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Episode 512: Faceless Names Part 2

Guest Stars: Lisa Howard as Angela Bennett, Eric Szmanda as Sorcerer, Zen Gesner as FBI Agent Rick Mallory, Chip Mayer as Doctor Ross, and Josie Bissett as Ruth.In an underground tunnel, the boat with the sliders enter into it, then after the boat docks, they get off with Angela, and taken down a hall, and after Angela opens the door, the sliders see many people sitting around computers "this amazing, I think Wade would of enjoyed this, like I hope to" Quinn says "where are we?" Laura asks "your in the Protorian Resistance, this is where the action takes place to save people from getting erased" "erased? what do you mean?" Remmy asks "you all really must be out of it, its been happening for years, the Protorians are a team of FBI Agents that try to make a perfect world, for example, back in '87 when the Challenger blew up, no one knew that happened, and the officers on the craft were replaced with others, and even more people today, when they die, they have someone replace them if it involves the military, the FBI, or some important issue with the world" Back at the Chandler, Jacob and Ruth are in his room, with FBI Agents "I will ask one more time, do you know the location of Angela Bennett?" "No, I don't even know her!" Ruth yells "then why do you think this man is not your father?" "he isn't, my father is in his mid fifties, grey hair, big built, and this man doesn't look anything like that" "well than I'll ask you, where did you get that wallet?" "In the hospital, the nurse said they found it outside" "can you recognize the nurse who gave it to you, and the doctor that treated you?" "ya, I'd know em anywhere" "I want you 3 to meet our leader, the Sorcerer" "hello, welcome to the underground, I hear you've lost a friend, I'm guessing his name is Jacob Arturo" "he's good" Laura comments to the others "ya, thats right, how do you know?" Quinn asks "I have camera's put everywhere, and heres the video, you all really must be far from here, perhaps an alternate dimension?" "you could say that, so what can you do to find our friend?" "I can trace him if he used his ID. Now the last location is the Chandler hotel, under the name Ken Peterson, but I also have seen that the FBI have him, along with a woman that might be with your friend, if we could get in, like with your escape from the prison, your friend should easily be freed" "ok, what can we do to help?" Remmy asks. At the hospital, Dr. Ross, and a nurse is interegated, by Agent Mallory, an agent named Gaines and Assistant Director Sable "so where did you get this wallet?" Gaines asks the nurse "I was told by an FBI Agent named Scotts, to give this man the wallet, since Mr. Peterson was decease" "and for you doctor?' "I wasn't aware of this transaction, but I didn't believed that man outside was Ken Peterson until after the nurse gave me his release papers-" "yes, but didn't you treat Mr. Peterson yourself?" "well yes-" "and you believe this man is the same one?" "well I suppose that man is whoever, the Protorians want him to be, for all I care, he could be an undercover agent!" "Dr. Ross, your under arrest for getting to personal with the Protorians, same goes for you ma'am" Gaines says, as she and Mallory are handcuffing the doctor and nurse. As Gaines take the people outside, Sable begins speaking "Agent Mallory, we need to take care of a problem, Ruth knows to much, and we can't let it leak out into the world" " but what did she find?" "earlier this year, that woman visited the the FBI Headquarters, and when she went to the basement, she took a disk with her, even the camera has her on it, and yet today, she doesn't know a thing" "thats true evidence, but we can't just shoot her" "you can, and will, thats an order" "yes sir" then Agent Mallory and Gaines leaves taking the arrested to other officers to take away, then Mallory sticks the timer in his back pocket "so what do yo think is going to happen to us?" Ruth asks "I'm not sure, we could play dumb and escape" "come with me Ruth!" Agent Mallory commands "not you Mr. Peterson, just her" 'I want to come, she's my friend" "fine, lets go" The 2 are put in a van blindfolded, and taken to the country, onto a dirt road. "get out!" Agent Mallory said, as he pulled them out, taking off their blindfolds "whats going on, where are we?" "this is the end of the road for you both, I was suppose to kill Ruth, but I guess I'm gonna have to take out the both of you" "hold it!" yelled the driver "what the hell?!" Agent Mallory is shot at but doen'st get hit, and then he shoots the driver, killing him, then Jacob and Ruth run into the woods "come back here, I'm not through with you both!" In the country, on another dirt road, Remmy, Laura, and Angela are to meet with a source to help get Jacob back. "So Angela, are you also without a life, I mean did the Protorians replace your life with someone else?" Remmy asks "yes it was, I had met the Sorcerer, he helped me convince others of what the Protorians can do, and it all fell into place" "is that the van we're suppose to meet?" "it should be, but something doesn't feel right" As they get closer, Agent Mallory pulls a gun out at them "may I ask you all to get out of the van please?" so the 3 get out, and Agent Mallory comes over to Angela "I guess your the mouse caught in my trap, welcome to your end Angela Bennett" "well I guess you survived my last attack" "I have 9 lives. Now get in the van, and you (pointing at Laura) get to drive" When the back doors open, they see Jacob and Ruth handcuffed to bars, so then the others are handcuffed the same way. Laura is given the keys, forced into the drivers seat. As the van pulls off, Angela tells the others that the dead driver in the weeds, was the contact. Back in the underground, Quinn and the Sorcerer, know what happened, since the camera picked everything up "I've had an idea to uncover everything about the Protorians, for a while now. In the basement of their headquarters, they have thousands of files about people replaced, if we could get