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Episode 509: Fearful Awakenings Part 2

Heres the conclusion for Part 1 of Season Five.As the sliding troops await in cells, they soon start coming out of the trance "hey where the hell are we?" Quinn spoke "Quinn its so glad to see you" Maggie says along with Colin. "we must in a compound of some sort, I can remember Kyra dieing and that was it" Jacob says. "the race of the Odius's are the ones we were fighting against, now I can remember everything." Georgia states. Odomuk enters the prison cell where everyone is at "now that you all are awake, since we knew that not just any human could fight us-" "we never even killed anyone!" Laura says "as I was saying, now that you are captured, you all will be sent to slave colonies on other worlds with other humans, who we have encountered before meeting you." "none of you will escape this prison, because if you do, your dead." Odomuk then leaves the cell, with the Sliders wondering if this was it for everyone. Back on the Femagg world, Kelia has gotten news that Kyra is dead, and others captured. "Krolak, I want you to scout a trail out, on the Odius's homeworld to retrieve the troops, and drop the real virus in order to kill them." "yes of coarse, I will get right on it." On the Odius's homeworld, inside a meeting room, Odominus is waiting for the report on the captured troops, a door opens, with Odomuk entering "whats the details?" "I have them in a detention cell, I am awaiting orders to transport them off world." "fine, heres a pad of where each human will be sent to. And by the way, send Quinn Mallory to me, his sliding device intrigs me, I want to learn more of this." "yes sir." As hours past, Kelia enters the homeworld, and realizes where her troops are, so she had Krolak take her to the prison, to free them. Back inside the cell, everyone awaits their end, when a door opens, and Odomuk enters asking Quinn to go with him, Maggie tells him to be tough. As Quinn enters the meeting room, Odominus introduces himself and begins asking questions "since you are also travelers between the cosmos, I want to learn of your experiences, and especially your meeting with the Femagg race?" "I really don't have much to say, I invented a device on accident, which I thought was an anti-gravity machine, but it turned out to be a sliding machine, so me and my friends went traveling to alternate realities, in search of home, then last year, we met the female kromaggs and soon escaped. Back inside the cell, a vortex opens tossing Kelia and Krolak out, with other femagg troops "where the hell have you been, we were about to die?!" asks Remmy "no time for answers, we must escape, my warriors are on the verge of spreading the virus. Wheres Mallory?" "he's been taken to the leader!" yells Odomuk, as he opens the cell door "I knew you would try to retrieve your troops" "its too late, I have real virus here, and its spreading like wild fire." "No!" Odomuk yells as he runs to get Odominus "so you came through for us, after all" Jacob states "its obvious, I knew Kelia wouldn't leave us to die." Colin says, as he goes to her, kissing her. "so Mallory, since you have nothing further to say, you will be sent back to your cell" Odomuk enters quickly "sir, we have a problem, Kelia is here and she has spread the virus, we must escape!" then Odominus grabs Quinn and the timer, and takes him back to the cell, but before Odomuk enters the cell, he is struck dead by a weapon that Krolak had, then Odominus takes Quinn a different way, opening a vortex and sliding off to another reality. Throughout the Odius's homeworld, femaggs and Odius warriors fight to the death, as the sliders run for cover "I hope Quinn is ok, he's our ticket out of here" yells Laura, but then Kelia enters their path, pointing a gun at them "you all will fight, now move!" and the 12 troops head to the battlefield. Through 2 days on the Odius homeworld, most of the femaggs were killed off as well as Odius soldiers, but the humans weren't so lucky, they had lost all of them except the sliders team. Colin felt that Kelia would rather have them die than to survive "we got to figure a plan out, because Quinn is obviously dead." Joe said, Just as they hear a scream for help, they see Quinn laying down bleeding "Q'Ball you ok, what happened?" Remmy asks "Odominus took me off world, and then he tied me down, and beating me until I woke here." Georgia bandages him up along with Jacob helping him off the ground "did you ever get the timer from Odominus?" Maggie asks "no, just when he thought he had it, he realized it was missing from his pocket and grabbed it from my pants, but we still have a few hours to stay, until the gateway opens." "lets just head to the hills and let these species kill each other off!" Georgia yells, but Colin then changes his feeling saying he wants to save Kelia, then Jacob comments "if we bring her with us, she's going to kill us!" "but you don't understand her, she's different from the kromaggs we've met before." "Once a kromagg always a kromagg, male or female." Laura says. Krolak enters their path and holds a weapon at them "I have orders to kill you all, unless you take me with you!" "wheres Kelia, is she dead?" Joe asks "she's dead, I saw her get blown up with a building that was bombed, now give me your sliding device so we can slide!" "no way, your not getting the timer, besides I don't have it" Quinn says "well when we find it, we both can hang onto it." They both agree and Krolak joins the group on the trail. With hours passing, fighting has continued through the night, then in the morning, the sliders were heading north, so they could find a comfortable spot to take a break, also with seeing the extinction of the Odius's and the femaggs, Krolak felt like a warrior, but also felt he lost his comrades while Colin went sad, from losing a love. "stop right there!" Odominus yells as he comes from the bushes, holding Quinn hostage with a knife "I see my creation of a human works, since the Quinn clone was helpful, I can kill you all, steal blood samples and slide out, to conquer new worlds!" someone is behind Odominus, and fires a weapon, killing Odominus, and then the Quinn clone, letting Quinn go free "my leader, your alive" Krolak is relieved to see Kelia alive "no one can kill me" just when Colin goes to kiss Kelia, he stabs Krolak when he wasn't looking, with the knife Odominus had, killing him "good work Colin" then Maggie gets in front of the others holding a gun on them "Quinn, I can't believe you would be foolish to let me slide along, not knowing who I worked for" "your a kromagg spy, thats so stupid of me to realize this now " "I was going to have Colin and Maggie kill you both, but I still need to get to my real homeworld, the kromagg homeworld." Kelia then opens a vortex, letting Colin and Maggie slide out first, then she jumps in, with the vortex collapsing. "I can't believe Maggie and Colin are working for the kromaggs" Quinn says "well everyone comes out of the closet sometime, but I really don't think they are working for the 'maggs, I mean maybe they were brainwashed into thinking they were fugitives." Remmy says "so will you be taking us home, or will we have to live on this rock forever?" Georgia and Joe asks "with the coordinates on your identification marked on your arms, I should be able to slide you both home, in 45 minutes, Quinn says as the 6 head up into a trail. In a national state park, we see Maggie standing around a table, as Colin rubs Kelia's neck sitting down, you know, I wonder if Quinn will be able to to forgive us one day, I mean for this" Maggie asks "knock it off already, you know what our missions were, join Mallory in order to find Kromagg Prime, and don't get too attached." Maggie then watches the sunset over the lake as the screen fades.
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