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Episode 517: Sliding With The Enemy

Guest Stars: Melina Kanakeredes as woman scientist, and Shane West as Steve.As the sliders vortex out into the Golden Gate Bridge Park, Remmy tells the group, they slide the next day. Laura can tell that Rick is not really happy, since the last world was boring, so she tells him to go find the local teen hangout, and enjoy himself, so Rick leaves, telling them that he'll meet up at the Dominion. Later on, Ryan and the others are sitting around at a bar, when a woman notices the timer, she walks up to them "excuse me, but is that device an interdimensional vortex stabilizer?" "no, its the remote control from our room, one of us must of forgot to leave it in the room-" "you don't have to hide it from me, I'm a scientist, working on sliding, my name is Veronica Farrell, I work at UCLA" "well in that case, we are travelers from other worlds, we're just waiting for a friend" Remmy spoke "so would you be willing to make an offer?" "an offer for what?" Laura asks "your stabilizer of coarse, how about $34,000?" "its not for sale lady!" "what about $1,000,000 and thats my final offer?" "no, we need it, sorry" "I need it to create a proto-type, since no one believes me, that sliding really works" "how about this, we'll chat with our scientist, and get back to you later" "good, heres my card, I'll see you later" Just then, Rick enters with someone, but they are stopped by Veronica "what are you doing here, I told you to do the house work!" "mom, don't be rude, this is Rick, my new friend, we're going out tonight" Rick leaves the 2 to talk, when he goes to the others "so it looks like you made a friend" Jacob comments "ya, we met at this club for teens, I beat him at 5 games of Gladiators, which is a game, where you go around, trying to kill each other" Veronica begins to notice "wait a minute, if you are friends with that kid, and he's with those people, you could get the information out of Rick, about sliding" "mom, thats so lame, he isn't into this sliding crap, its all fake, none of this science stuff exists. Maybe I should go live with dad" "it does and those people are the key, to making us rich" By 1 a.m. Rick had entered the room, to find everyone sleeping, Steve was with him "so are you really a interdimensional traveler?" "Slider, as I call it, and yes, my friends created it and now we use it to find a weapon to destroy the kromaggs" "the who?" "the kromaggs, who are a warrior race, trying to conquer worlds" "ya whatever, so do you think I could go with you, for a trial run, when its time to leave?" "I'm not sure, the others could get mad-" "I'll just hide until you leave, adn then I will come out, to join you" "that sounds like a great idea" "sure. I want to stay up all night, I have an idea, lets go to this bar, a few blocks down the street and lets get trashed, its a cool place" "sure, I think I need fun once and awhile" By morning, everyone is up, eating breakfast, when Laura goes to wake Rick, he is still out, so she throws water on him to wake hi up, and it worked. Ryan told Rick that Steve would have to go om, since they were leaving in 30 minutes, and Rick assured him Steve would leave. In the park, Remmy and Ryan are walking around until the others arrive "so do you think Quinn will ever forgive us for leaving him?" "not really, he didn't go when his mom told him to, but as soon as we save him, we can get back to our plans, trying to destroy the kromaggs" "what about that chip Quinn gave you?" "he told me to have Rick work out the coordinates on a computer, when we have time, maybe on the next world we can get working on it. But one thing that seems odd, is that when Quinn have me this microdot, it was as if, he knew he would be captured" "maybe he did-" "we're here, Rick should be here soon" Laura said "he needed to say good-bye to Steve" the others see Rick running "we slide in 30 seconds, come on!" Remmy yells. Jacob opens the vortex, with everyone sliding out, but before Rick slid in last, he yelled to Steve and he came out from behind a tree, jumping in, then Rick follows. On the other side, the vortex opens, tossing the sliders out, but soon are surprised when Steve comes out of the portal, knocking Remmy down, then Rick slides out, falling into a mud puddle. "what is going on here, whats he doing here?" Ryan asks Rick "he said he wanted to go for a ride with us, it didn't harm us any did it?" "no, but still, we really shouldn't be taking strangers into the vortex, he's going back tomorrow when we slide out!" Laura says. After getting a room at the Chandler, they soon learn, they've landed on a world where the Industrial Revolution is going full steam, so they hid the timer, in case it got stolen and used as new technology. Down in the bar, Ryan, Jacob, Remmy and Laura are sitting having lunch, while Rick and Steve are out for fun "you know, I really think Quinn should of never brought that kid along, he is just making our problem bigger" Jacob comments "but at least he understands the timer, I would hate to get stuck on a world, and no one to know how to fix it" Remmy states. Rick and Steve are enjoying themselves at a fair, when Steve