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Episode 516: Old Crossings

Guest Stars: Nicholas Lea, Linda Henning, Reiner Schone as Kolitar, and Linden Ashby as Josh.In a forest area, the vortex opens, tossing the sliders out, each knocking one another down "I think we should just take a car into the portal everytime, how does that sound?" Jacob says "sure, but what if the vortex opens in a dumpster, the car would get wrecked" Remmy responds "so how long until the slide?" Quinn asks Laura "we leave in 41 hours, but I wonder where we are" 'maybe we've landed in Robin Hood's forest" Rick states. They head down a trail, when they hear noises "lets head over there" Quinn says, but as they turn around from the tree and bushes they are standing by, Quinn see's his mom, being taken inside a prison by the kromaggs, then a man, Quinn knows from the past "its your mother, Logan wasn't lieing when she was going to let the 'maggs take over your world" "and that man behind her is Ryan, who we met a few years back, I wonder how he handled his life, after being left on that world?" "my god what are those things?" "their kromaggs Rick, a warrior race, who wants to rule every earth they land on" "so what do we do, save your mom?" Jacob asks "Ryan too, but we're going to need other resistance to help fight the 'maggs" so they head off, hoping for other humans to be around. Just as they are about to near a stream, 3 men come out carrying guns "hold it!" "we aren't kromaggs, we just landed here on accident" "thats a bunch of bull, no one just lands here!" "its the truth, heres our timer" Laura says as she hands the timer over" "so you must be sliders, but how have you survived all this time?" "Its been hard, but we've managed" Quinn states "ya, we were wondering, if you could help us free his mom, and someone else?" Laura asks "My opinion is just leave them there, its over for them" "no its not! fine just give us guns and we'll deal with it!" Quinn shouts "well, since we just met, we'll have to go over attack strategies, and getting into that prison won't be easy. I'm Josh, these are my friends, Billy and Greg, we have others back at our hiding place" the sliders introduce themselves, as they head to the hiding barracks. As hours past, the group has made plans, but the only problem is that they hope it works "Quinn I really think we're gonna get caught, I mean all of the prisoners have ID marks on their arms" "look, theres a manta ship coming in with prisoners, we just got our ticket in, we'll just get tagged with everyone else" "are you ready?" Josh asks "yes we are" Rick spoke, as they head towards the prison. Along the path, Josh explains the plan quickly to Laura, since she wasn't there to listen in "behind the compound, I will activate a deactivation shield, letting you all get in, and it will last for 2 hours, but the kromaggs will detect it, a half hour after the device is active, so you get in, get out, its that easy" "I hope it is" Remmy comments. After getting into the prison, Quinn and the others quickly join the other prisoners, hoping not to get recognized. There is a line leading inside, but as they get into the line, a kromagg leader yells to Quinn "human where is your ID mark!" "I don't have one, we never got stamps on our arm" "don't be cocky with me!" the 'magg slaps Quinn, as he pulls him over along with the others getting marked. Quinn is lucky enough to get in a cell with his mom, who is laying down, covering her face "Ma, its me, Quinn" "Quinn? oh my god, your alive, I thought the 'maggs got you" she breaks down, crying in his arms "our world is gone now, and so are we" "ma, we can escape, I have others outside" "where are they?" "there is a man named Josh, who found a way to get us in, now all we do is just leave" "and how are we going to do that?" Quinn pulls out a small device, he activates it, turning into a torch, melting the metal. In another cell, Jacob sits with Ryan not knowing Jacob is here to help "so, when were you captured by the 'maggs" "actually this is my first time, I'm Jacob, here to rescue you. Do you remember a man named Quinn Mallory?" "yes, but he and his friends are gone-" "no he's here and we're going to get you out, along with these other prisoners" Laura and Remmy are outside, ready for a signal to start firing their weapons, when a kromagg soldier comes towards them "what do we do?" Laura whispers "lets hide behind this crate, we don't have time to get caught" Back inside, Rick and Josh are freeing people, and arming them up with weapons, to help, and since there are only 30 prisoners, it will be easy to escape. The alarm is sounded, causing both humans and kromaggs to start fighting, Jacob and Ryan meet up with Quinn and his mom about to escape, but not before kromaggs come out of hiding, firing their