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Episode 518: Mutants Among Us

Guest Stars: David Birney as Dr. Ford and Tia Carrere as Dr. Harris.As the vortex opens in an alley, resembling early 17th century buildings, the sliders slide out, knocking over barrels "how long until the slide?" Jacob asks Rick "we slide in 2 days" they head out into the streets, when they try to find the way to the Chandler. Ryan goes up to a man on the streets, asking for the location of the hotel "I never heard of that place, theres an Inn, down the street, its on the left side" "thanks for the information" so they start walking, but a wagon comes racing down the street, a box of stones fall off the wagon. Laura picks an odd looking stone, and sticks it in her pocket, as they head to the Inn. Later on, as they sit around drinking, Laura begins to feel warm, so she tells the others she's going outside. Some British officers enter, as they pass Laura, heading to the bar, asking for drinks, and bring up the fact that they just chased some reject mutants out of the forest, bus missed them, when they tried shooting at them. Laura headed down to a river and decided to stand on the bridge, but gets surprised when Jacob comes towards her "what are you doing here?" "I just wanted to join you, since we aren't that close anymore" "well your the one that decided to end our relationship!" "lets don't get started, and just enjoy the peace" "sorry, I just feel edgy-" Laura collapses, then Jacob picks her up, running to the doctors house. As Dr. Ford lets them in, Jacob tells him that the others should be told, so he takes Laura, while Jacob runs to the Inn. Jacob gets the others, and they run back to the doctor "have you found out whats wrong with her?" "she seems fine, but I checked her temperture, and its 112 degrees. She possibly may have the flu" "can you treat her for it?" "well of coarse, I'll inject her with some medication, then she'll need to have lots of rest, she should be fine in a couple day." Later on, back at the Inn, Ryan tucks her in, and as he leaves the room, Laura begins changing color into reddish pink, and blue lines begin to appear in her arms, and face. Down below, Remmy and Rick are playing a gam of chess with a customer "I never really knew how this game could be this hard to play" "all you have to do is just win, like this" Rick moves a piece when the man tells him "thats 3 times already, checkmate again" "well what do you expect when you play against a pro, that learned back in preschool" Dr. Ford enters the Inn to find the sliders "I think we better chat upstairs, I have interesting information on why your friend might be sick" as they enter the room, Laura, who is now mutated, leaps towards the window, but as Jacob tries to pull her back, she claws at him, then leaps out the window, running out of town. "are you ok Jacob?" Ryan asks "I'm fine, its just that my shirt will have to get replaced soon" Dr. Ford pulls out a stone "your friend left this at my clinic, I realized it wasn't any normal rock, so when I put it under a microscope, I found something interesting. Its an egg, but not any kind of egg. When someone carries it with them, the rock injects itself into a host, your friend now has this bacterial disease, causing her to mutate into a creatue. Now the problem is, there is no cure for it. I never saw this problem to occur, except hearing about it a few times, over in New York, when some people were diagnosed with a strange disease, and some of the symptoms were the same, of what your friend has" "can you contact New York to find out if they have a cure?" Rick asks "possibly, but it might take 2 weeks...." "we don't have that much time, before we have to leave" "maybe theres another possibility. A woman moved here, who is a scientist that works in these kind of medical problems, we can catch her, before she leaves out of town" so the 5 head out, hoping for a cure. Inside a cave, Laura enters with nearly all of her clothes ripped, when she see's others, walking downward, she follows, and as she comes out below into a larger cavern, there are hundreds of mutants, and the heat is hotter, with many mutants in small pools of water swimming, Laura begins collasping her stomach, when she fully mutates into a different being. Then a man comes over to her, and pulling her into a pool for a sexual experience. In a small house outside of town, the sliders, along with Dr. Ford, wait as a woman opens her door "Dr. Ford, can I help you?" "Dr. Harris these people just had their friend become a mutant, I need you help" "come in, we musn't talk out here" they enter, but as soon as Dr. Harris studies the rock, she is shocked of what she found "we must find your friend immediately, this is a rock, that came from