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Episode 513: Brain Teasers

Guest Stars: Zoe McClennan as Logan St. Claire, Lester Barrie as Elston Diggs, Pamela Anderson as Wade, and Lara Flynn Boyle as Jacobs lover.As the sliders vortex out into a closet, they come out with cleaning supplies on them "can't you fix that thing so we won't slide into this stuff!" Laura yells at Quinn "try to adjust to it, it sliding, what do you expect" Rick soon sees people outside walking by with virtual reality goggles outside, and he seems impressed "hey guys look at this place, everyone is into VR, and theres a VR shop across the street. After entering, they are met by Elston Diggs "welcome to VR, what can I do for ya?" "we want to try out the VR helmets" "do you want to buy them or try them first?" "we'll just try them" "sure, there are 5 over there in non-use, the total will come to $100 dollars, pay now!" Remmy pulls the cash out, giving all that he has left "don't worry Remmy, I'll pay on the next world" Jacob says. "we slide in 8 hours, so don't be in there too long" Quinn says as he puts the timer away in his pocket. When the sliders get hooked in, they go to different places. In Quinn's VR reality, he finds himself in front of his house, when the door opens, he sees a young woman, with blonde hair "hey Quinn, whats up?" "not much...." they begin kissing. In Laura's reality, she is in Hawaii, about to order a drink, when she see's a familiar face "dad, is that you?" "oh hi Laura, nice to see you here, whats been happening?" "not much since the 'maggs took over" Laura quietly says. Outside in the real world, Diggs walks into his back room when a vortex opens, and Logan falls out "are they here?" 'yes right over ther" "good, are the plans into works?" "of coarse, things should work out unless someone comes into help" In Ricks reality, he is in a skate board competition, and is getting cheered on by the crowd. Rick finishes, but then a buffed guy walks by saying "pretty boy, your going down" Remmy is on stage at Woodstock, and about to perform "Cry Like A Man" "thanks everybody, its great to get back into the singing mood after being away from home!" As for Jacob, he is walking up to an apartment when the door opens, a woman comes out "I've been waiting for you, come in" they also begin to make out, along with ripping off each others clothes, and heading to the shower. Quinn tries to step away from the woman he was with "Quinn whats wrong, I thought you wanted this, I'm Wade, the way you always wanted me, big breasts, blonde hair, and tall" "I'm stunned, I can't believe you would want to be my Wade" "just think of this, after Maggie was added that's all you wanted, was her in bed with you" "wait, I know that I was attracted to her, but I sort of have feelings for you now" Wade gets into a car, and starts it, she rolls her window down saying "fine, if you want to impress me, have dinner with me" "ok, where should we meet?" "your house, about 8 p.m. thats in 3 hours" Back in Hawaii, Laura talks to her dad about certain things and one was about if she should try to get Jacob back "you know, when I was your age, I had been dating this girl for about 6 months, when she came to me and told me she had met another man, we broke up and soon after I met your mother, the rest is history" "so should I go after him, even if we broke up?" "maybe, but you should consider your other options, because if you like someone you might not get another chance to be with that other person" the 2 continue walking along. In Ricks reality, he was skate boarding very good, until the buffed guy went and threw a rock at his feet, knocking him off, and causing him to lose the competition. Rembrandt had started another song, when obsessed fans came near him, and he had to run out to the exits. He got into his limo, speeding away "Yes! I still got the touch" At Quinn's house, he had finished preparing dinner, and about to serve Wade, when a knock at the door was heard "I'll get it, its probably some salesmen" Wade spoke, but when she reached the door, Remmy had come "may I help you?" "ya, I'm looking for Quinn Mallory" "sure hold on" Quinn came to the door, and realized he had to leave Wade again, but before he went with Remmy, he kissed Wade, even though it wasn't her "I promise to save you Wade, no matter what!" he takes the goggles off and see's the others around him "wheres Jacob?" "he's still in his reality, I'll go and get him, since we slide in 10 minutes, you read the timer wrong Quinn, we only had 3 1/2 hours" Laura then injects herself to his reality. She appears in the apartment, where he was, and calls out to him, and soon heard voices from the bathroom. As Laura opens the door, she see's Jacob and a woman in the shower making love "excuse