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Episode 418: Ship Of Dreams Part 1

In this episode, it will be based on a movie, and even though I'm doing this, I think it will be interesting to see how it turns out, and to see the sliders in a movie plot. Valerie Pettiford guest stars.As the vortex opens, the sliders once again, come out in the marina. Remmy tells the others, they have a week here, and as they passed a sign, it read: A ride on the most luxerious steam ship in the world, Titanic, on it's last voyage: so Colin spoke up and said it would be fun to ride on the final voyage of this ship, so the others didn't mind, and Quinn thought it would make a good learning experiment, to know what it was like for the Titanic to never sink, and to still exist today. They headed to a ticket desk near the marina, and Maggie bought 4 tickets, but since Remmy was black, he would have to ride in 3rd class. The ship was leaving that night, and with no luggage, they could buy some clothes on the boat, because the brochure showing stores, and other things to do. As Maggie, Quinn, and Colin settled in their state rooms, Remmy was just looking for his room that he would have share with someone else, and he hoped he could meet some new friends. During the night, the 3 sliders upstairs had a nice meal, with a good view of the sunset, and Colin asked Quinn of this ship and Quinn told him "well back on my world, this ship sank in 1912, and then in '85, some people found it, and the reason it sank, was it hit an iceberg and here, it must of never did." Maggie asked the guys to go for a walk with her, and they agreed. Back in 3rd class, Remmy was sitting with others, and as they ate bad food, and then a woman came up to Remmy and asked if she could join him for dinner, and he said "as long as this stuff doesn't kill me, I might just get to know you", and she laughed at that, and she introduced herself as Dr. Grace Venable, and Remmy told her his name, and they soon became friends. Back on the decks of the ship, the others walked, and Maggie was hoping to have some time to talk to Quinn about something important, and then Colin saw a girl that he was attracted to, adn then excused him from the others and headed to greet the woman, and soon Colin came back and said "I can't believe that woman slapped me", and as Maggie began to laugh, Quinn told him "So the Mallory charm doesn't work so good anymore". Remmy and Grace headed outside to the rear of the ship, and she asked him if he's ever ridden on this ship before, and he told her "not really, from where I come from, there isn't a Titanic around, but I haven't had much time to enjoy myself on a boat cruise, since I started traveling". Grace asked him what he ment by that, and he told her, it was a long story, but she was willing to listen, and he began of what happened to him and the start of sliding, and she was surprised of the story, but sounded interesting. She told Remmy, that she was a professional doctor in Los Angeles, and hopes to find a husband to be with. As the slider came upon the bridge, they were greeted by Cpt. Smith, and Quinn asked which generation, and he said "my great grandfather, which was the one to take this ship to New York, and soon I decided to be a ships captain, and when the titanic was open for a spot, I took the position". Quinn was surprised that a Smith would be in command of the last voyage. Maggie spoke up and was wondering if she could get a tour of the ship, and the captain was willing to go the next day, so she agreed, and as the sliders walked away, Colin asked her "So are you attracted to that man, or want a historic lesson of this ship", and Maggie told Colin she wanted to learn more about both. At midnight, in the cargo hold, Cpt. Smith was talking with a man, and the man was telling the captain, "the only way to destroy the ship, is to ignite the gasoline with the explosives and I've set a time piece to count down and you just tell me when to start the count down". The captain agreed with everything, and told the man, his money would be payed in full after the ship founders. As morning came, Maggie finished breakfast early, and the captain was giving the tour, when the man from the cargo hold asked the captain for a chat, so he excused Maggie, and headed to the captains office. Remmy and Grace was having coffee and Grace asked him more of sliding, and he told her it was not fun, because it was a week there, a day somewhere else, and nothing was considered home, and she stopped him, and asked to go outside, because of the loudness in the room. Quinn and Colin were finishing breakfast, when Colin saw the woman again, that he asked to go out, so Quinn told him to go for it, but when he headed her way, a man came up to the woman and kissed her, and Colin stopped and then headed out of the room. Down in the lower part of the ship, Grace asked Remmy a question, which was, she wanted to go with him for the slide, and Remmy went over and kissed her and said yes. In the office, the captain said "Jon I thought we had a deal, you stay down below, and I remain here", but Jon was trying to tell him, he was leaving that night, and wanted to know when to start the ticker, and the captain told him to set it for 15 hours. and when the men parted Maggie asked what they talked about, and he told her, it was that important. On the decks, Quinn found Colin, and Quinn told him he would find other women on other worlds, but Colin told Quinn that was the problem, and Quinn asked what it was, and Colin told him "ever since, you destroyed my only way home, I can't get back to Susanna", then Quinn told him that they could of gotten killed, and then Colin interrupted him and told Quinn to to look at the mysterious figure running and entering a door, and they follow them. They ended up in the cargo room, and found the man with the explosives to blow the ship up, and then when Quinn tripped on luggage, Jon pulled out his gun, and told Quinn and Colin to stop, and then Jon started firing his gun. As night came, Maggie waited for the others, when Remmy showed up, and asked where the others were, but she didn't know. Remmy asked her, if it was ok, to bring someone for the slide, but Maggie told him, it was her decision. Down in the cargo room, Quinn and Colin are unconscious and being gaged and tied up, and at the top of the stairs by the top deck of the ship, Jon lit a match, and lit some gun powder, leading to the explosives, and then Jon opened the door, and left. To Be Continued........
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