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Episode 414: Terrorist U.S.A

Once again, its the season 4 machine.....As the sliders land in a San Francisco national bank, they soon discover the bank is being held hostage, because a man wants money and he's from another country. The sliders tried to hide and get out of the bank, but the man heard their footsteps, and the man quietly ran up after them and pulled out his gun at them and told them to get on the floor downstairs, but as Maggie was walking down the stairs, she tries to trip the man, but he grabs her arm and pushes her down to the floor, and she was helped up by Quinn. They are taken to where the other hostages are, and forced to the floor. Colin speaks up by telling the man, he shouldn't do these kinds of things but the man told Colin to shut up, and then kicked him in the face, and Colin shut up. Another woman was forced up to open a safe, and he grabbed Remmy, and made him get a bag to start putting the money in the bag. Outside, the police were telling the man over a loud speaker to let everyone go, and no one will get hurt, but the man didn't respond, and started shooting at the main doors, and told the police to get away or he would start shooting all the hostages, then he grabbed Maggie, and went up the stairs, he reminded everyone of his dynamite pack, and if anyone left, the building goes up. They entered a hallway, and he shoves Maggie up against a wall, and he asked her where she came from because he check every office, and he pointed his gun at her, so she couldn't lie "Its hard to believe, but we come from parallel worlds, my friend downstairs made a device to let us do that!, now is there anything else you want to know, or can I go back to my friends, and hope we don't all die by some lunatic crazed man" Maggie finished, and with her cocky additude, he shot the gun at a door, and then told her to tell her friends, he would be joining them for the ride. As hours past, the man kept everone hostage, and with $45,000,000 dollars from the bank, he was ready to slide. Quinn tried to tell the lunitic man, that doing this, would only make matters worse, but he told Quinn, that if didn't do this, his life would be over, because he lost his job, family was deported back to China, and the police were after him anyway, he wanted the money to survive. Colin also talked with the man and learned his name was Hiroshi Ping, and Maggie even tried to tell him this isn't going to do much good, so Ping took the timer, and forced the sliders upstairs, and he told the other people "I have the doors locked, so try to escape, because I'm going to blow the building up soon. The people tried to escape but when the vortex opened, he forced the sliders in, and turned on his weapon, to blow the building in 15 seconds. Then after the vortex closed, the building blew with 50 people inside, and the police outside to cover themselves. The vortex opened above a swimming pool, and it scared everyone out of the pool, and as the fell, Remmy and Quinn came out, and Remmy reminded Quinn of the time they slid, and he was the only one that didn't land in the pool, but the Maggie came out, and pushed him under the water, and Ping was getting out, and then forced Quinn to give him the timer, and Remmy told him, it couldn't work without them, but Ping was getting mad, so he took Colin, and about to shoot him, then Quinn gave it to him. Ping started running, and the sliders had no choice but to run after him. They were too late, by the time Ping got on a bus, and left, so they had no choice, but to find a way to caught him. Colin asked Quinn if he knew how much time until the next slide, and Quinn wasn't sure. Colin stopped a taxi, and he told the driver, they needed to borrow the taxi, but the driver told Colin to get in, but Maggie went over to the driver's door, and pulled the man out, and she hit him in the croch, and then the 4 got in the car, and took off, with the driver cursing at them. On the bus, Ping was counting his money, and some people stared at him, so he took out his gun, and told them to stop it, then the bus driver stopped suddenly, and told Ping to get off, so he did. Luckily the sliders caught up to the bus, and Remmy told the others pull over, because Ping was in the park, so the 4 got out, and then Ping saw them and started running, but Quinn jumped on Ping and fell to the cement ground. Maggie grabbed his gun, while Colin took the timer back. With a half hour left on this world, the sliders kept a close eye on him, and even if he ran away, he could get easily caught by the police of this world. As the others went for hot dogs for a snack, Remmy sat beside Ping, and he told him "Hey Hiroshi, I know you don't like us, but-" Ping interrupted him, and he said "I know when you first met me, I wanted to blow the whole bank up, which I did, I just that I lost my job, and with 7 kids, and my wife, I couldn't handle taking care of them, so I decided to rob a bank, and when you guys came, I thought I had a way out". Remmy then came back by saying how he could have just said what he did, he nearly tried killing the sliders, and Remmy didn't feeling any pain for him. As time was up, Quinn reopened the vortex, and Ping had run off, so with nothing to go back for from the previous world, before they slid off, Maggie told the others "I think Ping is a coward, I mean he isn't going back to put whats wrong, right", then they left, and the vortex closed. The same night, on that world, we see Ping take a gun and put it in his mouth, and the screen fades, and a gun shot is heard.
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