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Episode 511: Faceless Names Part 1

Guest Stars: Lisa Howard as Angela Bennett, Zen Gesner as FBI Agent Rick Mallory, Chip Mayer as Doctor Ross, Josie Bissett as Ruth, and Vincent Ventresca as Dan.As the vortex opens during the night, Jacob is tossed out, hitting his head on a fire hydrant, then the vortex quickly closes. It reopens in a park, tossing the others out onto the cement. "wheres Jacob, did he miss the slide?" asks Remmy "no, because he went in before me." Laura says. "maybe he was dropped off somewhere else on this world, it happened before." Quinn states. They head to the Chandler, while an ambulance pulls up to where a man is with Jacob, unconscious "what happened" asks a paramedic "I don't know, I was driving past, when I saw him down." then Jacob is put on a gurney and put in the back of the ambulance. "he hasn't checked in yet, maybe we should go out to find him." Laura says "he's probably on his way here, he might be in L.A or somewhere else." Quinn says. In the hospital, Dr. Ross comes to where Jacob is, and asks a nurse for identification but he didn't have any "fine, than he's a John Doe patient, but if anyone comes in asking for a missing person, send them to me" "yes doctor, I will." Back in the hotel room, Quinn is coming out from the shower, in a towel "so have my clothes come yet?" "no, but Jacob isn't here either." "Laura, if he doesn't come here, in one more hour, we'll head out..." "heres your clothes, it took the dry cleaner a long time to get the blood stain out, oh and heres your money back" "why, didn't you pay for it?" "well sort of, after I gave him some cash, he refused and asks me for a drivers license, and when I did, he charged it to my license, people are getting weirder yet" then 3 agents ram the door in, making the sliders get to the ground "your all under arrest!" yelled a male agent "what for?!" asks Quinn "no questions, now, move, and you in the towel, dress quickly!" The 3 were taken outside, and put in a prison van, handcuffed, along with pedestrians staring. At the police station, the sliders were put in uniforms and their pictures taken, then into the cells. "So what do you think this device is sir?" "Agent Mallory, its probably a signal, or a timing device counting down for some reason, maybe if we interegate the prisoners, especially Mr. Rembrandt Brown, I thought he was taken care of back in '89, and I'm surprise he would show up around here again, but possibly, they'll talk" "Quinn, what do you think is going to happen?" Remmy asks "Why don't you shut up! I for once really don't care, I don't have the answers, we'll probably be charged for murder, and sentenced to death" "sorry, you don't have to get bent out of shape, or maybe I should yell at you for letting me fall in love and have the woman die!" "lets just drop it ok?" "fine, I'll just sit down over here" then Remmy walks to the bench behind him, sitting down. Hours later, the prisoners are put into a bus, and the sliders reunite "so how are you, hope the women weren't too rough with ya" Quinn said "I had better days." Back in the hospital, Dr. Ross checks on Jacob, when he wakes "where am I? whats going on?" "calm down, your in the County General Hospital, you were brought in, after you hit your head, my question is, who are you?" "I'm....I'm, I really don't know, did you find my wallet?" "no there wasn't any I.D, someone must of stolen" "well can I go, if everythings ok" "uh, sure, everything checks out but I want you to return tomorrow ok,I'll have the nurse bring you clothes in" Near the Golden Gate Bridge, the prisoners are put onto a boat, then the boat heads out, the destination is Alcatraz. "I wonder why the prison is still open" Remmy asks "maybe there were alot more fugitives on the run around here" Quinn states. Back at the hospital, when Jacob comes out of the room, heading towards the desk, a nurse stops him, telling him, they found his wallet outside, so he signed the release form, and heads out. A young woman in her twenties, gets off the elevator and looks for a room "excuse me, are you looking for somebody?" "yes, my dad is suppose to be on this floor, his name is Ken Peterson." "I'm sorry there is nobody here by that name, not even the hospital" "what? that doesn't make any sence, I was just up here an hour ago!" "calm down miss, no one here is by that name, you might try the other hospital across the street" In the Chandler hotel, Jacob is at the front desk, asking for a room "thank you Mr. Ken Peterson for choosing the Chandler Hotel, all your needs will be met here." As the next morning begins, the prisoners are sent out back behind the prison for work, but then as the sliders begin planting seeds at the garden, a woman dressed in black approaches them whispering "hey, over here by the tree, I'm here to save you, but I work at night" "who are you?" Laura asks "all your questions will be answered, now listen, to me, at 9 p.m. the officers will have bed check, 10 minutes later I want you 3 to pour this liquid acid on your back wall, it will open a large enough crevis for you all to crawl through, meet me, down by the shore." the woman disapears and Quinn runs over and grabs a bottle that fits in his jacket pocket, then heads back to work. At FBI Headquarters, Agent Mallory and Assistant Director Sable, are on their way to the parking garage, when a woman stops them "sir you forgot this" as she hands the timer to Agent Mallory "thanks we needed this" then the men get into the car and head off to Alcatraz. In the Chandler Bar, Jacob sits drinking a beer, when the young woman enters crying "excuse me, but can I be of assistance?" "no, sorry, I just am having a bad day" "well sit down, tell me about it" the 2 sit at a table, and Jacob grabs a napkin to dry her tears "last night when I headed to the hospital, my father was gone, and no one know him, its as if doesn't exist-" "sir, I need your license, to pay for your beer" Jacob hands the license to the man, when the woman realizes who that belongs to "thats my fathers driver's license" "no its mine, I got it back at the hospital, when the nurse said they found it outside" At the counter, the bar tender is making a call as he watches Jacob and the woman named Ruth. "Agent Mallory speaking" "yes this the bartender at the Chandler hotel, we have a young woman thats on to you, she claims that the man she's with is her father, who replaced the father after he went missing" "fine, we're on our way." At night in the prison, the police passes the sliders cell, when their other roomate named Dan says "I wonder if they will ever let us go? I'm innocent" "probably not, but we're getting out, want to join us?" Remmy asks "ya sure, but how?" "by this stuff" Laura states as she begins to pour it on the wall "its working!" Quinn comments. The 4 leave the cell, and begin running towards the shore, when the alarm goes off "their on to us, lets move!" yells Dan, the 4 soon see the woman from earlier that day, but then officers begin firing, and Dan is shot in the back. Laura runs back to him "go, get out of here, I'll be ok" "no, we're in this together" Laura helps Dan up, but quickly falls "Laura come on!" Quinn yells, so she drops Dan and runs to the others, just barely making it on the boat. "Its Angela Bennett! and she's escaping again!" yelled an officer, but the boat was to quick for them to get caught.
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