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Recap: Seasons 4-5

Many of you don't know what I'm talking about, so I would like to prepare this recap, so it will help understand the season premiere tomorrow.Back in February 1999, I decided to take Season 4 of Sliders in a different direction, due to the lack of good episodes Scifi had to offer with Sliders. After 3 months and 15 different world, Quinn and Maggie find Rembrandt and Wade on a Kromagg filled earth. They meet up with a human military, and learn of their whereabouts, along with the fact, Rickman slid through the vortex at the end of -This Slide Of Paradise- and Quinn soon realizes the coordinates to Earth Prime weren't even available. So Quinn and Maggie work with a scientist, freeing their friends from the prison. They escape, and slide out, but Rickman had an alliance with the kromaggs, and brought in another player, a mysterious friend working for Rickman to track the sliders and watch their every move. Later on, Wade is captured by the kromaggs, and sent to a Kromagg Palace in the middle of a desert on another earth. So that means Quinn, Maggie and Remmy must go in search of her, along with finding Earth Prime. But at the end of the episode Factors, fans are left with, Wade smashing a window, and starting to cut herself, which may lead to her death. The 3 soon arrive on an amish world, they meet Colin, and shortly after returning to his town in El Segundo, Logan appears, takes Colin's girlfriend Susanna, to get back at the sliders. The results, Susanna gets amnesia, and her mother takes her to hospital for treatment, and Colin joins the group to have an adventure. Also earlier in the season, the sliders lose their timer to Rickman, but they use Bennish's double from when Quinn was enslaved in a prison, and Quinn thought they could slide home, but were wrong, to see strangers in his house. In the episode -Backstep- the sliders return to the war zone in the first episode and learn the kromaggs are more aggressive, so the commanding officer orders them to use Rickman's old timer, so they wouldn't die, and Quinn destroyed Bennish's timer, leading the loss of Colin's home coordinates, and they slide random. The Sliders also visit a world where the kromagg race is reversed, Femaggs, female kromaggs wanting males to reproduce with, and Colin, Quinn and Remmy are taken, as Maggie finds a band of women rebels to fight the femaggs off. Near the end of the season, the sliders land on a world where roles are reversed, kromaggs are good guys and humans are bad. Remmy meets his double, but things change, when the double wants to kill the sliders, for wanting to kill the kromaggs. In the 4th Season Finale, the Sliders land on a world where the South won the Civil War, but the North refused to let that happen, so for nearly 140 years they fought, without technilogical advances. They realize Rickman is here, and Maggie gets her revenge, killing Rickman in cold blood. The mysterious person from the first episode soon became known as The Traveler was also in the episode, but the person escaped, when Rickman gave the new timer to the person, and Maggie is also able get the egyptian timer back. Then in June 1999, I started my fifth season, but I soon stopped, because I thought if I had more episodes, I wouldn't have to worry about whether the episode would be posted a certain week, so I did a Sliders Chain reaction in August 1999, starting with the Season Premiere. The vortex ride is oddly different, and when it opens, its hugger than before, but only tossing Quinn and Remmy out, and they are shocked to wonder, what happened to Maggie and Colin. Quinn finds Earth Prime, but they soon have a problem, the FBI are back, one of the agents is Maggie's double, and the other Jon Hart. Mrs. Mallory is glad to see her son, but Quinn knows he has to find his friends before things back home can be delt with. Then Jacob Arturo is introduced as Arturo's son. He is upset with Quinn, so he tells Jacob a lie, stating his father is alive on another world, so Jacob decides to go with the 2 when they slide out. It is also learned that Remmy isn't the Remmy that Quinn originally knew, but a double. Quinn soon figures it out, that he took the wrong Remmy, so Quinn now has another problem on his hand, get this Rembrandt back home, to his Red Gate Bridge. In the next episode, the mysterious Traveler returns, and the 3 sliders realize its a woman, wanting to escape the kromagg ruled earth, so she can find home, so they bring her along after Quinn is shot in the back by a 'magg. The 4 new sliders continue the journey, until they find out what happened to Colin and Maggie. The 2 slid back to the Femagg world, and now under control by the leader, named Kelia. The sliders are soon forced into battle with another alien race, but are lucky to survive it. At the end, Maggie and Colin slide out with Kelia, telling the sliders they were just along for the ride, so possibly may return to 'magg prime. Then there is another cast addition. Rick Mallory, a teen trying to get his life back, since some FBI Agent took it. Jacob is also lost by the others, and gets amnesia. So at the end of the 2 parter, a fifth slider is added. The next big change, is the sliders locate their old friend Ryan, in a kromagg prison, as well as Quinn's mom. They join rebels, freeing Ryan and Mrs. Mallory, but Laura is captured by Kolitar, a kromagg who was first born by the process of cross-breeding, same went for Kelia. Mrs. Mallory tells Quinn that Earth Prime is controlled by the 'maggs, and their lives were over. When the groups decide to trade Laura for her timer, to let Kolitar escape, hell broke out, killing both races, but then Mrs. Mallory is shot, and Quinn refuses to leave, so he is captured, as Remmy's double, Ryan, Rick, Laura and Jacob slide out. But at the end, it is revealed that Mary was playing Mrs. Mallory's part, so when she gave Quinn a device to find Kromagg Prime, who he gave to Remmy, he could find Kromagg Prime. And finally another cast addition. Sara Mallory is added, when Rembrandt's double from the 4th season appears, he take's his doubles place, after an attack at the beach. The sliders take Remmy's evil double along for the ride. Remmy seeks help from Quinn, but his sister is only one living at the house. The 2 become romantically involved, and its also revealed the following morning, that Remmy's double misses his wife back home. Things come down to it, when in the park, Remmy's evil double wanted to kill the sliders, but his plan back fired, taking himself along with Rick into a vortex, possibly killing them both. The sliders land on another earth, but find out that a kromagg followed them there, and the kromagg is believed to be Rick, melded with a kromagg, but no one knows, after its captured and returned by kromaggs. In the 5th season finale, the sliders finally get the 'Magg prime, and meet the Mallory's, who then help Remmy locate his friend Wade, who was captured last year. The kromaggs attack the homeworld, and its revealed the Laura was planned to leave the slidecage open, so the kromaggs could invade. The cliffhanger ends with Michal Mallory, Wade, Remmy and Jacob slide out, but the timer is destroyed and left on the homeworld. Laura shoots at Ryan, knocking him down, Liz Mallory is taken to a prison with others from an underground resistance team. I hope this explains most of it. The Six Season Premiere will be posted tomorrow.
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