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Episode 501: Home Slide Home

Through the vortex, the sliders await to see the next world, but soon the wormhole begins to collapse, with it mixing with other wormholes, and soon the vortex opens misshapened, Remmy is quickly tossed out of it, Quinn follows, landing on the cement, but there was no Maggie or Colin, and the vortex closes with it blowing up inside itself. "man that trip was a trip" Remmy said "wait a minute, Maggie and Colin should of slid out when we came out, but I'm guessing they either slid to other worlds, or their dead" Quinn spoke. They see that they've landed near Quinn's house, so after they head to the door, Liz Mallory opens it, and calls to Quinn "Oh my god, you finally got home, I've been so worried!" then she welcomes them both inside. Soon we see 2 people getting out of a car, wearing FBI tags. Quinn looks out the window, and then asking "mom, who are the people coming up to the door?" "Quinn I should tell you, after you went traveling, the FBI was contacted by me to investigate your disappearance." The door bell rings, and she tells Quinn and Remmy to hide. "Good afternoon Mrs. Mallory, we just saw 2 men enter the house, may we speak to them?" asked the man, so Quinn came to the door, and was surprised to see Maggie Beckett as a FBI agent, with black hair. "Mr. Mallory, can we have a few words with you?" she asked "ya, come in."As everyone sat in the living room, the man introduced himself as Agent Jon Hart, and same with Maggie. They questioned them about their travel, while Liz was on the phone, talking to someone "I think you better get over here Jacob, I think your question will be answered because their home." she hung to phone up, and entered the room "Mr. Brown, we want to know how you joined in with this sliding group?" "Well I was driving my truck down the road, when a vortex opened and I was sucked right in." Agent Beckett asked Quinn the location of Professor Arturo and Wade Welles, but Quinn said nothing, after a minute past, Agent Hart told the 3 "we are going to leave now, and maybe later you will have more to say when we come back." Then the agents left. Remmy watched out the window as the car drove off. "Quinn, I think we're going to prison." Remmy spoke, then Liz said "Quinn, I'm really sorry for this, but I didn't think it was going to go this far." As hours past, the timer was counting down from 32 hours, and Quinn knew he had to slide out, to find his friends. The door bell rang again, with Quinn answering it "you must be quinn mallory, I'm Jacob Arturo, son of the professor, which has been missing for about 4 years, may I come in?" Quinn let him in realizing he was Arturo's son, and Remmy introduced himself to Jacob. They sat at the kitchen table and Jacob asked questions "so where is my father?" Quinn was hesitant to answer him, so he spoke "Its a long story, but we left your father on another world, and if we can slide out when the timer hits zero, I can go and get him." Jacob responded quickly saying he wants to go sliding to find him, and Quinn nor Remmy disagreed. As the next morning, Quinn had woken, to find Remmy sitting in the kitchen, drinking his coffee "So how are you doing with this whole mess?" asked Quinn "I really think we are not home" Remmy continued on saying the golden gate bridge wasn't red, and soon Quinn realized this Remmy was the double of his friend. "ya, your not home, when me and Maggie slid to the kromagg prison, we must of taken the wrong Remmy, so that means my remmy is still out somewhere and that explains it when you said you were driving a truck instead of a cadillac." As several hours past, Quinn, Remmy, and Jacob were downstairs with Quinn fixing the timer and Jacob asks "so was it my fathers idea to slide or did you take him on purpose?" Quinn could believe Jacob would say that, but Quinn answered the question "no, after he was amazed of this creation, me, your father and another one of us slid out." Jacob had also asked how he found his way home and Quinn answered "well awhile back, we had coordinates leading here, but the laptop, a disk with the coordinates on it, and another timer was destroyed a few worlds back, and I also realized this man we chased, had burned the chip with my home coordinates on it, and when we slid yesterday, somehow, we landed here." As night came, the FBI agents were in a car returning to the mallory house "Do you really think this Quinn Mallory told the truth?" asked Agent Hart "that's all we have to follow, for all I know he could be some double, like that Bennish guy said, and might not really be the guy we want." Maggie said. Back at the house, in the basement, Quinn had reset the designated position to return in his basement instead of outside. Liz Mallory told Quinn she hoped he could find his friends and come home, and with 4 minutes til the slide, the agents return "mom, stall them until the slide, we can't let them take the timer!" and Liz Mallory agreed. Jacob hoped he could find his father, and come home. The doorbell rang, with Agent Beckett standing at the door, Liz opened the door and told Maggie they were gone, and Maggie didn't believe her, so she broke into the house, and ran downstairs, while Jon Hart was loading his gun in the car. "Hold it Mallory, your all under arrest, give me that device!" she yelled, but Jacob went to her saying he needs to find his father, and Remmy opened the vortex. Quinn told Maggie, she could come and watch over them, but she spoke "I hope you guys find who you need, I'll cover for you all, besides, my partner and me are the only ones on this case." Remmy jumped in, followed by Jacob and Quinn thanked Maggie's double, knowing she was on his side and he jumped in. Agent Hart came down stairs, and Maggie spoke "their gone, I missed them, and as Mrs. Mallory came down, she was glad that Quinn slid out, and she sort of knew Maggie was on their side. Jon Hart then gave a mad look, to his partner, thinking she should of been quicker to catch them.
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