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Episode 416: Femaggs

Marcia Cross on Sliders??
Thats right, she has agreed to do an episode of the 4th season machine as the high commander. As the sliders land out near a waterfall, Colin comes out of the vortex, and trips Remmy, while Quinn and Maggie begin to laugh as Remmy tells to watch where he is landing, and Colin told him "I'm only just learning how to slide", then Maggie asked how long they were here and Colin told her for 3 days. As they began to walk, kromaggs ambushed the sliders, and Maggie was hit by a weapon, causing her to fall to the group and hitting her head on a rock, making her head bleed. The others were taken back to a prison, to suffer more. Then 2 women came out of the bushes and took Maggie back to a town nearby for medical help. As night came the male sliders were in a cell wearing uniforms (like Remmy wore in Genesis), and the high commander came in, Quinn immediately spoke up "how can you even exist, I thought kromagg females were extinct?", but the commander told him, that on the homeworld, the kromagg males became extinct after being chased off their world, and that is why men are here for cross breeding. Remmy told the commander they shouldn't have to do this, but the commander hit him, and forced Colin out, with Quinn yelling for him to be returned. After Maggie awoke, a woman named Lexi told Maggie, she was saved and that her friends were taken by the 'maggs, and when Maggie tried to get up, Lexi told her, she needed sleep, and then Maggie if she could get help and Lexi said that she and others would, because their husbands have been taken as well for breeding purposes. Back in the prison, Colin was brought back in, and Quinn realized he was tired of his sexual experiences. Remmy asked what happen and Colin told them both "I was taken to another room, when a 'magg female named Kyra came in and she injected me with hormone stimulants, and for some reason, I had sexual urges for a kromagg. As the next day came, Maggie and the others had gotten weapons ready and had made a plan of attack for a fight. Over in the camps, Quinn and Colin heard Remmy screaming, and they also heard other men asking for help. Colin spoke "Quinn, I'm wondering if Sara is ok?", and Quinn wasn't sure what he ment, and Quinn asked him, if he ment Maggie, and Colin said "Thats her name". Quinn wasn't sure if this Colin in the cell with him was the real one or a double. Finally Maggie and the others made it to the prison and the whole rest of the town was prepared to fight, but as they began to fire at the camp, the camp was being damaged, and Maggie knew that the kromaggs would put a sheild up to protect them from intruders. Kyra came out along with other kromaggs and started firing at them, so the women hit the ground, but almost all were dead, and the few that were alive were taken in as prisoners, including Maggie. Maggie was taken to the high commander, and she told Maggie how disapointed she was for not staying away, because that was why she ordered an officer to shoot her. Kyra was then ordered to put her in a cell and then sent to another prison for execution. In the other cell, Quinn was coming back, and Colin had to go again, but this time, he would get killed from an over experiance of sex with a 'magg. Remmy told Colin to fight, but Quinn told Remmy that he couldn't of been that double, because he asked about someone named Sara, and Remmy agreed to that statement. Maggie was put in a uniform like the others, and she knew the others could still be alive. In another room, Colin was being injected again, and the high commander came and told him, she was one of the last to get impregnated, so with Colin getting hyper from the injection, he let her take off his shirt off, and they began to make passionate love on the floor, and she was nearly down to nothing, with Colins help to take her clothing off, and then after an hour, they were laying on top of each other on a cot, sleeping. As morning came, Colin finally returned, and he told the sliders, he was the real Colin, and his double was put in here, so he could learn information about who the sliders were, but Remmy asked Quinn how could they tell Colin apart from his double, and Colin told them he saw his double walking past the cell, and also saw Maggie getting slid off this world. In Maggie's cell, Kyra came and told her to come with her, but as Kyra turned around, Maggie hit her in the back, and knocked her out, so Maggie grabbed a gun and the timer, and shot the guard outside the cell, and took a key to free the others. Back in the other cell, Remmy still didn't believe Colin was saying, so Colin took out a knife, but Maggie found their cell and she shot the double before any harm was done. Then the real Colin entered saying he freed himself from a guard, and Quinn and Remmy was glad to see the others. With 30 seconds, they put the double outside, and then Maggie opened the vortex and they slid out. As hours past, Kyra reported to the high commander, saying the prisoners escaped, but the commander told Kyra "I would like to think the sliders made their own escape, but with a tracking device implanted in the human known as Colin, we shouldn't have no trouble tracking them, and also with the time I had with the timer, I made a reverse slide wave, so the sliders will return here once again", Kyra also reminded her of the implants put in the other 3 humans, and when the commander activates the implants, the sliders should go into action with the plan of attack to eliminate another warrior race.
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