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Episode 515: Different Turn

Guest Stars: Jeri Ryan as Dr. RussellIn a lab outside the Leader's Palace in India, a scientist, along with 3 others, are working hard on sliding, when one of them, a woman, flips a switch, generating a stable vortex "It works!" "I'm sure our leader will be happy, of this. We will send a team of explorers to enter the portal tomorrow" the woman scientist shuts the drive down, along with the others turning machines off. By the next morning, the sliders are walking out of the Chandler "I can't wait to leave this world, its too toxix to handle" Laura comments "maybe we should of bought gas masks" Rick said "we slide in 4 minutes, lets head to the park over there" In the science lab, everyone is standing around, while the portal is restabilized "I have set a timing device for 10 hours, if there are any problems, activate the timer early, then slide to another world, we still can track you, even after leaving a world, Dr. Russell, since you are out top scientist, I would like you to go with them" "sure, anything for an adventure" Dr. Russell, along with the 3 others got near the vortex, as it opened "its stable enough to enter, I will add more power to take you all at once" "we slide in 5...4...3....2....1" Quinn spoke as he opened the vortex. Both sets of travelers slid at the same time, but then something goes wrong inside the portal, causing the 2 wormholes to mend together. An explosion occurs in the lab "whats going on?" "the problem is, that there was another group of sliders on another world, traveling at the same time,, somehow, ours and their vortexes mixed together, I'll try to reverse the slide, to bring out people back. The sliders vortex open inside an airport bathroom, only tossing Rick, Laura, and Quinn out "what the hell, it happened again!" "like before, they should be here somewhere" Laura spoke. In another place, Jacob and Remmy are tossed out, on a cow farm within a fence. "where are the others?" "I don't know, but that slide was really crazy, lets go Jacob, their probably going to meet us at the Chandler" Just as Quinn and the others are walking towards the exit door, there is a sign, reading -Welcome To India- but none of them see it. They head outside, and get into a taxi, when the driver asks them where they want to go "we want to go to the Chandler Hotel" "where is that located sir?" "its 10 miles north of here, it should be on the left side of the street" "ok, whatever you say" On top of the Golden Gate Bridge, the 4 scientists are also surprised "where the hell are we?" "this can't be possible, but we've landed in the United States, San Francisco this is where I lived before leaving to India" "well how do we get down" a frighted scientist asks "there should be a rescue team here soon, I hope" Back in the lab, a scientist named Dr. Yugo, tells the leader, that there has been 2 vortexes opened on this earth, so all they have to do, is go find them people in the certain places "well get to it, since there are millions of people here in the country" "yes sir" Back on the road side, Remmy and Jacob see a sign "what is this suppose to mean?" "maybe we landed in China Town" "this is just great, we're lost, don't know where we are, and the others are not here" "calm down, we'll just get a ride to someplace, and hook up with them at the hotel" "Remmy, thats if w make it at all!" After the 4 scientists are brought down from the bridge, they are let go "we need to get a taxi, I believe I know someone that can help us" "who would that be?" a male scientist asks "his name is Quinn Mallory, he was in my physics class in college, and he knew alot about wormhole theories. If he can make a wormhole, we should be able to get home" After an hour, a truck stops and a man asks "can I be of assistance to you both?" "ya, we need a ride into San Francisco, possibly the Chandler Hotel" the man begins laughing and explains "you really must be out of it, your in India" "my friend here fell and hit his head, so could you drop us off at the nearest town" "sure get in" and the 3 head off. "we are at the location you spoke, the hotel" "thanks heres some cash, have a nice day" "what is this, its american money" "isn't that what you take?" Rick asks "ya, in america, this is India my friends" "just head back to the airport, and switch the money" the 3 get out, and head into the hotel. Back in San Francisco, Dr. Russell and the others are dropped off in front of Quinn Mallory's house "this is it, if he's here, we have a chance" Dr. Russell knocks on the door, when Quinn comes to the door, answering it "may I help you?" "yes, do you remember me Quinn, its Julia Russell, from your physics class" "oh ya, its great to see you, I haven't seen you since you dropped out, come in" Remmy and Jacob are dropped off at a museum of agriculture "so now what do we do" "look, there are tour buses, all we do is just call the hotel" "don't forget, we've landed in India" "calm down, we must of switched vortexes with other sliders, who may have slid from here, we just find the others, and then find, and then find out who did this to us, so we can get back to California" "but first, we probably need to call all the hotels in this country first" Jacob commands. In Amaja'ha Hotel, the 3 sit in the lobby "so how can you explain this situation?" Laura asks "there is alot of different possibilities that could of happened, if we can find the others, I'm sure once we find out who did this, everything will get put back that way it was" "I hope your right, I don't want to keep sliding to India" "how much time til the slide?" Quinn asks Rick "well I don't have it, I thought I put it in my pocket" "Great! now we have to go find that driver, just hope he didn't lose that thing" "one problem we don't have a car" "the airport does, lets take one" At the airport, Yugo, searches for the travelers vortex, when he see's a taxi driver with a timing device, turning it into Lost and Found "excuse me, but where did you