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Episode 420: Insomnia

I've been off for a long time, so heres another episode from the 4th season machine.In a baseball stadium, we see the sliders all on bases, then a man speaks out over the crowd "If Mallory makes a home run, the team will be heading to the world champion in the fall." Colin was on third and has the timer reading 55 seconds, Maggie is on second, and Remmy is on first, and Quinn misses the first 2 pitches, then he smacks the ball, and they all run, then as Colin makes it to home plate, a team member says "slide, slide" and then Colin opens the vortex and they all 4 slide out, making a home run. The vortex closes and reopens outside in the desert. "That was a good play, I think that people back there, can say we really did slide." Maggie said. "so where are we, nothing looks familiar to me?" questioned Colin, but where ever they were, they had 6 days here. They found a road that went somewhere, and luckily a man stopped and picked them up for a ride. "I'm surprised its so bright, its going on 9 p.m." says Remmy. They were dropped off at a nearby town, and got a room at a motel, and Quinn asked the woman at the desk why it was so bright, and she laughed. "you guys must be out of towners, its been like this ever since the asteroid hit a nuclear power plant nearby, and with it being so hot, no one has had a good rest in, I say at least 45 years." They entered the room, and Quinn went to get drinks from the cooler in their room, while Maggie wondered why the woman said no had slept for nearly 45 years. "she's probably trying to scare us off or something, but its odd, I feel tired right now, but not that tired, I could go for a beer downstairs, how about you guys?" Quinn asked, and the others felt the same way, and so they left they pops on a table and went down to the bar. At a table, the sliders sat and hear people talking about this nuclear explosion that happened, and a device was in a compound and no one is allowed in to, but it could make this disease end. "Do you think that is the cause of this being sunny all day too?" Colin asked. Quinn then answered Colin "It could be a real possibility, but since the sun is on 24/7 the world would have to stopped, so I'm guessing this earth turned side ways making the north and south poles to be in different directions and making california be in the sun all the time." As hours past, it was soon 3 a.m. and the sliders were just relaxing in their room. Remmy and Quinn got left alone in the main room, while Maggie is showering, and Colin is watching television in the other room. "Remmy I think its time we talked to each other about what happened." "Quinn, I know it wasn't your fault, but when I started sliding, nearly 4 years ago, I thought I may never get home, and at least, was hoping to find love on this trip, and when I met Grace, I knew she was going to be the one for me, and now she's dead. So now I just blame you for this, because, you were a idiot kid, that lost control of some stupid experiment, you wanted to try so you would get an A+, well looks what happened, Arturo is dead, wade is missing in a breeding camp, and I just sit here, wondering when I get to go home!" The 2 began to fight, and soon Colin entered stopping them, "look, I'm getting tired of this, your both grown ups, and we need to think more of each other, than deal with a woman that is dead!" After he yelled, Remmy brought something up to Colin, "So if Susanna was killed by Logan, you would just let it go too?" But just as Colin wanted to hit him, Quinn pushed him back into the other room, and they all remained quiet. Maggie came out, she then collapsed to the floor, and the guys helped her to the couch, then she opened her eyes again. "Hey, what happened, I felt tired and dizzy and now I feel ok." Quinn began to realize that the affects of this world is causing them to get tired, so he decided that he needed to get into the compound. With renting a jeep, they headed near the place, and saw several officers guarding it, and then Remmy saw a vent leading to the sewers, and they got their idea, then Colin saw officers guarding near that too, and they had no luck. At the motel, they sat in the bar, and with little over 100 hours left until the slide, they knew they had to find a way into the compound. Officers entered the motel bar, and Maggie had an idea, to flirt with them, get their keys, tie them up, and go on their mission. "So you fella's looking for a good time?" then one officer pulled her towards him, and he asked "what do you have in mind?" then the other came onto her, she grabbed the keys and put them into her pocket. Maggie told the officers to meet her in the suite, and she gave one of the men a key to the room. The sliders headed out with the keys, and headed to their military jeep. "look there is some extra uniforms." Quinn said, and a half hour later, Maggie walks out with a smile on her face. "So did you give them a good time or what?" Remmy asked, and she hit him in the arm, and she told them, she took care of them, by putting a laxative in their drinks to make them use the bathroom alot. Colin and Quinn changed clothing, and got their pictures taken to use for ID cards, and they took off. As they entered the compound, Maggie and Remmy hid in the back, and they were let through by another officer, and they entered a garage like room. "this is a big place, I wonder where this so called solution is?" asked Colin, then the jeep stopped, and the 4 headed to a secret lab and found information on it, and Maggie kept watch for other officers coming. Colin found a key in a desk, and they guessed it was the key to where the device was. They left that room, and with no one looking, they found a secret passage, and when they put the key, and a hatch opened, and found the missile, which was ready for launch. "no one is here, so Quinn can you get it to work?" asked Colin, and as they looked at the control panel, the missile would have to hit a certain point in space to knock the earth out of its location it's in. Then as Quinn was ready to ignite it, officers entered pointing guns at them, and then began telling them to get away, but a scientist came in and told the officers to back off, and when the scientist walked down, he saw what Quinn did, and said "you've done it, you solved the puzzle peice to crack the code to launch the missile." Then the general entered and walking down and asked if it was ready to lift off, and it was, so everyone stood back and then the officer pushed a button from a control room, and the missile was launched. It came off the earth and hit a satelite that was in the way, and then it exploded, causing it to hit a target, and then a earthquake started to occur, and the sun was going out, and the lightness out of the sky was going dark. When it ended everyone collapsed to the floor including the sliders as they all fell asleep, and they saved the day. With the days passing, the sliders soon only had an hour left until the slide, so they waited in the bar. "I think we did a great job, so heres a toast to us all." Quinn spoke, and they raised their glasses to each others and glad they weren't tired anymore.
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