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Episode 417: Altered History

Once again it's the 4th season machine, also in this episode, indians are talking, but what I say in english, they are saying in their language.As the sliders land out in a forest, Maggie asked what happened to Los Angeles, and Colin spoke "could we have landed back on my home world?", but Quinn told Colin he was wrong, and the forest might lead to a town, so they headed down a path. Remmy found a waterfall, so the sun on them, they needed water, and Quinn told everyone to get what water they needed. Maggie headed far from the guys, and then a hand covered her mouth, but she couldn't free herself, and when she turned around, she was looking straight into the eyes of an indian, and she was hit on the head with a weapon they had, by another indian, and then blindfolded her and took her back to their village. Colin called for Maggie, but with no response, they headed to where Maggie was last seen, and found her watch, so they knew someone must of taken her somewhere, so they headed in search of her. The 2 indians entered the village, and a woman stopped them and asked "where did this woman come from?", and then one of the indian told her "we found her with 3 other men, and they must of been europeans." As hours past, Quinn couldn't believe Maggie was missing, but Remmy told him, they weren't sure what was out here. A woman sprung from the bushes, and she held a bow and arrow at them, and Colin told the woman, they weren't going to harm her, so she spoke "I can't speak english", and Quinn told her, he didn't understand him, but was trying to find their friend, and then she told them to leave, and she ran away from them. The woman fell on a log and when the guys got to her, Quinn picked her up, and carried her to a town if one existed. Maggie finally awoke in a room, and a woman came to her and said "don't worry, I will take care of you", and when Maggie didn't understand what she was saying, she tried to get up, but was tied to a bed, and Maggie told the woman to untie her, but wouldn't. The cheif entered, and he spoke "you are european, and may be killed, because you are not to enter my country, but Maggie tried to tell him, she didn't understand his language, and then she realized that Christopher Columbus never came to the new world known as america, that he went to India instead, which would lead the indian population to expand and having the indians own north america. As night came, the woman known as Sunshine, entered while being carried and the sliders were soon captured because the indians believed they harmed her, and the sliders were taken to a tepee which was a prison. By the next morning, Maggie was released from being tied up, and she was met by another woman, and was given clothes to change in to, and Maggie spoke "no way, am I going to wear this skimpy outfit", but with no choice, she changed. Colin was first to awake, and the cheif entered and told Colin him and his friends would die for trespassing but with not understanding their language they couldn't know what they were saying, and then Quinn woke and told him, he had no right to do this, then the cheif left and Quinn knew the cheif was going to kill them soon. Remmy awoke, and Quinn told the others they needed to find a way to escape, but they weren't going to get help, until Maggie was found. A woman entered where Maggie was, and she introduced herself as Willow, and Maggie asked her if her friends were here, but Willow told her nothing. Maggie exited the tepee, and she knew she had to escape, but then she saw an indian with the timer, and she followed him, and the indian entered the cheif's tepee, and when she tried to listen, another indian walked up behind her, and he gave her a basket and told her "I need a woman to help with picking from fields", so Maggie said "I'm guessing you want me to pick food, sure, why not, I've always wanted to be a field picker when I grew up", and then she frowned, and he led her with a basket to the fields. In the prison, another man that was not indian, was tied to another pole, and Quinn knew he must be from europe, because he was beaten badly. Hours past, Maggie was able to get a break, and when she was near the cheif's tepee, she entered, and found the timer on a robe, so she grabbed it, and tried to leave, but heard voices, and hid behind some wood, and then 2 people walked in, one was the cheif, and the other was a woman. Maggie couldn't tell what they were talking about, then when a peice of wood fell over, Maggie was soon found, and led outside. The cheif told all his people "this woman, did a bad thing, this device is devilish, and both must be destroyed, so I plan to kill her, along with the others tonight at sunset, so these europeans will be freed from their bad souls. Maggie was led to the tepee with the others, and tied with the other man, and the cheif took the timer back with him. The others were relieved to see her, and Remmy asked what happened to her, and she told him, she was captured after getting water. The other man finally woke, and Quinn tried to ask him, who he was, but the man blacked out again, and Maggie said they slide in 6 hours. Later in the prison, the man woke again, and he said he needed water, so with Maggie's attitude, she was able to get an indian to get water for the beaten man, and he finally said he came from London, and was hoping to meet with indians to ask to have other europeans come and settle on the land, but they refused, and then they beat him. By sun down, the sliders and the man were taken to foot hills, where they one by one were going to get arrows in their backs which they believed. Colin told the others, he didn't want to die like this, and Maggie said she would want to die in a 'magg war. The cheif spoke to his people by saying each of these people would die by the hands of warriors. The other man named Raymond Smith was first to die, and he got 8 arrows, and fell to his death, but he gave Quinn an arrow head, he had, and Quinn got free. Remmy was next, but with the cheif holding the timer, the vortex opened and all the indians bowed, Quinn took the timer, and the 4 slid out, hoping to never to return. Then after the vortex closed, the cheif got up and told his people that the sliders must of been gods, that came to save their village.
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