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Episode 504: Killing Field

Guest stars: Charlie O'Connell as Colin Mallory, Antoinette Picatto as Jessica Bold, Nick Cassavetes as Dr. Henry Fredricks.In a medical clinic, people are waiting to be helped, as Dr. Fredricks helps a boy about to die and trying CPR, but with no luck, the child dies, and the mother cries "if it wasn't for that dam logging company, my son would be alive." During the afternoon, the vortex opens and the 4 sliders exit, carrying guns, from the last world "I hope the troops didn't follow us, I would hate for them to tell Stalin that we escaped his prison." Laura said, they realize they are in a forest and go and try to find a trail leading to a town. As they walk down a road, they see several dead animals and even some people eaten right through to the bone, they enter a trailer park, where they see a building with a car parked in front of it, so when Jacob opens the door, a man appears "where did you all come from, theres been no one around here in weeks." speaks the man "our car broke down, we need a lift into a nearby town, if it was ok, to find a tow" asks Remmy and the man introduced himself as Dr. Henry Fredricks and the sliders told them theirs. "So what really happened out here?" Laura asked "2 months ago, a new company, that did logging, some red forest trees were being cut down, for their industries to make a good town, but then people started getting sick and even dieing, just because the air, water and food was contaminated of the pollution from the company." spoke the doctor. The 5 got into the car, and took off "we should be entering Oakland, ever since the bombing from Japan, no one is around, compared to 20 years ago with a population of 82,000." said the doctor. "and does the company know whats been happening?" asks Jacob "well Red Woods, the name of the company, had complaints and they said they would come to survey the area, that was just 40 days ago, they said that." After reaching a gas station, the doctor gets out, while the sliders wait in the car, and Quinn soon sees a familiar face getting into a car "hey, look its Colin, and on the side of the door, reading Red Woods, he must work there or something." The car drove past and soon the doctor returned, and then remembered something about the forest "I should tell you all, that later on a girl that was against cutting down the red wood forest, climbed a tree and she is still up there, maybe if I could get her down, she could help us." "but how is she going to help us, if she is just an activist?" spoke Laura "she can help, because she has the disease, and takes some vitamins to survive, and if we present her to the company, things could change." Hours past and with returning to the forest, Dr. Fredricks find the that the girl is in, yelliing to her and she responds "Jessica, I know that you have the disease, and I may have a way for them to stop cutting down trees, if you present yourself to them and have them end this." Over in the company office, Quinn and Laura enter and Colin Mallorys secretary told them to wait, and he would be willing them. Remmy and Jacob went to a nearby hotel to check them in when they hear more of this company from the people near them "If we close this deal on that part of the country side, we won't be bothered by activists to stop and we can get plenty of production for people to have a good environment." spoke a man on the phone, then Jacob goes to his asking "excuse me sir, but what you were just saying seems odd, have you ever went to a place that you worked on to have a better place to live?" "well no, but I see how people abandon the places so we can put more business into our company." So then the man gets up and leaving to his car. "welcome to Red Woods, I'm Colin Mallory, President of this company" "I'm Quinn....... Malone and this is Laura Cosgrove, we want to talk to you about a certain problem a town had, after your company went and destroyed it, hundreds of lives are gone thanks to you." "I don't understand, our company is the best to serve the people and we make profit to fulfill the needs of people, so if that's all you wanted to say, thank you and good-bye." so the 2 left and Colin scrambled to his phone "all right, I just talked with 2 activists, we can't stop now, or business will fall, I want you to find where these people are staying and kill them." Back in the forest, Dr. Fredricks climbs the tree, and is met by a young girl, he tells that if he finds a cure for this disease, the company would go out of business, so Jessica went down with the doctor, and got into the car. Over in the hotel, the sliders wait in their room, when a knock is heard at the door, Remmy opens it, and Dr. Fredricks comes in with Jessica "I think things are looking bad, I just scanned Jessica for the disease, and I can tell, she doesn't have much time to live." Sp Quinn and Laura head back to Red Woods, to find proof to close down the company. At the main entrance, Quinn breaks a window, allowing them to get in, but don't know they are being watched by camera's. They take the stairs to Colin Mallory's office, and when Quinn hacks onto the computer, they find plans to demolish half the city, in order to have Red Woods become a multi million dollar company. Soon Colin enters with 2 men holding weapons "I knew you people couldn't leave us alone, but we must make a deal, we have something you need, and you know something, we don't want you to know." "what do have that we don't?" Quinn states "what about this girl, with a disease, and your friends locked in a van, that's about to explode in 4 minutes, the access code is in my head, so lets make a deal. I give you the girl and code, ad you let us erase information from your brain." but with no way out, the sliders give in, but no before Jessica kicks Colin, and runs "go get her!" and the men run after her. She heads outside, and enters the code, with letting Dr. Fredricks, Jacob and Remmy out, and then Jacob uses a cell phone to call the police, but are soon caught by the men. Back in the office, Colin takes a probe device, and puts it on Quinn's head, then Laura takes a lamp, hitting Colin in the head. The police arrive, and the men run away, but are caught, along with Colin Mallory in bandages, and handcuffs "I think we may end this fight for lives, because when you both were here, i scanned again, finding a way to treat the disease, I injected penicillin into her arm, a new kind of medication on the market, Jessica should be just fine." "I would like to thank you all for helping the town and me." As the next day rolls around, the sliders exit the hotel, Jacob opens the portal, and they slide, but Jacob tells Quinn "I think your, becoming my friend" "well I hope not, I really enjoy hating you." they both laugh and slide out.
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