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Episode 419: Ship Of Dreams Part 2

Once again it's the 4th season machine. Part two will have a surprising ending that could leave some of you in shock.Maggie had finished dinner by herself, and knew something was wrong, because Quinn and Colin should of shown up for dinner. She headed around the ship, but couldn't find them, so she then headed downwards, and ended up in the cargo room, and Maggi found both of them tied up and gagged. Quinn told her, that the captain has a plot to destroy the ship and get insurance money out of it, because he owns the ship. The timing device was down to 3 hours and 44 minutes, Maggie knew that the man, the captain talked with earlier, was part of the plan. In 3rd class, Remmy and Grace were dancing while others did too, and the band was playing songs. Remmy was glad that he found someone to love and bring for the slide. On the boat deck, Quinn, Colin, and Maggie were trying to find a way to stop the explosives, but they couldn't go to the captain for help, because he could kill them. As midnight came, the sliders had gotten the others from below decks, and knew they had to escape the ship, but Colin felt they needed to save everyone, not just themselves. Maggid had a plan, to get the captain to stop the ship and have everyone escape, so as she went to the bridge, the others went to warn people on the ship. Cpt. Smith was met by Maggie, and after he heard of the explosives, he acted as if it was nothing, so he told his first officer to stop the ship, and knew everyone had to get off, before it was destroyed. Maggie took him down below and saw the explosives and a timing device reading 2 hours, so he headed back to the bridge, and told his crew to start getting the life boats ready. The sliders stayed together, for awhile, but soon separated, Remmy and Grace went to save the others from down below, so they wouldn't have to die like the ones on the ship back home. People panicked and only women and children were allowed in the boats. Quinn, Colin, and Maggie stayed together for awhile, but Quinn told Maggie she could survive and slide out, so she would have to get in a life boat. Maggie refused to go, but Colin even agreed to that, and so she was pushed towards a life boat, an officer helped her in, and she watched as the guys disappeared out of site. Remmy and Grace got below, and they had to hit a few officers that were keeping to blacks locked in, so after a quick fight, Remmy unlocked the gate, and everyone started running for safety, and some even stopped and thanked them for helping. As time was counting down, the ship would be destroyed in 1 hour. Quinn and Colin got separated from each other when people were running past them, and Colin was then pushed off the boat by a woman that wanted him out of the way, and Colin hit his head on the side of the ship and fell into -26 degree water. The captain began to change clothes, and get off as a woman, adn he had gotten a gun, plenty of money, and even his award as a brave captain, and an officer help him in to a boat, and no one ever recognized him. Remmy and Grace met up with Quinn, and he told them he lost Colin, and Maggie was in a life boat. Quinn didn't want Colin to die, so Remmy knew they had to get Grace to a life boat, and then go in search for him, but the boats were gone, so Quinn remembered there was life rafts, so he found one, and he told Grace to inflate one, and to wait for them near the bridge, so she did and they left. As Colin's body was floating in the freezing water, a person in a life boat told others to get the man, so when a woman got him, he was unconscious, and bleeding from the forehead, but one of the officers that was in command of the boat, told the woman, that Colin would die, since they weren't going to be near land for quite some time. Quinn and Remmy continued to search for Colin, but with no luck, Remmy told Quinn they had to leave, but he refused, and Remmy told Quinn "I'm heading back to Grace, if you want to come, you can, but you could die from the explosion of the ship", then Quinn stopped and realized the ship had less than 30 minutes before it was destroyed, so he decided to keep searching, even if it ment he would be dieing. Maggie sat in the cold air, and seeing too many people crying for help, and even seeing people trying to escape the boat, and with a passenger list of 3000 people, she knew that not eveyone was going to make it, and it could be too late for her friends. With the counter down to zero, the ship finally exploded, and people went flying everywhere, and the ship was beginning to sink. Remmy and Grace were in their raft, but soon began leaking, and the raft was sinking into the water, so they both had to be in the water wearing life jackets. Grace told Remmy she loved him, but he didn't want her to say that because he knew she wanted to die from not handeling the cold water. As Maggie waited for help, she heard screams of people asking for help, but knew her life boat was too full to handle anymore people. As morning neared, another ship arrived at the scene, and the life boats were being brought aboard, and after an officer counted the people 820 people lost their lives from the titanic sinking. People cried for reasons, but Maggie knew her friends had to be alive, and as she checked the first, second and third class passengers, they weren't around, and Maggie began to cry, because she then realized her friends could really be dead. After long hours at sea, the ship entered the San Francisco harbor, and people were getting off the ship to see their families. Maggie was first off, so she could see if in fact her friends were alive. Quinn was walking down the steps in a blanket and a bruise on his forehead, then Colin followed after a few people with a concussion, and arm wrapped in bandages, but were relieved Maggie was ok. "Has anyone seen Rembrandt?" Maggie asked, but neither of them saw him. As the line was gone, the others couldn't believe Remmy was gone. "He can't be dead, I know he is still alive" said Quinn, and then officers were bringing down dead bodies, and they saw Remmy helping with Grace being carried down with tears in his eyes. Colin went and hugged Remmy, and then Rembrandt told Quinn "You son of a bitch, I can't believe that I ever wanted to go sliding, and it's all your fault that Grace is dead, and for bringing me with you!!" but as Quinn tried to say something, Maggie said "Its time", and she opened the vortex, and they slid out. Then as the vortex closed, we see officers carrying down the captain, with a gun shot to his head, and one officer told the other officer "I think he wanted to get out of being a captain of titanic and become a cross dresser", and then the men walked on.
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