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Episode 514: Wrongful Path

Guest Stars: Kari Wuhrer, Michael Bergin, and Roger Daltrey as Rickman.In the Chandler, the sliders are relaxing in the room, as Quinn tries to work on Logan's timer, in order to get home "do you think that Logan erased the coordinates of Earth Prime, so we can suffer like her?" Jacob asks "possibly, but I think if she was working the kromaggs, she wouldn't erase them, if she needed to get there" Quinn states "this situation reminds me of the time, we slid to the world, meeting Rickman, and we proved he was killing people" "when was this?" Rick asks "this slide took place, shortly before you joined, me and Jacob were having problems, and we were getting use to normal sliding after being in a deadly battle" (Flashback) High on a mountain, we see military officers watching as a vortex opens, tossing the sliders out, then as the vortex closes, we see the sliders again "so where are we now, Africa, or something?" Jacob asks "it looks like the place for the new world that we had to help people to" Quinn states "if it is, maybe Malcolm will be glad to see me, and possibly get to go fishing" As they turn down a path, officers jump out of the bushes "hold it, your under arrest, for trespassing on military grounds!" yelled an officer "we mean you no harm, I'm Quinn Mallory, you all should know me for helping you all off your desecrating world" then a woman walks down and speaks "hey, I know you, your the sliders that tried killing Colonel Rickman, lock them up with the natives, I think when Rickman returns, he will be glad to put you all to work" The Sliders are locked in a holding pen like-prison, along with natives, one of them, comes up to Laura asking her "are you here to help us, because that man known as Rickman makes us work for several hours on a colony for the officers, and we get nothing" "sorry, it seems we've been locked in here as prisoners too. Hours later, Quinn and Rembrandt see a familiar face "I'm Captain Beckett..... Quinn Mallory is that you?" "Maggie, you got to help us, we were locked in here, for being trespassers" "well how did you escape, off our world, I was told that you and the others were dangerous, that you tried killing the colonel, before he slid off" "it may be hard to understand, but we aren't the people you knew, we're doubles from an alternate life, the other sliders are still probably alive" Quinn says. Just as Maggie is about to open the gate, Rickman returns, surprised to see them all, especially Quinn. Rickman told Cpt. Beckett to get away from the cage "I'm surprised you came back, after nearly trying to kill me, by the way, where is your other friends?" "you know what you did, you shot the professor, and you even have a brain disease, you need live brain fluid to survive" Remmy states. Rickman told him to shut his mouth, and as he walked past Beckett, he spoke "they will start work on the colony, then I will decide what to do with them" With only 3 days until the slide, Quinn knew he had to watch for the others, and even try to convince Maggie, Rickman is the devil. Remmy and Jacob had made friends with the natives, and Jacob even tried to attract a native woman, by doing, which he thought was a mating ritual, but turned out saying he was already mating with another. Laura had been put on a team to travel to alternate worlds, for supplies, and she was getting attracted to a lieutenant that was the commanding officer for the team. Laura learned his name was Robert, and she knew she could get his help in with freeing her friends. As the first night came, the sliders were able to be more trusted, so Maggie let them out to enjoy the fire, but Jacob knew Rickman would want to kill them, after hearing from Quinn, about the Rickman he chased. Laura and Robert enjoyed dinner is his tent, and they talked, but Laura knew he probably wouldn't disobey his leader to help a person that he just met. "so, I really haven't heard much, since you got here. What was the other maggie like, that you knew, was she brave as I am?" "your double was more than brave, she was a fighter on every world we landed on, she faced zombies, vampires and even dinosaurs, but she never let feelings get in the way, but we managed to kiss, about 3 months after she joined us, since we were sliding home, but things didn't work out" Maggie decided to open a can of pepsi, offering Quinn some, and as she came closer to him, they began kissing, Quinn pulled back "whats wrong?" "nothing, your just more happier than my maggie, and I would feel wrong to fall for you, when I already have with the other one" Maggie continued their conversation, and Quinn learned that the Quinn she knew, had called his Rembrandt, Rubrics Cube. "Uh Maggie, I should tell you that my maggie's husband was murdered by Rickman, and if your Rickman told you that you lost him to raiders, he might of killed him" "thats a lie, and you know it, Steven was killed while trying to protect me, but the colonel told me you were the ones for his death, not him!" just when maggie was going to yell more at Quinn, Rickman ordered her to his tent, and she followed his orders. "what is it sir?" "you know that Mallory is a devil, he's trying to tell you things that really aren't true, he wants to tell you that I', the villian here, and if you don't keep the faith, things may fall apart, you do trust me captain, don't you?" "yes of coarse sir, I will follow any orders that you tell me" "fine, then when Mallory or the others go out of control will you be able to kill them, if