in, take some files, approach a TV station and have them read on live television" "ya, but what about our timer, could you track it down at headquarters?" "sure, it shouldn't be to hard to hack into their camera's and find your device" "lets do it" Quinn says as the 2 shake hands. The group that is captured, are taken to a conference room, where Agent Mallory is going on live television, only hooked to the underground "My fellow comrades, we have been able to only send this message to you, or the leader named Sorcerer, I have your friends, and unless you show your face at headquarters in 2 hours, your friends will be executed on live television as spies" Just before Agent Mallory is finishing his speech, Angela grabs for the timer and the Agent's back pocket, sticking it in her jacket. Just before Quinn and Sorcerer are going to leave, they see the video, and now have a new problem, but they plan on what they were going to do " I think you want this" "you got the timer, great work" Remmy says "no problem, I've had to get bigger things out before" In the basement of FBI Headquarters, Quinn and Sorcerer come in through the vent shaft. They soon discover shelves with boxes full of files on people replaced "this is a great wonder, if we could get copies of this, we could expose the Protorians" "well Sorcerer, I think you might be in luck, heres a computer over here" They find several boxes with disks "lets try one, maybe all the information is on the disk, It would be easier than carrying boxes of papers" The Sorcerer injects a disk, and it tells what is on each disk, and with having all the information in a box of disks, they could save peoples lives. In a security office, Agent Mallory hears of a break in at the basement, so Mallory takes officers down to the basement "so do you think Quinn and Sorcerer are finding a way to let us escape?" Remmy asks Angela "I know they are, their probably in this building as we speak" As the 2 head up to the elevator, they hear it coming down, so they hide behind some barrels "ok, spread out, I want these people captured!" Agent Mallory says, but just before the elevator doors closes, they jump in, and Agent Mallory sees them as they enter, but he can't catch them, since they were on their way up. "Security breach!" we have intruders in the building" "this is Sable, I want you to torch all of the work, even the disks, so police won't recover anything, also actiavate the explosives!" "yes sir" then the security officers start to burn the papers. The fire alarm goes off for everyone to evacuate, but the sliders must slide out, before their dead. "whats going on?" Jacob asks "their in, we're going to be out soon" Laura states. When the elevator doors open, Quinn and the Sorcerer run to hte prison area, where they have a fight with an officer who drops the ground. "we're in here!" Remmy yells, and the 2 enter, unlocking the cell. Outside, the police and fire department are coming towards the building, along with people exiting. Agent Mallory tells Sable, that he will find the intruders. "we have the disks that will end the Protorians for good" Quinn says to Angela " we slide out in 12 minutes, since Angela helped get it back" "hey, this is too much for me, whats really going on?" "look, your really Jacob Arturo traveling to other worlds, you never existed as Ken Peterson" "what about Ruth, can she come with us?" "I'm not sure, we'll all decide this" "hold it!" Agent Malloy yells as the 7 turn around "give me those disks, or your all dead!" "no, this is the truth that should be told, and be able to give lives back to the people losing them" Angela says. An explosion occurs, down below, giving the sliders a chance to escape, but not before he shoots Ruth in the back, causing her to fall "help me!" she yells, and Jacob helps her up, and is lead to an elevator. "we're going to get you help" "its too late Jacob, I'm dieing and theres nothing you can do to stop it. I love you Jacob." then they kiss, she collapses dieing in his arms. When the door opens, they are only a few feet away from the exit, until Agent Mallory enters their path "you basterd, you killed Ruth!" "I'm sorry, but you can't leave with those disks!" "why not, whats the problem that you can't fix? Agent Mallory or should I say Robert Martin" Sorcerer states "what are you talking about, I'm Rick Mallory!" "no your not, you stole my life, I want it back" Jacob then goes near the agent and about to attack him, but he is shot in the chest and falls hitting his head on a desk "its time!" Laura yells as the vortex opens. She helps Remmy with Jacob and they slide "Quinn remember that favor I asked for?" "ya, what is it?' "I want to go with you, its a long story and I'll tell you about it on the next world" Quinn jumps in, while Sorcerer tells Angela to reveal the disks as he hands the box over to her, and jumps in" With only a few seconds, Agent Mallory and Angela run for the exit, and the building explodes behind them. After a minute, the 2 get up, and she pulls a gun on him "your under arrest for being involved as a Protorian" Angela then gives Agent Mallory to a police officer, sending him to jail, since the Sorcerer, earlier sent the information from his computer to his underground, while in the elevator, leadin the police to arrest many people. On another world in the Chandler Hotel bar, Jacob sits by himself as the others sit at a table "so whats with him?" Quinn asks Laura "I think he's getting over the fact he lost someone he really loved. Earlier at the hospital, he told me, we were over, and doesn't think we will be a couple any time soon" "he'll get it together soon, but now I have a question for you Sorcerer, whats you story?" Remmy asks "my name is Rick Mallory, after the Protorians took my life from me, and I came on this journey, since I did my work to complete my goal, and my family was kille off in front of my eyes, possibly I hope to land on a world so I can fit in and I hope to enjoy the travel to other worlds." *Note* Eric Szmanda is now a regular on the show
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