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Episode 507: Bird Call

Guest Stars: Priscilla Garita as Melissa, Parker Stevenson as George Crane, and Austin Nichols as Eric Cosgrove.With the opening of the vortex, the sliders come barreling out, then as Jacob stands up, Remmy flys out, making Jacob fall to the ground "watch it, I hope I don't die before completing my slides!" says Jacob. "you just need to watch yourself next time" Remmy states. With 4 days in change here, they soon realize they've landed in Fresno California, near a marina "we better go and find someplace to stay, and eat" Quinn says. The 4 head into town, by a taxi, and are let off at a diner, across from a small motel "It looks as if Psycho is filming in the Bates motel over there?" Quinn comments "ya maybe we can get roles in the movie, to get cash" said Jacob. After entering the diner, they sit at a booth, and a waitress comes over "welcome to Ma's Diner, I'm Melissa your waitress, here's some menu's, the specials are over on the , and I'll be back to take your order." Out at sea, a man is fishing on his boat, when he starts seeing a lot of birds flying around, but soon after they start landing on the boat, the man tries to start the engine and get the birds away, but he is bitten by 2 of the birds, and then a vulture flys right into the man, and he is attacked by more birds, as the vulture kills the man, and he's screaming for help. Back at the motel, the sliders wait in a boring town, until the slide, when they hear sirens, and looking out the window, to see an ambulance stop near the diner, and they head out to see the man being lifted off, and carried to a clinic "what happened?" asks Laura "he was attacked by birds, we really don't know what happened, his boat just came to shore" an officer states. As night came, Laura sat in the sand at the beach, when Jacob appears "what are you doing here, by yourself?" he asks "I just wanted some time alone, I thought I could figure out what to do, with everything" "and what about us?" "I just don't know, I mean your a great guy, and attractive, but I feel that if we started a relationship, things could end for us, if a kromagg killed either of us, or being lost on a world...." Jacob goes closer to her, and they began kissing, when a body is floating shore "oh my god, look!" Laura spoke, and they soon see that a young girls body, is floating in, and she has claw marks on her face, and her eyes are plucked out, so the 2 head to the room to find the others, and get to a doctor. With morning near, the people of the town, must put to rest, another person, and the sliders try to survive. During lunch, the sliders sit at the diner, and the same waitress came over "I should tell you, service will be slow today." "its ok, just come back, and we will be ready to order" says Remmy, then as a man enters a phone booth, birds start to appear and start attacking people on the street "oh my god, my dad's out there" Melissa says, as she covers up with her jacket, she tries to get to her father, but she doesn't make it, and is killed, along with her eyes plucked out "we got to do something!" Quinn yells "no, if we go out there, we could all be killed" says Jacob. The power begins to go out in the diner, and people inside, along with the sliders are hoping this attack will end. By nightfall, Laura and Remmy are walking in the park, when a teenager, runs into them, since he is roller blading in the park "sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" says the boy "its ok, you didn't hurt us, I'm Laura, this is Remmy, do you know whats going on here, with the birds?" "hi, I'm Eric Cosgrove, I really don't know, it happened a couple of times a few months ago, and people thought it was nothing, and now its happening again." As the boy leaves, the sliders thank him for the information "I really think, that we should stay inside until the slide, I would hate to lose any of us, especially Jacob, he would go crazy if you were attacked, and dead" Remmy states "ya, I agree, but these people are just not realizing it could happen again, just like today, Melissa died, while trying to save her father" Laura says. As Sunday came, the Sliders decide to go to church, for the service, and while the priest is giving his speech that moves everyone, birds are starting to land on the church, cars, the sidewalk and even the bell that goes off, for church mass. Quinn felt, in a way, he was home, since he always went to church with his parents, and stopped after his dad died. At the end of the church ceremony, people are starting to walk out, and see birds everywhere, so the mayor goes to the front of the steps, and tells everyone "don't be afraid, just slowly go to your cars, and leave, I think as long as we don't harm them, the birds won't attack. The sliders started walking when a blue jay landed on the sidewalk, and bit a girls led, and she begins to cry, then the birds go crazy, and the sliders, luckily found a bus stop bench, inside a compartment with a cover, so they ducked in there. "Look its Eric , from last night, he's getting attacked" says Remmy "I'm going out, he can't die, not as long as he is my brother" says Laura, and she goes out, helping Eric off the ground, and even Laura was attacked by a bird, but both of them survived. After the attack, the sliders get to town, and rent a car, taking Eric home "I want to thank you all for helping me, I probably would of been the next victim" "we were just in the right place at the right time, to save you" says Laura. The sliders enter the house, a man enters, introducing himself as George Crane "after I heard from Eric that you people saved my son's life, I would like to offer to cook dinner for you all to pay your debt, if you don't mind" "we would love to join you both for dinner, how about 7 p.m.?" asks Laura "thats fine, we'll meet you here tonight." says George. Later during the day, Quinn, Jacob, and Remmy tell her that they aren't going to dinner, since it was a family thing, so Laura took a cab to house, when it was time, to meet her long lost brother from a parallel world. "I was surprised that your friends didn't want to try the best food in Fresno California" says George "your food isn't that good" jokes Eric "well from you get to do the dishes" says George, and Laura is laughing and she began to feel like a family, since she was so far away from home. Back at the hotel, Jacob finishes his coke, when Remmy enters the room with Quinn, after having dinner at the diner "why can't we see good television anymore, ever since the birds attacks, there has been news coverage, and a show about birds was canceled, since what happened. Jacob says. As 10 p.m. came around, Jacob had waited for Laura to come back, while he checked out the window often, he saw thousands of birds everywhere "Quinn take a look at this" "oh my god, if Laura isn't back yet, she could be dead" "don't say that! she's probably at the house still, lets get her, and leave town" "I agree with Jacob" Remmy speaks, so the 3 head out, and Remmy puts the timer in his pocket. Quinn is just about to get into the car, when a raven attacks Quinn, on the arm, and he was getting scars on his face, just until Remmy grabbed a metal bar and hit the raven, making it scarce. At the house, Laura, George, and Eric are eating pie, when a knock is heard at the door "that must be my friends, I'm late, I'll be right back" then as Laura opens the door, Quinn, Remmy, and Jacob enter, glad to see her alive "I'm sorry, we were talking, and I must of forgot about time" "well that's not the problem, I was attacked by a raven...." "we better get you bandages, George, we need medical bandages" so George heads up stairs, then Eric is about to take the trash out, when 4 pigeons come flying in, afraid, flying around, so Jacob heads in, to see what the noise is, and he helps Eric to the other room. With the long night, the sliders along with Eric and George, wait in the dining room, to be able to get out alive, and since the timer was down to 7 hours, Laura thought they could come with them. Soon after everyone fell asleep, Remmy had awaken, to hear a noise, coming from upstairs, so he takes a flash light, and when reaching a door, he opens it, to find part of the house damaged, and broken into, with atleast a hundred birds, and when he is about to close the door, a small bird jumps, biting Remmy's leg, and as it begins to hurt, he falls in, with more birds attacking him. Quinn is woken by the sound of yelling and when everyone else wakes, they run to the rescue, and Jacob risks his life to get Remmy out of the room, they luckily close the door, from exposure to the birds. At 3 a.m. birds find a window, that is broken, and start flying into the house, attacking the 6 in the house. George tells everyone to get into the basement, but George doesn't make it, and Eric hears his scream. Laura comforts Eric, and Quinn finds a portable television, and when turning it on, people are running for their lives, and the reporter gets killed, and another news person, speaks, saying this is occuring all over the world, and its not stopping. With only 5 minutes until the slide, Laura tells Eric to join them for the slide, and he is unsure of this, but agrees, hoping he can survive on another world, without birds.
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