get that device?" "I found it in my back seat, when these americans ride in my taxi, and pays me american money" "where did they go?" "I took them to the Amaja'ha Hotel" "can you take me there?" "sure, just take this thing with you" the timer is handed to Yugo, and heads off in search of the sliders. Down in Quinn's basement, Dr. Russell and the others are explaining their situation "thats interesting, today I also found a portal, leading somewhere, now I know where it leads" "so can you help us with our problem?" the woman scientist asks "sure, your desinated coordinates within your country was set for an out of ranged position, all I have to do, is realign, and you can slide on your way, the problem is, is that you must slide out, where you came in at" "not the bridge, I can't stand being so high" a male scientist comments. "fine, we'll deal with it, lets start working" When a van pulls up, Yugo and others get out with the taxi driver, Yugo heads to the main desk, asking for americans that were here, and the desk clerk spoke "they were here, but it sounded as if they needed to get a car, to find something" "do you have video camera's here, so I could possibly see their faces?" "yes, come this way" the woman show him the sliders, and he now has faces to go along with the travelers. Yugo thanked the woman, heading back outside "so what do we do now?" as the taxi driver "you are doing nothing, go back to work, I believe I know wher the travelers are, lets go" As Remmy and Jacob board a tour bus, Jacob see's a woman, he is attracted to, but doesn't know how to approach her "excuse me, but is that seat taken?" "no, but I thought you were sitting with your friend?" "no, he doesn't like sitting with people, it makes him nervous" "fine, sit with me, I'm Jea" "hi, I'm Jacob" Back in San Francisco, Quinn finishes the timer for the 4 to go home "to bad you couldn't stay for my first sliding experience" "well I'll give you one peice of advice, the landings are rough" "Dr. Russell, times getting short, we better go" "right, well Quinn nice to have met an alternate of my friend for awhile, bye" then the 4 scientists hale a taxi, heading off to the Golden Gate Bridge. Laura breaks into the car lot at the airport, after unlocking the lock with a keypad "I didn't know you were this smart" Quinn comments "thats what you get for hacking into computers" Rick quickly enters, finding a corvet "lets take this one!" "sure, but I get to drive" Quinn states, then an alarm goes off, and security officers are running to get them "lets go!" and the sliders manage to escape the airport, but Yugo see's the sliders "turn around, its them!" As Dr. Russell and the others are let off, there is a fire truck nearby, the other male scientist tells the others he can drive one, and he easily gets in the drivers seat, and starts it, heading towards the bridge, then police arrive, along with the firemen running after their vehicle "we don't have much time, lets move!" Dr. Russell yells. The woman scientist pushes the ladder button, and it begins to go up, where they have to slide out "hold it! your all under arrest! come down with your hands up!" Back on the bus, Remmy is laying back, while Jacob is making out with Jea, when a car drives quickly by, and Remmy see's the others, then a van passes the bus "stop the bus, our friends are out there! come on Jacob lets go!" Remmy gets offf, and Jacob tells Jea goodbye, kissing for one last time. The bus takes off, and the 2 sliders run, to catch up with the others "I wonder who is in the van?" Rick says "possibly someone we don't want to know-" "hey isn't that Remmy and Jacob back there, waving their arms?!" Laura says, Quinn then swirves car around, heading back, the van does the same thing, only going faster. Back in San Francisco, the scientists are climbing the ladder, when a police officer shoots at them, hitting Dr. Russell "Doctor, are you ok?" she doesn't answer, and falls hitting the fire truck. Quinn's double see's what is happening, and feels he needs to help them to escape, so he heads to his car, racing off "we can't just leave her there, we got to go and get her" the woman scientist spoke, then one of the men, grabs her arm "if we go down to help her, we'll get captured, and we won't be able to slide!" Dr. Yugo grabs a bullhorn, yelling towards the sliders, as they stop "hold on, we are here to help, its about sliding!" Quinn decides to turn the car off "Quinn what are you doing, we'll get caught!" Jacob says "they must be the scientists from the lab, they can get us out of here" Quinn's double arrives, and heads to the fire truck, when a police officer holds him back, but punches the officer, jumps over the blockade, and runs to help Dr. Russell "are you ok?" "I'm fine, but I can't move, get the others out of here" a group of police officers run towards Quinn and Dr. Russell "sir you will be also under arrest, unless you get off this truck!" "give me your bullhorn, its important, then I'll get off" "You guys up there, can leave, I will get you doctor home, with my equipment, now go!" a male scientist opens the vortex, and the 3 slide back home. Back at the lab in India, Dr. Yugo tells the sliders of what happened, when a vortex opens, tossing out the 3 "your back! wheres Dr. Russell?" "she didn't make it, she was shot, but a man, that looked like that one, said he would bring her home later" "my double should be able to slide her home, if he was able to fix their timer" "well if travel to alternate universe's works, things should be better around here" A few hours later, Dr. Yugo fixes the timer, to send the sliders back to California "you should be able to in 3 minutes, but with our equipment, your vortex will be more high powered, since we just developed interdimensional travel" "thanks for the warning, and if we ever find this Dr. Russell, we'll try to bring her home" Quinn states "that would be very kind of you" Dr. Yugo says, Quinn opens the vortex, and the 5 slide out.
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