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Episode 510: High Society

Guest Stars: Micheal Jordan, Mother Love, and Francis Guinan.Through the vortex, the sliders await to see the next world, but are surprised, when they land on a building ledge, they see people staring at them, and hearing someone say "don't jump, we'll get the fire department!". As the sliders wait for help, they soon are reached by firemen "hey, aren't you President Brown?" "well I guess I am..." "than why are you up here?" but the other officer interrupts saying they need to get down first, so the 4 are helped, then on the ground people are excited to see the president, even news reporters were asking questions "Mr. Brown, are you having an affair?!" a limo is brought in, and as everyone is getting in, Remmy turns around laughing, he says "No Comment!" and Remmy gets in, closing the door "this must be your lucky day, your a special person" Laura comments. Then a secret service officer cranks the window down, from the front "Mr. President, your wife is waiting at the Chancellor, where should I drop these people off?" "how about Chandler Hotel" "Remmy, if you get lost, you may not make the slide" Quinn says "don't worry Q'Ball, I'll meet you back at the hotel for the slide, how long until we leave anyway?" "we slide in 4 days" Jacob responds. As the night came, Quinn, Laura, and Jacob remained at the Chandler, while Remmy was taking the place of his double, in the Chancellor "So I haven't heard why you were on the ledge today?" Alesha spoke "I was trying to help a friend down, because he had nothing in his life to live for, so when I got up, people thought I was jumping, but I wasn't." then as Remmy is pouring a glass of wine, a secret service officer enters, "sir, we must make the flight back to Washington by tomorrow, so you should start packing." "wait a minute, I can't leave..." "why whats the problem?" asks Alesha "I... uh have to make a speech at the senior citizen home, about health care" "there was no plans to do such, are you sure that speech is for tomorrow" "yes it is, now I'm not leaving until I speak to the elders" then Remmy storms out of the room." "So what will you have for dinner, I' calling room service?" Jacob asks Quinn "how about something, I really don't care" "ok fine" then Laura enters carrying a bag from a electronic store "heres the parts you wanted. By the way, what are you doing with the timer?" "after Logan scrambled our timer, to not reach earth prime, it caused the coordinates to erase, but I somehow can descramble the coordinates, all I need is to fix the problem, with re-adjusting the geographic stabilizer" "hey you guys should check this television out, almost everything here is african american programming, even Archie Buncker is black, but the Cosby's are a white family, and guess who is playing the father, Micheal Landon" then as Jacob turns the channel, he sees a talk show starting with the announcer saying "On todays show, all our guests here, are apoligizing to friends, not knowing if they will be behind the door to say I'm sorry or see-ya, now your host Mother Love" "welcome to Forgive Or Forget, lets meet our first guest" then Jacob shuts the tv off "I just hope I don't see Janet Jackson's show, about teens having sex with men, 20 times their ages" "well maybe you could be a guest or something, saying you are sleeping around" Laura jokenly laughs. In the streets of San Francisco, Remmy walks the night through the city, but really feels stupid for taking his doubles place, then out of no where, 4 men in masks come out, kidnapping Remmy, while putting a bag over his head "what the hells going on, let me go!" "I don't think so man, your worth money, and I intend on getting my paycheck, after your dead, ha ha!" During the next afternoon, the secret service officers are with Mrs. Brown telling her, that Remmy has been taken by thugs "see I knew I should of never married that man, but no, he ahd to become a politian after his music career went down the hill, and you guys are no help, just because you dislike african americans, you still have a job of protecting the president!" "we still are searching for him, don't worry, he's stil alive, and then we can head to washington." "I hope your right!" then the officers leave. Back at the Chandler, Laura, Quinn, and Jacob sit in the bar, hearing the television, that their friend is missing "I knew if he got into this, things wouldn't pan out, so we slide in 2 days, and if he's dead, we slide out!" Quinn yells "if he's still alive, we still have a chance of saving him" Laura spoke "well why don't you ask him yourself, if he's ok... look behind you" Jacob speaks, and as Remmy enters, Laura yells to him "hey we're over here" "well I'm surprised to see my fellow americans wanting me" "where have you been? we heard you were captured" Quinn states "captured? no, I've been hiding out here, I heard that a man looking like me, took my place" "he's not our Remmy" Laura says "I know your the real pres. so why aren't you at the Chancellor?" Jacob asks "I hate being a politian, so I left, hiding here, until your friend showed up, now I have to stay hidden, until your friend is saved." In an abandoned warehouse, Remmy has the bag taken off, and realizes a man that captured him "alright, since your the president, wheres your wallet? asks a man "I don't have one, I lost it, but all I have is an ATM card, but none of you are getting it, because I need it for sliding" "sliding? what the bleep is that?" "I don't have time to explain, I must meet with my friends at the Chandler in 2 days, and hasn't anyone said, you look alot like Micheal Jordan? "I am Jordan, besides who are you talking about anyway?" "you must of never joined a basketball team, instead you joined a gang" "I don't know what crazy talk that is, but I have been in a gang, since I was 13, and my father was killed by a gang, so I want revenge." Hours later, Laura heads to a library, and learns more than ever about this worlds