outerspace, and its forming a new alliance with the people infected. I can tell there is more to explain, but unless we can save your friend, she may have thousands of babies to infect the rest of this planet" "we don't know where she is, she could be miles away" "no, I've been to this cave, a short distance from here, but one problem is, is that the british troops are out to kill them as well" "we know, we over heard a conversation at the bar we were at" Jacob states. They head back to the doctors home, to get chemicals for a cure "do you think this will work?" Dr. Ford asks "I hope so, or their friend and my husband will be mutants for a while, after the females give quick birth, she dies instantely, and the men usually start dieing with out females" "when did your husband become a mutant?" Rick asks "about 3 months ago, when he had a strange rock, before I knew it, he was gone, until I found his clothes outside that cave" Dr. Harris takes Ryan with her, when she planed to make a trip to the cave, since Jacob had wanted to originally go, Ryan told him, that he needed to help the group out. As the 2 walk past british soldiers, one of them says to the other, they are planning to bomb the cave, to kill off the mutants, so now Dr. Harris has to make a stop at her house, for weapons. At the cave, Dr. Harris and Ryan arrive before the soldiers "lets just hope we can get all these people out before its too late" "first we should find Laura and your husband" "agreed" As they enter a cavern they see hundreds of the mutants, Ryan is shocked by the appearance of them, a bald head, fangs sticking out, bright gold eyes and no clothes "lets setup over there, activate both of these detinators so when they go off the mutants will be turned back to humans after a while, and I have other plans to get them out" "what are they?" "to use this bullhorn of coarse, to tell them to leave" "but how are you going to tell them something if they don't understand you?" "you don't know. When I first arrived here, I had a run in with a mutant, I learned of their language, and I adjusted this device's field harmonics to work, so I can talk with them" Ryan had activated the first detonator for 10 minutes, but as he was going to a different place to activate the other one, 4 mutants attacked Ryan, thinking he was going to kill them, until Dr. Harris started speaking, and just enough time for Ryan to activate the machine. As soon as Dr. Harris finished talking, every single mutant was getting into the water, and disappear into a dark hole "lets get out out, we don't have much time" When Dr. Harris and Ryan were exiting the cave, they ran, until several soldiers stopped them "what are you doing out here?!" "we came to destroy the mutants" "liar! hold them here, I'll check this out for myself" "no wait, we don't have much time, the detonators are about to go off and we need to get as far away as possible" but the commanding officer didn't listen to them, as he headed into the cave. Just as the soldiers holding Ryan and Dr. Harris, turned away to watch the cave distracted, the 2 ran quickly on the trail, when the cave exploded, sending a streaks of green waves of light all over the area, pushing Ryan and Dr. Harris into bushes "there they go, lets kill the mutants!" a soldier yelled "No! wait, you can't do thise, those mutants are people, they have a disease that I can cure" but with no listening, the soldiers ran, while shooting and killing the mutants. Just as Ryan was about to join Dr. Harris, he noticed some frighted mutants behind a tree "Dr. Harris, over here" she heads over, shining a flashlight into their faces "Wes, is that you?" shortly after Ryan realized the woman is Laura, and the mutants went with the 2 back to the doctors place. By the next morning, Laura had awoken in the Inn, when Jacob enters, carrying some food "good morning, how was your sleep?" "ok, I really don't know what happened to me last night, it was if I was drunk or dreaming" "you came down with a disease from that rock, but a scientist we met, saved your life as well as 200 more, even her husband was a mutant" "I guess the next time I find a weird rock, I should leave it alone" "Dr. Harris had given us a strange story for the rock to be from outerspace, but it seems over in Washington D.C. they had made a nuclear chemical to create electricity, and Dr. Harris said, the chemical spilled out into nearby lakes and rivers" just then Jacob gets up, about to leave "we slide in 2 hours, we'll wake you when the time comes" Laura gets up from the bed and hugs him "thanks for being here" Jacob breaks loose and kisses her, then as he leaves the room, Laura opens the window, feeling the warm air blow into the room.
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