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Episode 421: Know Your Enemies

There is only 2 episodes before the season finale.As the episode begins, manta ships are firing on humans, as the humans fight back and ships are crashing into battle damaged buildings, and humans are claiming victory, with having a weapon to destroy the 'maggs. The vortex opens and the sliders come out, and start running for cover, before they are hit by a manta ship. "this must be a kromagg war world, and we are in the middle of it." Colin says, and they soon come upon the Dominion Hotel, and see it damaged outside and wrecked inside. "Quinn how long til the slide?" Maggie asked, and he replies "27 hours, just hope we can survive this world." As they are about to walk up the stairs for a room and start looking for food, a man comes out, and pulls a gun on them, and soon Remmy is looking straight into the eyes of his double. Quinn tells the double "we mean no harm, we are just passing through." the double tells them to leave, and as they start walking, Remmy says out loud how rude he was, and when they need help, a resistant fighter turns them away. Then the double tells the sliders "I'm surprised you don't know, we have a weapon that destroys kromaggs." The sliders were happy of the news, so Quinn tell him, that they still want to stay, and the double agrees. By the first night, Remmy learns of the weapon, and his double has a laptop that has a prison list of people captured, and Remmy hoped Wade would be on this world, but as he checks the list, she's no where to be found. "Quinn I think this could be our answer, to stop the 'maggs on other worlds, and with getting this weapon we could even stop them all together." said Colin, and Maggie tells him, that the kromaggs could already have a weapon to destroy humans, and the matter was dropped. As the sliders are sleeping, Remmy's double is making contact with a kromagg on his computer. "I met some people today, they come from parallel worlds, and want the weapon to destroy you, my master, but if you get troops here immediately, the humans can pay for what they've done." then the commander tells him to watch as to what these sliders do, and maybe could find a better way to take them down, then the transmission ends. As the morning starts, Colin and Maggie are making breakfast for everyone, and with 8 hours til the slide, they had plenty to do, getting plans for the weapon to make, and hope to slide safely. Quinn and Remmy are still sleeping, and when the double enters, he hears and sees Quinn yelling out to his mother, and for the 'maggs to let her go, and soon the double wakes him, telling him of a nightmare he was having. As the noon hours came, the sliders headed out in search of other resistant fighters to help in making the weapon, then in on a street, a manta ship starts firing at them and they had to use their weapons against the ship, but didn't have much luck, so they found a opening and hid inside. "I think those ships are made of bullet proof metal or something." said Colin, and then it was clear to leave. As Maggie was walking out, a kromagg comes out of hiding, nearly killing her, but he missed and hit her should instead of her head, Quinn shot the kromagg 5 times in the chest and it fell to the ground. The double tried to stop Quinn, but it was too late, so they all headed back to the hotel. When alone, both Remmy's talked and the double asked why they hated kromaggs, and Remmy told him "they are a killing race, we nearly escaped half of their captures on us, and one world we visited the kromaggs were female, and we all had to mate with the kromagg females for breeding purposes." Quinn was putting bandages on Maggie's shoulder, and she told him to quit, because he was nearly slapping them on, and Maggie told Quinn "I'm going through something, called pain!!" With an hour til the slide, the sliders wanted to head somewhere, safer, then the double pulled a gun on them, telling Quinn to give up the timer, but Quinn refused, and the gun went off firing at a door. "next time I hit something with a pulse!" He hand the timer over, and threw it to the ground, and blew it to pieces, the kromaggs were appearing out of thin air, and they were pointing guns at the sliders. "your with those maggots, I thought you fought them, and your against of what we do? no wonder you wanted to know who we were." Remmy says and the double responds "I never used the weapon, I want this war to end peacefully like the kromaggs do, now you must pay for what you tried to do." Colin turns the table on them, and the sliders tried to escape, but Remmy and his double attacked each other, and Maggie soon dropped her gun, because of the pain in her shoulder was getting worse. Finally Remmy appeared coming from a door, and told the sliders, he found a back way out, and his double was unconscious. The kromaggs stopped firing and went to find the double. The sliders got to an alley "now what do we do, we have no timer?" asked Maggie, then Quinn thought of something, to return to his doubles house and hope he developed sliding. The 4 got back to the house, and was lucky it was still in one piece. Maggie and Quinn ran downstairs while Colin and Remmy stayed up stairs and watched for intruders. Quinn was surprised of it, but all of the machines of sliding were here, so all he had to do was make a timer. As night came, Quinn restructed a timer like Rickman's, and Quinn then told the others of his secret he had. "when we slid back to the war zone, I retrieved the timer, and the coordinates of all of the slides Rickman had along with the coordinates of the worlds they went in search of a new world were on a disk, so I took it and with this laptop, I can find the coordinates of Remmy's and my world." With 30 seconds til the slide, Remmy put the laptop in a case to carry, and the disk was set to activate the coordinates. Now all they have to do, is find the world they want, which is home. One problem they have, Rickman slid to 45 different worlds, and it could take a long time. The vortex opens, Remmy slides, Colin follows and Maggie tells Quinn "I hope we can find your world, and maybe I could stay too." the 2 entered together with Quinn having the case on his arm. Over in a kromagg prison, we see Remmy's double calling for help "you guys got to help me, I'm not your Rembrandt, I don't want to die, your friend was the one to double cross you, not me!" Then a kromagg commander came over and told him to shut up, because pretending not to be of this world was stupid, and letting a kromagg die from the hands of the sliders and he walked away. Remmy or his double sat down on his cot and covered his face, not knowing if he was going to live or die.
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