to the hospital "fine humans, we have scanners to locate our prisoner, we will meet you back here in 1 hour" "I don't think so, we need to stay together, we'll head to the hospital, then find my evil double" "our prisoner is at the airport" "ok, new plan, we get your prisoner, then-" "Remmy, go to the hospital, I'll make sure he's captured. We'll meet at the hospital afterward" Sara says "ok, I'll see you all later." Ryan sat in the room, where Rick and Jacob were at, when Rick wakes "so, hows the others?" "Rick I have bad news, Laura is dead, and Jacob will never awake again" "what the fu-" "pardon me, but Mr. Mallory needs his rest" "I'm fine leavee me alone" the doctor then walks to them, telling Rick that he will have to walk with a cane for 2 years, before his balance can return, then the doctor deactivates itself "what about Remmy, has he been found" "ya, I'm right here, but theres more to this story, that Remmy that slid with you, is evil, I met him last year, and I think he swore revenge on us" "so do you know about the others?" "yes, I talked with a nurse at the desk, but I think I have a way to fix our problem, I met a woman version of Colin, my old friend, and then 2 kromaggs came with us to find my double, so since they have healing powers, I believe it can work on saving Laura and Jacob, maybe Rick can get his balance back too" Ryan goes and hugs Remmy, while Rick is glad to see the Remmy he's known. At the airport, the kromagg guards and Sara follow Remmy's double to his gate, but they had to shoot a weapons at him, knocking him down. The 3 carried Remmy's double out, hailed a taxi for the hospital "so how long should he be out" "human, we will tell you nothing" "I'm sorry to interrupt, but you all are human, aren't ya?" the cab drivers asks "we are kromagg, and if you don't give us trouble, we won't conquer this world" "sure thing buddy" After arriving, Sara finds Remmy and his friends "we got your double" "ya, thanks to you double, 2 of my friends are dead, don't you have anything to say?" "no, because you and your friends put me in the hell that I am at now" "but not these people, they never met you" "so they kind of took their places-" "I don't have time for this, kromaggs help us, with saving our friends, don't lie, I know that you have healing powers. Start with his leg, move to him, and then follow me the the morgue" "fine human, but I have a new deal, you can either let your friends be saved or come to find your others at our base, whats your choice?" after a couple of seconds, Remmy tells him he wants these friends alive. In the morgue, Remmy finds Laura, pulling her out, to be helped. Krolax put his hands on the body bag, and shortly after, movement is seen, so Remmy unzips the bag, Laura goes histerical "stay away from me, your a killer!" Ryan calms her down, telling Laura that it was his evil double that did this. With an hour before the slide, the sliders return to the Chandler, all healthy, and ready to move on, except Sara is angry that his little adventure is over, so she heads out, after saying good-bye to all of them, with Remmy escorting her to the doors "maybe you can visit me sometime, and we could have a celebration" "I know that you want me to return to your world, and make me your lover, but we both know, you have a boyfriend-" "I know, but last night was so refreshing, it was enjoyable to be with someone so full of life. Remmy take me with you" "what, you mean you want to slide with us?" "I know I have a world to live on, but can't I just be with you for a few more slides?" "sure, we can make room for sixth person" In the room, the 2 kromaggs are preparing to slide Remmy's double off world, until the double is able to break lose from the cuffs, and vaporizing both guards with a weapon hidden in his pants "don't follow, and you won't die twice" so the other sliders remain for a few seconds, then run down the stairs to save Remmy from his double, but its too late, when they see his double, holding Sara hostage, running away "Remmy, he killed the guards, and has their timer, if Sara reworks the wires in the timer, it can slide to any number of places" Rick says. "we need to get guns, and follow him" "no Jacob, we need to settle this without getting Sara killed, he told me to meet them at the park in 10 minutes, for an exchange" "what exchange?" "I'm guessing either the timer, or one of us. Lets move!" Behind bushes, Remmy's evil double forces Sara to cuff her with him, telling her, if she tried anything trick, she'd be dead, then as the sliders arrive, he comes out, cuffed "I believe you have something to give me!" "what would that be?" "actually thats 2 things, Sara's timer, and Rick Mallory, who will assist me" "what about Sara?!" Laura asks "well since asked, she's coming with us" "over my dead body, she's not going anywhere!" Remmy yells. The kromagg timer opens a portal "give them to me now! or she's dead!" Remmy has no choice, so he drops the timer, and Rick decides to head over with it. Just then, Ryan leaps towards Remmy's evil double, knocking him down, and then Remmy gets ahold of his double, to find the key, letting Sara free, but evil Remmy grabs a hold of Rick, pulling him into the vortex with him as it quickly closes "great this is just perfect!" Remmy shouts, then he goes out of control, hitting the tree's and bushes around him. Laura and Ryan stop him, calming him down "Remmy don't worry, we'll get him back, and Sara can slide home" "guys, I have bad news, I took one of the kromagg scanners, and from the results of that slide, it burned up inside itself, as if the vortex was a land mine that was stepped on" "you mean he's dead?" "probably, but Rick has my timer to use, but theres more of a chance he died instantly, I don't see the vortex opening coordinates for the other side, its as if he programmed the timer to kill whoever entered, and he probably, originally wanted us all to enter to die, but you guys showed up early enough, to stop him from sucking you in as well to die."
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