history, it seems blacks have been dominant, since time began, even George Washington Carver was president, along with Martin Luther King and his son. She also learned that Robert Kennedy was a civil rights activist wanting to have equal opportunities since the late 70's, but as Laura is moving past a table, a man bumps into her, and he apoligizes to her "wait a minute, your Kennedy, the rights activists" a older man, that stands tall, very thin speaks "yes, but I gave up 20 years ago, after my friends were killed by police, during a raid" "so has anything changed since?" "well maybe a few permitting us to go to movie theaters, or departments stores like JC Penneys, but I really am just an old man trying to live the last days of his life, just hope in the next century, people all will be equal" "so, would there be any videos about what happened back then?" "there should be some in the video section" Back at the hotel that night, Remmy's double decided to head back to his wife "Mr. President, where have you been?" asks an officer "its a long story!" he says loudly, then entering the room, he tells Alesha, the whole story about who that man that looked like him "have you been drinking again?" "no Alesha, its the truth, we need to save someone. Look into my eyes I'm telling the truth" and soon after, she believed her husband, to make a stand for himself and she agreed to help in anyway that was possible. Remmy's double planned for a speech in the Golden Gate Park, so whoever had the sliders friend, he could go free. "Welcome to Forgive Or Forget, lets meet our first guest "I'm Quinn Mallory, and for the past few months I told my friend, that his father was alive, when he really wasn't, now I hope he can forgive me" Mother Love then speaks up saying "Hi Quinn, we have your friend Jacob Arturo backstage listening in, so now, why did you tell him, his father was alive?" "well mother love, its a long story, so here it goes. I have been traveling for the past few years to other dimensions, and I had Jacob's father as a father figure but was killed after a colonel that wanted us all dead, and he is now, but then after me and my friend, Rembrandt, we learned the Professors son knew we went sliding, and I thought if he didn't go with us in search of his father, he would of turned us over to the FBI...." "so how did it feel when you lost this man, like you said, a father?" "it was hard on all of us, even my other friend Wade, but she's in a kromagg breeding camp..." Quinn starts to tear up, and begins to cry "oh its alright sweety, you can tell Mother Love" "Jacob what do you have to say for this?" "he also forgot to mention that he slept with my woman 5 times, and they even got intimate, but all that other stuff, is true, but I really don't know, since I was far from my father" then back in the Chandler room, Jacob is watching the show, and comments "what does that fool think he's doing!" back in the warehouse, Remmy is still tied up, when on tv, comes his double "My fellow americans, recently, on the news, a man looking like me has been captured, for some odd reason, so I plead with everyone in the safe return of my twin brother" "what?!!" Micheal screams "your not the man, we have to go and get the right man" "so I have agreed to do a speech in the Golden Gate park, so as my brothers captors come and give him up, for $98 billion dollars" "thats it, we going to switch, you for that one" Micheal spoke "ya, but what about all the security, we'll get arrested!" "no we won't, not as long as we have the pres's bro" Back on the show, Quinn dries his tears, as Mother Love sends him to the door to see if Jacob's double is willing to forgive Quinn "all right Quinn, lets open the door" and Jacob's double comes through, and back in the room, Laura has returned sitting with Jacob "I think he wanted your forgiveness, but he only could do it, with this show" Laura speaks "I forgave him, already, but I felt it was wrong for him to lie to me." By the next day, President Brown, along with the others in the park, await for the theives to come, so the cops could grab them, and save Remmy. "My fellow american's I once again, have come here to San Francisco, to tell people, that within the next few months, peace would be on its way, and I also brought Robert Kennedy to this meeting to say to him, "you now can be equal, like the way it should of been" "thank you president Brown, I really feel that with work, both races can work together to have a normal life, and even be able to have whites achieve as much as our african american friends did" people clapped and soon Micheal Jordan appears hiding in trench coats along with his fellow men, and Remmy covered with a bag. Quinn look, Remmy's over there" and the 3 saw the men "hey isn't that Micheal Jordan? Jacob asks "he must of never joined a basketball team, but instead a gang" Quinn says. Soon President Brown recognizes his double and theives "look everyone, heres the men with my brother" "not for long Brown, your dead" and just as Micheal pulls a gun, Kennedy, jumps in front of Brown, knocking him down, with blood spurting out. Secret service officers attack Jordan and his men, along with a medical team, helping Kennedy "is he going to be ok? Laura asks "ya, just a brake in the arm, he should be fine in a week" a medic speaks. Remmy goes free "its great to be back, with my friends, and Q'Ball you were right, I should of listened to you." then Remmy is pulled into the lime light, along with saying good-bye to his double "Quinn, I want you to know that it wasn't your fault for my fathers dead, he saved you, so you could protect us all" "I guess when you slide for so many years, you wish you had all the friends in the world, to say sorry to more often" they hub and Laura meets up "so, how about going to catch a movie, I hear Timecop is playing" "sure, why not, another scifi action adventure, lead the way" Jacob says as Quinn and Remmy follow her to a taxi.
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