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Episode 502: Revealing Oneself

Cristi Conway from Timecop joins the cast.As the vortex opens in a town, the 3 sliders exit it, with a rough landing, and soon they see there is no one around "it looks like everyone went out of town" said Quinn, then Jacob gets up complaining of sliding, but Remmy tells him to get use to it. "hey Quinn, how long until the next slide?" asked Remmy "we slide in 13 hours" Quinn responds. They begin to head to the Chandler hotel, but soon realize the Chandler was demolished, then some kromaggs traveling in a jeep comes towards them "let hide, before we're dead!" yelled Jacob. As they come out of hiding, they find a small building that looks ok to stay in for the time. As hours past, the sliders have nothing to do but wait, then Remmy see's a person in a robe outfit outside from a window in the building and tells the others, so Quinn goes outside, and he tells the person to stop, knowing it was the traveler. The mysterious person begins to run fast into the forest, but Jacob goes faster than the others, knocking the person down, not knowing why Quinn and Remmy wants this person. Remmy pulls off the hood, and sees a woman, with short blonde hair and tears in her eyes "let me go, I don't even know you!" she yelled, then Quinn reaches the others saying they aren't going to harm her, but wants to know why she has been following them. They headed to the abandoned building, and they sit her down "look I know you probably don't know who I am, but I know you from working for Rickman." said Quinn, then Jacob asked him "how is she valueable to us?" and Quinn told him, she could help them with their problem "well if you have to know, I was the person working for Rickman, a year ago, I met him while I was working for the 'maggs on a world, when he slid in, and somehow was attracted to me. Later, he came to me asking if I could help him with following 4 people, because they were chasing after him, and I agreed, but he was willing to give me my face back, after I had it burned in a fire. Now he's dead, and I have been traveling to find my homeworld, before the kromagg captured me, and enslaved my world." They all were surprised of this, and Quinn told her, if she could help them to find Wade, she could get home, and she agreed "I probably should tell you, my name, its Laura Cosgrove" "well I'm Quinn Mallory, my friends Rembrandt Brown, and Jacob Arturo." Soon after, they see 'magg soldiers searching for something "they must be out looking for me, stay here, I'll go out, and we'll have to meet at the compound, and I will signal you to know where I am at" she speaks. Laura heads out, and the kromaggs put her in a jeep, and drives off. "I really think we should wait here until the slide, and then leave, I think she is just fooling us to fall for a plan the kromaggs have, and then we'll get captured," said Jacob "he's right Q'Ball, we really don't know if she is working with them or if she's telling the truth." Remmy says. Quinn wasn't sure how to decide, so he told them "this may be our only hope to find the others, and if we are captured, we can get out of it, maybe." The 3 follow the trail that the kromaggs took, and soon see a compound, Remmy finds some trees and tells the others to hide by them, to wait for a signal. They see 'maggs patrol the area, and soon Laura gives a signal, and when they reach the window, where the room had Laura in, she spoke "I'm glad you all came, I have a device to cut through these metal bars." After being completed, Jacob and Quinn help Laura out, and then some kromaggs see the sliders, the 4 then start running into another part of the forest, where they soon stop "I have the timer Rickman gave me, it has the ability to go at will, so lets slide out" she opens the portal, and they all slid, but a soldier fires and hits Quinn in the back, but makes it into the vortex. "sir we lost the travelers!" yelled a magg soldier, and the commanding officer tells the soldier to return to base. The wormhole reopens, tossing the 4 out, and Jacob is first to realize Quinn is hurt, so the others help Jacob to get Quinn to a hospital, and while they sat in the waiting room "I feel I should apoligize to you all, I could of gotten you all killed." Laura spoke "and if you weren't here, you mightbe dead" Jacob states. With a little more than 2 hours until the slide, the 3 hda to wait for Quinn to get out of surgery, then a doctor wearing a green uniform, tells the sliders "we were able to save your friend, but he will have to rest for the night, so I suggest you all go and I'll have him contact you, when he is ready." The doctor then leaves "that means we'll have to miss the slide." said Remmy "but if we miss the slide, the coordinates to earth prime will be lost as well, so no, I'm sliding one way or the other!" yelled Jacob, then Laura tells the 2 that her timer has an advanced tracking device, and when Quinn was ready to slide, they could meet up with them both. Remmy and Jacob agree to that and slid off world. When the next day began, a gold colored vortex opened with Laura and Quinn coming from it, and they find the others at the Chandlers bar, drinking beers. Quinn asks to speak with Remmy and Jacob, while Laura got a beer "guys, I really had a long talk with Laura, and I think she will make a great addition to our group, she even tells me, that her timer is so advanced, that it can track wormholes." said Quinn "maybe she can find my world as well, or find your friends, did she say anything about your Wade?" "Laura told me, that she found out, my friend is on an unknown world, in other words, the coordinates are unknown the kromaggs." Jacob really didn't care about it, saying he just wants to find his father. Laura was going to keep her timer, to help the others out, and only have 4 hours until their next slide, and hope to find her way home someday, along with defeating the kromaggs.
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