me" "Laura?! what are you doing here?" "its time to go, you need to come out of the reality, I'll give you 5 minutes" "uh sure, I'll be right out" With the sliders exiting the VR shop, everyone tells of their experiences, until Quinn see's Logan, ahead of them, she opens her vortex, sliding out "who was that?" Rick asks "she's my double" Rick looked at him funny "its a long story, I can track her, maybe I can get her timer to slide us to Earth Prime" Quinn takes the timer, opening the vortex, and they slide out. On the next world, they land in front of a french cafe "how about getting some food, I'm starving" Rick says "I agree, we can't slide hungry" Laura states. With 4 hours until the slide, they decided to enjoy their meal at the cafe. Just as they were about to leave, Jacob recoginizes a woman, who he shared a shower with in his virtual reality "maybe here, you can try again, with this one" Laura says. "did anyone just notice this, but that same man on his bike just rode past here, and that same woman was at the counter, when we walked in" Remmy comments "she might be someone that eats alot" Quinn says. In the Golden Gate Park, Quinn is sitting on a bench, when Remmy comes up "so this is where your hiding out" "I really wanted to spend time alone, thats all" "do you want to talk about it?" "about what?" "you've been acting weird ever since going to that VR shop on the last world" "ok, when I got hooked in, I went to my house, and I saw Wade, she was someone else, but it was her, and she blames me for wanting Maggie more than her. Then after leaving, we see Logan, I'm not tracking a wormhole, and even if we do catch her, she would never help us" "you can't blame yourself for what happened to her" "I know, but I feel I could of did something to stop the kromags from taking her away" the feel a wind blow towards them, and when they turn around, a blue portal opens tossing Logan out "sliders, I'm surprised to see you here, but since you, Quinn are here, lets get this over, a fight to the death! for causing me to slide randomly from world to world to find home, now I want revenge" Logan then begins to change form into this huge monstrous slimy creature, with fangs "oh great, now what do we do?!" Logan attacks Quinn with a large claw, hitting him in the chest, making him fall. The others arrive as the attack occurs, Jacob and Remmy help Quinn up from the ground, and start running, Logan follows them, causing destruction in her path "how do we stop her, she's to big to handle" Rick yells "well your gonna be surprised, we really are still in this virtual reality, we never left VR shop, so Logan is probably hooked into this reality, being able to make herself into a monster" Laura says "how do you know that?" "well earlier when we kept passing every corner, that french cafe was there" the sliders find an alley, near the Chandler, and just when they thought it was safe to come out, Logan finds them "come out Quinn, its the end of the road for you and the others!" As Remmy is nealing down, he sees a stake that Quinn could use to kill Logan, so he hands it to Quinn, and he comes out from behind a dumpster, holding the stake behind his leg. Logan takes her claw, and hits Quinn in the head, causing him to bleed to death, but not before Quinn throws the stake at Logan's heart. She roars loudly, and soon begins to change back to human form "you win this round Mallory!" and she drops dead. The others race towards Quinn, and they all try to keep him from bleeding "your going to be ok Quinn, we will get you a doctor when we get out of this reality" Jacob says, then Quinn closes his eyes. Back in the real world, everyone is coming around, and taking their VR goggles off "Quinn!" Rick yells as he pulls off Quinns goggles, and he seems to be fine, when he opens his eyes "that was weird, I thought I died for a second, but I just have a headache" The others are relieved to see Quinn alive, they head to find Logan in the back room hooked in, but she is not moving "lets destroy her timer, then she'll be stuck her forever" Laura states "I'm not sure, she could be stuck in this virtual reality, living her life, but we can take it to find home" just then, Diggs enters, holding a gun at them "hey, you leave her alone, she let you live today, but the next time, it will be over, now go, before I take this job on myself to kill you all" "we slide in 10 seconds, we'll be leaving anyway" Jacob opens the vortex and they slide out, with Logans timer, a chance to get home. Back in the subconscious mind of Logan's, she is in an insane asylum in a straight jacket, yelling for whoever to let her out, because she's not crazy, then a doctor comes to the little window on the door saying "you here for good Logan"
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