weapons "come on!" a voice is heard behind them, and its Josh "we better go now" fighting is continueing for a while longer, but just as Laura is about to escape through the door, kromagg guards get her gun, along with taking her away. "we did it with no one hurt!" Quinn excitingly says "not exactly, 2 prisoners were killed on the manta ship, and 1 more inside" Billy states "where's Laura?" Jacob asks "she must of never made it" "we got to go back-" "no she's been captured, we'll have to come back for her, lets go!" Remmy says as he pulls Jacob away. Inside the prison a few minutes later, Laura is taken inside a leaders chambers "well if it isn't Laura Cosgrove, the best woman to be in bed with. I never thought we would meet like this" "just because we were lovers once, doesn't mean we will any time soon" "fine. So hows Rickman, I haven't seen him around" "he's dead, one of the sliders killed him" "thats a shame, but now that I have you, I need your help. I want to use your timer to slide off this earth, to find my rightful leadership on Kromagg Prime, where I belong" "how are you going to do that, I heard there was a slidecage blocking the 'maggs from re-entering" "there is, but we 'maggs have a plan. Anyway give me your timer!" "what? I don't have it, the others have possession of it" "then lets make a deal" At the hideout, Quinn and his mom are chatting, when Maggie is brought up "so, what happened to her, after you both left home?" "after the professor died, she joined and then when I slid home, she was lost, so we're still looking" "Quinn I need to tell you something, About a few days after you guys left, a man came to the house, asking for you, his name was Mr. Danforth, and he wanted to give this to you (so she hands Quinn a small object) its a microdot only able to be used by you and maggie, telling you the location of his earth, so the 'maggs could get defeated, I'm guessing a weapon. Any way, he told me to give it to you, when you got back, so I kept it all this time" "good thing you did, during the time me and maggie got separated from wade and remmy, we landed in his home, since he brought us, letting the timer we carry, to get advanced, and that was why our vortex changed so differently. Remmy asked me why it changed just after we first slid out with them-" "Quinn come over here" Jacob interrupts "we've got a message from the kromaggs, here watch it" "Resistance, I am Kolitar, one of the many superior leaders of the Dynasty, and I have an offer, a trade. I'll return the woman, in trade for her timer, meet me at the top of the hill north of where your underground hide-out is, be there in an hour" -End Transmission- "fine, lets trade-" "Quinn if we do this, we might all die" "mom, its ok we'll trade, and then slide out, we leave in about an hour and 2 minutes, oh and Remmy, hang onto this thing, just in case, I'll tell you about it on the way" "sure thing Q'Ball" As both groups head to the hill, the sliders are more fearful than the kromaggs. When Kolitar reaches the top, Quinn goes in front of the resistance "do you have the timer?" "yes, just give us Laura first" "one moment, I just want to know that were once lovers, and it was her idea to do this, so don't think this is your lucky day" Laura joins the humans, as Quinn hands the timer over "good, now move away" but then a kromagg soldier fires his weapon at Josh, knocking him down, killing him "No!" yelled Billy, then both groups start firing at each other, as the sliders run for their lives "how much time is left?" Ryan asks Jacob "3 minutes" Quinn and his mom get separated from the others, and just as they run down a trail, a kromagg soldier shoots Liz Mallory in the back, causing her to fall "Quinn I've been shot, go with out me" "no, I can't leave you here to die" "you have no choice, its too late" Quinn begins crying over his mom, then she dies on the ground holding his hand. The others get near Quinn, they see kromaggs over him, carrying him away "we got to go and save him!" Ryan yells "no way, its suicide to go out there!" Rick says "I'm not turning my back on him. I saved his life once, I'm not going to let Wade down again" Jacob opens the portal "its time. Ryan we'll come back for him, I promise, we won't rest, until we find him" then the 2 slide out, followed by the others. Hours later, in a 'magg leader room, Kolitar sits as he drinks, when 2 soldiers enter with Liz Mallorys dead body, then changes form into Mary "good work Mary, now that the others have the microdot, we can only hope that they will slide to the slidecage, unlock it, for us to go home, no return to your cage on the manta ship" "yes master" Mary walks out, with tears rolling down her eyes, as she passes Quinn in his cell, beaten badly and near death.
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