brings up the timer "so, have you ever considered to give the timer up to make money?" "no, I've only started this journey, if it was taken, the others would be helpless, because they have missions to complete" "I was wondering, since we're going back tomorrow, how about letting my mom use the timer, to use in her research?" "I'm not sure, I would have to talk with the others-" "but they don't understand us, the way we want to have fun, if you ask them to let it be used in a study, they would say no, because they would be afraid to lose it" "thats true. Well when the timer reaches zero, we can slide back, I'll make sure to shut off the alarm clock for the others, and by the timer I get back here, they'll be awake" By early next morning, Rick and Steve had left the room, heading to the park for the slide "that was too easy, maybe when we get back, you might consider staying and we could go sliding off together, for more study" "that sounds great, but I would have to bring this timer back to my friends" Steve suddenly attacks Rick, causing the 2 to get into a fight, Rick falls to the ground, barely awake, when Steve opens the portal, "sorry sucker, your never getting this back!" he jumps in, but not before the vortex closes, letting Rick get to his feet, following him into the portal. After landing on the previous world, Steve runs quickly to his mom, but Rick is close behind him, as the vortex closes, but soon after, Rick loses him when a rail car crosses in front of him. On the Industrial Revolutionary world, the other sliders have come to a conclusion, of what happened to Rick and the timer "maybe he took that other kid back home, and then coming back for us" Ryan proposes "I don't think so, Rick would of woke one of us to say something, Steve probably talked him into sliding back, to let his mom make a proto-type" Laura says "and if he did that, than we better think of a new plan and fast "Remmy states "where do we find someone with sliding tech, this place hasn't even learned to build a microwave, let alone a timer!" Jacob exclaims. Into the afternoon, Rick was coming to an end for his search, knowing he let everyone down, and wouldn't be able to find his friends, but then student runs into him, knocking her books down "sorry, I'm in a rush for a press conference" "thats ok. Whats the press conference about?" "interdimensional theorys, travel to other worlds, Dr. Veronica Farrell is presenting, I heard she even has a vortex stabilizer!" "thats great, do you think I could tag along, since I'm new here?" "sure, I could use the company" Back at the Chandler, the sliders have made a decision to try to find Quinn's double, hoping he is ahead of technology, and had created a sliding machine. During the press conference, many reporters were amazed with the timer, but Rick is shocked, when she had opened it, tossing an object into the tunnel, and closing, then after 40 seconds, the portal reopened tossing the object out onto the ground. With a thought in his mind, Rick jumped the ropes, runs to the table, stealing the timer, opening it, and sliding out, with the other people surprised of this action. The portal reopens in a jungle, with Rick getting tossed out, but only seconds later, Steve comes flying out with the egyptian timer "what the hell is your problem, I thought we were friends!" "we are, but I knew that you would never let us use your timer, so I had to get this thing back to my world, somehow-" "that doesn't matter, I want you to program that timer to return me to the world, my friends are on" "sure thing, but give me back that proto-type first-" but then some cannibals attack the 2 as they try to escape. Later on, Rick was going to be sacrificed to the leader, but Steve would be first, and he tried to escape from the cannibals, but was too late, when his head was cut off. Rick was next, but with the timer counting down, he had a chance to slide, since, he was able to hide the timer, before getting captured "your next, I can't wait for my food tonight" "thats to bad!" Rick yells when his cage is opened, he activates the vortex. The cannibals fall to their knees, letting Rick get away. After a last chance to slide, the sliders exit the mallory house, with no luck, then a portal opens, tossing Rick out of it. "I'm glad I found you guys" "you need to do a little explanation, what happened!" Ryan asks "look, I know I should of told you, but Steve wanted to leave, to help his mom, with making a copy of our timer, but he double crossed me, and I lost him, but I got a hold of his mom's timer. Then I landed on a cannibal earth, and he followed me there, but we were captured, and Steve died, when his head was cut off" "the next time you screw up like this, your heading to your world, it that understood!" Remmy yells "ya, I know, this a team, and we got to work together" "thats horrible about what happened to Steve, I feel sorry for his mother, to never know what happened to his son" Laura comments "we slide in 15 seconds. I'm taking this timer back for her to use, to make her riches" "do you think thats a good idea?" Remmy asks "I hope so" Rick opens the vortex, with the sliding out.
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