ordered?" "I'm not sure, but if they are dangerous, I won't trust any of them until their gone" the colonel dismisses maggie and tells another officer to enter "I want a private execution tomorrow, make sure Mallory, Brown, Arturo, and Cosgrove are the ones to die" "ah sir" and the officer exits. Rickman pulls out the timer saying "the sliders won't need this, so when their dead, this timer will be gone" By morning, the sliders are out far from camp, when a red vortex opens, tossing Rickman, along with doubles of the sliders and 2 other officers "I want you all to remain in my tent until orders are brought to you" "sure, just as long as we get our cash" Remmy's double speaks "don't worry, you all will get plenty more if things work out" Cpt. Beckett had awoken, and as she went to get coffee, she heard loud noises "Beckett get over to my tent!" Rickman yells on the hand radio. As Maggie ran, she soon saw the sliders being destructive to equipment and hurting people, then Maggie pulls her gun, firing at Quinn, hitting him in the leg, as more officers capture the other sliders "good work captain, I believe its time to execute them. I will be the judge, jury, and executioner" Beckett sort of agrees and then Rickman forces the sliders into his tent, while maggie returns to her coffee and gets her jacket "good work, heres your money, now its time to slide" Rickman opens the vortex and tells officers to bring back some wood, so the 2 officers slide out with the timer. Later on. the real sliders enter camp, but soon after, officers are forcing them to the ground, and one officer yells to Rickman, saying they've escaped "Mallory, todays the day you and your friends die, since you can't handle your behavior around us, who are trying to survive" "what are you talking abou, we've been out there, doing work we were told to do" Jacob says, but Rickman refuses any lies, so the officers tie them to trees, far from the camps. About 20 minutes later, Rickman meets up with the sliders, alone, and explains to Quinn that he killed Dr. Jenson, since he found out about his disease, and couldn't tell anyone "hold it Rickman!" Maggie yells "what the hell are you doing?!" "something I should of did a long time ago, I had a feeling you killed Steven, and now I have proof, since I found this box full of brain fluid in your tent" Rickman aims his gun at her, and fires, missing her, and hitting a tree "you will never catch me, not as long as I have backup!" Rickman yells as he runs away. Maggie unties the sliders, and apoligizes to the sliders for not believing them in the first place "Quinn I want to thank you for helping, I probably would have never known the truth" "we still have to catch him, if he slides out, we might not be able to catch him for a long time" Laura states. With night fall near, Maggie had armed the sliders up, and they all headed in search of Rickman, who had attacked an officer earlier that afternoon "If I know the colonel he will want to hide, in a place no one can find him, we should split up. Rembrandt, Jacob, head south, Laura and Quinn I want you to head out around my position, I will remain on this trail, if he's out here, it won't take long to find him" Just as Remmy and Jacob are about to reach the top of the mountain, Rickman appears, holding Robert as a hostage "he's up here, and Robert is a hostage!" yelled Jacob. Maggie remained hiding as she decided to take a back way up the mountain. Laura and Quinn had head to the top as well "I suppose I have to ask, put down you weapons or Robert here, will likely fall to his death "just let him go, he's not part of this problem" Laura says "he is now, I don't suppose you would like to take his place, heres a deal, I get the timer, and Robert can safely go" "you know we can't give you the timer, or more people out there will suffer, because of what you do" Quinn says. Maggie nears as she reaches the top, but steps on a branch, causing her camouflage to go undisguised "I knew you would appear, my right hand is here, to defend me, if you except my apology for trying to shoot you" "sorry Angus, this time, I'm against you" Rickman fires his weapon at Maggie, and hits her arm, Jacob manages to fire at Rickman as he is distracted, he takes a head shot, causing his head to change forms into people and begins to spontaneous combust, and Robert escapes from Rickmans hold of him, then the body falls off the mountainous hill, Maggie falls to the ground, passing out "we got to get her back for medical treatment" Quinn speaks. Morning nears, and the sliders will leave in a few minutes "I hope you can get home, I know that today, I become the leader of the pack, I just hope I will be a suitable to take Rickman's place" "don't worry, you'll make a great leader, and now you don't have to worry about someone trying to kill any of your team" Remmy comments. Robert and Laura walk towards the others as they say their good-byes "will you ever come back to visit?" "maybe, and then we could start a relationship, with each other, maybe even a family" "hold it Laura, I've only known you for 2 days, but I hope you have a good journey home. Robert and Laura kiss "everyone ready to go, its time" Jacob speaks as he opens the vortex, everyone slides out as Maggie and Robert stare at the vortex closing then looking at each other "what do you think of becoming my new right hand?" asks Maggie "I really would like that, hope I can handle all the hard work, that it takes to become a high ranking officer, since I'm only a lieutenant."
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