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Episode 506: New Lives

Guest Star: Robert FloydThe vortex opens inside a hospital, tossing the 4 sliders out, and they soon realize where they are "how long til the slide?" asks Laura. "we slide in 35 hours" Quinn responds. They head to the nearest elevator, but it wouldn't open, some police officers come by, and tell them that escaping was not an option, so they drag Quinn away, while another officer appears, escorting the others outside. Now with Quinn gone, they must try to rescue him from this place. "what a minute, this place is for donors, I took a pamphlet from the desk, and it says, that people enter here to become hosts" Remmy says. "hosts for what?" asks Jacob "people come here to have symbionts put in them, to carry a life span of a person" Laura continues reading "but it also says that if the symbiont is removed, the host will die. " "that means we have less than 2 days to get him out, and slide." Remmy says. The 3 head to the Chandler, while back at the hospital, Quinn is trying to escape, a woman enters the room, while Quinn is strapped down, she says "don't worry Mr. Mallory, your symbiont is a nice person, I hear all of the previous hosts were murderers" "I'm the wrong guy, I am from a parallel world, my duplicate must be missing" "and I'm the first lady" the nurse laughs as she leaves. As night comes, Jacob returns with take-out chinese food, when a news anchor comes on "tonight on LA News, after so many months, Quinn Mallory finally gets his death sentence, remembering back in 1995, he went on a rape and murder spree, and arrested 3 months later, and soon escaped the prison. He will be staying at the Los Angeles Ceder Falls hospital, for a symbiont transfer, to be a host in one of the many experiments successfully working, now a check of the weather, from your local station." "we got to figure a plan to save Q'Ball, or he will die" By the next day, the 3 enter the hospital, and go undercover as doctors, and Laura as a nurse. Jacob finds that Quinn is in an operating room on the 9th level. Jacob finds Remmy, but Laura is found by another doctor, that needs her help with a patient "nurse, I need you to give this girl the right injections, that was assigned to her." "sorry doc, I must report to surgery." "fine than, I'll find another nurse to help" and as Laura walks out, the doctor slaps her butt, then she goes back, punching him until his nose is bleeding, and on the floor, yelling for security. Jacob and Remmy are too late, as they see Quinn has already had the symbiont transferred to him "Am I too late?" asks Laura "ya, he has the symbiont inside him" Jacob spoke. The doctors finish surgery, and while Quinn is in a recovery room, Laura enters, and tries to tell him, that they are going to save him, but a doctor enters, with a police officer "thats the nurse who attacked me, arrest her!" "no you got the wrong nurse" "save if for the judge!" says the officer, as he puts cuffs on Laura, dragging her out. Jacob and Remmy see their friend being taken away, so they both enter the room, and when reaching Quinn, he is mutated into another human (Robert Floyd), with spots on his body, from neck down, along his sides of Quinns body. So now they have to find a way to get the symbiont out of him. Later that day, at the court house, Laura is able to pay her bail, of $50 and then left, getting back to the Chandler, to meet up with the others "we have a problem, now that Quinn has the symbiont in him, that means we'll have to either slide and leave him here, or take this man, as Quinn to the next world" Remmy says. The 3 once again enter the hospital, and when the elevator door opens, Quinn walks out, talking to the others, so the 4 head back to the Chandler bar "it feels weird to be like this, but it feels fine" Quinn speaks "yea but you are not our Quinn anymore, your a freak" says Jacob. Later in the room, Quinn is reading a magazine, when Laura enters, and he begins kissing her, knowing he was better than Jacob, kissing her, but Laura backed away, Quinn starts shaking, and falls to the floor, he then starts turning blue "call 311 for help!" yells Laura and Jacob follows her orders. With only 6 hours until the slide, Quinn is being operated on, and he may not make it "we should of taken the stairs, we could of easily escaped, and we wouldn't be here." Remmy says. Dr. Stanley enters the waiting room "I have bad news, your friend didn't make it, he died, as we were trying to take the symbiont out, if you want any time alone with him, he's in room 315, I am sorry" As the doctor leaves, Laura begins to cry, while Jacob comforts her "this is a real freakin problem, now Q'Ball is dead, I was hoping that Arturo would be alive, to handle this" Remmy says "what do you mean, Professor Arturo, my father is dead?" "ya I know I shouldn't of said this, but Quinn lost his professor 2 years ago, and I lost mine the same way." The 3 head out of the hospital, with only 20 minutes until the slide, they start walking in a park "hey guys, its me!" Quinn yells "oh my god, he's alive!" said Laura "I'm glad I found you, I was able to escape last night and had to stay hidden, so no one could find me" "so when were you going to tell me, my father is dead?!" asks Jacob in an angry way "I thought that if you knew your father wad dead, we would be in prison cells, but I really don't know if your father slide, because on an earth we visited we had to deal with 2 arturo's, so your real father may be alive on another world" Quinn spoke. "Its time" Remmy says as he opens the vortex, with everyone sliding out
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