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Episode 413: A Time To Heal

Once again, heres the 4th season machine......The episode begins at an apartment building in L.A., Dr. Steven Jenson is writing a letter on the computer, when he hears a sound, coming from the hallway, then the lights go out, and a gun blast is heard. 3 days later, the sliders enter L.A., and decides to go to a coffee shop for breakfast, as Maggie begins to read the news paper, Remmy tells Colin, he hasn't had good pancakes since he left home. Then Quinn says that his mom use to make them for him as a kid, and Colin told them he never had pancakes before, so Remmy ordered him some too, and Colin was willing to try them. Maggie turns the page, and Quinn tells her to stop, and it reads: DR. ARTURO'S SLIDING CONVENTION IN SAN FRANCISCO ON WED-THUR. So Quinn asked Remmy and Colin if they would like to go and they did, and as Maggie turned the page, she saw that her husband had been murdered, and when Quinn asked Maggie if she wanted to go, she declines, and Quinn tells her to meet them in the golden gate park in 3 days. As the others left, Maggie continues to read about her husband, so she decides to go to the funeral at 2:30pm that same day. Maggie got a room at the Chandler, and went shopping for clothes for the funeral. At the funeral, alot of people told her, how sorry they were for her loss, and she told them thanks for thinking of her. After being at the cemetary, Maggie was met by a man, and she knew him, the name was Craig Denver, and he was Stevens friend in college back home. He told her sorry for the loss, and she just smiled, and Craig then asked her, if she wanted him for anything, and Maggie told him, she would like his help, so they got into a limo, and went back to the Chandler. Craig poured her a drink, and she asked him for help, to find the murderer of Steven Jenson and Craig told her "Aren't you going a bit crazy over this", but Maggie knew something was up. By the next morning, Maggie started with the apartment, and couldn't find anything, but she found a card with "Mallory's Arts", she thought Quinn's double could help. When they arrived, Quinn's double, told Maggie they needed to talk, so they went to his office, so Craig waited outside. The double told her, she shouldn't be here, because the affair might get out, and Maggie didn't understand, but Quinn told her to leave, and he walked out of the office, so Maggie and Craig left the place too. They headed back to the apartment, and Maggie still didn't know what to find, but then Craig asked if he would of kept anything on the computer, so she checked it. Craig got a call from his cell phone, and a man's voice is heard and he asked "So did you take care of our little problem", and Craig told him yes, and Craig said he was going to do it right this time, and have Maggie for himself. She found a file, and when she opened it, it was a letter for her double, and she read it. It seems here, Maggie's double was having an affair, with Quinn's double, and was filing for divorce, and it also read to keep away from Craig Denver, because Jenson had feeling that Craig would kill him, but as she was finishing reading the letter, Craig walked back in, and he asked if she found any thing, and quickly closed the file, and she told him no. That night at the Chandler, Maggie and Craig had dinner, and Craig had asked Maggie if she remembered "That time at the beach, when you and me went skinning dipping?" Maggie played along and told him it was a fun night, but as they finished dinner, they got up and he kissed her, but Maggie backed off, and told him "we shouldn't do this, I think we should take it slow, so maybe you can come for lunch tommarow", then he felt stupid for putting the moves on her, and he got his jacket, and told her "Good night Maggie", and left. The next morning came, and Maggie was in the shower, trying figure how to confront Craig, with the murder. She ordered breakfast, and then headed for a taxi, and Quinn's double stopped her, and he told Maggie, he knew who killed Steven, and he told her, it was Craig, and knew her suspicions were correct. They headed back to the room, and Craig was waiting for them, and he pointed a gun at them, and told them they would die if the police was told, but Quinn's double tried to knock Craig down, but got shot, and Craig told Maggie, she would be dead, if she didn't help him. Craig had her call the police, and tell them Quinn was the killer, so she did, but while Craig wasn't listening, and tieing up the double, she told the police it was Craig Denver that killed Dr. Steven Jenson. So when the police arrived, they arrested Craig, and he told Maggie "I'll be out sooner than you think, and you'll regret for doing this, and by the way, your a dead woman". Quinn's double was being cared for by peramedics and he told her "Thanks for believing in me", and she told him thanks for the help. But Quinn's double then told her, he knew Maggie was from a parallel world, because he saw Maggie and the others come from a wormhole and she told him "I've been caught", and told Quinn's double this time he was a good guy. By the next afternoon, Maggie arrived at the park and met with the others, and Quinn asked how was her trip, and Maggie said "Unforgettable", then Remmy opened the vortex and they slid. Maggie also was wondering what the real truth was about the death of Steven Jenson.
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