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Episode 503: Airborne

Guest stars: Sharon Lawrence as Amelia Earhart, Sean Patrick Flanery as Captain Peter Randle, and Jackie Chan as General Xuig Quan.The portal opens, tossing the sliders out, then up in the sky, is a F-15 bomber plane, with a chinese officer in it, and when he see's the sliders, he starts firing the weapons and the 4 run for their lives. As they turn into a path, a woman comes out, pointing a gun at them "who the hell are you?" asked the woman "we mean you no harm, its a long story, but we come from a parallel world, if that's truthful enough" speaks Quinn, then she lowers the gun apoligizing for threatening them with a gun "I thought you were troops from the japenese or soviets, I'm Amelia Earhart, and you all are?" she spoke "I'm Rembrandt, these are my friends, Quinn Mallory, Laura Cosgrove, and Jacob Arturo." They walk back to Amelia's camp, and then Jacob spoke "now I know who you are, your the famous flying woman, that disappeared in 1937." "well I'm not that great, but I am a sensation to flying. I have a long story as well, 4 months ago, me and my copilot , Fred Noonan, were flying over the pacific when we were struck by something, and after abandoning the plane, it blew up, and we luckily landed near a island, but Fred died, when he hit the water, I found his body floating nearby one day, and he was dead, now until you guys showed up, I was the only person on this island." " I really feel sorry for you to see a good friend die." Laura speaks. As the sun was setting, Quinn and Amelia were walking to find some food, for morning "so what is your real story Quinn, you can't be from parallel worlds." " well its all true, see I created a timing device on my home world, and soon after that, I and my friends have been traveling to other dimensions." "and what about this dimension, am I some double off your world?" "you could put it that way. It seems on this world, its about 60 years behind ours, and in the late 30's, but from where I come from, Amelia Earthart disappeared somewhere around here, and never found." They soon come across a man with a parachute, unconscious. Amelia tries to see if he is breathing and begins to revive him with Quinn's help. As the night comes, the officer awakens, being surprised by Laura saying it was ok, and he was safe "I'm alive, I thought I died when I hit the water, and I couldn't get out of the shute." Laura tells Quinn and Amelia that the man is awake "whats your name officer?" asked Amelia "I'm Captain Peter Randle, I was attacked when a chinese officer hid in my F-15 and tossed me out of the cockpit, so I must somehow send for help" Jacob and Remmy return saying the officer has landed, but the plane was destroyed "than we have to defend ourselves, where is the officer?" asked Randle "we saw him come to shore, and was taking his shute off." spoke Remmy. Amelia told everyone to take guns, that she had found when arriving here 4 months earlier, and Peter Randle had to take a weapon, after losing it to the officer. With midnight near, no sign of the officer, so Amelia told everyone she would take first watch, but Randle wasn't sure how true Amelia was, after not being able to find her, so they both took first watch. "so Amelia, are you glad that your going home, I think George Putman, your husband, will be excited to see you" "well I hope so too, right before we left, I told George I would take care of my plane Electra, and its destroyed, so I hope he will forgive me and then he told me good-bye the day I left, I should of stayed on this island and live my life." with nothing to say to each other, the night went calm, then Randle falls asleep. Waking after he sees a light, but when he looks for Amelia, she is gone. He heads near the light, and finds Amelia talking to the man "we have a deal right, we leave in the morning, but I'll have to take care of a few people first" "yes Amelia, I have a raft to get away in......." Peter interrupts them saying "hold it right there, I knew something was odd, when I found you here, we spent months looking for you and no sign of your existance. I think you should of never landed here." General Quan pulls his gun and shoots Randle, falling to the ground, and Amelia fires another round at the captains face. As morning arrives, the sliders awake to see Amelia and Randle missing "I'm guessing they must of went to get more food, but until then, lets eat some of this stuff we have." speaks Quinn, and as Jacob goes down for water, he is met by Amelia "where are your friends?" and he tells them there at the camp "good, now I can kill you all at once." Amelia forces Jacob back to camp, with the other sliders grabbing guns "I can't believe you would want to betray your own country, to join chinese military." Remmy says "thats japanese, you idiot" as General Quan says as he exits from the bushes. The 4 are put in the middle of the 2 and just when they are about to fire, planes begin firing at the island, and so Amelia along with General Quan, escape to the beach front. But then when the sliders see them leave, their raft is attacked and destroyed. Hours after the attack, american officers arrive to the island by ships and the sliders soon find Cpt. Randle dead, but they didn't want no one to see them, so Laura takes out a pad of paper, and leaves a not, for the others, saying Amelia Earhart was here, but is now probably dead, also saying Randle was a good man on duty, to risk his life for the sliders. With 23 seconds until the slide, they hit a trail, Quinn opens the vortex, and they all slide out.
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