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Episode 501-B: Brekfast at Shawn's

Preveously on SlidersSuddenly kromaggs come into Applebees with guns in their hands, breaking down doors, still eating their ribs, they found the sliders. "Wade break time is over you don't get paid to eat" one said. Shawn Connery started dying of a hart attack, as the vortex opened. "Go Go" Quinn yelled to Wade, jumping into the vortex. Going over to Shawn Connery Quinn said "Your comming with us" "Who are you trying to fool I'm dying and you know it." "No I'm dragging you into the votrex if I half too!" Quinn said. "Quinn... let it go." Sean Connery said. Maggie jumped through and Quinn waited for Remmy, saying something, to the dying Shawn Connery. "Hey man, thanks for the ribs" Rembrant said. "Your welcome" Shawn Connery said as he died. And the Sliders slide through the interdimensional vortex hoping Quinn was right and it was a 8 instead of a 3 so they can get home. And now, seasoning 5. "Brekfast at Shawn's"the sliders land in the Sanfrancisco alley inside a building's walls. Looking like red brick, and getting up off the pavement, they walked out into the streat. "Well it looks like home to me" Quinn said. "so do a lot of worlds" Remmy said. "Guys look at that billbored" magi said pointing up to a big billbored. It says RE-ELECT PRESIDENT SHAWN CONNERY IN 2000 with a picture of Sean Connery on it, wearing a robe and covering his body. Hte billbored also said the slogan "A WAFFLE IN EVERY POT". "Well guess we're not home and I cant put the right coordinates in now." "Well dern" Colin said "I was hoping we would be home. Who else could go for some flapjacks?" Quin looked back at Colon and said he guess he could eat, so he asked the others, and they said they could eat too, even Maggie. So they went to the only restaurant in town, Shawn Connery's Waffle House so they can eat. They ordered waffles and they didnt cost any money which was good because they didnt have any. "Hey waitress why are the waffles free?" Remmy asked. "HAve you been living under a roc? President Connery made waffles free 3 years ago! Back in the middle 90's brekfast costs were through the roof and so Shawn Connery signed the Brekfast Bill which made waffles free and now it's all anyone eats. Thats why we're the only resturant in town. We work for the goverment here." "Thats so wrong" Colon said. "Yeah it is" Quinn said"a waffle monopoly is unjust and should be done away with." "Your not saying we should fight this monopoly do you?" Magie says. "Sean Connery has to be stoped" Later they are looking at the internet at the library and they look at history online. Shawn Connery was elected because of his awsome performance in The Rock and his pledge to always make sure everyone has enough food to eat. They decide to go to the white house and talk to the president since they have too weeks before the slide. The white house was hevily garded. "I think I saw a secret tunnel back there somewhere maybe we can get in with that" Remmy says. "Only one way to find out" Quin said. They went back to the secret tunnel and walked through. They open the door on the other side and end up in Shawn Connery's living room. Shawn Connery is sitting on his couch in front of the tv watching Brady Bunch reruns and eating ribs. "What, no waffles?" Colon says. "Who are you?" Shawn Connery sez. "I'm Colon Mallory these are my friends and you are a bad man." "Im not bad" Shawn Connery says. "Why do you shay shuch a thing" "You started by putting a price ceiling on breakfasts and eventually turned it into a government-run monopoly centered around the free distribution of waffles, you warthog faced buffoon" Quinn said. "Thish ish intolerable" Sean Connery said. "And judging by your choice of food here, you sadistic son of a bitch, you have horded the nation's supply of meat to satisfy your own greedy pleasures." Maggie says. "Bring in the cameras" Rembrant says. Camera guys come running in with tv cameras and start shooting Shawn Connery, wearing a robe, eating his ribs. "No! Get out of here!" Shawn Connery screamed. "I think the nayshun knows what kind of man there president is, and what is wrong with the Brekfast Bill. Hopfully soon Congress will vote to veto it and bring back the normal food chain." Quinn said. Just then president Shawn connery started dieing of a hart attack. The vortex opens and Quinn spits on Shawn connery before jumping through. Rembrant grabs a couple of ribs because he is hungry and eats them, he says to Shawn connery, "Hey man, thanks for the ribs" But Shawn Connery stopped breathing. He choked on his own ribs. "Talk about Day Sha Voodoo!" Maggie says as she jumps in.
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