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Episode 422-B: Uncommon Ground

The last story was the lead up to the season finale. Hope you like this. Shawn Connery guest stars.As the vortex opens, the sliders once again, come out in San Francisco in front of the Chandler. Remmy, failing, tries to catch the kromagg that stole the timer but outruns him. "Great" he says "What do we do now" "Lets look for Wade" Quin said. "Yeah" Colin said, Maggie said "Right after I go take a shower." Takeing her clothes off and going into the Chandler Maggie took a hot steamy shower in the bathroom as she sang Big Spender. Asking for drinks, the sliders went into the bar and sat down waiting for beckett. In the bar they saw Hal the bartender and he told the sliders that at a kromagg computer store Wade works at. Outside they reunited and Quinn said "I heard Wade works in a kromagg computer store maybe we should check it" "What if its a trap" Naggie said. "trap or no its a way to find Wade" Remmy said. Then you see a person with a robe on, cover their body, and stepped out from the shadows following the sliders. They go to Droppler Computer Store and ask Mr. Kurly (Hurly's kromag double) where Wade is, and pointing to the bathroom he said Wade is in there. The sliders after thinking about it said it would be inapropriate to go into the bathroom after her so they waited for her to come out. "I missed you guys" Wade said and she opened the door and came out and huged them. They cried and Quinn suddenly saw the kromagg that had their timmer, he asked Wade "Does he work here too?" "Yes why" Wade said "because he has our timer" "Let's get him" Colin said and Rembrant went after him and chased him out of the store. And a man came up to Quinn and Wade and with a robe on, and said "Come with me becuz I have shomething for you" "But our friends are trying to get the timer from a kromag" "They will be ok jusht come with me Quinn" So they went with the man, wearing a robe and asking questions they went out to eat at Applebees. Maggie came to. They ordered some ribs and Magie went to use the bathroom, a man came long, and pulling her into the bathroom for a sexual experience. Remmy and Colin showed up and sat down at the table with the timer. "Whose the guy in the robe" Colin asked. "Actually we haven't been properly introduced" Wade said. And the man in the robe, showing his face, took off his hood, and said "I am Shawn Connery and I have the power to bring you home." "But how do you know who we are" Maggie said "How did you no Quin's name" "I have been following you all season" he said. "Visions of your jurney came to me in a dream and I followed you in my sleep for a long time including a slide where you make it home for short time. Then you slide into my world a kromagg war zone. I decided to follow you by tracing your wormhole into the next demention. I have try to kept up with you all season but now I finale do. How are your ribs?" "Good" Remmy said. "Applebees had great ribs on every world" Shawn said. Eating his food "So how can you bring us home Shawn Connery?" Colin said. "When you slided home last season, keeping it in my wallet, I wrote down the coordinates on a piece of scrap paper" "So you have them here?" Quinn said. "Yesh" Shawn Connery said, reaching into his pocket, and pulling out his wallet, searching through it, eating his ribs, and pulling out the piece of paper, and laying it down on the table. "Here" Quinn reached out and grabbing the paper. "Shawn did you wipe your hands before touching this paper because there is barbeque sauce on it" "Oops guesh I forgotten." "Great I can't tell if that is a 3 or an 8. Do you remember what it is Shawn?" Quinn said showing the paper to him, "Hmmmm I cant tell either" he said. "You mean you cant remember?" Remmy, a little irritated said. Shawn said "I wrote it down so that I wouldn't have to remember it!" "I think it is a 8 so I'll put 8" "Ok" "But you can only input coordinates once!" "Well its this or nothing!" "Ok Qball its your call" "8 it is" Suddenly kromaggs come into Applebees with guns in their hands, breaking down doors, still eating their ribs, they found the sliders. "Wade break time is over you don't get paid to eat" one said. Shawn Connery started dying of a hart attack, as the vortex opened. "Go Go" Quinn yelled to Wade, jumping into the vortex. Going over to Shawn Connery Quinn said "Your comming with us" "Who are you trying to fool I'm dying and you know it." "No I'm dragging you into the votrex if I half too!" Quinn said. "Quinn... let it go." Sean Connery said. Maggie jumped through and Quinn waited for Remmy, saying something, to the dying Shawn Connery. "Hey man, thanks for the ribs" Rembrant said. "Your welcome" Shawn Connery said as he died. And the Sliders slide through the interdimensional vortex hoping Quinn was right and it was a 8 instead of a 3 so they can get home.
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